Silly Girl Allure: The Black-bellied King

Chapter 251 Take Care of Yourself

Chapter 251 Take Care of Yourself
Every time I saw the portrait, Gu Qingchen felt differently. The first time I saw it, I was amazed, and the second time I saw it, I was moved. I don't know what it will be like next time.

"Mother, I am standing in front of you with Brother Jin. This portrait was drawn by Brother Jin for you, but it is very unfair. Brother Jin has never painted it for me, even though I am not as old as your mother. It looks so pretty, but can I ask Mother to let Brother Jin draw one for me too?"

Gu Qingchen's funny expression couldn't help but make Nangong Jin laugh, "Aunt Rou, it seems that Jin has to help her realize Qingchen's wish."

A gleam of light flashed in Gu Qingchen's eyes, she was just joking, brother Jin is really willing to paint for her?

Nangong Jin looked around and saw that there were all kinds of tools on the table. Murong Junxi would often paint here, but he didn't see a finished product. He spread the rice paper flat on the table and pressed it with an inkstone. Nangong Jin asked Gu Qingchen to sit down: "Standing is too tiring, I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it."

"Then if you're sitting, can Brother Jin draw Qing Chen beautifully?"

Nangong Jin smiled and wrote: "It's natural." Today's him is naturally much more mature than his previous painting skills. Besides, her appearance has long been engraved in his heart. Even if she doesn't appear in front of him, he can still draw. The painting is lifelike, not to mention that she is in front of him at this moment.

Gu Qingchen didn't know if she had an illusion, or if the candlelight was too dim, she always felt that Brother Jin's face was bloodless, and his body was weak and would fall down if the wind blows, but seeing his smile, she still couldn't bear it. She couldn't help softening her heart, that was her brother Jin, the brother Jin who had memories with her mother.

"Brother Jin, why did you draw pictures for your mother?" Sitting a little stiffly, Gu Qingchen moved his position carefully, trying not to let Nangong Jin notice the slight difference.

"I just learned a few strokes from the teacher, but no one in the mansion is willing to paint for me. It happened that Aunt Rou came to the mansion at that time, and I pestered her to let me draw." Nangong Jin spoke slowly, and her soft voice was very soft. Easy to relax.

Gu Qingchen understood, and was about to nod, when he suddenly remembered that he was still posing, and quickly raised his head again, "I never asked Brother Jin, what is the relationship between Mother and Brother Jin?"

"If you don't ask, I forgot to tell you that my mother and Aunt Rou are good sisters. I have seen you since you were still in your infancy. When I painted Aunt Rou's portrait, you were the witness It’s fate.” When he felt the existence of the saint for the first time and went after the beating heart, he never thought that this person would be Aunt Rou’s daughter, nor did he think that he had seen her when he was young .

Nangong Jin's words scared Gu Qingchen almost forgot his posture, with a surprised expression on his face: "Brother Jin, what does it mean that mother carried me to Nangong Mansion? When you were painting for mother, I vomited Harazi looking at you?"

Nangong Jin was once again amused by her nonsensical words: "Although you were young at that time, Qing Chen was not a child of an ordinary family. He was just quietly in the arms of the servant. I can swear to you that you never vomited haha. .”

Gu Qingchen stuck out her tongue. She thought that although Brother Jin and her mother were old acquaintances, the first time they met must be in Jing'an Temple, but she didn't want to be in Nangong Mansion.

Knowing what he wanted to know, Gu Qingchen sat there motionless, waiting for Nangong Jin to finish the painting.

In fact, Nangong Jin painted very quickly, but it took only one stick of incense to roughly take shape. The face, which is clear to the chest, is vivid and lively under his pen. It seems that as long as the eyes are given vitality, the woman in this painting can be like Real people usually come out of it.

"Brother Jin... Is it really me that you drew?" Gu Qingchen was indeed just joking at first, but seeing Nangong Jin's serious drawing, he couldn't help but become serious. When he saw the finished product, the admiration in his heart was obvious It can no longer be expressed in words.

Nangong Jin pushed the painting in front of Gu Qingchen: "What does Qingchen say? I drew it after your image. If not, I don't know who this person is."

Gu Qingchen was a little embarrassed. Although the figure in the painting resembled her very much, she didn't seem to be as quiet and virtuous as the person in the painting. "Brother Jin will make me happy, but for this painting, can Brother Jin make me happy?" send me?"

Nangong Jin scratched Gu Qingchen's nose: "This is for you, why ask me?"

Gu Qingchen raised his hands, happy like a child: "Yeah, finally I don't have to compete with my mother for favor, Brother Jin also painted a portrait of me!"

Nangong Jin looked at the person in front of her with a smile. If he could, he would always protect her smile. Unfortunately, life is always about the existence of the desire to destroy people.

"Okay, Qingchen, now that your wish is fulfilled, can you promise me a condition?" Nangong Jin pulled Gu Qingchen's hand, which was still bouncing around, and said seriously.

"What does brother Jin want? In view of the face of this portrait, this lady agrees to all conditions!" Gu Qingchen patted his chest and promised.

"Take good care of yourself."


Gu Qingchen couldn't react for a while. Seeing Brother Jin's serious look, she thought he would make a more difficult request, but she didn't want him to say this to her just as she finished speaking. six words.

Moreover, why did she feel that his six words were more like instructions before parting.

"Brother Jin, are you leaving? Like before, find a place to hide yourself?"

Nangong Jin rubbed Gu Qingchen's head, she is still too sensitive, this is not a good thing, "Why does Qingchen think like this? Now that I'm back, I won't leave, so Qingchen don't have to worry."

"Really? But why, when brother Jin said these six words, his whole body exuded sadness?" Gu Qingchen looked up at Nangong Jin, looking straight into his eyes.

Some people say that the eyes are the windows of the soul, you can see everything you want to see in the other person's eyes, then, can she see everything she wants to see in Brother Jin's eyes?

"Qing Chen..."

"Shh, don't talk, brother Jin, I'm spying on your heart, so don't disturb me." Gu Qingchen put his index finger on his lips, not to let Nangong Jin interrupt him.

Nangong Jin was a little shy, but also obsessed. Her eyes were as deep as black holes, and once touched, they couldn't be moved away. He, who used to get information from other people's eyes, would one day be stared at like this.

After staring into Nangong Jin's eyes for nearly a minute, Gu Qingchen still didn't see anything, and gave up decisively: "Okay, I promise you, I will take good care of myself."

(End of this chapter)

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