Chapter 133 Not eligible (for subscription)

He Yunfei took a step forward and walked in front of Chen Hao.

"Maotou boy, you are not ashamed to speak out, why do you want to kill us?"

"There are too many things in this world that you don't understand, you are ready to pay the price for your arrogance!"

He Yunfei smiled coldly, and slashed at Chen Hao with one palm.

"Ali, stop him quickly!"

Seeing this scene, Tang Jun's face changed drastically, and he shouted at his bodyguard.

"Master, your friend is arrogant and ignorant, and it's entirely your own fault."

Ali really can't understand Chen Hao's self-righteous look.

"He's my brother, shut up immediately!" Tang Jun shouted coldly.

"All right!"

Ali sighed, his figure flashed immediately, flew in front of Chen Hao, and swung his fist.

"You also want to stop me in the early stages of dark energy? A guy who is overwhelmed!"

He Yunfei showed disdain on his face, and then dropped his palm, the tyrannical vigor instantly seeped into Ali's fist along the wind of his palm, and the strong wind made a whistling sound.


Ali spewed out a mouthful of blood, flew back, and hit a huge boulder behind him heavily, his body slipped and his breath sank.

And the boulder, which was comparable to a human figure, had been blasted into pieces.


Tang Jun was dumbfounded and horrified.

Ali is his most powerful capable general. He thought he could compete with He Yunfei, but who would have thought that he would not be able to block even one move from him?
He Yunfei is too scary.


Another bodyguard of Tang Jun exclaimed and wanted to rush towards He Yunfei, but Ali stopped him.

"Ah Hu, he is in the middle stage of Anjin, and you are no match for him."

"Middle stage of dark energy!"

Ahu kept silent like cicadas, although he was born as a king of special forces, but in terms of strength, he was only comparable to the early stage of Anjin.

A warrior in the middle stage of dark energy, he is powerless at all.

But Chen Hao didn't have any waves on his face from the beginning to the end, which made Hu Yunshi a little strange.

"This kid, shouldn't he be scared stupid?"

He looked at He Wei, only to see He Wei shook his head.

"Since he has seen the horror of my third uncle, he must know that he has provoked an existence that he can't understand. Don't pay attention to ants who are scared out of their wits!"

The tone is flat, but with strong confidence.

In He Wei's eyes, Chen Hao seemed to have been intimidated by his third uncle's use of force.

At that time, as long as he said a word, Chen Hao would definitely be included under his command.

After all, it is indeed a pity that a person whose level of stone gambling is very likely to be comparable to that of the international stone gambling king died.

"Fortunately, for He Ershao's sake, I will spare your life!"

He Wei had already spoken, so Hu Yunshi naturally didn't dare to refute, but he was not afraid of Tang Jun.

"Tang Jun, if you still dare to have an opinion, I will not be as merciful as Master He Er."

His words couldn't be more clear. If Tang Jun still cooperates obediently, he will be an enemy of Hu Yunshi, and the people he brings will never show mercy.

"Master, aside from the old man in the middle stage of dark energy, the black-clothed bodyguards around Hu Yunshi alone are as skilled as I am. Today, if they don't hand over their things, they won't let it go." Ahu said with a serious face wry smile.

Tang Jun struggled for a long time, and said unwillingly: "I can give you everything you want, but I only have one condition."

He pointed at Chen Hao and said, "My brother is an outsider, and my only condition is to let him go."

"You still dare to raise conditions with us?" Hu Yunshi said coldly.

"If you don't agree, it will be a big deal. I have already greeted my father before I came here. If I disappear, I believe you will have a hard time." Tang Jun said viciously.

Hu Yunshi and He Wei frowned.

They originally wanted to use their power to suppress people. If it really came to the point where the net was broken, even if the Tang Corporation ranked in the top 25 in Mingfeng City, but the Tang Corporation went crazy, it would be difficult for the two of them to explain.

"He Ershao, what do you say?"

After pondering for a moment, He Wei said, "It's not impossible to let him go, but he must work for my He family."

"Who does my brother play for? I don't have the right to help him decide. You ask him yourself."

After Tang Jun finished speaking, he leaned close to Chen Hao's ear and whispered.

"Brother, I'm sorry, it's because of me that I brought you into this innocent disaster. The only thing I can do for you is to save your life. Don't be impulsive. If you keep the green hills, you won't be afraid of running out of firewood. For the moment Losing your life in vain is not worth it!"

He knew that Chen Hao's temperament didn't like being under the influence of others. If Chen Hao couldn't swallow this breath and wanted to fight He Wei and the others to the end, it would only cost his life in vain.

Seeing that Tang Jun had bowed his head, He Wei spoke proudly.

"Boy, your brother is good to you. He would rather give up a huge fortune than keep your life. I have given you the opportunity, and I believe that you are not unwise. Follow me in the future, and I promise not to humiliate you talent."

That is at this moment.

Chen Hao smiled, but there was still a hint of chill on the smile on his face.

"Threatening my brother and touching my things, have you asked me?"

Everyone was shocked, and then all eyes fell on Chen Hao.

"It's over!"

Tang Jun was full of remorse, he knew it was going to be bad as soon as he heard this, but it was too late to stop it.

Ah Hu scolded the idiot in his heart.

It was the young master of their family who gave up a huge amount of wealth to give him the only chance of survival, but Chen Hao, a brat who is not afraid of death, didn't know it, and kept uttering wild words, which was basically suicidal.

Sure enough, He Yunfei, who had seriously injured Ali and lost his combat power with that palm just now, had already looked over.

"Boy, He Ershao doesn't want to argue with you, an ant, or do you think you can still stand here safely? Now, kneel down for us immediately!"

Before He Yunfei could speak, Hu Yunshi beside him said coldly.

He really couldn't bear Chen Hao, an ant who could be trampled to death at any time in his eyes, dangling in front of him.

"Sorry, you are not qualified, and you are not qualified to touch my things!"

Chen Hao shook his head, put his hands behind his back, and looked directly at them, as if looking at an ant.

The faces of He Wei, Hu Yunshi and others darkened instantly.

The others looked at Chen Hao like they were idiots, and they refused to kowtow to beg for mercy after the matter had come to an end.

The problem, he still can't see that none of the people brought by He Wei and Hu Yunshi are ordinary people?
They are all warriors, and there is an extremely powerful He Yunfei who has stepped into the middle stage of dark energy to sit in charge.

Chen Hao still dared to utter such wild words, which can no longer be described as ignorance.

"Young master, your brother really doesn't know anything about the martial arts world. He can't even judge the situation on the field. He is really hopeless."

Ah Hu snorted coldly, feeling even more worthless for his young master.

 Thank you users for your unintentional rewards, and become the first rudder owner of this book!Today is Father's Day, do book lovers wish their father well, anyway, Eggplant has blessed him.Father's Day will still break out at five o'clock!This is the second update, please subscribe and recommend all kinds of requests, there will be five updates today

(End of this chapter)

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