Chapter 250 The Sullen Chi Ning

Aunt Zhang looked a little embarrassed: "But Miss, what if you came back to find you just after you left Mr. Gu?"

At first, I thought that Miss would not leave this villa when she came back, but in the end...

Chi Ning lost his mind for a moment, heh!Will he come back for himself?Probably not?

Because the approach was already obvious, she said at night that if Gu Junqian didn't like her, she would leave directly, but there was no one in the morning, so... is there any possibility of coming back to find her?
"He won't come back to look for me." He said firmly, pulled the suitcase and walked out.

Aunt Zhang hurriedly blocked the door: "Miss, do you really want to leave?"

Chi Ning sighed, she really wanted to leave: "Aunt Zhang, you know the reason, I will come when I am free."

In the end, she bypassed Aunt Zhang and walked out.

Aunt Zhang couldn't really stop Chi Ning from letting her leave, she could only follow her, and then followed her out of the villa, watching her off.

"Miss, remember to come back when you are free!" Aunt Zhang waved to the car that drove away.

She is used to the presence of Chi Ning and Gu Junqian, but now she is the only one left in this huge villa.

Chi Ning sat in the co-pilot with a dumb face.

Liu Chengcheng turned her head and looked at her three times, and finally couldn't help but say, "You called me to pick you up, what's the matter? Where's the man in your villa?"

Chi Ning rummaged around in the car, and finally found a bottle of yogurt, plugged in a straw, took a few sips, and answered irrelevant questions: "Sister Chengcheng, please book a hotel for me, I don't want to go back to Chi's house."

"You...okay." Liu Chengcheng looked at the slightly sullen little face, and held back the words she was still full of.Forget it, it's not too late to ask when she's in a better mood.

In the following time, Chi Ning was basically busy going to school to rehearse the drama "Thunderstorm". When he was free, he went shopping and shopping with his three roommates.

As for "Peerless Fenghua", only the heroine has been confirmed, and the hero has not yet been decided, so it will take a while to start.

Inside the upscale new restaurant.

VIP room.

Zhu Wenjing walked around Chi Ning, and then solemnly raised doubts: "Did you...have you found a problem?"

"What's the problem?" Bi Jingqian and Bai Yiqi looked at her confusedly.

Zhu Wenjing reached out and poked Chi Ning's forehead: "Don't you think this woman is strange? She hasn't spoken much these days, she is as quiet as air."

Both of them nodded together.

They almost wondered if Chi Ning had been transferred, or had his head caught by the door?

"I found out, I didn't think she was so depressed before the audition, but now she looks sick." Bai Yiqi looked curious, "Our Xiao Ning is broken in love?"

Chi Ning has been distracted and didn't listen to their conversation at all: "Huh? Rehearsal is about to start again? Then let's go."

After speaking, he got up and prepared to leave.

In the end, Bi Jingxi grabbed her hand: "Xiao Ning, sit down, what happened?"

"It's nothing, what's the matter?" She really didn't realize that she was "abnormal".

"It's okay!" Zhu Wenjing stretched out the knife in front of Chi Ning in an instant, and threatened, "Be lenient in confessing and resisting in strictness! How much money did you lose recently with a mournful face?"

Chi Ning looked at the shining fruit knife, swallowed his saliva and sighed: "Hey~ I seem to have failed in my confession."

Under the pressure of the three, Chi Ning had no choice but to tell them everything about Gu Junqian.

It's just that the three of them didn't understand more or less.

(End of this chapter)

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