Pampered wife: Gao Leng husband begging to let go

Chapter 497 Brother, She Had a Car Accident

Chapter 497 Brother, She Had a Car Accident

Xiao Yuandan stood up, wrapped his arms around, and picked Chi Mei up from the ground.

Originally, they didn't plan to go home tonight, but since Chi Mei said she wanted to go back, he would satisfy her.

When he was leaving, Xiao Yuandan's eyes caught a glimpse of the cake on the ground, thinking of Chi Ning and Gu Junqian's sweet appearance today, he felt that he couldn't let go of his breath.


Chi Mei sat in the co-pilot, as quiet as a glass doll, she turned her head to look at the rapidly passing scenery outside the car window, and did not talk to Xiao Yuandan.

All of a sudden, Xiao Yuandan's cell phone rang, which was particularly ear-piercing in this small space.

Xiao Yuandan frowned slightly, glanced at the note, then slid his right hand slightly to the right: "What's the matter?"

It was Xiao Lingling who called, and her voice was a little anxious: "Brother, where are you?"

"In the car, ready to come back."

"Oh, what about Meimei?"

"Beside me," Xiao Yuandan asked, "You called to ask this?"

Xiao Lingling hesitated to speak: "No... I just want to tell you one thing, but Meimei is by your side, so I can't say it."

Xiao Yuandan's voice was a little impatient: "Say."

"I just heard that... Xie Mengjia had a car accident, brother... it shouldn't be Mom's fault, right?"


In an instant, Xiao Yuandan slammed on the brakes and stopped the car on the side of the road.

Originally, the speed of the car was relatively fast, but Chi Mei leaned forward unexpectedly, and then hit her head hard on the window when Xiao Yuandan stopped the car.

At that moment, Chi Mei thought it was a car accident, but she stopped and saw that it was Xiao Yuandan who stepped on the sudden brake and forced the car to stop quickly.

"Brother Yuan Dan?"

Xiao Yuandan's face was condensed, and ice was dripping from his sharp-edged face: "Where is she?"

"I'm doing surgery in the hospital now..." Xiao Lingling could only tell Xiao Yuandan the news she got, but the next second she said worriedly, "Brother, are you planning to go to the hospital to find her? Don't you?" Forget, you are Meimei's husband now."

Xiao Yuandan's eyes were still dark: "Of course I know."

The two chatted for a few more words before hanging up the phone.

Chi Mei rubbed her bumped head just now, her voice was very aggrieved: "Brother Yuan Dan, what happened?"

"It's all right."

Tears gathered in Chi Mei's eyes instantly: "Didn't you say that there are no secrets between the two of us?"

Xiao Yuandan remained silent until Chi Mei thought he would not speak, and finally opened his mouth.

"Lingling called and said that Xie Mengjia had a car accident and is now in the hospital for emergency treatment."

"What, what? She had a car accident?" Chi Mei was a little surprised, what a coincidence.

Xie Mengjia actually had a car accident, heh!It's true that evil comes with evil, whoever asked her to seduce Xiao Yuandan would die if the rescue failed.

"Then brother Yuandan is going to visit her in the hospital?" Chi Mei couldn't understand Xiao Yuandan's feelings for Xie Mengjia. If he wanted to go, then their relationship as husband and wife should have ended right from the beginning.

"No, what am I going to do?" Xiao Yuandan started the car again, staring straight ahead and focusing on driving.

Hearing these words, Chi Mei showed a slight smile on her face, and the place where she was hit just now did not feel so painful.

Xie Mengjia, even Xiao Yuandan slept with her the day before the wedding, but from now on, Xiao Yuandan will be her Chimei.

Chi Ning can't beat her, and this Xie Mengjia will be her defeat.

Even though last night they were still close friends, today they are strangers.

(End of this chapter)

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