Silly Girl Allure: The Black-bellied King

Chapter 311 To the day when I can't bear it

Chapter 311 To the day when I can't bear it

Sensitive as Gu Qingchen, but Nangong Jin changed the subject, and she felt that something must have happened when she entered the palace.

And she was not the only one who noticed this, Si Yan clasped her hand and smirked, "I said brother Jin, we gained a lot from going out, but we didn't enjoy it alone, all the delicious food I brought it back for you, and you can eat it deliciously for dinner."

Gu Qingchen glared at Si Yan, "Damn fox, if you interrupt my conversation with Brother Jin again, I'll throw you into the fishpond to feed the fish!"

Si Yan had no choice but to let go, "Okay, okay, don't be so excited, I just reported our itinerary to Brother Jin."

Gu Qingchen was about to be pissed off by Si Yan, this guy is really thick-skinned, brother Jin said the three words quite smoothly? "Brother Jin, ignore him and tell me, what happened between you and Murong Junxi? Did he come to you for something about me?"

Gu Qingchen is not a fool. What Murong Junxi wanted to know most was the matter of the saint, but he never thought that the person with such an identity would be her, right?

Nangong Jin didn't speak, but just pressed Gu Qingchen's shoulder. She was obviously so thin, but why did everything fall on her?What happened eight years ago, and what happened to the saint, what he can help her bear is just the tip of the iceberg, but how reluctant he is.

"Qing Chen, have you forgotten something? You remember everything before you woke up?"

Gu Qingchen was taken aback. If Nangong Jin hadn't mentioned it, she would have almost forgotten about it. Aren't all the previous things all about the disaster eight years ago?But what did she forget?
What exactly was that woman giving her?
"Brother Jin, why do you ask Qing Chen this question? Is it because there are many people and things involved in this matter, if I have to think about it to solve it, then I will try my best." Gu Qingchen didn't know why I would be so eager to express this idea in front of Nangong Jin, as if if she didn't say it, she would lose this big brother who always took care of her.

Nangong Jin rubbed Gu Qingchen's head, and said with a smile: "No one wants to force Qingchen to remember the past, if you can't remember, then forget it, I just want you to be well, understand?"

Gu Qingchen nodded, but still refused to let go of his question: "Why does brother Jin always change the subject? Murong Junxi asked brother Jin to enter the palace today, what is the reason?"

Nangong Jin knew that she would not give her a definite answer, and she would not let go of the doubts in her heart, so she could only say: "Qing Chen knows why, there is only Granny Hua in Nangong Mansion, and I, am I always not here?"

Regarding this matter, Gu Qingchen heard Taoyao mention it, saying that Brother Jin was unwilling to become an official in the court, and Murong Junxi also respected his decision, but still retained his official status. Is there something hidden?
"Okay, even if we're talking about things, we shouldn't stand there, Qing Chen, Si Yan, let's go in and talk." If we don't talk now, we might not have the chance in the future.

Nangong Jin made tea for the two of them, looked at Gu Qingchen's curious eyes and couldn't help but smile and said, "It's just an easy-to-explain thing. Eight years ago, the first emperor passed away unexpectedly and successively. The current emperor was enthroned at that time, which can be regarded as fate. My father supported Prince Rong as emperor back then. Because of the problems between the two factions, many officials were dispatched to the frontier. Because of my status, the Nangong family Some people moved their families to Huizhou, where they have been until today.”

It was the first time for Gu Qingchen to know these things, and before Si Yan came, he had investigated the matters related to the Nangong family, but what he heard from outsiders was different from what the Nangong family said.

"Brother Jin, what do you mean, the narrow-minded Murong Junxi is still arguing with you about the fact that Uncle Nangong didn't support him but supported Murong Junye?"

Nangong Jin smiled. He just wanted to find a legitimate reason to prevaricate her, but now, even he himself was confused, "Yes, Qing Chen is very smart, and he summed it up well."

"Just because you are the Holy Son and must assist the current emperor, and your father did not recognize Murong Junxi's identity, he imprisoned you. This reason seems to be impeccable, and I have to admit, Brother Jin, your excuse It's really good, I almost believed it." Gu Qingchen smiled, but his eyelids drooped, why did they all keep it from her?She's not useless, is she?
Nangong Jin didn't expect that she would be able to guess this level. For a while, she didn't know what to say.

"Brother Jin, you have already shouldered too much for me, why can't you let me bear some for you?" Gu Qingchen raised her head and looked at Nangong Jin. She believed that everything he said was true and that he did not lie. She, but what she didn't believe was that Murong Junxi would be the one looking for him for these things.

It's not that he has never been in contact with Murong Junxi, he is an extremely ambitious person, back to the state is so far away from the capital, no matter how much Uncle Nangong supports Murong Junye, Murong Junxi will not take him seriously. How could he summon brother Jin into the palace if he was a clean person?It was rare for Gu Qingchen to want to know the truth so much.

Nangong Jin just smiled, she has always been very smart, and hoped that this smartness could help her overcome many difficulties, so that he would be relieved, "Qing Chen, I never forced you to do anything, so , and please don’t force me, okay?”

Her elder brother Jin has never said harsh words to her. Now, is she really going too far?
"Brother Hao Jin, I will take it as it is. Murong Junye's actions made Murong Junxi mistakenly think that he wanted to take that position, and given Uncle Nangong's previous position, Murong Junxi thought that you would be on Uncle Nangong's side. One side, against him, that's why I called you into the palace, I don't know if Brother Jin is satisfied with such an explanation?" Gu Qingchen took a deep breath, tried to dissipate the moisture in his eyes, and smiled at Nangong Jin.

Nangong Jin didn't speak, her stubborn eyes gradually filled her eyes, Qing Chen, don't laugh like that, really, don't laugh like that, it will make him very reluctant, and it will make him lose the courage to fight those people again.

Si Yan looked at the dried flowers in the cup, seeing that it was soaked in water and gradually filled up. When it couldn't bear it, he quietly turned a corner and tumbling endlessly. Nangong Jin, when will it reach the point where it can't bear it?

(End of this chapter)

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