Pampered wife: Gao Leng husband begging to let go

Chapter 545 Chi Ning Let's Get Married

Chapter 545 Chi Ning Let's Get Married
If it weren't for Yu Yu's words being much less than before, Gu Junqian would have thought that Chi Ning was really fine.

"Chi Ning is obedient, let's go home." Gu Junqian repeated what he said just now.

In the end, Chi Ning still looked up at him with a daze in his eyes.

This week, she was busy with Chi Jingchang's funeral. She didn't stop much, and didn't think too much. Now she has done all the things that should be done, and now she is thinking about things that she hadn't thought about a while ago. into her thoughts.

"Gu Junqian." Chi Ning called out to him, but forgot what he wanted to say again.

The two confronted each other for a while, and it was better for Chi Ning to lower his head: "Forget it, let's go."

When Chi Ning returned home, he was still very quiet. He came down to eat when he was eating, and slept quietly when he was sleeping. He said very little, so little that Gu Junqian usually asked, and she answered a few words casually.

Most of the time, she would sit on a lazy chair by the balcony, as lazy as a cat, with a book in her hand, and often she would fall asleep while reading it, and the servants would take blankets for the pool. Ning cover.

After Gu Junqian came back from get off work, Chi Ning was still asleep in the hanging basket.

The servant took the coat he took off for him, and whispered: "Master, Miss Chi still hasn't eaten anything today, and the rice in the bowl has hardly been touched. If this continues, I'm afraid it won't work."

Gu Junqian paused when he changed his shoes, his Adam's apple rolled up and down, and he said in a low voice, "Okay, I understand."

He came to the balcony lightly. The weather in early spring is no longer cold, but the wind is still a bit chilly.

After he came over, Chi Ning woke up slightly, and when she opened her eyes with trembling eyelashes, she happened to see Gu Junqian standing in front of her against the light.

"You're back." The reason for her just waking up made her voice sound low and hoarse.

Gu Junqian frowned slightly: "Go inside, it's cold outside."

Chi Ning retorted: "It's actually not cold." But he obediently got off the hanging basket, put on his shoes, and stood in front of Gu Junqian.

The man pulled her into his arms easily, and then kissed her on the cheek: "Go in and eat."

At the dining table, Chi Ning was a little dumbfounded as he watched Gu Junqian serve her a bowl full of rice.

"Enough, enough... I can't eat too much." Recently, for some reason, I just have no appetite.

Gu Junqian didn't listen to the girl's words, put down the bowl and served her another bowl of soup: "Drink some soup first, then eat."

Chi Ning: "..."

"Drink the soup first, and I won't be able to eat any more."

Gu Junqian handed her the chopsticks and laughed: "Back then you could handle three bowls of rice, but now it's even more useless than before?"

Chi Ning: "..."

"I..." The girl wanted to say something more, but when she looked up, she saw the man's unkind eyes, and swallowed the words of rejection along with the soup.

At this time, Gu Junqian's frowning brows relaxed, and he held a piece of meat for her.

Chi Ning really doesn't have much appetite, even after sticking his chopsticks in the dish for a while, he didn't have anything to eat.

Gu Junqian looked at the little woman in front of him who lost her appetite, and said, "Chi Ning, let's get married."

Chi Ning stopped holding the chopsticks, and raised his eyes to look into the deepest part of the man's eyes. Those deep pupils were hard to see clearly.

In an instant, she avoided it.

Continuing to bury her head, she said vaguely: "At the beginning, I said to marry you as soon as possible... because of my dad... There is no need for it now... Anyway, there is no rush..."

(End of this chapter)

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