Chapter 491 His study
Gu Qingchen's eyes widened. She was sure that she had heard correctly, so in just one day, Murong Junxi couldn't help but want to get rid of Murong Junye?He was, so impatient.

Murong Junye...

When Gu Qingchen heard this name, he clearly felt his heart beating. Chang Yu said that as long as he told the truth, Murong Junye would also be affected, but it stands to reason that Murong Junxi shouldn't The one who will know about this matter, but what she can't deny is that the current Murong Junye needs her help.

Without further hesitation, Gu Qingchen went to another courtyard.

Xue'er has been waiting at the door, but the young master is not here, so the task of waiting falls on her head. Seeing Gu Qingchen coming in a hurry, she hurriedly greeted her: "Miss Gu, have you heard that Prince Rong and Huali People from the Kingdom colluded and said they wanted to seize the throne, and now the members of the Imperial Forest Army are already in the palace."

Gu Qingchen nodded: "Xue'er, if you take people to the palace now, you must block Murong Junxi in Qianyuan Hall, and wait for me to go back, and then send a message to the people in Chasing Star Hall to tell them to rush to the palace now." Rushing to Prince Rong's mansion, we must find Murong Junye, understand?"

"Yes! Xue'er understands, but—" Xue'er knew that it was inappropriate for her to ask this at this time, but if she pressed it in her heart, she would feel even more uncomfortable.

Gu Qingchen naturally knew what she was going to say, "Xue'er, you should know that I am the saint of Jinling, and it is only natural for the saint to protect the emperor of Jinling, and it has nothing to do with other feelings. clear?"

Xue'er's pupils gradually dilated, Gu Qingchen had already said it so clearly, it was impossible for her not to understand.

Gu Qingchen made all the arrangements for Xue'er before leaving. She believed that according to Murong Junye's method, there would definitely be some time to wait, so she was not afraid that he would just leave like this. She had a feeling, He will definitely be able to wait for himself.

Because there is no need to worry about the future, Taoyao's attack is unambiguous at all. Her martial arts are not weak, and Gu Qingchen has taught her a lot. It is not a problem to deal with these Imperial Forest Army. What she is afraid of is that both of them No matter how powerful she is, she has only one person. People from the underground dynasty are usually in the army, and the remaining small number of people are taken to send off Prince Hanle and Princess Yudai. There were very few people in the palace, and Murong Junxi was determined to catch Murong Junye all at once, how could he miss such a good opportunity?

There was blood on Taoyao's face, clothes, and shoes, but she didn't dare to stop, because she was afraid that once she stopped, she would never be able to move again, so all she could do was to kill people.

When Gu Qingchen arrived, she happened to see someone about to stab Taoyao's back with a sword. This situation made her think of Qingye, the wind in her hand was so cold that it made her feel like a palm. The attacker was out of breath.

Tao Yao felt the familiar aura approaching, she was a little relieved, her already tense nerves completely collapsed when someone came to her, her feet went limp for a moment, and she fell to the ground, Gu Qingchen frowned, and helped her up Get up: "Taoyao, don't you think you are too useless, but killing so many people is beyond your power?"

"Xiao Taoyao, you are really useless, but it just makes you squat for a few hours, can't you bear it?"

"Taoyao, tell me, what else is there for you? Besides eating and sleeping, what else can you do?"

Tao Yao smiled, "Miss, Tao Yao has become like this, can't you feel sorry for Tao Yao? Tao Yao has persisted for a long time, and she can't continue anymore, so the next thing may be I'm going to trouble you, Miss." Just like teasing as before, Tao Yao even felt that there was no gap between her and Gu Qingchen that year, Miss was still the same Miss, and she was just beside her It's just that little girl.

Gu Qingchen grabbed Taoyao with one hand, and held a sword in the other. He showed no mercy to those who approached him. In a short period of time, countless people died in her hands, "No, this should be Murong Jun. The task that Ye entrusted to you is, Murong Junye is your master, not mine, so I will not complete your task for you."

A wry smile appeared on the corner of Tao Yao's mouth: "Miss, I knew you would say this, but Tao Yao wanted to tell Miss that Tao Yao had never asked Miss anything, but now, this is the first time Tao Yao asked Miss, It will be the last time, Miss, Taoyao has lived enough, she doesn't want to continue anymore, Ji Lin has been waiting for me for a long time, I don't want him to wait any longer.

Gu Qingchen was stunned. This was the first time she heard Taoyao express her feelings towards Ji Lin in this way. People are like this. Only when they are close to death can they see those things clearly, but Taoyao Do you really think this would be better? "Taoyao, if you leave, what will you do? Didn't you say that? He is the driving force for you to live?"

Tao Yao's smile was extremely bitter, but it's a pity that Gu Qingchen didn't notice it: "Miss, I was wrong, I was really wrong, but now I don't want to be wrong anymore, so I will definitely let them do everything. Back to the original point, miss, you and the prince must be well, even if Taoyao is in the sky, she will bless you both."

Gu Qingchen was taken aback for a moment, only to feel that the weight on his hand suddenly became heavier, and then something was stuffed into his palm.

Tiger Talisman...

Is this what Murong Junye wants to give Taoyao?
There were too many people who died at the hands of Gu Qingchen, and for a while, those people did not dare to approach, and formed a circle, enclosing Gu Qingchen inside.

Gu Qingchen looked at the people who were cold and cold. These were the people Murong Junxi had spent a lot of time training, but it turned out that it was nothing more than that. Holding his breath, he wanted to solve these people in one fell swoop. Suddenly, many people appeared behind him.


The corners of Gu Qingchen's mouth curled slightly, and he threw away the things in his hands: "Uncle Ren, I will leave the matter here to you, and also, go to Murong Junye's army." After finishing speaking, in the blink of an eye, Gu Qingchen had already Out of everyone's sight.

The most important thing for her now is to find Murong Junye. If it is true what Chang Yu said, then in fact those people don't need to do anything. As long as they drag the time quietly like this, Murong Junxi can already achieve his goal. .

Gu Qingchen's goal was very clear, and she kept on stepping. She once wondered why Murong Junye was able to take those materials away, but now that she thinks about it, she actually forgot about his study.

(End of this chapter)

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