Silly Girl Allure: The Black-bellied King

Chapter 232 What the hell is Yuan Hao?

Chapter 232 What the hell is Yuan Hao?
Does it matter?
Before coming here, Gu Qingchen hadn't thought about this question, but now that Tantai Jiluo mentioned it, countless answers flashed through his mind.

Even if you know who that person is, what's the use?To ask why Tantai Jiluo came?Asked why Tantai Jiluo came to see his own jokes?What's the point?

If you don't know...

Tantai Jiluo saw Gu Qingchen's blank expression, shook his head, and pulled Gu Qingchen's wrist to give her pulse.

"You—" Gu Qingchen looked at Tantai Jiluo who was taking his own pulse in surprise, he did it so naturally that she had nowhere to find fault.

Gu Qingchen saw that Tantai Jiluo's tightly frowned brows deepened, and his heart that had been hanging all along also rose a little, and seeing his brows stretched impressively, he also relaxed a little, unable to explain his heart clearly. , but Gu Qingchen knew that it was a kind of trust without an answer.

"Are you a doctor?" After hesitating for a long time, Gu Qingchen asked.

Tantai Jiluo raised her eyebrows, staring at the cautious Gu Qingchen with her silver eyes. Of course he knew where her care came from. It's ridiculous to say that he, a person suffering from an incurable disease, would go to this road,
"You have been too emotional recently, and Yuan Hao buried in your body has shown signs of awakening. If I guessed correctly, those people attacked the people in Chasing Star Hall for this."

Yuan Hao?Gu Qingchen looked puzzled: "What is Yuan Hao?"

Tantai Jiluo took a deep breath. As a saint, she didn't even know her own body. No wonder that person asked him to pay more attention to her, "Do you still remember the leader of the underground dynasty I told you about last time? If he If his ambition is so great that he wants to destroy the Holy Maiden, then he will surely win the Holy Maiden's Yuan Hao."

Countless questions lingered in Gu Qingchen's mind, since Tantai Jiluo was willing to speak up, she simply asked once and for all: "Please tell me everything."

Xu has never seen such a serious Gu Qingchen, Tantai Jiluo was stunned for a moment, coughed twice, and turned his head: "For that person's sake, that's all, Gu Qingchen, listen carefully, every time There will always be a hidden Yuan Hao in the body of any saint, some will be exposed directly, and some will be stimulated by external stimuli. The most obvious manifestation is that in terms of force, I just took your pulse, and you have no internal strength, so Yuan Hao should not have reached the stage of waking up, but I also feel that there is a force running around in your body, if I am not wrong, it is your own emotions that caused Yuan Hao to appear earlier."

"So, is this Yuan Hao good or bad?"

Tantai Jiluo sneered two points: "If it is bad, do you think the status of the saintess will still be so high in Jinling?"

"So, the people of the underground dynasty are afraid that Yuan Hao in my body will be aroused, and they will not be able to control me?"

"You think too simply. All the saintesses have experienced some hardships when they have the complete Yuan Hao. No one can get those things easily, understand?" Tantai Jiluo glanced at Gu Qingchen and saw her hanging down. Mou, a little puzzled.

"So, someone is deliberately stimulating Yuan Hao in me? But what is that for?"

"Since ancient times, only the Holy Son can sense the Holy Maiden. That guy Nangong Jin, in order to protect you, took everything on himself. How could he let you know about it?" Speaking of Nangong Jin, Gu Qingchen obviously Hearing the change in Tantai Jiluo's tone, he couldn't help being startled.

"Tantai, the person who asked you to come is Nangong Jin, right?"

"You've already made up your mind, so why ask me?" Tantai Jiluo looked at Gu Qingchen coldly, and sat in a different posture.

Gu Qingchen couldn't tell what it felt like, but Nangong Jin's words kept replaying in his mind. He told himself not to be stained with blood, he told himself not to let anyone know her identity, he called...

Tantai Jiluo didn't hear Gu Qingchen's answer for a long time, and looked at her intently: "Those people will come to Chasing Star Hall, and someone must have revealed the news about you. Think carefully, people who know your identity, anyone?"

Gu Qingchen shook her head. She really couldn't think of anyone who would know that she was a saint, only Uncle Zhong, Ren He, Nangong Jin, Qing Ye, Tao Yao, these five people, she would say she least trusted. , it should be Nangong Jin, but according to what Tantai Jiluo said, he was the first to rule out the suspicion...

"People in the underground dynasty are all people who will not give up until they achieve their goals. When they hear the turmoil, they believe that there are no groundless things in the world, so you have to be prepared."

"What will they do if they find the saint?" Gu Qingchen lost consciousness. If Nangong Jin had been protecting her, then what was he talking about with Qing Ye?
"Kill her. Of course, it would be even better if Yuan Hao is going through the transition period." Tantai Jiluo never liked to beat around the bush when speaking.

Gu Qingchen suddenly regretted asking this question. She knew the answer, but she had to remind her again through someone else. She began to wonder if she was masochistic? "Then I'm really in danger now."

Tantai Jiluo's expression was complicated, if Nangong hadn't noticed the change in her mood, she wouldn't be like this... "Do you have anything else to ask?"

Gu Qingchen thought for a while and asked, "Where is Nangong now? Why do you want to come? Can't he come by himself?"

"He seems to think that you are not happy to see him." When Tantai Jiluo said these words, he kept observing Gu Qingchen's expression, seeing her embarrassed face, he knew it was true.

"I..." For a moment, Gu Qingchen didn't know how to speak. It wasn't that she didn't like seeing him, but that she really didn't know the situation at that time.

"Gu Qingchen, I just want to ask you a question. What do you think of the words Prince Rong and Princess Concubine?"

Gu Qingchen suddenly turned cold, "What do you mean by that?"

"Do you know that saintesses have never been married, you are the first one, someone else's wife." Tantai Jiluo admired Gu Qingchen's transformation, seeing her like this seemed to have a sense of accomplishment.

Body and mind clean...

Is that what it means?

Gu Qingchen put a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth: "It seems that I am very honored."

"It should be said that Murong Junye acted quickly and married you as soon as you reached Ji, Nangong didn't even have time." Tantai Jiluo also smiled, but he didn't know what the smile on the corner of his mouth meant.

"Really?" Gu Qingchen's voice was cold, as if he was not curious about these things.

"Nangong should have told you not to tell Prince Rong your identity. Prince Rong is not a simple person. None of the people who survived that palace change is simple." Tantai Jiluo Finally warned.

(End of this chapter)

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