Chapter 234 Missed Audition ([-])

Yu Meng walked out, took the door outside the bathroom and locked it.

He took a "under repair" sign from the side and blocked it in front of the bathroom door.

In order to prevent Liu Chengcheng from finding Chi Ning, Yu Meng packed Chi Ning's mobile phone and handbag in a black trash bag and threw them directly into the trash can.

Chi Ning yelled twice in the bathroom, then gave up.

No need to guess, she knew it should be Yu Meng's good deed.

This manager really worked hard for Liang Ruyan.

However, even without her, Liang Ruyan might not be able to get the role of the female number one.

"Ah—Sister Chengcheng, come and save me!" Chi Ning really wanted to beat himself to death.

Okay, what are you doing for makeup?Just touch up makeup, why go to the toilet!It’s okay to go to the toilet, why don’t you take your mobile phone!

What can I do now, do I really want to miss this audition?
It happened to be such a coincidence that the auditions for the first female lead ended today, while the auditions for the second female lead and the third female ended tomorrow. If she missed today, she would really have no chance.

No, she can't be locked here!
This role of the heroine is the most satisfying role for Touchi Ning this year, and she doesn't want to miss it.

She covered the toilet lid, stepped on it with both feet, clasped her hands on the bathroom door, and then turned over with the strength of her arms.

"Oh, it hurts me to death." Chi Ning smoothly came to the side from the locked bathroom.

Fortunately, she came out.

He hurried to the door of the bathroom, but the result——the door was still locked.

Chi Ning closed her eyes a little discouraged, she knew that this might be the result, Yu Meng has always been mature in doing things.

She banged on the bathroom door vigorously, but got no response.

It's not that no one passed by outside the door, and there were some actors who wanted to go to the bathroom, but before they got close, they saw the "under repair" sign and stopped in their tracks.

At the audition, every time the staff yelled, everyone's hearts would become tense.

"Come in on the 21st and get ready on the 22nd."

It's almost Chining.

Liang Ruyan looked at the vacant seat in front of her, and couldn't help but smile.

It seems that Yu Meng has succeeded.

Just thinking like this, Yu Meng walked up to her and said in a low voice: "Chi Ning is in the toilet, there should be no way to come out, please come on."

Liang Ruyan nodded confidently: "Thanks for your hard work, Sister Meng."

For Liang Ruyan today, God is really helping her.

Originally, Liu Chengcheng was with Chi Ning at the beginning, but he received a call halfway and was called away, and Chi Ning went to the bathroom by himself, which made Yu Meng's plan so smooth.

"Come in on the 22nd and get ready on the 23rd." Within a few minutes, the staff shouted again at the door.

As a result, no one went in.

The staff frowned slightly, and shouted again: "No. 22 came in for an audition, No. 22, Chi Ning."

As a result, still no one answered.

When Qiu Zhiming heard Chi Ning's name, the hand that was originally writing stopped, looked at the staff at the door, and asked, "What's wrong?"

The staff replied: "Teacher Qiu, Chi Ning seems to be absent on the 22nd, may I ask..."

not there?Qiu Zhiming was a little surprised. Didn't the little girl say that she was particularly interested in the role of the heroine last time, and he was also looking forward to Chi Ning's performance today, so why isn't she here?

After thinking for a few seconds, Qiu Zhiming waved his hand: "Let 23 start first." If Chi Ning came before the audition, he was ready to give her a chance. Anyway, none of the female first auditiones made him very satisfied. .

(End of this chapter)

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