Chapter 528 Shen Chen?

Chi Mei took a step back: "I won't go! Mom, explain to them clearly that I am Dad's daughter!"

The more guilty she is, the more frightened she is. Chi Mei had guessed that she might have nothing to do with Chi Jingchang before, but now she really confirmed her guess.

If her father is not Chi Jingchang, then who is it?She couldn't accept who was in that corner alley.

Her noble birth ceased to exist in an instant.

Chi Ning frowned, she still didn't want to say this kind of thing in front of so many people.

After all, it's ugly.

Let others listen to it and just see it as a joke.

She looked up at Gu Junqian: "Can you let them leave? I don't want to see them."

"Okay." The three of them were originally arrested by Gu Junqian. Since Chi Ning didn't want to see them, there was no point in staying here.

They came here today mainly to deal with Chi Jingchang's work.

Soon, Chi Mei and the others were taken away by bodyguards, and Chi Mei and Cao Ling, who were crying and fussing, put on a good show.

It wasn't until they were far away that the office was completely quiet.

He Ming sent the document to the shareholders present, with a serious face and a very formulaic speech: "This is the solution proposed by Mr. You can take a look. If you have any dissatisfaction, you can directly raise it. We may discuss it to resolve it." .”

The shareholders who came to the document, after reading a few of them, didn't have a bad face.

This is simply an overlord clause!

Many of their rights and interests have been confiscated, and it is completely impossible to carve up the company.

Half a minute passed, 1 minute passed, 5 minutes passed.

No one spoke.

He Ming was very satisfied with their reaction: "Since everyone has no objections, then sign it. The general manager arranged by Mr. will take over the company in a while, so you don't have to worry too much."

Everyone picked up the pen, but felt that it weighed a thousand catties, and they couldn't sign the pen no matter what.

Gu Junqian just stood there casually, looked down at the person sitting, and said indifferently: "What, is there a problem?"

The voice is not loud, and the words are not many, but it makes people feel threatening inexplicably.

Everyone shook their heads collectively, no problem.

He quickly signed his name on the document.

Chi Ning couldn't understand what they were doing, but she knew that Gu Junqian would not harm her and would only think about her, so she didn't worry about anything.


"You said someone would take over my father's company, who is it?" Chi Ning was still a little curious.

Gu Junqian glanced at the girl beside him, his tone remained unchanged: "You know, Shen Chen."

"Shen Chen? Him?" Chi Ning was a little surprised for a moment, but never thought it would be him.

She and Shen Chen have a good relationship in private, but Chi Ning is still a little skeptical, is he reliable?

After all, in school, Shen Chen is the professor's teaching assistant. Although there is a family business, he has never been in charge of it.

Gu Junqian saw the doubt in the girl's eyes, and explained: "Don't worry, his ability is stronger than everyone here,"

"Bachelor of Economics from Cambridge University, outstanding graduate of business administration, what else do you have to worry about?"

Chi Ning's eyes widened. When did the sister in her memory become a student at Cambridge University?

Not to mention the double degree, it is still so powerful.

"What you said... Are you sure it's the Shen Chen I know?" Chi Ning still didn't believe it.


The office door was opened.

(End of this chapter)

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