Silly Girl Allure: The Black-bellied King

Chapter 318 All he has to do is guard

Chapter 318 All he has to do is guard
"My brother doesn't know what the emperor's words mean, he is stupid, please let the emperor express it." Murong Junye lowered his head, did not look at Murong Junxi, his back was straight, and he did not show any weakness.

What Murong Junxi hates the most is his appearance. It is obvious that he is sitting in a high position now, and his position is far higher than him. The person is him.

"Oh? Doesn't the ninth brother know? I think Ji Lin should know." He still knows the people around Murong Junye. This Ji Lin was the one who guarded Nangong Jin back then.

Murong Junye's eyes were calm, and there was no disturbance when he heard Ji Lin's name. It seems that this person and him are just the same name, "Ji Lin was sent by his younger brother to perform a mission and has not returned. I don't know what the emperor wants from him." matter?"

Murong Junxi didn't expect Murong Junye to have such an attitude, so he snorted coldly; "Ninth brother, don't cover up Ji Lin just because he belongs to you, you should also know about the matter on the city wall. You should know who should bear the responsibility, but your current attitude really makes it very difficult for me."

Murong Junye looked at Murong Junxi, nine years, nine years, he was kept in the dark for nine years, the person who might tell him the truth died in his hands, this feeling, Murong Junxi can understand ? "Brother Huang, if this matter is related to Ji Lin, I will definitely bring him to you in person."

Murong Junye didn't know that Nangong Jin's body and the matter of the white cloth were all Gu Qingchen's masterpieces. If possible, he would rather she come to seek revenge on him now, but she didn't, and he couldn't even find her. to her.

"My lord, the emperor is looking for you because of Ji Lin's business?" Chang Yu waited at the gate of the palace, saw Murong Junye coming out, and rushed to greet him.

"Have you found anyone?"

Chang Yu pursed his lips and shook his head: "Several brothers and I went to Nangong Mansion, and found a garden according to the mechanism given by the prince, but it was dilapidated and there was no trace of the princess at all. We also went to the previous Nanjing Mansion. The other courtyard where the emperor stayed, there are traces of people living there, but there are no people."

"Traces of inhabitation?" Since Gu Qingchen left, he has often gone there. After Nangong Jin's incident, he didn't even have the courage to go there. How can ordinary people have the courage to go to his yard? The only explanation is, That's where she used to be.

Seeing that Murong Junye suddenly became agitated, Chang Yu sighed, "Yes, Chang Yu thought, it should be the princess, and I asked the people around, and they also said that a man and two women lived there, but yesterday morning, three People seem to have left."

"Leaving? Do you know where they went?" Murong Junye frowned, he would not let her leave, even if he hated him, he would not allow her to leave his world.

Even if he moved to Nangong Mansion, he was still in a capital. If he wanted to see her, he could go there, but if she left, where would he go to find her?

Dust, you can't treat me like this.

Chang Yu shook his head: "No one knows where the princess and the others have gone. I heard from the people around that they bought a lot of supplies, and it looks like they are going on a long trip. My lord, do you think the princess will go to Nanning with Emperor Nanjing? "

"Shut up! She is my concubine, how could she leave with the emperor of Nanjing?" Murong Junye scolded, even if she left, he would not allow her to leave with Si Yan.

Chang Yu knew that he had said something wrong, so he quickly leaned over: "Yes, Chang Yu was wrong, please calm down, my lord."

He shouldn't be so emotional, but when he met her, all his rationality disappeared, "Okay, Chang Yu, if there is nothing else, let's go to another hospital."

Chang Yu's eyes widened, the concubine is no longer there, why is the prince going there?Moreover, Princess Yudai said that she would be examined by an imperial physician today, and she wanted the prince to accompany her, but what the prince said, he always said what he said, so he stopped talking and drove away in a carriage.

Except for the last time I went to the temple with Wu Yuyan and his party, this was the first time Gu Qingchen left Kyoto to go to a place other than Kyoto. The scenery outside was completely different from Kyoto.

"Miss, do you want to eat something?" Tao Yao looked worriedly at Gu Qingchen who was holding Qin. She hadn't eaten for a long time. If this continues, how can her body bear it?But she didn't want to eat it, and she was really worried to death.

Gu Qingchen caressed Yungui gently. This is Brother Jin's Yungui. She will take good care of her. When she learns to play the piano, she will definitely return to Siyiyuan again and play it for him. He will be very happy Well, she will learn Luoxia.

Jing'an Temple is actually not far away. Even if Gu Cheng agreed to send his prostitute daughter outside, he didn't want her to be too far away from him, so the distance was only an hour. When Gu Qingchen got off the carriage, the mistress of Jing'an Temple had already Waiting at the door.

"Amitabha, Miss Gu, you are still back."

Gu Qingchen bowed to the teacher, "Master Ci'an, I remember you." Of course she remembered the people who appeared in the dream, and at that time, Master Ci'an also gave her a lot of help.

"Miss Gu, come with me." Ci'an was not surprised by Gu Qingchen's visit, after all, Mr. Nangong had already visited before her.

Jing'an Temple is very large, but it is very quiet, and there are not many people coming and going. When seeing Gu Qingchen and his party, some people stopped to look curiously. After all, it is still rare for three people with outstanding looks to come to Jing'an Temple.

Mrs. Ci'an led the three of them to the place where Gu Qingchen used to live, opened the door, "Come in, Miss Gu, I think you should be familiar with this place."

Gu Qingchen walked in through the threshold, touched the chair she used to sit on, the table where she ate, and the bed she used to sleep on. It turned out that the memory she had been looking for was in Jing'an Temple.

Tao Yao and Si Yan looked at each other, and did not follow Gu Qingchen in. They knew that what she needed now was to calm down alone, in this place full of her and Nan Gongjin's memories, to calm down.

"Young Master Fox, do you think Miss will not do stupid things?" Tao Yao was very scared, the mood of Miss these days is really not right, if Mr. Nangong really hit Miss hard, what should she do? Do it.

Si Yan glanced at Taoyao, said coldly: "She won't, I trust her."


"Taoyao, believe in your lady, she can overcome this hurdle, she is much stronger than we imagined, so don't draw such a conclusion lightly, let's not quarrel with her, let her think clearly, she has this ability, we just need to stand aside and protect her."

(End of this chapter)

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