The Best Red Packet System of Rebirth

Chapter 102 In the Lake Island

Chapter 102 In the Lake Island (seeking tickets)

Several people turned their heads to look at it, and they were horrified.

In the distance, an old man in a white Taoist robe was like a crane in the clouds, walking on the water and plundering towards the largest island in the center of Fobai Lake.

"Standing on the water! How is this possible? Could it be that there are hidden piles under the lake?"

Wang Yaoyao exclaimed.

This was even more shocking than Qin Youcai smashing boulders with bare hands just now.

Zhang Wenli said uncertainly: "Youcai, is that person the master of Anjin you mentioned just now?"

Qin Youcai chuckled, and explained: "That's right. The master of Anjin has cultivated his energy to perfection, and he can gather powerful energy on the soles of his feet to form an energy pedal and walk on water for a short time. Its energy is so strong, I’m afraid a heavy truck can be smashed into meatloaf with one punch.”

Wang Yaoyao's heart was terrified, and she suddenly felt a strong fear of her own power.

Qin Youcai suddenly smiled mysteriously and said, "Wen Li, do you want to meet that expert?"

"Yes, of course!"

Zhang Wenli almost jumped up excitedly, and asked in disbelief: "Is it just me?"

No matter what field there will be seniors, but seniors have a weird and arrogant personality, and they generally don't meet strangers easily.

"That's natural. Because the expert just now is my grandfather Qin Yangfeng!"

Qin Youcai looked proud, and continued: "This duel was originally just a personal grievance between Hu Xinmao, the chairman of Xinmao Group. It's just that Hu Xinmao's enemy is a master of dark energy, and Hu Xinmao paid a lot of money to invite my grandfather to help him. Now the duel."

"Some people are lucky this time, let them see what it means to be a real expert, lest some people be self-righteous and don't know the heights of heaven and earth."

The "certain people" that Qin Youcai referred to naturally belonged to Chen Hao.

At the same time, he has another purpose, which is to express himself in front of Wang Yaoyao, and let her know who is the proud son of heaven.

A group of people took a speedboat and soon came to the largest island in the lake.

However, as soon as they landed, they were stopped.

"Sorry, Huxin Island is not open to the public today, please go back!"

On the shore, several men in black stopped people, and many passengers were stopped.

"I came to Annan Qin's house. My grandfather is Qin Yangfeng, who is the guest of your chairman. You call your leader, and he will let us in."

Qin Youcai knew that ordinary people couldn't enter the martial arts contest on Huxin Island, so he directly reported his family.

"The Qin family in Anbei, Qin Yangfeng?"

The faces of the men in black changed slightly, obviously knowing the inside story, and one of them took out his mobile phone and made a call.

Within a few minutes, an on-site person in charge came over with a smile and bowed to salute.

"So it's Mr. Qin, I'm really sorry!"

Qin Youcai said proudly: "It's okay, take me to see my grandfather quickly."

His grandfather came to help him, and the other party asked for his grandfather, not to mention that he is also a martial artist in the late Ming Jin period, so he can naturally afford such a big gift.

"Boy, do you see that, this is the innate superiority of warriors."

At the same time proudly, Qin Youcai did not forget to show off to Chen Hao proudly.

Then the person in charge said coldly to those men in black with a straight face: "What are you still doing in a daze, let Mr. Qin and his friends go quickly."

"Young Master Qin, please follow me!"

Then, the person in charge took Qin Youcai and the others away.

Passengers around saw Qin Youcai and the others being personally welcomed into the island, and asked unwillingly, "Why can they go in? We can't?"

"They are warriors, are you? Or do you have friends who are warriors?" The man in black replied coldly.


Everyone was stunned for a moment, not knowing why, they envied and hated Chen Hao and the others.


The island in the middle of the lake was crowded with people, most of whom were warriors.

Qin Youcai and his party followed the person in charge to the natural boulder platform on Huxin Island.

The huge stone platform is comparable to half a football field, and it used to be the place where black boxing was held.

"Youcai, what a fool! Why did you bring some young people who don't know martial arts?"

The first thing Qin Youcai did when he saw Qin Yangfeng was to be severely reprimanded by his grandfather.

Afterwards, everyone noticed that although there were people here who didn't know martial arts, those people were all the heads of major enterprises that were well-known in the city and even in the province.

Even the younger generation are warriors, not ordinary people.

"Grandpa, I know I'm being reckless. But my friend thinks your grandson and my strength are nothing special."

"No, I'm just thinking about bringing him here so that he can see Grandpa's sky-reaching skills up close, so that he can learn a lot."

Qin Youcai criticized Chen Hao bluntly.

"is it?"

Qin Yangfeng smiled coldly, and said in an inscrutable way: "This time, I won't argue with you. Just let them follow."

No matter what his status is, he is a master of Anjin, so naturally he won't care about a junior, it would be demeaning like that.

"However, you must not tell your friends to be honest. The people present are either powerful or martial arts masters. If you offend them, don't blame your grandpa for not being sympathetic."

Qin Yangfeng warned Chen Hao and his party.

All of them were big figures present, if Chen Hao and his party behaved in disregard of the etiquette of the occasion, it would undoubtedly be discrediting the Qin family.

Hearing this, Wang Yaoyao was very uncomfortable, but the powerful aura exuding from Qin Yangfeng made her not dare to say more, only resentful that she would not have come if she knew it earlier.

"Yaoyao, don't be cautious. Just do whatever you want, they invited us here, not our own ideas."

Chen Hao patted Wang Yaoyao's shoulder with his big hand, and an invisible qi flowed into her body, making her feel much more comfortable.


Seeing that Chen Hao not only didn't thank him, but instead blasphemed there, Qin Yangfeng snorted a few times, feeling more and more unhappy with Chen Hao in his heart, and walked a few steps faster.

Qin Youcai didn't expect Chen Hao to be so arrogant in front of his grandfather, a master of dark energy, and he despised Chen Hao even more.

"Wait a while and see my grandpa's performance on stage, I'll scare you to death!"

Zhang Wenli said to Wang Yaoyao angrily: "Yaoyao, watch your boyfriend's mouth, otherwise if something happens, no one can protect him."

She had already begun to regret letting Chen Hao board the boat.

Not long after, a conversation suddenly came from the seats on both sides of them.

He Yunhu, the old man next to He Yufeng, the head of the He family, the first family in Mingfeng City, swept across the plain robed man on the opposite seat, cupped his fists and said:

"Brother Suwen Guo Wei is a master of magic. I met you by chance today. I would like to learn from you. I wonder what you would like?"

Those who can be taught by He Yunhu are naturally warriors of the same level.

Guo Wei nodded slightly.

"Since Elder He is so elegant, then I will make a fool of myself in front of Elder Qin."

The masters of the two late stage Anjin immediately attracted countless eyes.

 It's the last day of PK, Eggplant doesn't want to lose, please recommend and collect all kinds of requests! ! !


(End of this chapter)

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