Chapter 122 Cohabitation
Chen Hao did not expect to see jade sandalwood in the box.

This is the opportunity!

Mind-eye technique scanned the antiques in the box, and Chen Hao announced the results of the appraisal one by one.

"A jade seal carved from top-grade mutton jade during the Western Han Dynasty."



Tang Jun listened to Chen Hao slowly bringing the antiques in the box, the teacup he was holding fell on the table, and the tea spilled all over the table.

What level is this!

It seems that in Chen Hao's eyes, those antiques are as fully exposed as undressed beauties.

This is definitely the top level of treasure appraising masters.

"The things on the black market are quite cheap. I bought such a bunch and only spent 15 yuan. I didn't expect that the jade seals alone would cost them all."

Tang Jun smiled happily.

"The origin of the things on the black market is unknown. The market price of jade seals from the Han Dynasty is around 25. The stall owner doesn't know the goods so you can pick up the cheap ones."

Hu Dashan shook his head and smiled, then jokingly said: "However, in terms of luck, it's my brother Chen, who bought an authentic Badashanren handwriting worth tens of millions for only 1000 yuan!"


Tang Jun was shocked again and couldn't help asking: "What's going on?"

After Hu Dashan told him about Master Haotian, Tang Jun smiled and said, "I've heard about Master Haotian, he is indeed a liar. Old Hu, it's also fortunate that he met Brother Chen, otherwise he deserved to be cheated. "

"Young Master Tang, let's not mention this matter in the future, even if it is exposed."

Hu Dashan was a little embarrassed, and he heard Tang Jun rubbing his hands and saying, "Um, brother, what are you going to do with this painting?"

"Of course it's sold, but if you keep it, you can't eat it."

Chen Hao has no interest in these antiques at all.

"Young Master Chen, how about selling it to my brother? I will offer 1000 and [-] million."

Tang Jun immediately upgraded Brother Chen to Young Master Chen, which was 200 million more than the market price, as if 1000 and 120 million were the same as [-] yuan in his eyes.

In terms of collecting antiques, Tang Jun prefers calligraphy and paintings, and he is also happy to see them.

"Since Young Master Tang likes it, why 1000 million and 1000 million, I will give you [-] million."

Chen Hao said without hesitation.

After Tang Jun heard the words, he couldn't help but look at Chen Hao more, and if he said no to 200 million, he wouldn't want it. Who would dare to say such a thing without a certain courage.

I'm afraid Chen Hao is not easy.

"Okay, happy, I will transfer 1000 million to you now. I will pay you brother." Tang Jun laughed.

After receiving the money from Tang Jun, Chen Hao said with a smile: "Hehe, Young Master Tang, I still have a merciless request here."

"Young Master Chen, please tell me."

Chen Hao pointed to the wooden box and said, "I need the jade sandalwood in your wooden box, Young Master Tang can make a price."

Tang Jun was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "Young Master Chen is too polite. Speaking of which, I took advantage of Young Master Chen. Jade Sandalwood is not worth much, so Young Master Chen will give it to you if you want it."

With that said, Tang Jun handed the jade sandalwood to Chen Hao.

After taking over the jade sandalwood, Chen Hao felt like a treasure.

Although it is not worth much, it depends on who owns it. For Chen Hao, it is a treasure that is more expensive than the original work of Bada Shanren.

Chen Hao said again: "I'll accept the jade sandalwood. I don't know where Tang Shao can find Qinghai jade?"

"Qinghai jade?"

Tang Jun frowned, "Young Master Chen, I'm becoming more and more curious about you. You don't want the ancient calligraphy and paintings worth tens of millions, but you just go looking for those rare things that are not high in value. I don't know what's the use for you? "

Qinghai jade, like jade sandalwood, is not worth much, only tens of thousands of yuan, but because they are cheap, it does not mean that they can be found anywhere, on the contrary, they are extremely rare.

"It has its own magical effect." Chen Hao smiled.

"I know that there will be a black market in Mingfeng City in four days. It is said that this time the black market is relatively large, and there may be Qinghai jade at that time. Young Master Chen, you may go there to try your luck. Of course, with Young Master Chen your You can also show your skills." Tang Jun said.

"Black market? Interesting." Chen Hao laughed.

"That's natural. But the organizer of the black market is very careful every time. The location of the black market is different every time, and the specific location is notified at short notice. Young Master Chen, if you are interested, come to Mingfeng City to find me in four days." Tang Jun nodded.


Afterwards, the two kept in touch with each other.

Not long after leaving Antique Street, Chen Hao received another call from Lin Ziyu.

"Xiaohao, will you stay at my house today?"

As soon as Lin Ziyu spoke, Chen Hao was stunned.

"Sister Ziyu, what's going on?"

Chen Hao looked puzzled.

Based on what he knew about Lin Ziyu, she would never have made such a request if she hadn't been fine.

"Xiao Hao, Director Li just told me that Zheng Hao was kidnapped when he was transferred to the prison, and I was afraid to live alone." Lin Ziyu said.

Zheng Hao was robbed?
This news was beyond Chen Hao's expectation, but what Lin Ziyu said made sense.

Zheng Hao's current fate is largely due to him and Lin Ziyu.

The dog will jump over the wall when he is in a hurry. No one knows what kind of crazy actions Zheng Hao will make after he escapes.

Chen Hao is not afraid, but he hopes that Zheng Hao will take the initiative to find him.

But Lin Ziyu is just a weak woman, it is impossible not to be afraid.

"it is good."

Chen Hao nodded.

"Great." Lin Ziyu's happy voice came from the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Director Li Songli called to express his deep apology.

"What an idiot!"

"Mr. Chen is right. We have issued a national wanted document. As soon as there is news, we will tell you immediately." Li Song repeatedly said yes.

Tianhai Court.

When Chen Hao saw the room that Lin Ziyu had prepared for him, and there were piles of clothes and other sundries, he couldn't help being taken aback.

"Sister Ziyu, you are..."

In his opinion, it seemed like he had moved.

"Zheng Hao won't be able to catch it for a while, you can't just stay for one day, you can stay for a few more days! I still feel safe staying by your side."

There was a bright smile on Lin Ziyu's face, and a sly look flashed in those beautiful eyes.

"All right!"

Chen Hao was stunned again.

Isn't this just cohabitation in disguise?
Sweeping his eyes over Miss Ziyu's graceful figure, Chen Hao heard the conversation between Ding Qiong and Lin Ziyu before, and suddenly felt a little hot in his heart.

Sister Ziyu, are you chasing me in disguise?

Chen Hao sat cross-legged on the ground, with a pile of materials including jade sandalwood piled up beside him.

Qinghai jade is the material for setting up the ecstasy formation, and the materials for setting up the secondary spirit-gathering formation have already been collected.

He is making the formation banner of the Secondary Spirit Gathering Formation.

Outside the window, there were bursts of lightning and thunder, but it didn't affect him at all.

At this time, light footsteps came from outside the door.

Then, the door creaked open, and Sister Ziyu walked in.

 Thanks to user Mr. Ghost, user Mowen, user? ?black?White? ?reward!Please recommend and vote!

(End of this chapter)

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