wild star

Chapter 15 Return to the World

Chapter 15 Return to the World
An Xin took the SLR and "clicked" to make this scene eternal, put away the camera and handed a coat to Zhao Yanling.

Zhao Yanling patted the tiger's head and smiled, "Can't you make me handsome for a few more seconds?"

An Xin lightly punched him, which made Zhao Yanling's heart itch, and recalled the unharmonious dream he had when he had a fever.

She glanced at the tiger: "Chief Zhang from the animal protection department wants to anesthetize it and take it back for a physical examination."

Zhao Yanling didn't even think about it: "No way."

But don't go into prison just after being released from the cage, it would be better to die underground.

Sen Baoke's young man was not used to seeing him show off, so he said loudly, "It's not up to you to decide!"

The fat man pointed at him in a rough voice: "You're right, it's not up to you to decide. The tiger we brought back, why don't you move it?"

He came forward with unsparing energy, but he didn't care about the identity of the other party.

The scene where everyone is happy must have some problems, and there may be some troubles in the future. Zhao Yanling picked up her mobile phone and said to the audience: "The trip to the Dabai Mountains has come to an end here. The next live broadcast time will be announced separately. Thank you for your support."

"No, what time is it?"

"Fatty is so stupefied!"

"We have the right to monitor the health and safety of tigers and they cannot be shut down."

"Why let it go, it's better for Lao Zhao to keep it, I'll reward it enough to buy meat.

"Old Zhao doesn't pay attention."

Zhao Yanling turned off the live broadcast without ink marks, and said to the head of the animal protection department with gray hair over there: "Director Zhang, let me say a few words. The physical fitness of wild animals is actually very strong. As long as humans do not harm or damage the environment, it is enough." Even if there were no doctors before, wouldn’t they still be able to reproduce for thousands of years? You understand these principles better than me. I rescued it, not to put it in a cage again, or send it to some institution for the elderly.”

After the fall, Tiger recovered faster than him, and besides being a little thinner, he was in better shape.

Section Chief Zhang waved his hand and said in a friendly tone: "Xiao Zhao, I also watched the live broadcast and listened to your story. I am both moved and gratified that people and animals can have such a harmonious scene. Tigers should indeed be released into the mountains, but You also know that Siberian tigers are becoming less and less and are on the verge of extinction. We have no other intentions, just to do a physical examination for it, plant a tracking device and let it go."

Zhao Yanling clapped her fists: "Otherwise, I will appease it now and let it cooperate with your inspection. As for blood tests and so on, I don't think it is necessary. Even if we humans don't take blood tests every now and then, what do you say? No? The locator is put on its leggings and glued to its hair. If you want to keep track of it, you can find me next time. I know it well, and I will actively cooperate with you in your work. "

At this time, the tiger heard a group of people moaning and chirping, and couldn't bear to return to the forest for a long time, so he roared unhappily.

Three staff members of the animal protection department with tranquilizer guns pointed their guns at this side as if they were facing a big enemy.

Zhao Yanling hurriedly knelt down and put her arms around the tiger's neck, mumbled a few words, and then it managed to calm down.Taking the opportunity, he said: "Look, if I cheat it this time, don't try to get close next time. If you use anesthesia bombs for every inspection, I think it will be tortured to death by you even if its body is fine."

Section Chief Zhang agreed after thinking about it for a while, which made Old Zhao heave a sigh of relief.

The chicken, duck and fish meat brought up the mountain was brought out to honor Uncle Tiger. Several staff members of the animal protection department carefully examined the tiger.

He put some of the bean paste that Fatty brought up the mountain into a basin and fed it, and he knew it was good for this one.

Section Chief Zhang nodded again and again. He is actually not a technical official, so he acted quite enlightened.To be able to get along with animals to this extent, at least the young man in front of him should understand the habits of animals, so he chatted a few words.

"It turns out that your family lives in Panshanling. I know that there is a small green hill in Panshanling that has been contracted by someone, but the mountain is well protected except for some medicinal herbs."

The fat man who took a photo with the tiger's butt furtively couldn't help but speak for Zhao Yanling: "Xiao Qingshan? The contractor you are talking about is Lao Zhao's father, Lao Lao Zhao! And Lao Zhao's grandfather is nicknamed Zhao Lao Cannon, Zeng..."

After listening to the fat man, Section Chief Zhang slapped his hands: "That old Mr. Zhao, I saw him when I was a child. It's a pity that such an old hero left too early. Your family is also regarded as the root of Miaohong and three generations of Zhongliang. , have contributed to the country!"

Section Chief Zhang has been an official for many years, and his words are beautiful.The two sides were so close, and they immediately warmed up.

After the inspection here, after installing the tracker, Zhao Yanling brought the tiger to the edge of the forest: "In the past, one mountain could not accommodate two tigers, but now it is not easy to find a partner even if you want to. Go, old iron, there are many hot springs here, and it will be you in the future." He is the leader of Jiuxing Lianchi."

The tiger took a few steps, stopped and looked back at him.Zhao Yanling stretched out his hand to make a gesture of repelling it, and it disappeared in the forest several times.

It was unavoidable that she felt disappointed, feeling empty, Zhao Yanling wanted to go home.

Professor Zheng, the person in charge of the scientific expedition team, approached him again and asked him to tell everyone the following situation.Through the descriptions of Fatty and An Xin, Professor Zheng knew that there was danger down there, and Zhao Yanling was the only one who had seen all the secrets underground.

He also recounted the situation of the two horizontal passages under the patio in detail, and everyone was satisfied before letting him go.

It was the first time in my life to take a helicopter, and the condescending view of the forest, sea and snowfield was very artistic, majestic and majestic.Animals in old forests in winter have a protective color, which is generally not easy to find, and forests with fallen leaves look empty.

Only the loud noise was unsightly.

He turned his head and asked the fat man loudly: "Where is that old boy West?"

The noise was too loud, and the fat man had no choice but to yell, "I've been arrested, and I don't know how to deal with it yet."

The helicopter hovered over the village committee, and a group of attracted children below shot up into the sky and barked their teeth and claws.Landing on the open space outside the compound, Zhao Yanling jumped off and was immediately surrounded by a group of kids.

"Uncle Daying, when will you take me on a plane?" Big Mule was the head of the child, looking at him expectantly.

"I want to sit too, Fatty Uncle, I beg you." Not to be outdone, the second mule turned around to find a better-spoken fatty.

"Uncle Daying, you promised to make foot skates for me, but you haven't done it yet." Snotty Baby remembered this incident.

Chattering, laughing and chattering, everyone is clever, and suddenly there is a feeling of returning to the world.

Zhao Yanling felt that compared to them, he and Fatty's generation were like fools when they were young, and his father, Zhao Laowu, also thought so.It's just that there are twice as many children in the village as there were ten years ago, and most of them went to live in the city with their migrant parents.

At this time, he would ask himself: Is our Panshanling really poor?

The fat man made a straight face on purpose: "I'm all arguing here for nothing, and I'm still flying? Why don't you go to the sky? Get out of me one or two, and I'll cut you if you talk about it." (Bai Tong Farewell)

Everyone was laughing and joking, they all knew that Fatty Uncle had the best temper, so they didn't take his words seriously at all.

The snot baby twitched the snot that was about to flow into his mouth: "Uncle Fatty, we just want to go to heaven."

Several village cadres who were driven out by the village committee were overjoyed when they heard the news. Xu Zhongxiao, a member of the committee, said, "Er Fatty, you are such a bear, you even got on a plane."

The fat man cheered up: "What's the point of flying? Believe it or not, I'll buy a plane sooner rather than later?"

But he knew that this trip was not only the 10 yuan promised by An Xin, but also the reward for the live broadcast was no less than this amount.In the last scene where he and the tiger roared together in the forest, not to mention how passionate he was, the number of people in the live broadcast room and the rewards kept increasing.It's just that I heard that the live broadcast company has to share some of it, and I don't know how much of it will be left.All in all, you can speak more confidently with your pockets bulging.

Just at this moment Li Baochun was driving Sixiang into the ditch, but was stopped by Zhao Yanling.He promised to buy some snacks for a group of red faces in the city, but he sent them away.

He let An Xin sit in the car, and he and the fat man climbed into the car one after another.Passing through the house but not entering, first went to the old branch secretary's house with An Xin.

Deng Wang waited at the gate, rubbing his hands and exhaling, eager to see through.

(End of this chapter)

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