Silly Girl Allure: The Black-bellied King

Chapter 279 The Unexplainable Nangong Jin

Chapter 279 The Unexplainable Nangong Jin
Nangong Jin noticed Gu Qingchen's actions, and explained with a smile: "The soil here is different from other places, and the plants are also different from other places. Qingchen is curious, so he can study it."

Gu Qingchen's eyes widened. For the first time, he felt that Nangong Jin's life was miraculous. "Brother Jin lives in a really strange place. Don't people who come to Nangong Mansion usually notice this situation?"

Pushing open the dusty door, it was clean without any impurities. Nangong Jin opened the window, so that Gu Qingchen could see the outside scene when he raised his head, "No one knows that Nangong Mansion has such a structure inside."

Gu Qingchen blinked, "Brother Jin means, is it just me?"

Nangong Jin looked down at her, her dark eyes were full of agility, she was worth anything he could do for her, wasn't she? "Well, Qing Chen guessed right."

Gu Qingchen opened her mouth slightly, she was just joking, but she didn't want it to be true, "But...the Nangong family has a long history, why is there no one visiting?"

Nangong Jin curled the corner of her mouth slightly, "Nangong Mansion is Nangong Mansion, my place is my place."

Gu Qingchen was a little confused by Nangong Jin's words. Doesn't brother Jin's room belong to Nangong Mansion?

Taking the scented tea prepared by Granny Hua, Nangong Jin handed it to Gu Qingchen, "Qingchen heard that the city is in the city, and this Siyi Garden is like that."

"Si Yi Garden?"

Nangong Jin nodded, "Siyi Garden, as the name suggests, has four exits, and the gate of Nangong Mansion is just one of the exits. This Siyi Garden is relatively four roads leading to the outside of the city. If one day, Qing Chen encounters something Don’t forget that the gate of Siyi Garden will always be open for you.”

Gu Qingchen stood up and looked at Nangong Jin condescendingly, "Qing Chen dares to ask, Brother Jin's words and deeds have something to say, why don't you explain it to me clearly."

Nangong Jin smiled wryly, "Qing Chen, what I can do for you is what I can do for you, but that's all."

Gu Qingchen was anxious: "Brother Jin, can you stop playing charades with Qing Chen? You know, Qing Chen is very stupid, so he can't guess what you want to express. If you tell me directly, then I will understand faster, and you can worry less about me, can't you?"

Nangong Jin got up, looked at Gu Qingchen at the same level, and stroked her face with her hand, "Qing Chen, it's not that I don't want to tell you, it's that I don't know."

Gu Qingchen didn't understand. If it was unknown, why did Brother Jin remind her like this?It's hard not to let her think too much about his words.

"Qingchen, you have to know that Jinling is very unstable now. As a saint, you have reached the point where you have to show up, but are you really ready? If you become a saint, the burden on you will be It will get worse, there will be dangers around you all the time, countless people will kill you, and among them, there may be people you care about." Nangong Jin clasped Gu Qingchen's shoulders with a complicated expression, "If it is possible, Qingchen, I am I don't want you to get hurt in any way."

Perhaps as a connection between the Holy Maiden and the Holy Son, Gu Qingchen felt Nangong Jin's uneasiness strongly at this moment. This uneasiness came from the deepest part of her heart and could not be ignored.

"Brother Jin, I hope to fight side by side with you. You have to know that I am not that kind of delicate woman, so you can leave some things to me, okay?" As for her forgetting her identity, she has never been someone who needs protection from others.

Nangong Jin took a deep look at Gu Qingchen, he always knew that she was a person who valued love and righteousness, and because he knew, he had to keep his mouth shut, "Okay, Qingchen, I don't think you are here today to listen to me Nonsense, tell me, what can you do with me?"

Hearing that he changed the subject, forgive Gu Qingchen for wanting to know the answer, but she is unwilling to force him, "Brother Jin, I just want to know how you are doing recently."

Nangong Jin smiled slightly: "I'm fine, Qing Chen doesn't need to worry, but Qing Chen seems to be troubled by some things."

"Qing Chen does have something, and I want Brother Jin to tell you." Gu Qing Chen paused, and said all the news that appeared in the dream these days, "Recently I always dream of a phoenix, but whenever I When you have to look carefully, it disappears, Brother Jin, what does this mean?" She dared not tell Murong Junye, but she had an intuition that this phoenix was related to the saint, and Nangong Jin once told her that no matter what, this phoenix should not be taken away. The identity was told to Murong Junye.There are some things she can no longer do, and now she can only do such a trivial thing.

"Does Qing Chen still remember Yuan Hao?"

Gu Qingchen's eyes showed doubts: "Didn't Brother Jin say that it was Yuan Hao?"

Nangong Jin nodded: "Yuan Hao has changed from weak to strong, and his ability to transform has also changed accordingly. According to Qing Chen, the phoenix should be the image transformed by Yuan Hao. If Qing Chen works harder, he will be able to fully possess Yuan Hao. Hao's power." However, he didn't know when it would be.

Gu Qingchen seemed to understand, but his eyes were full of confusion.

Nangong Jin looked at Gu Qingchen who suddenly drooped her eyes, and a hint of distress flashed in her eyes. If it wasn't for Murong Junye, she wouldn't have caused Yuan Hao so quickly.

"But, what kind of hard work does brother Jin talk about? Qing Chen doesn't know." She has no internal strength, so she doesn't know where to start with the word hard work.

Nangong Jin nodded Gu Qingchen's nose and said with a smile, "Let it be."

Indeed, one just needs to let nature take its course. Nangong Jin suppressed what was hidden in his heart. For him, the later the other party made a move, the better, but from the current point of view, that person seemed to be unable to hold back anymore.

The time passed very quickly, Gu Qingchen only felt that he had only stayed in Nangong Mansion for a while, and it was already dark. When he came out of the Siyi Garden, the moon was already high, and the light of the almost full moon was projected on the sky, making Gu Qing Chen was in a trance for a while.

It's almost another month.

"I'll take you back."

Gu Qingchen wanted to respond, but when he turned his head and glanced at the door inadvertently, he declined politely: "No, he's here."

Nangong Jin naturally knew who "he" Gu Qingchen was talking about, so she nodded and sent her to the door.

Standing beside the carriage, Murong Junye saw Gu Qingchen and Nangong Jin come out side by side, a coldness flashed in his eyes, but it was not obvious, and he started to walk towards that person.

Seeing Murong Junye approaching, Gu Qingchen trotted to his side, blushing, turned his head and said goodbye to Nangong Jin: "Brother Jin, I'm going back first."

Murong Junye and Nangong Jin looked at each other, the spark in their eyes was self-evident, but neither of them cared, or in other words, they could only pretend not to care in front of this woman.

(End of this chapter)

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