Chapter 446

"Master, is this really possible?" Although Xiaoer has always believed in his master, but Miss Gu's situation is too special after all, if this method is not possible, then there is nothing to do.

Tantai Jiluo just glanced at the other party, Xiao Er shut up, the young master has always hated others to question him, it is better for him to shut up, if he accidentally offends the young master, he will most likely be sent back Well, he doesn't want to do that, there are people he doesn't like on the mountain, if he has to keep looking at those people, then he doesn't want to.

Gu Qingchen looked at the nervous Xiaoer very funny, didn't he ask him not to reject Tantai Jiluo's kindness?Why is she not worried now, but he is worrying non-stop, she believes that Tantai Jiluo will never do something that is not sure, besides, even if she fails this time, she doesn't care at all, she already I never thought it would get better. If I could get better, I would be happy, but if I can’t, it’s fine.

Gu Qingchen was slightly afraid of Tantai Jiluo's shoulder, and motioned him not to be nervous.

Tantai Jiluo knew what Gu Qingchen was thinking, but what he had to do was definitely not just that, he made up his mind to make her recover, otherwise, it would be meaningless for him to go down the mountain, and it would be useless to find those medicines In any sense, he wanted to hear her voice again, wanted it very much.

"Miss Gu, you can treat it with peace of mind. The general's wife is there, let Xue'er come." Xue'er knew that Gu Qingchen was still worried about Wu Yuyan in his heart, although it was true that the pill in Gu Qingyan's hand was missing, but It's hard to guarantee that Wu Yuyan will go to the general's wife to get it again, but it's hard to say whether the general's wife has it.

Gu Qingchen glanced at Xue'er, she knew she had this ability, but the General's Mansion was not a vegetarian, she obviously felt that she would be more vigilant every time she went, that is to say, in fact, Lu Zhixin and others knew that someone They broke in, but they couldn't catch anyone and didn't have any evidence, so they kept their faces.

But being quiet doesn't mean they didn't move. The first time they went, Gu Qingchen, who was obviously a rookie, was able to go in easily. Later, with Si Yan, there was no hindrance for them to go in because of Si Yan's presence. , and later, her ability was enough, but she was not a fool, she could still see those changes.

"Xue'er, you just need to help me monitor them, you don't need to do it." She didn't want to hold other people's lives in her hands, their lives were their own, not hers, Gu Qingchen's.

Xueer looked at Gu Qingchen in a daze, and after confirming that there was no distrust in her eyes, she suddenly understood something: "Xueer knows what Miss Gu means, but what Xueer wants to tell Miss Gu is that being a subordinate , always follow the master, if the master is good, then we will be fine, if the master is in a bad situation, then even us will suffer."

Although I have to admit that what Xueer said is correct, Gu Qingchen still doesn't want to just agree. According to Tantai Jiluo, the general's wife is also a person who knows how to use poison. If she takes action against Xueer and the others, What should I do?
Tantai Jiluo raised her head and said to Xiaoer: "Xiaoer, you go with Xue'er."

Xiao Er pointed to his nose: "Me?"

Tantai Jiluo nodded: "You should be clear about that person's way. Her treatment needs to be meticulous. If you can't put everything down, you can't have a good healing effect, so you go, it's the best way to treat her." suitable."

Xiao Er wants to cry but has no tears, she obviously didn't do anything, why does she lie down like this?And what does Miss Gu have to do if she can't calm down?

Gu Qingchen didn't know what Xiao Er was thinking, but she just felt that Tantai Jiluo's words made sense. Xiao Er had been by Tantai's side all the time, and she should have seen a pig run if she had never seen a pork. Besides, she knew this face The person with the baby face is actually very resourceful, otherwise, Tantai would not have let him stay by her side all the time, and if she had Xiaoer by Xue'er's side, she would feel much at ease.

When Xiao Er saw many pairs of eyes looking at him, he knew there was no way to escape, so he nodded, "Okay Miss Xueer, Xiao Er will go with you, but Young Master and Miss Gu still need someone to watch over here. "Xiaoer originally thought that Tantai would be able to remember, and Xiaoer would not be able to do without him here, but unexpectedly, Xueer nodded.

"Of course I will arrange this. Xiaoer, you don't have to worry. There are not a few people in Luonu Palace who understand medical principles, and most of them are careful."

Xiao Er knew it, and none of the people present wanted him to stay, so he had no choice but to agree when he was sad.

When Xiaoer and Xue'er left, Gu Qingchen laughed, took a pen and paper and wrote down: "You know how to bully Xiaoer, if he knew that all of this was done on purpose, what do you think he would do?"

Tantai Jiluo's expression remained unchanged, "He should go out to experience more alone, otherwise he will always rely on me, what if one day I'm not here?"

Gu Qingchen was taken aback for a moment, although she knew that there was no cure for Tantai Jiluo's illness, but since she knew him till now, she never thought that one day he would be gone.

"Will you be there?"

Gu Qingchen said these words directly, so Tantai Jiluo didn't see them. If he saw them, he should be very happy.

"Okay, from now on, close your eyes and imagine that you can speak, just like you did before, no matter what happened during the period, you just have to pretend that you didn't hear it, understand?"

Gu Qingchen nodded, she knew that she had strong perseverance, if she hadn't forced herself to listen to Tantai Jiluo, it would be easy to break away by herself, so she put the medicine on her throat, and Tantai Jiluo's warm palm stuck to it. By the time she reached her back, she had already shut down all her defense systems, concentrating on letting Tantai Jiluo control her world.

"Gu Qingchen, you have to know, your name is Gu Qingchen, you are Gu Xiang's legitimate daughter, and also the concubine of Prince Rong, your husband is the Prince Rong of the dynasty, do you still remember his appearance?" Little by little, Tai Jiluo lured Gu Qingchen towards his own thoughts.

"Remember." But she parted her lips slightly, but still couldn't hear any sound.

Tantai Jiluo didn't give up, this was just the beginning, their treatment process was still very, very long.

"Miss Xue'er, why do you still want to investigate the little lady? Actually, as far as Xiao Er knows, there is only one copy of that strange medicine, and judging from what you said, it should have been destroyed long ago. "

(End of this chapter)

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