Chapter 301 Easily Forgive

"Different reactions, what is Brother Jin trying to tell Qing Chen?"

"What I want to tell you, Qing Chen should be very clear in his heart." Because he cares about her, he will never let her go, isn't that person the same as him?

"Miss, Mr. Nangong is right. Mr. Fox will definitely not leave so easily. I can see how Mr. Fox treats you." Nangong Jin didn't understand what he said, but after Gu After staying by Qing Chen's side for such a long time, she should also learn how to observe the situation and the situation.

"Taoyao, don't say it." She just made an excuse for herself, why did they completely reject this excuse, how hard is it to give up a friend?This question was even more difficult for her, Gu Qingchen.

"No, I want to say, miss, you can't feel the cold outside when you stay in this overflowing garden, but Taoyao just came back from the outside, the biting cold, coupled with the sudden rain, you think, if the fox If the young master really came to apologize, what would he do?" Tao Yao was really worried, she might do something according to that person's self-willedness.

what will he doGu Qingchen's nerves twitched suddenly, yes, doesn't she understand Si Yan's temperament?If he really knew what Sinan did, he would definitely apologize for his brother for hindering the brotherhood. In such a weather, he would definitely not go to hide from the rain. She punishes him as usual.

The rain outside the window was getting heavier and heavier, just like Gu Qingchen's heart fluctuated.

"Forget it, Taoyao, don't force her." The last thing he wanted was to see her sad, so how could he be willing to make things difficult for her?

Tao Yao glanced at Nangong Jin, who shook his head at her, although he still wanted to say something, he finally shut up.

Day and night change, the sky is getting darker, but Gu Qingchen can't calm down.

"Qingchen, let's go and have a look." Nangong Jin came from the outside, with hurried steps, "When I went out, Granny Hua had already brought him to the guest room. It was freezing cold, but she refused to drink ginger soup."

"What?" Gu Qingchen stood up, refusing to drink ginger soup?At a time like this, can he still tolerate his willfulness? "Brother Jin, I'll go with you now!"

"I said son, if you don't drink anymore, your body will not be able to take it. The weather is already cold, and this rain falls on you, even if your body is made of iron, why are you so stubborn?" Granny Hua It's strange, how can anyone want to get sick and not get well?
Si Yan was lying on the bed in a large font. Although his face was pale, there was a sense of mockery in his eyes, "Mother-in-law, don't try to persuade me anymore, my ah, this is called a trick, isn't Xiao Qingqing unwilling to see me? I'll just wait until she wants to see me!"

"Hmph," Granny Hua laughed twice, "Are you still playing tricks? You are really fighting for your life." In this weather, others can't escape the rain, and there are people who are stupid enough not to hide?
"Grandma Hua is right, you should drink ginger soup." When Gu Qingchen arrived, he just heard Si Yan's words, and couldn't laugh or cry. At this time, he still has the mood to joke?She also really convinced him.

As soon as he heard Gu Qingchen's voice, Si Yan sat up suddenly, but fell down again due to a moment of dizziness. When he opened his eyes again to wake himself up, the person he had been thinking about day and night had already Standing in front of oneself.

"Look, mother-in-law, I just said, my trick is very effective." Si Yan's hands were trembling, and in order to hide his strangeness, he cast his eyes on Granny Hua behind Gu Qingchen, and blinked.

Granny Hua smiled, with a little helplessness: "Yes, yes, very clever, you son just likes our Miss Gu's soft-heartedness, girl, drink this ginger soup for this son, to warm your body, he It's time to freeze."

After receiving the ginger soup from Granny Hua, Gu Qingchen looked directly at Si Yan for the first time, and it had been dozens of days since the two separated.

"Xiao Qingqing, I'm sorry." When he met her eyes, he could recall what Murong Junye said in his mind. His brother put her in danger of life. How could he do such a thing to her? Come?
"It's not your fault, Si Yan, hurry up and drink the ginger soup." Seeing Si Yan, Gu Qingchen knew what Nangong Jin meant by being frozen, his lips were purple, and he was pale It was ridiculous, when she touched his arm, it was even more icy cold, "You...why don't you use your internal energy to drive out the cold?" She came out of Siyi Garden, and Nangong Jin wrapped her up layer after layer, even so, When she walked to the guest room, she also hoped for warmth.

Not to mention, he was only wearing a single shirt.

"This is what I owe you. If you don't see me, I can only pay it back in this way." Si Yan stared at Gu Qingchen, this is the person he loves, and this is the person he wants to protect with his life , this is even more so, the person he is willing to spend his whole life waiting for.

"Si Yan, your brother is actually right. We are people from two worlds. Now that you have gone back, you should not come back. There should be no interaction between us." Gu Qingchen I really don't want to say these words to him at this time, but seeing him, she can think of what she did to him, she can't hurt him anymore, can't she?
"Are you chasing me?" Si Yan was in a hurry, grabbed Gu Qingchen's hand, and said incoherently, "Xiao Qingqing, I know that my brother broke your heart. I don't know how to explain it. If you want to vent your anger, you can beat me, scold me, or even kill me, but can you, don't ignore me? Don't talk to me? You know, I can't stand loneliness the most, If you ignore me, I will really be abandoned."

Gu Qingchen looked at Si Yan, and she remembered the first time she saw him, at that time she just thought he was a rich young man who had a good time, but the more she got in touch with him, she knew more about him, she didn't know, she What kind of emotions do you have for him?

"Hey, I said Fox, don't say that you are pitiful, okay? Isn't it me? Your brother's ninjas are really hard to deal with. If it wasn't for Murong Junye, I guess I would really Can't see you anymore."

She had made an agreement with herself before she came, if she could still joke with him calmly, then she would forgive herself, forgive her selfishness, her confidant is only mediocre in life, she doesn't want to abandon such a good friend, so She could only break her promise to Sinan.

"Little Qingqing, you don't blame me anymore?" Si Yan was overjoyed. The fact that she could talk to him like this meant that she forgave him, right?

(End of this chapter)

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