Chapter 439 Design
Gu Qingchen kept on stepping. After all, she didn't dare to expose too much in the palace. Maybe she made too many enemies. If there is no news, it is very likely that she will be caught and cooked. She is not Gu Qing A fool like Yan Yan, who was planted by someone once, can be planted a second time. Of course, she is also sure that she will be planted by her own hand for a third time.

As long as he thinks of Wu Yuyan's expression now, the corners of Gu Qingchen's mouth can't help but curl up. Fortunately, he was asked to make the box before Muzhi left, otherwise, it wouldn't have been such a wonderful show.

The queen frowned and listened to Wu Yuyan's words. Of course, this person was happy to fight Gu Qingchen against her, but was she afraid that others would not know that Wu Yuyan was with her?If the emperor knew that Wu Yuyan was kicked out by Gu Wenxuan for that reason, the emperor would probably do it himself if Gu Qingchen didn't do it.

Therefore, the emperor must not wake up.

No matter who it is for, let him just sleep like that, it's good for everyone, isn't it?

Wu Yuyan didn't know what the queen was thinking now, she put all her heart and soul on her daughter, seeing that her daughter was obviously unconscious, but she did hear her voice when she moved the recess just now, her doubts deepened, seeing her The arm was raised, but there was still a thread connected to the position of the hand, and it went up, but it was connected to that recess. Wu Yuyan gave her hand a pause, what did she do just now?
The thread is connected to the recess and the arm. As long as it is not a pearl, any other thing touching the recess will make the thread tighten instantly, and then it will be involved in the broken part of the arm, which is to give two wounds to the wound. injury.

Gu Qingchen, what a Gu Qingchen!

Wu Yuyan's face was ashen, it seems that she is not going to let her go?That's okay, does she, Gu Qingchen, only have such a little means?So what if Yan'er is dismissed by the General's Mansion?No matter what the general's wife said, she was still my elder sister. If she asked her to beg her, she would not refuse. Moreover, she still had something in her hand, so it seemed good to use it as a threat. This Gu Qingchen is deceiving people too much!From this moment on, she will never back down again.

Wu Yuyan suddenly knelt down towards the queen: "Empress, Yan'er is your niece no matter what, Mrs. Wu also asks the empress to save Yan'er!"

The queen was very happy with Wu's soft clothes, and immediately helped her up: "My good sister, what are you talking about, Yan'er is smart and cute, and she is beautiful, and now she is being tortured into this It looks like, even if you don't tell my sister, I will definitely seek justice for her."

Wu Yuyan wiped away her tears. It doesn't matter even if she knows that the empress is acting. Anyway, they are now grasshoppers tied to a rope. If something happens to her, the queen will never feel better. If so, let's go together Let's deal with Gu Qingchen, external troubles and internal troubles, of course, we must first solve the external problems.

Listening to the hypocritical words below, Xue'er sneered. It seems that Ms. Gu still knows Wu Yuyan very well. She knows that she will go to the queen when she is desperate. That's why she came up with such a trick. , the enemies have already gathered, and Ms. Gu doesn't have to look for them one by one.

Xue'er's eyes were unclear. Although the box was made by Muzhi, the design was drawn by Ms. Gu. What is there that is so beautiful and always smiling?
When Gu Qingchen arrived at the rockery, he cautiously walked towards the place where he met Murong Junye last time, when he vaguely heard a voice, he quickly hid himself.

"My lord, we've been waiting here for nearly half a month, but that person hasn't appeared yet. Maybe, she won't appear again."

Gu Qingchen raised his eyebrows, the voice was very familiar, it belonged to Chang Yu.

Murong Junye didn't speak. To him, since she can appear once, she will definitely appear a second time, because they are all very curious people.

Gu Qingchen didn't make a sound, but there was always an illusion of being discovered. He sneaked out and leaned out, but he didn't see Murong Junye and Chang Yu. Presumably they were also hiding in the rockery.

"Chang Yu, you can go back first. You need to keep an eye on the situation of the palace." When Murong Junye said this, there was a smile in the corner of his eyes, but it was well hidden, at least Chang Yu didn't have any Find.

Chang Yu wanted to say that it was more dangerous here, but when he thought of Murong Junye's uncompromising character, he nodded, "Okay, this subordinate will go back now. If the prince has something to call his subordinate, please send a signal." Murong Junye is not the former Murong Junye, he has no eyes and no memory.

Murong Junye just nodded slightly, Chang Yu glanced at him and walked away.

Gu Qingchen didn't move, but an aura with a different intuition approached, and was about to go out, but was blocked by someone at the exit, and he froze in place for a while.

"You're here." Murong Junye smiled, obviously with invisible eyes, but Gu Qingchen always had the illusion that he was looking at him.

Murong Junye didn't seem to care about anything, she didn't care about her reaction, and he didn't care how spoiled his tone was, "I've been waiting for you here for a long time, I think you will definitely come, because I'm here, Isn't it?"

If Gu Qingchen could speak, he must want to tell him that he thinks highly of himself, who does he think he is, why is he here, and she is coming?
"I know you're here, you've always been here, I'm sorry, it's all my fault." Murong Junye suddenly had a look of pain on his face, seeing it in Gu Qingchen's eyes, it shocked her suddenly.

Why would he say such a thing?Did he remember something, or—

Gu Qingchen didn't want to make any guesses. He took the numbers on one side and just raised his body. He gestured endlessly in the air, and then landed steadily. His eyesight is not good, so his hearing should be very strong.

Sure enough, Murong Junye listened attentively, and couldn't help but smile slightly: "You said I mistook the person, didn't you? But how could I have mistook the aura on your body? You are someone Ah Chen knew, and you were also the one who cut off your hand." People, and even the head of the Chasing Star Hall, I think I guessed right? What I want to know is, have you and I met before?"

These days, he has been thinking about this question. The breath on her body is really too familiar to him. He is so familiar that even if she doesn't speak, he can recognize her just by standing in front of him. .

Even if she really can't speak, that's not the reason at all.

(End of this chapter)

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