Chapter 269

After listening to Gu Junqian's words, the corners of Chi Ning's eyes kept twitching, no wonder he is called a legend in the business world, his name is frightening.

He is probably the No. 1 and only person who can make others apologize, let others pay, and finally make money himself.

And everything this man did seemed to be for her.

It would be a lie to say that I was not moved.

In fact, Chi Ning would be very satisfied as long as he suppressed what happened yesterday. He didn't expect him to make everyone apologize for her.

"Thank you." Apart from these three words, Chi Ning didn't know what else to say.

Gu Junqian was in a good mood, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth: "Thank you with sincerity, if you change the way of thanking, I might be happier."

"In what way?"

Sometimes girls are just plain stupid.

There is always only one way for a woman to thank a man.

Seeing Gu Junqian's deep and changing eyes, Chi Ning understood in the next second.

Ha ha--

If that was counted as thanks, she would have already overpaid, okay?
"Isn't there a saying called "Great kindness does not say thank you", if I thank you with material things, it would be an insult to you." Pretending to be ignorant, you may get away with it.

Gu Junqian looked down at the time, it was getting late.

In the underground garage, Chi Ning stopped when he got into the car.

Are you really going to his house?

By now, she found herself tense.

"What's wrong?" Gu Junqian noticed the slight change in the girl's mood.

Chi Ning bit his lips, and still expressed his inner worries: "Why don't you take me to buy something first, and then go... It seems a little bad for me to go empty-handed for the first time."

Gu Junqian smiled, with doting eyes in his eyes: "It's okay."

"It's okay, if I just go like this, it would seem impolite." Chi Ning rubbed her little hands nervously, and she has never felt so nervous before performing on stage in front of countless audiences, and she obviously hasn't gone yet .

Gu Junqian opened the car door for her, let her sit in the co-pilot, and fastened her seat belt: "I believe you won't have such thoughts when you arrive."

In the end, Chi Ning compromised and got in the car.What she thought was that if she passed by some shopping mall in a while, she could buy something by the way.

Sitting in the co-pilot, her right hand was placed by the car window, and she kept tapping lightly. Chi Ning still hasn't recovered from it. Why did she agree to go back with Gu Junqian in a daze?

Is this the so-called ugly daughter-in-law who will see her in-laws sooner or later?
Chi Ning was thinking wildly all the way, his head was about to explode.

She rubbed her temples, and suddenly realized that she had forgotten a very important thing!

"You haven't told me who is in your family. You have to let me know in advance, so that I can prepare myself!" Fortunately, now that I think about it, I don't even know the family members of his family. inappropriate.

Gu Junqian drove the car with one hand, and held the girl's nervous little hand with the other: "Don't be afraid, they can't eat you. Your parents are abroad, and there are only grandpa and younger brother at home, as well as a cousin who came over recently."

"Oh..." Chi Ning breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Grandpa's words... should be easy to get in touch with. Gu Junqian's brother, cousin, and peers should also be easy to get in touch with.

There are too many vicious mother-in-laws on TV. What Chi Ning is most afraid of is that if Gu Junqian's mother or father doesn't like her, it will be troublesome. Now it seems that there is no need to worry about this problem.

After driving for a short time, the car stopped——

(End of this chapter)

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