Pampered wife: Gao Leng husband begging to let go

Chapter 486 The Female Hooligan Chi Ning

Chapter 486 The Female Hooligan Chi Ning

The more I think about it, the more irritable I feel, forget it.

Chi Ning sighed heavily, greeted Ming Ruo, got up and walked outside.

When he reached the door, Chi Ning realized that he was mentally retarded.

It will definitely take time for Gu Junqian to come to the hospital to pick her up. Why is she coming down so early to blow the cold wind?
She took out her mobile phone and called Gu Junqian, wanting to ask when he could arrive at the hospital.

As a result, the mobile phone I took out of my bag... ran out of battery.

When she was bored just now, she took it out to play the game, and the phone ran out of battery.

When answering Gu Junqian's phone call, it will automatically shut down after hanging up.

There is no way, Chi Ning can only wait at the door.

If you miss it for a while, that man will definitely misunderstand again.

In the cold winter weather, as long as you are not in a heated room, you will feel extraordinarily cold.

Chi Ning felt so cold in his winter clothes.

He kept breathing on his hand, hoping to be warmer.

After a while when Gu Junqian came, Chi Ning was going to roll his big eyes. If he hadn't insisted on taking her to Gu's house, she wouldn't have thought of waiting for Xie Mengjia as an excuse to stay in the hospital.

Looking at the vehicles coming and going, Chi Ning slowed down in a huff.

She stood here for a few minutes, and there were no less than five patients passing by her.

Birth, old age, sickness and death, this is something that everyone will experience.

Today's Chi Ning is not the protagonist, but as a spectator, watching all the things that may happen in life.

Inexplicably, Chi Ning felt that his mood was very low. After thinking about it carefully, he couldn't tell why.

Chi Ning didn't answer Chi Jingchang's call just now. One is that he didn't hear it, and the other is that he didn't need to guess to know that it was about Chi Mei.

And Chi Ning guessed that she should be able to get married. After all, Chi Mei's character determines her way of doing things.

What she is most worried about now should be her scandal in the entertainment headlines.

When Chi Ning was playing with his mobile phone just now, Weibo was already maxed out.

This matter... Since it was Xiao Yuandan's own fault, let him solve it by himself.

Chi Ning stood at the entrance of the hospital for a while, and all the people coming and going watched her.

Only then did she realize that she didn't wear a mask, but wore a thick scarf, and it was possible for her to be recognized by others.

Not long ago, it was revealed that Chi Ning was pregnant, so she didn't want to be accused of being pregnant this time. Although the impact is not very big, it is troublesome.

Thinking about being pregnant...

Chi Ning caressed his stomach unconsciously. Although he was wearing clumsy winter clothes, he could still feel that it was flat and there was nothing there.

So many times recently, neither she nor Gu Junqian took any measures... There were a few times that the man did it on purpose, a few times because the condoms at home ran out, and a few times because both of them forgot.

Cough cough, Chi Ning's face was blushed by the erotic thoughts in her heart, she didn't know it, it seemed that she hadn't taken measures with Gu Junqian a long time ago...

But she felt that it wasn't long, as if it was just a few days ago.

Chi Ning was even more embarrassed by her own thoughts. She felt the blood in her whole body rushing directly to her forehead, and then it was like overcooked dried shrimps, and she was so hot that she couldn't breathe.

It must be because of being close to Zhu Zhechi. She didn't follow Gu Junqian for a long time, but she felt that her thoughts were a lot like hooligans!She was worried about whether she would become a female hooligan.

(End of this chapter)

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