wild star

Chapter 2

Chapter 2
The two share common hobbies. They like to watch TV dramas like Outlaws of the Marsh and Huo Yuanjia, and watch movies like Uncle Long's. They have an almost fanatical admiration for classical heroism.

He's quite a grown man, especially good at wielding knives and guns. Fatty's life in the past few years is also inseparable from wielding knives and guns.He first worked as a security guard, and then as an internal security guard. He also learned wrestling from others, and he was very particular about catching, pulling, pulling, pushing, pressing, tripping, and releasing.

When dealing with that tall and handsome man just now, he didn't even use any skills at all. Just relying on brute force and his tall and powerful aura was enough to scare him to the ground.

The fat man squinted his eyes: "Old Zhao, are you secretly videotaping with your mobile phone again? Let him do it first, and then beat him hard?"

Zhao Yanling calmly turned off the camera function of the phone from his sleeve, and put it in his pocket, noncommittal: "Your simple mind is really not enough to think about such a profound problem!"

Anyone who pays attention to rationality and guards this natural treasure house will inevitably grind their teeth with people, and if they don't bluff people, they will be arguing!Hitting is wrong, but self-defense is right!

The fat man pulled out the knife stuck in the center of the word "forbidden" from the warning sign. Seeing that the tip of the knife was crooked, he frowned immediately: "The boss asked me to borrow this from Zhang Laosi's house. You are not good at practicing this style." It's in place, look, it's out of shape!"

I put it in my pocket casually, and I don't think it's dark and greasy.

Zhao Yanling started practicing flying knives from the moment she graduated.He has a friend who works in a scenic spot, so he is asked to do an internship there by the way.

According to what the other party said: "There are often picky tourists in the scenic spot, and there are constant disputes. What we have to do is to maintain order."

Black trousers, white shirt, red armband, a rubber stick and a walkie-talkie in his waist, he graduated from the fourth-rate Zhonghai University of Economics and Business and became a security guard at the bottom of society.He patrols back and forth under the scorching sun every day sweating, and he is not picky or complains.Until I found out that it was not that tourists were unreasonable, but that small businessmen and hawkers were greedy for petty gains.

Although it was all small money that was stolen, Zhao Yanling still felt uncomfortable and felt sorry for the red armband on his arm for being a pawn to a tiger, so he resigned and quit.

There is a hawker selling souvenirs in the scenic area. When they are free and off-season, the two of them chat about current fashionable topics together.The peddler was well-informed, and Zhao Yanling also heard many interesting stories from his grandfather who had been hunting all his life.

When Zhao Yanling was about to go home, the peddler gave him a souvenir as a farewell present——Screw Baker.

This thing is not worth much, it just shakes and there is a sound inside.Zhao Yanling heard that some snails also produce pearls, could it be that there are some in them?
He hit the snail shell hard with the wooden handle of the screwdriver, and with a crisp sound, the snail shattered.Inside, two white and black things bounced up and got into a pair of his eyes.

In those few days, everyone teased him: "Did you break up with your partner and cry every day under the quilt after being stimulated and shocked?"

After half a month of uneasy days, I was afraid that I would lose my eyesight.His eyes hurt badly, but were only red and not swollen.Fortunately, not long after, his eyes returned to normal, and he returned to his hometown.

When he was chopping wood, he found that whenever the ax fell, a red heart appeared in his eyes, like the infrared sight on a gun.Aim at the red heart, and chop the firewood very accurately!
In the future, not only will there be red hearts, but there will also be a trajectory of strength!His physical fitness has grown rapidly, and his strength, speed and coordination have greatly improved.

He took a knife to test, followed the trajectory of force, aimed at the red heart, and the knife could hit the target accurately!The more you practice, the more complex the lines in your eyes become. He gave this function a name: Heart Target!

Zhao Yanling recalled that the fat man saw him in a daze, so he picked up a fight: "A group of people came from the old branch secretary's house, and they said they were going to explore the old forest. Good guy, I will give the old nose money for the food expenses alone!"

Inside and outside the words, not without envy!
Zhao Yanling asked curiously, "How much?"

The fat man stretched out two thick fingers like carrots: "Two thousand!"

Zhao Yanling suddenly lost interest: "You have been out for a few years anyway, and your eyelids are so shallow? 2000 yuan is not enough for the two of us to buy a few meters of iron curtains!"

The two agreed to save money to buy iron curtains, and to enclose the water pond on the back of Xiawazi to breed forest frogs.The forest frog is the husky toad, which is generally called toad here.In the Qing Dynasty, the toad oil of Hashi toad was a treasure that was supplied to the imperial palace, but now the quantity is getting smaller and smaller!

The fat man straightened his eyebrows and raised his eyes: "When you come back, you go out to eat and drink. The bald man follows the moon, and he is more or less glamorous. How dare you say that I have shallow eyelids?"

The two chatted casually for a while, and agreed to go to the boss's grandpa's house for a pig-killing banquet tomorrow, and then they left after finishing their "business".

When I went back, it was windy, downhill, and I got home without much effort.

The house was newly rebuilt, and the house was filled with a choking smell of smoke, and the white walls were yellowed in four or five years.Zhao Laowu doesn't drink, but he smokes a lot, dry tobacco leaves are mixed with cigarettes!
Because he didn't know how to calculate and live, he used all the money to build a new house back then. When Zhao Yanling went to college, he had to scrape together and borrow money from fellow villagers to make the trip.Although the money has been repaid in the past two years, Zhao Yanling has always remembered this simple and heavy friendship!
Seeing that Zhao Yanling came back and took off his cotton coat and hung it on the hanger, Zhao Lao Wu sucked the last mouthful and pinched off the toad's mouth: "There is a small bread at home, so I have to ride a bicycle, so I'm looking for something?"

Zhao Yanling chuckled: "I'm exercising, driving makes people lazy!"

In the evening, the fat man sent a WeChat message to make a fuss about driving to the city for a drink.Zhao Yanling replied: "Tomorrow we will eat butchered vegetables, and drinking is a must. We can't drink big wine in the wine tank every day!"

The fat man will stop now!

Early the next morning, Zhao Laowu drove Zhao Yanling to the car owner's house.

The fat man has arrived and is adding firewood to the stove made of tin oil barrels to boil water.

Zhao Yanling showed her arms and rolled up her sleeves, and said to the fat man while starting to work: "It's warm enough today, it looks like it's going to snow! Grandpa, the boss, will also pick a good day. But, it's not a new year, so how can I hurry up here?" Kill a pig?"

The fat man explained: "You don't understand this. Kill the pigs now and sell the meat. When the Chinese New Year arrives, the meat is almost consumed. Kill another wave, get rid of the sold ones, and keep the rest for the New Year! "

The water was almost boiled, and everyone was busy going to the pigsty to catch pigs.The big fat pig that has been raised for a year has a premonition that something is wrong, and the invisible murderous aura makes it struggle desperately, making ear-piercing screams.At this time, Zhao Yanling and Fatty became the main force.Both of them were strong and strong guys, holding a pig's leg at the same time, holding it down firmly, and the old Gao who came to help, the white knife went in and the red knife came out, bleeding the pig!

Then there was nothing else for them, and the two of them sneaked into the warehouse in the east wing under the pretext of sharpening their butcher's knives.

Iron blocks for blacksmithing, furnaces with bellows hanging from charred coal, hammers, and tongs are all placed in the warehouse in an orderly manner.

This used to be the most mysterious place that my friends yearned for most, and it was always watched by the boss and grandpa.

Zhao Yanling's eyes were tricky, and regardless of the fat man who was looking around with bright eyes, he ran to a red-lacquered wooden box in a remote corner alone.

The word "囍" is engraved on the wooden box. It was one of the few pieces of furniture that the owner's grandfather got when he got married.

There was no padlock on the buckle nose of the box. Zhao Yanling opened it, and inside was the car's shock-absorbing bows and springs. In the corner was a piece of iron covered with steel patterns, half a meter long and 30 centimeters wide.

He lowered his voice and shouted: "Here it is!"

The fat man is big, so he put Bailian Cannon Steel in his arms, but he couldn't see anything wrong anyway!
When we got outside the gate, Zhao Yanling said to Zhao Lao Wu: "Father, Fatty and I will go home to get things, and we will come back later, just in time to kill a pig!"

The two came to the warehouse of Zhao Yanling's house, hooked up the wires, turned on the angle grinder, and used several grinding wheels to cut out the desired shape.After packing it up, I hurried back with the rest of the materials, and put them back in place without anyone noticing.

Before the second big pig was killed, the city people who drove over after being notified one after another divided up the dismembered pork. Put it in the pot, maybe it will be sold out!
If rural pigs are not fed feed and swill, the meat will not worry about selling at all!

When it comes to the second pig, the pig's head is cut off first.At this moment, Zhao Yanling said, "Why don't you let me cut the flesh?"

Old Gao dismissed him disdainfully: "Go away, you little boy Yazi knows nothing!"

He is an old man who ranks seniority with Grandpa Zhao Yanling, so Zhao Yanling could only discuss it politely and respectfully: "Grandpa, just let me try!"

Both he and Fatty are people who like to join in the fun, and Fatty is also gearing up to fight around.

Gao Laolan was not at ease, but he still handed him the knife and axe.

First of all, we need to take off the lantern and hang it, that is, the heart, liver and lungs. We need to leave a piece of hemp rope to hang it under the eaves.As soon as Zhao Yanling paid attention, sights and various complicated trajectories appeared in his eyes.He followed the map and found out, the knife in his hand followed the sight and trajectory, and he took it off smoothly.

Gao Laolan nodded: "It's so interesting!"

The fat man was very surprised: "Old Zhao, why did you go to college to learn how to butcher pigs?"

Picking the intestines is a bit of a hassle, you have to cut off the brother-in-law bit by bit to straighten out the fat hanging on the intestines.

Under the command of Gao Laoji, it went smoothly!
After removing the front and back elbows, cutting the back girdle and the waist, his expression was calm and composed, and his actions were methodical, with a sense of ease and ease in it.

Gao Laolian bared his teeth at Zhao Laowu and said, "Old Wu, your Dalingzi handle has the demeanor of your father back then!"

Zhao Laowu didn't see any joy on his face, instead he said sadly: "This brat is blinded by lard, he won't go to a good big city, but he's determined to live in our ravine. Knowing how to kill pigs is useful, and being able to have What's the deal?"

The fat man covered for Zhao Yanling: "Fifth uncle, you are wrong to say that! Didn't read the news that people who graduated from Peking University still sell pork?"

While speaking, Zhao Yanling began to remove the ribs.Gao Laolan hurriedly said: "Hey, don't pick it so clean, who will buy the bones without meat?"

Facts have proved that Xin Target not only uses a hidden weapon, but can take into account all aspects of life...

There was a lot of noise, the pork was cut and divided, and some people were still unsatisfied, expressing that they wanted to buy more than this amount of meat, but the two pigs could only be exposed to rain and dew, after all, no one can make a trip in vain.

Finally, into the house.The boss's grandmother yelled into the house to eat with a loud voice unique to rural women.

White meat dipped in mashed garlic, braised blood sausage with sauerkraut, take a bite and sip wine.

Finally, some sauerkraut soup to comfort the rumbling stomachs of all wine bags.

During the dinner, the blushing grandfather of the boss pointed to Zhao Yanling and said to everyone: "Look, Big Lingzi is also promising, and he can go to the table to drink with us. He is also naughty, so let's go to Tao, all the children of his generation Listen to him, Er Fatty and his friend wear a pair of pants..."

It is a local custom to like to praise people in front of the person. Of course, there must be a third party present, otherwise it will be boring.It's just that the boss's grandfather doesn't know yet, this sleazy Da Lingzi teamed up with Fatty to secretly borrow his treasure...

Eating and drinking well, taking advantage of the wine, Zhao Yanling and Fatty decided to go and play with that piece of hundred-refined cannon steel right away.

Zhao Yanling picked out four fish-scale darts that were bigger than palms, with pointed tips and two swallowtails, and the six sides were sharpened.The fat man made a leg fork, the kind of knife with a long, narrow blade that fits in the sheath of a legging.

The gloomy sky finally had snowflakes, and the snow suddenly fell, and the heavy snow fell silently, accumulating thickness, and the northwest wind gradually picked up.In the warehouse, the creaking sound of the grinding wheel rubbing against the steel sheet was connected together, and the two were enthusiastically making cold weapons that were basically useless in this era.

In the evening, the fat man who had already returned home suddenly called Zhao Yanling: "Old Zhao, come to the old branch secretary's house, don't ride your errand, come by car!"

Zhao Yanling asked the reason, but the fat man was vague, so he put on his coat and went to warm up the car.

When I arrived at the old party secretary's house, I greeted the old couple and entered the side room.

Just listen to Fatty's broken voice: "Xiao Wang, it's freezing cold, it's not a joke to go into the old forest, I haven't walked that far..."

Zhao Yanling entered the room after listening to a few words. It turned out that the fat man had won a big deal, and was spitting nonchalantly that he wanted to raise the price!
(End of this chapter)

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