Chapter 437
Mother Fang just glanced at Wu Yuyan coldly and said with a smile: "In my opinion, your Wu family is nothing more than that, you can't even protect your own daughter, and you have been bullied by someone like this. Your fate is the same. Take it upon yourself."

Wu Yuyan's nerves were sensitive, and she felt there was something in Fang Nanny's words, so she said sharply, "Fang Nanny, what do you mean by this, what do you mean Yan'er is bullied like this? You already have Yan'er Is it news?"

Mother Fang was speechless, but it was this expression that made Wu Yuyan more suspicious. Miss Gu said, but Wu Yuyan's suspicious temperament should be made good use of.

"You are the queen's man, even if Yan'er appeared, you shouldn't have told me," Wu Yuyan said coldly, "What is your purpose? Did Gu Qingchen call you here? Tell me!" Wu Yuyan She suddenly stepped forward and wanted to grab Nanny Fang's arm, but Nanny Fang dodged too quickly, and when Wu Yuyan was about to touch her hand, she was several steps away from her.

"Mr. Wu, don't get me wrong. I never want to be involved in the affairs between you. The old slave is just a servant girl next to the queen, and everything she does is ordered by the queen. You target me , but you won’t get any benefits.” Mother Fang smiled slightly, with a different look on her face showing the vicissitudes of the years, “Mrs. Wu, if you really want to find your daughter, you have to keep your eyes open Listen to all directions."

Wu Yuyan was stunned in place. If it wasn't for what Nanny Fang said was too seamless, she would have doubted it again, but just like what Nanny Fang said, she had no reason to do so at all, whether it was her or Gu Qingyan. , as far as Nanny Fang is concerned, they are just two outsiders.

Tightly holding the half-pearl part of the pearl flower in her hand, Wu Yuyan looked at Nanny Fang's back, the corner of her eyes jumped to the unlocked door, staggered up, rushed to Nanny Fang, passed her to Running outside the door, Nanny Fang staggered when she was bumped into her. Nanny Fang seemed to be knocked by Wu Yuyan and didn't react for a while, but she didn't stop her.

When the guard at the door saw someone coming out, he thought it was Nanny Fang, and was about to close the door, but saw a man with disheveled hair rushing out. The two guards reacted like Nanny Fang, caught off guard, and Wu Yuyan took advantage of this gap He ran out without even giving the remaining three people time to react.

Nanny Fang seemed to be unsteady and came out from inside, pointing at the two people who were still in shock with trembling fingers: "What are you still doing? Didn't you see Mrs. Wu had already run out? If the empress finds out , can you still keep the heads on your heads?"

Although Nanny Fang said these words very imposingly, the two guards were also very scared when they heard that their heads could not be kept, but for some reason, their bodies, which obviously wanted to move, seemed to be fixed in place, unable to move at all , looking at Nanny Fang opening and closing her lips, she had to say, "Nurse Fang, it's not that I don't want to chase, it's just that I really can't move!"

Nanny Fang glanced at the two of them angrily, and limped towards the front hall. The moment she turned around, the corners of her mouth had a suspicious arc. It seems that Miss Gu's medicine is still effective, but in such a short period of time , It can actually make two big men immobilized. If it is placed on the battlefield, it is not sure what it will look like.

Besides, Wu Yuyan, thinking of the torture her daughter might suffer at the hands of Gu Qingchen, broke out in cold sweat, and kept walking towards the front hall of Yong'an Palace.

The queen saw such a big wooden box placed in the front hall of her site, she didn't know how she felt. Murong Zitao looked left, right, up and down, but he didn't know how the box was opened, it would be strange, if not If the key to open it, why is it sent here?
"Mother, why don't you ask my son to bring a sword and split the box with one sword?" Murong Zitao has never been patient. If he had to work so hard just to open the box, he wouldn't have so much. energy.

The queen frowned tightly, not to mention where the box came from, just because those people were able to put the box here quietly, those people's methods should not be underestimated, if there is any problem with the box, she Don't you want to use your only son as an experiment?She would not do such a loss-making business, "Tao'er, don't touch it for now, until I ask the guard who sent it, it's not too late for you to do it."

Even though Murong Zitao was dissatisfied, he still had to listen to his mother's words. He was about to leave when he saw a recess on the top of the box. You couldn't see it until you looked carefully. He stretched out his finger and touched it there. Fan, but was surprised to hear the muffled sound of the woman.

The queen's face was very ugly. Naturally, she also heard that voice, and that voice was very familiar to Murong Zitao.

Murong Zitao and the Queen looked at each other. They had been looking for someone for so long, but now they delivered it to their door. They didn't know whether it was good or bad. The only thing they knew was that this person was their best bargaining chip to contain Wu Yuyan. Originally wanted her to never appear in front of them, but now——

"Mother, what do you think we should do now?" To be honest, Murong Zitao really has no feelings for Gu Qingyan at all, and it is easy to kill her, but Wu Yuyan still has this scruple, she is clearly He said in vain that he would not hand over the second layer of medicine until Gu Qingyan appeared. What would they do if Gu Qingyan never showed up?
The queen and Murong Zitao thought about going together, but now they feel that they agreed too soon. It seems that Wu Yuyan is really cunning, and he guessed that they might secretly attack Gu Qingyan, but now this is a hot hand. The potato is in their hands, so what should they do?
"Tao'er, in the future, if you want to be above the tens of millions, or be an idle prince without any worries." The queen closed her eyes. With so many things going on, it's rare for her to hesitate. Of course, such a He hesitated for only a moment, because the answerer would definitely break all her hesitation.

Murong Zitao sneered, "The empress is just joking. Doesn't the empress want to be the empress dowager? Looking around, only Murong Junye is the only threat to the imperial court. Although he is now letting go and doing nothing, his power is still there." Now, the empress should know that third elder brother's mother and concubine died young, and you single-handedly raised him, no matter how shameless he is, he shouldn't compete with Tao'er for this position."

The queen nodded, she understood Murong Ziheng.

(End of this chapter)

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