Chapter 155
"Come out and answer the phone." His face was still indifferent, with no unnecessary expressions.

Chi Jingchang: "..."

What he asked was why Gu Junqian was in this villa, not why he was in this garden.

However, seeing his indifferent appearance, Chi Jingchang lost the courage to ask again.

"Oh, that's it, Junqian, do you want to go in and have a sit?"

Gu Junqian shook his head: "I still have something to do in the company, so Uncle Chi, I will leave first."

"It just so happens that I'm going to the company too, so let's drop by, and I'll give you a ride." Chi Jingchang's company is not far from Huadong Group.

Gu Junqian nodded lightly, it happened that he only had one car here, and Chi Ning was going to send it to him for maintenance in a while: "Then trouble Uncle Chi."

"No trouble, no trouble." Chi Jingchang said again and again, making a "please" gesture.

The two went out to the back door of the garden.

Chi Ning trotted all the way, and found Gu Junqian and the two when they were in the pavilion.


Is there a mistake?She couldn't believe her eyes, not only did her father meet Xiao Tiantian, but he also seemed to be having a friendly conversation?

Chi Ning hid behind a clump of trees, watched the two say a few words and then left together.

"Let me go, these two people just leave like this?" Chi Ning stood at the gate of the back garden, saw Chi Jingchang's car slowly leaving, and felt that everything was too unrealistic.

Back in the hall, Aunt Zhang hurried over to greet her: "Miss, the chairman and Mr. Gu should not have met, right?"

Chi Ning drooped his head and sighed: "Not only did they meet, but they also left together."

This incident was simply too strange. At first, Chi Ning thought that Chi Jingchang would beat her up, but in the end, what happened?
"Ah? Left?" Aunt Zhang was also at a loss. It stands to reason that the chairman found out that the young lady had lied, so even if she didn't do anything, she would scold the young lady.

Chi Ning thought about it in his head for a long time, but he couldn't think of a reason.

She scratched her hair helplessly: "Forget it, the soldiers will come and cover the water and soil, let's talk again."


In the car.

Gu Junqian was driving the car, and Chi Jingchang was sitting in the co-pilot.

This was the first time that Chi Jingchang and Gu Junqian had such close contact.

After holding back for a long time, he finally couldn't help asking: "Junqian, Mr. Gu said that the date of marriage between you and Xiaoning has been fixed, what do you think?"

Gu Junqian was driving the car, looking straight ahead, when the phone rang.

He swiped open his cell phone, and it was a series of text messages from strange calls.

【Brother, are you with my father?What the hell is going on, does he know about our relationship?Did you slip up?If he doesn't know, remember to tell him that you are Aunt Zhang's coach, please, please, think about the breakfast money this morning, and I will send your car for maintenance in a while, you have to answer carefully. 】

Although it's an unfamiliar number, you can tell it's Chi Ning at a glance.

He turned off the phone: "The wedding can be a little slower."

"Ah?" Chi Jingchang didn't expect him to say that, "Does Junqian not like our little Ning?"

This possibility is very high, who is Gu Junqian?
In the business world, even as an elder, he should respectfully call him "Sir". There is no school-age girl in city A who wants to marry him after he has a wonderful daughter.

Gu Junqian pursed his lips, his indifferent expression made people feel alienated.

Chi Jingchang sighed: "If Junqian finds it difficult, he can cancel the engagement. In this era of free love, there are countless ways to do baby kisses."

(End of this chapter)

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