Chapter 298 I am going too
Didn't Junqian always hate being arranged by others?Why did you accept it willingly?

Hearing Yan Sishi's cry, Gu Junqian was a little irritable, remembering what Chi Ning said just now: I said your cousin likes you, do you believe it or not?

With a gloomy face, he walked away with slender steps.

Gu Jingchen watched the play for a long time, and walked to Yan Sishi from the side: "Okay, cousin, don't be angry, my brother is not reluctant to give up money, it's just..."

"In the first place, everything I do is wrong." Yan Sishi opened Gu Jingchen's hand, and wiped away the tears on her face indiscriminately, "If that's the case, I'll just go!"

"Hey, cousin..." Gu Jingchen stretched out his hand to pull her, but he still didn't hold back, watching her run away.

Gu Jingchen rubbed his temples with a headache, why didn't he find his cousin so capricious before?
"Brother, my cousin ran away." Gu Jingchen entered the CEO's office.

Gu Junqian kept moving his hands: "Let her make trouble."

It's not a big deal, so I can't bear it. It really is too pampered in the United States.

Gu Jingchen didn't want to chase him out, anyway, he wouldn't lose such a big person.

Just let her feel bad for a while.

When Gu Junqian returned home, the nanny had already prepared dinner, and Chi Ning was sitting at the table, counting meatballs with chopsticks.

Hearing a sound at the door, he raised his head and met the eyes of the man who had just entered.

"You're back, wash your hands quickly and come over to eat, you're starving to death." Chi Ning had already sat at the table and waited for 10 minutes and 20 seconds, if he didn't come back, he wouldn't wait.

Gu Junqian was changing shoes at the entrance, looking at the girl at the table waiting for him to eat, with a faint smile on his lips.

Just as he was about to eat, the phone in his pocket rang.

"Brother, my cousin seems to have been taken away by people from Li Bei." Gu Jingchen had just received the news and asked Gu Junqian to redeem her.

Gu Junqian rubbed the center of his brows, and after disappearing for an afternoon, something happened: "What did Li Bei take her away?"

"I don't know, anyway, I heard what Li Bei meant, and he wanted you to go and redeem him in person." Otherwise, Gu Jingchen wouldn't have called to bother him.

Gu Junqian sneered: "He just concluded that I will go there?" Maybe he knew Li Bei's purpose.

However, Li Bei seems to have arrested the wrong person. If Chi Ning is taken away, he will go without hesitation.

Gu Jingchen sighed, his brother was indeed a ruthless person: "Brother, how can she be our cousin, so it's impossible not to go?"

"Prepare the car for me." Gu Junqian narrowed his eyes slightly, and then hung up the phone.

When Chi Ning heard that he was going out, he was a little puzzled: "What? What happened?"

Gu Junqian took his coat: "Yan Sishi was taken away by Li Bei's people, probably to force me to see him, you eat first, I'll be back in a while."

Li Bei, this name is so familiar.

"Don't tell me, the Li Bei you are talking about is the illegitimate son of the Li family who is both black and white?"


Well done, why did Gu Junqian's cousin provoke him?And it happens to be today.

He also went to the company early this morning because of Yan Sishi's affairs.

This coincidence is a bit of a coincidence.

She put down the chopsticks in her hand and got up, "I'm going too."

Gu Junqian frowned: "No, what are you going to do?"

"Will there be danger?"

"It's too dangerous to count." If such a trivial matter is considered dangerous, then he lives in fear every day.

Chi Ning also put on his coat: "Since there is no danger, I will go too."

"Hey, be obedient. You're at home. I'll be back in a while." The man looked indifferent and could not resist.

 Thanks to the book friend 190144337, the monthly ticket of the two treasures of Xizi Wuxin, what? ^3^

(End of this chapter)

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