Chapter 210 Why is grandpa here?
Early the next morning, Chi Ning received a call from Bi Jingqian.

"Boss Bi, it's really early for you." Chi Ning stretched his waist, looked at the time, it was past seven in the morning.

Bi Jingqian glanced at the phone: "It's getting late, don't tell me you haven't woken up yet?"

"Get up, get up." It's strange.

In the dormitory, Boss Bi was the first one to get up every time, and this bad habit has not been changed until now.

"Xiao Ning, I guess the two guys in the dormitory will be back soon. People in our class have returned to school one after another. I heard that the school will hold a make-up party recently. Let's go too." Said Maybe this is the last time to participate in a large-scale activity in the school, so Bi Jingqian really wants to participate.

"Masquerade party? When?"

"Two days later."

Two days later, that means it happened to be the day before the audition for "Peerless Beauty".

"I'll see, because there's an audition the next day." The party must have gone in the early hours of the morning.

Bi Jingqian also knew that Chi Ning was a busy person, so she had no choice but to agree: "Okay, come here if you have nothing to do, and go back early."

"Obey!" Chi Ning also wanted to play, after all, although he had an old body, he still had a young heart.

After washing up and going out, today she is going to go shopping with Xiao Xiaotong.

Lanlin East Road, Taolin Courtyard.

"Is there a big customer here today?" Chi Ning looked at the row of luxury cars outside, and couldn't help expressing emotion.

Sure enough, there were many people in the hall of Tao Linyuan.

Chi Ning had a bad premonition in his heart, maybe Tongtong didn't have time to go out with her.

"Xiaotong..." Chi Ning walked to her side and shouted softly.

Xiao Xiaotong turned around with a very guilty expression: "Xiao Ning..."

"Stop, don't you have time to go out with me?" Chi Ning made a stop gesture, and she knew it.

"Next time, next time I'll go out with you, okay?" There's no way, there are so many people here all of a sudden, and her father can't do it alone if they want to order ceramics.

Chi Ning is not an unreasonable person: "Okay, just be busy, and I will have a lot of smiles by myself."

She walked around the hall, and suddenly saw a familiar figure on the sofa in the corner.

The old urchin grandpa is actually here.

"Grandpa?" Chi Ning walked over, she hadn't seen this old urchin for a while.

Gu Guozhong was talking with Yan Sishi when he heard a familiar voice behind him.

He turned his head happily, and sure enough, he saw a familiar face: "Hey! Grandson... Pooh, little girl, why are you here again?"

Chi Ning sat down on the sofa at the side: "I planned to go out with Xiaotong, but she was too busy, I'm afraid she didn't have time to go out with me."

Only then did Gu Guozhong remember that the little girl Chi Ning and this little girl Xiao are friends.

Yan Sishi looked at Chi Ning and asked Gu Guozhong: "Grandpa, who is this lady?"

"Oh, she is Chi Ning's little girl, a big star, quite famous," Gu Guozhong also introduced to Chi Ning, "Girl, this is Yan Sishi, who is also my granddaughter, a little older than you."

Chi Ning greeted her with a smile: "Hello sister, I'm Chi Ning, but I'm not the big star that grandpa said, but an actor."

She felt that this Yan Sishi looked familiar, but she just couldn't remember where she saw it.

"Hey, who said that you are not a big star, grandpa watched all the TV series you acted in." Gu Guozhong glanced at Chi Ning dissatisfiedly, what he liked was Chi Ning's confident appearance.

Chi Ning was even more embarrassed, and whispered to Gu Guozhong: "Grandpa, keep a low profile, and others will laugh when they hear it."

 Thank you Mo Feicheng for the two monthly tickets~ and the recommendation tickets from everyone, mua~
(End of this chapter)

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