The Best Red Packet System of Rebirth

Chapter 116 Master Haotian's Idiot Fan

Chapter 116 Master Haotian's Idiot Fan (First Order)

It is in this situation that the appraiser came into being.

Treasure appraisers can identify the authenticity of treasures, and some powerful ones can also judge good or bad before they are polished. Therefore, this profession will be regarded as a guest of honor by many people in the antique industry.

"This Master Haotian came here four days ago."

Speaking of Master Haotian, the stall owner was excited again, and introduced it to Chen Hao.

"On the first day, a person bought a piece of Kangxi famille rose porcelain, which cost about 1 yuan. He said not to buy it, but the person didn't listen. As soon as it was polished, there was indeed a problem. It had cracks and would break at any time. !"

"I came over the next day and persuaded one person to spend five hundred yuan to buy a very ordinary wooden box. That person didn't believe it and didn't buy it. After Master Haotian bought it himself, he told everyone that the wooden box was actually a hidden world."

"Master Haotian fiddled with it a few times, a hidden compartment was opened, and a small thing wrapped in a layer of red silk cloth appeared in front of everyone, and when the red silk cloth was opened, it turned out to be a Red Star Medal worth 5000 yuan, making ten times the profit at once! This made that person regret it so much that he almost wanted to die..."

"When the third day came, Master Haotian was already very famous, and many people hoped that he could palm eyes. However, Master Haotian only randomly selected one lucky person and asked him to buy one for 1000 yuan. The stuff of life."

Raw pit, it is an antique term referring to something that has just been unearthed.

There are many more antique terms.

For example, picking up the leak refers to encountering a seller who does not know the goods, and the price is lower than the market price. The next day, Master Haotian bought the Red Star Medal, which is picking up the leak.

The opposite of picking up the leak is the big eye, who mistakenly regards the fake as the real thing and buys it.

There are also antiques with a layer of oxide on the surface, which is warm and moist like jade, also called "tofu skin".

Also, asking someone to identify something is called palm eye.

There is also an unspoken rule in the antique world.

When you come across something and know it’s a fake, it’s okay if you don’t buy it, but you can’t tell it’s a fake, or you’ll offend people. You can only say it’s not good, and the buyer will know I won't be entangled with you.

"The thing in the grave was a jade cicada buried with him in ancient times. At that time, everyone thought he had misjudged him. No matter how powerful this jade cicada was, it was not worth so much money. Who knew that after revealing his true face, it turned out to be Shuang Qin Seyuchan! At that time, someone offered 2 yuan to buy it!"

The stall owner was amazed and envious.

"That is to say, it has doubled by a full 20 times! It's amazing! Yesterday he came again and helped the two of them palm their eyes. There is no doubt that the two of them made a lot of money! Now many people have gone crazy, Stay here every day, hoping to let him palm the eye! Today is the last day, of course these people must be excited!"


Hearing the deeds of Master Haotian, Chen Hao's eyes lit up, and he nodded secretly.

To be able to see the true value of treasures hidden under the mud, this kind of eyesight is probably not easy.

If it weren't for his mind-eye technique, it would be too difficult to do this, unless he can enter the innate state.

"It's interesting, then I can be counted as a very powerful appraiser now."

Chen Hao randomly found a piece of porcelain from another booth and used the mind-eye technique.

With a shock in his head, information about the porcelain in front of him appeared.

"It turned out to be an imitation."

Chen Hao's eyes flickered, he looked at several pieces one after another, and found that they were all of low value, so he lost interest immediately and continued to search for jade sandalwood and Qinghai jade.

"Ah, master, give me some pointers!"

"Master, please..."


At this moment, bursts of screams rang out, and Chen Hao turned his head to look, and saw those people all red-eyed, chasing Master Haotian like madmen.

Wherever Master Haotian went, those people followed him.

"Master, I am willing to give birth to a monkey for you, as long as you help me palm my eyes..."

"Go away, with your beauty, it's not enough to be a bed warmer for the master, and you want to seduce the master, so the master will not be moved by sex. Master, you give me pointers, I am willing to serve you every day..."

There are even women who take the initiative to lean close to their bodies, scratching their heads and making poses.

"Crazy! These stupid fans are all crazy!"

Chen Hao was dumbfounded.

That Master Haotian is simply too popular, it seems that as long as he nods, many women will willingly climb onto his bed.

"Haotian will go to Lanshan County tomorrow. In order to thank you for your love, I will make six shots today and help six people to appraise treasures! You don't need to fight, as long as you have a destiny with me, you will have a chance!"

When he came to a stall owner who appraised treasures, Master Haotian spoke solemnly.

"Why is the master leaving so soon?"

"Master, can't you stay for a few more days?"

"It turns out that the news that the master will leave tomorrow is true."

It has long been rumored that Master Haotian will be leaving tomorrow, but now that it is confirmed, everyone showed signs of anxiety.

The job of a treasure appraiser has always been a rumor in the antique circle of Lanshan County. Now one has finally come, but he is leaving in a few days.

Everyone looked regretful.

"Everyone is together by fate!"

Master Haotian raised his eyebrows, and with the unique temperament of an expert, he was silent for a moment and said again:
"Seeing that your kindness is hard to turn down, I will change the quota to nine, which means that I can make nine shots today! No more!"

"Master, don't worry, I will not let you help me choose treasures for nothing, I am willing to reward you..."

Someone in the crowd shouted.

"So do we."

"Remuneration is not a problem, as long as the master helps me choose, whatever the price of the treasure, I am willing to pay the master!"

Many people also shouted out.

The achievements of Master Haotian a few days ago are obvious to all.

Through his eyes, those appraised treasures have been multiplied several times, and Master Haotian can definitely be regarded as the king of leaks.

As long as you can pick up the leak, paying the reward is nothing.


Master Haotian snorted coldly, interrupted everyone's words, and raised his eyebrows with a high majesty.

"What do you think of me, Haotian? Am I the kind of vulgar person who does it for money? If it's really for money, why should I help you identify treasures? I just need to sell the treasures I identified and earn money. Shouldn't it be more?"


Everyone was stunned for a moment.

That's right, with Master Haotian's vision, if he really wants money, he can completely pick it up by himself.

"Money is like dung to me if I don't take it with me. The reason why I agree to your request is because your enthusiasm has moved me!"

"If any of you are talking about money with me, then I'm leaving now!"

Master Haotian has his hands behind his back, giving people an aura that emerges from the mud without being stained.

"The master taught me the lesson, we were the ones who were abrupt!"

"Treating money like dung, the master is the person I admire the most!"


Hearing the master's words, those people before were all ashamed.

 The first order is very important. Eggplant asks for the first order, asks for the first order, asks for the first order, please subscribe, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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