The Best Red Packet System of Rebirth

Chapter 209 Ascending the Ladder to Heaven

Chapter 209 Ascending the Ladder to Heaven (Fill)
After all, pills are meant to be consumed.Now burning one hundred thousand pills, as long as he can rush to the depths of the magic mountain in time and see the scene of the fierce man crossing the catastrophe, it will definitely be of great benefit to Chen Hao.

Seeing others go through a catastrophe is an extremely valuable experience.Even in some aspects, for Chen Hao, there are only advantages and no disadvantages.

It's just that Chen Hao doesn't have time to feel heartbroken, nor will he feel heartbroken.Not to mention the large amount of Huiyuan pills and various elixir in the red envelope of the system, even if there were not so many, Chen Hao would not be heartbroken.

After all, pills are meant to be consumed.Now burning one hundred thousand pills, as long as he can rush to the depths of the magic mountain in time and see the scene of the fierce man crossing the catastrophe, it will definitely be of great benefit to Chen Hao.

Seeing others go through a catastrophe is an extremely valuable experience.Even in some aspects, for Chen Hao, there are only advantages and no disadvantages.

Moreover, there are too many elixirs in the system red envelope world, one hundred thousand return yuan elixirs?It's just a drop in the bucket, the tip of the iceberg.

Of course, this is what Chen Hao thinks now.In the near future, Chen Hao will find that no matter how many pills there are in the red envelope world of the system, it is not enough.

Even, in a certain period of time, he became a pauper, working hard in the realm of comprehension in order to recover Yuan Dan.This is something to be said for the time being.

In other words, after Chen Hao burned [-] yuan pills, the world of the system's red envelopes instantly improved, and it took only half a day to cross a distance of hundreds of thousands of miles and rush to the depths of the magic mountain.

But at this time, apart from the fact that the robbery clouds in the void are thicker than before and the heavenly power is more terrifying, the robbery thunder has not landed yet.

"The person who crossed the catastrophe must be a fierce man. The catastrophe has been brewing for so long and has not landed yet." Although the system was disabled by someone, it is after all a weapon spirit that has followed the God of War Zhao Yun for countless years, and has a lot of knowledge about these aspects. deep understanding.

The longer the catastrophe has been brewing, the greater its power, and the more difficult it is for those who overcome the catastrophe to cross it.Chen Hao knew all these basic common sense.

At this time, Chen Hao had already walked out of the system red envelope world.

However, as soon as he left the red envelope world of the system, a vast power of heaven descended on Chen Hao.Terrifying coercion squeezed down from all directions...

Chen Hao was taken aback, and his expression changed instantly.At this moment, he felt that his physical body had reached the level of a high-grade magic weapon, and under the endless power of the sky, he couldn't bear such a terrifying power.

It turned out to be on the verge of falling, and even cracked a series of tiny cracks like porcelain, and it was about to shatter.

And the soul of Chen Hao, who was even more coerced by the endless Tianwei, was also trembling.

"It's too big." Chen Hao was shocked in his heart, he never thought that the power of the catastrophe would be so terrifying.

In fact, this was originally the Forty-Nine Heavenly Tribulation in the later stage of Transcending Tribulation, and it was already very powerful.The terrifying power of the sky is unbearable even for the tribulation passer himself, let alone Chen Hao, a little monk who is only in the middle stage of foundation establishment?

It is extremely rare for Chen Hao's body to be destroyed without being shattered immediately.After all, in the depths of the Demon Mountain, even those monsters in the Transcending Tribulation Stage retreated far away.

Surprised in his heart, Chen Hao was about to enter the system red envelope world with a thought.

However, at this moment, an invisible force acted on him.At this moment, Chen Hao suddenly felt that the squeezed Tianwei had shrunk countless times in an instant.

Although it still made Chen Hao's breathing difficult, it was no longer harmful to him.

Chen Hao's heart skipped a beat, knowing that the system was helping.However, what puzzles him is why the system that has been disabled has such a powerful force?

"Even God's catastrophe can be easily blocked by me, let alone this small catastrophe?" The system's disdainful voice sounded in Chen Hao's ear, with a hint of embarrassment in his tone.

Although he is now disabled, almost killed.But as long as the Heavenly Tribulation is not aimed at them, the coercion of the Heavenly Tribulation alone can't help him.


On a high mountain a few miles away from Chen Hao, a tall figure stood proudly on the peak with his hands behind his back, with the aura of looking down on the world and ruling the world.

Obviously, it was this man who was about to cross the catastrophe.

Black air lingered all over his body, and a pair of black armor shone brightly, radiating traces of divine light, and draped over this person's body.

This is a middle-aged man, I saw him looking up at the depths of the endless void, his eyes gleaming, a fierce and powerful aura emanated from him, like an endless ocean, turbulent and terrifying.


At this moment, the thick Jieyun in the void exploded violently, and then a huge crack opened automatically in the center of the Jieyun.

A huge beam of golden light suddenly shot out from the robbery cloud, piercing through endless time and space.Shot directly into the depths of the Magic Mountain.The strong golden light is dazzling.At this moment, it seemed that the entire cultivation world was illuminated by this golden light, and it was coated with a faint golden glow.


Seeing this scene, whether it was Chen Hao, or the heads of the major sects other than the Magic Mountain, all the old monsters who could not repair themselves all gasped.

"Who is going through the catastrophe?" Countless masters of the catastrophe period and metamorphosis period all frowned deeply.

The person who crosses the catastrophe is in the depths of the magic mountain, and this catastrophe seems to be terrifying.If this person is allowed to survive the catastrophe, there may be a top master in the cultivation world.

If such a number one person appeared among the major sects in the cultivation world, everyone's hearts would not be so heavy.The key is that this person is from the Magic Mountain.

Is it a demon?Or a demon?

Whether it is a demon or a demon, it is not a good thing for their sects.All of a sudden, the complexions of countless strong men became gloomy, thinking whether to kill this person when he was going through the catastrophe to avoid future troubles?
However, when they thought of the horror in the depths of the Magic Mountain, these people suppressed their restless hearts again.

The golden light was dazzling, and Chen Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, but he still stared at Jieyun in the void.He felt very strange that there was no robbery cloud landing?

It should be known that when he crossed the tribulation that day, a tribulation thunder landed directly...

However, soon, Chen Hao knew the reason.

A large beam of golden light with a radius of several miles reflected in the depths of the magic mountain, like a bridge connecting the earth and the fairy world.

When Chen Haozheng couldn't understand why, the beam of golden light mutated.

As if someone was controlling it, the golden light began to twist violently.In just a few breaths, this beam of golden light changed drastically.


After seeing the book's golden light change, Chen Hao couldn't help blurting out.Because, in front of him, the golden light of the book has completely turned into a ladder, a golden ladder that runs through the earth and the sky.

It's just that looking at the golden and majestic ladder connecting the earth and the sky is a little dizzy.

He was shocked, and for a moment, he just stared at the ladder in a daze, speechless for a long time.

After a long time, he asked in shock: "What is that?"

"Climbing the ladder." The system voice said indifferently, which is not surprising.

After all, those monks who have survived the forty-nine heavenly calamity, or those who have seen others survive the forty-nine heavenly calamity, will not feel unfamiliar with it.What Chen Hao still doesn't know is that this ladder is called climbing ladder!

The Heavenly Tribulation in the later stages of Crossing the Tribulation, that is, the Four or Nine Heavenly Tribulations, the Heavenly Tribulation at this time is not simply the Heavenly Tribulation.

It should be noted that after the catastrophe period is the transformation period.The so-called metamorphosis period is the process in which the monk's body and power gradually transform into the body and power of the immortal.

The implication of the ladder is to reach the sky in one step. Only by crossing the ladder can it be possible to achieve the supreme immortal body and immortal power.

After a brief systematic explanation, Chen Hao also had a general understanding of this.


Not long after the ladder appeared, a strong light suddenly burst out at the endless end above the ladder.The dazzling golden light shot out into the sky, extremely dazzling.

At the end of the ladder, a huge crack opened in the void.Then a portal slowly took shape - a tall, majestic, majestic, huge portal like the Nantian Gate appeared in the void.

The door that glowed with dazzling golden light was closed tightly at this time.

"This is the fairy gate."

Before Chen Hao could ask, the system explained.


Chen Hao frowned slightly, and with a thought, he said, "Immortal Gate, is it the gate of the Immortal Realm? Why did it appear here?"

Chen Hao was very puzzled.

Just when he was about to ask a question, he felt a gaze looking over from a distance.

Chen Hao had a feeling in his heart, and when he looked over, he just happened to see the majestic figure that had been standing on the peak soaring into the sky, and flew to the bottom of the climbing ladder.

This is about to cross the catastrophe.Chen Hao understood in his heart, but he had never seen what happened to the Four Nine Heavens Tribulation.So he stared intently at the majestic figure.

With a flash of phantom, the man turned into a stream of light, stepped on the ladder, and rushed towards the fairy gate at the end of the sky.


At the same time that the man stepped onto the ladder, the endless cloud of calamity in the void rolled violently, and a thunder of calamity slashed down fiercely, intending to kill the man.

The man let out an earth-shattering laugh, and the black energy lingered all over his body, like a demon god.


I saw the man punching out, directly hitting the tribulation thunder that slashed down.After the loud noise, the tribulation thunder was blown away by this fierce man.

But the man kept his figure, turned into a stream of light, and rushed towards the fairy gate quickly.

The robbery cloud rolled continuously, and thunderbolts burst out one after another, covering the entire ladder, bombarding the man wildly.

But this man was unprecedentedly vigorous.Whether it's one thunderbolt, or dozens, or hundreds or thousands.He punched it all out.

Invincible with one punch!
No matter how ferocious Jie Lei was, he was directly punched to death.

This guy is just too fierce.

Looking at this hunk, it wasn't just Chen Hao who was dumbfounded.Even many powerhouses outside the Magic Mountain are speechless.

Others have brought all kinds of magic weapons to cross the robbery, and carefully plundered up the ladder to the sky.But at this time, he was fighting all the way up, those extremely terrifying sky thunders were like a child's plaything in front of him, vulnerable to a single blow.

The middle-aged man's speed was very fast, and he had rushed to the middle of the climbing ladder within a few breaths.However, Heavenly Tribulation is getting more and more powerful.

Four or nine days of calamity, the so-called four or nine days of calamity is a total of 36 heavy calamity thunders.From the first stage to the final No.30 six stage, each stage is more terrifying than the last stage.

The subsequent tribulation thunder doubled the power of the front tribulation thunder, which was extremely terrifying.

After the man rushed to the middle of the ladder, the four-nine heavenly calamity had already landed, that is, the eighteenth calamity thunder.

That is really majestic and terrifying.The huge, seemingly endless ladder to the sky is filled with endless thunder, and it seems that the bottom of my heart is cold.

"Who is this fierce man? This is just an ordinary tribulation thunder, but it is already so terrifying." Outside the magic mountain, countless strong people are always paying attention to this place.

After seeing the horror of these tribulation thunders, each of them grinned and gasped.But what shocked them was that the man who had crossed the tribulation was really too fierce, such a terrifying tribulation thunder could not hurt him at all.

It should be noted that although it is only the No.18 Heavenly Tribulation now, it is already a bit more terrifying than the last level of the [-]th Heavenly Tribulation of many metamorphosis monks.

"How defiant is this guy? Could it be that God is going to hack him to death?" While many powerhouses were shocked, they gloated a little at the same time.

After all, such a strong man of unknown origin came out of the Magic Mountain.It is undoubtedly a huge threat to them.What they hope most now is for this strong man to be directly struck to death by Jie Lei, so as not to cause panic in their hearts in the future.

It's just that they seem to be disappointed.

At this time, endless tribulation thunders bombarded down continuously, making the whole world of comprehension seem like the end of the world.It's just that the hunk man was full of demonic energy, he was arrogant and punched and kicked.The endless tribulation thunder could not do anything to him at all.

Hundreds of steps in one step!

Under the violent bombardment of Jie Lei, the hunk became more and more vigorous.Even, this thunderstorm like the sun and the world can't even slow him down.

No.20 Great Tribulation!

No.20 fivefold, No.30 fivefold, No.30 fivefold!

When No. 30 five-fold heavenly calamity was bombed down, he suddenly rushed to the front of the fairy gate. As long as he crossed the last step, he could touch the huge fairy gate.

It's just that, at this time, it was so violent and sudden before, but at this time it was already a little out of breath.35 consecutive terrifying catastrophes landed, even he couldn't bear it.

Stepping out with one foot, the fierce man finally reached the last step of the ladder to the sky.

The moment he stepped on the last step, a thunderbolt that was several kilometers in size struck down violently, hitting the hunk man, staggering the hunk man directly, and throwing him down on the last step. above the ladder.

(End of this chapter)

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