The Best Red Packet System of Rebirth

Chapter 215 Death of the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 215 Death of the Immortal Emperor (Fill)

Chen Hao nodded, and immediately sacrificed the purple ribbon fairy clothes. At the same time, he raised his spirit to the highest level and locked the system red envelope. As soon as he found something was wrong, he immediately entered the system red envelope.

Although, he did not encounter any danger in the forbidden area, but not encountering it did not mean that there was no danger.Everything needs to be done with care.

The cave is not very big, about a few hundred meters.Chen Hao Yuqiang rushed in directly.

As Chen Hao got deeper and deeper, the devilish energy inside, that is, the power of chaos became stronger and stronger.This made Chen Hao and the two of them more and more affirmed what they thought in their hearts.

After walking for a long time, the cave turned from horizontal to vertical, straight down.Without any hesitation, Chen Hao directly flew down the spear.

I don't know how long it has been, maybe one day, maybe two days, or maybe half a month.This cave seems to be a bottomless pit, with no bottom to be seen.

Chen Hao kept flying downwards, even he himself didn't know how far he had flown.Finally, one day, he finally reached the top.

It is still a cave, but it is no longer downward, but continues to become horizontal.Chen Hao was a little speechless, but still flew with his gun.After a period of time, the front suddenly became clear, and Chen Hao had already arrived in a cave like a hall.

Two caves ahead.One of the caves continuously gushes out rich chaotic power, while the other one is relatively calm.

"One should lead to the chaotic vein, and the other cave..." Chen Hao frowned slightly. "Just go and have a look."

Chen Hao just pondered for a moment, and then plunged into the nearest cave.

The cave is not very long, and there are many night pearls inlaid around the cave, illuminating the whole cave.

"Looking at this, it's clearly a man-made trace. Could it be that there are monks here?" Chen Hao was secretly startled, and he stopped not far from the entrance of the cave and pondered.

If there are really people here, it is obvious that the other party is not afraid of these chaotic forces.Moreover, the most important thing is that the people who can haunt here must be very powerful.

The most important thing is that the other party does not know whether it is a good person or a bad person.If it's easier to talk, it's okay, Chen Hao probably has a chance to leave when he breaks in, but if the other party is hard to talk...

Chen Hao broke in rashly like this, and in the end, he was afraid that there would be no bones left.

"What are you afraid of? I have the system red envelope world, the most precious treasure in the world. As long as I find something is wrong, I will immediately enter the system red envelope world." Chen Hao gritted his teeth, thinking in his heart: as the saying goes, if there are real people in the red envelope world. I'm afraid it's my chance.

"System, if something is wrong, you have to put me into the red envelope of the system as soon as possible." Before moving on, Chen Hao ordered the system.

"Don't worry, if it's too late, I will at least bring your body in."

Chen Hao rolled his eyes, and immediately walked forward cautiously.

The cave is not very long, only a few miles away, and soon a stone room appeared in front of Chen Hao.The stone room is very clean, spotless, it seems that someone often cleans it.However, in the very center of the stone chamber was a pair of golden skeletons sitting cross-legged.

After releasing his spiritual thoughts and searching the stone room for a long time, Chen Hao walked in after finally confirming that there was no danger inside.

The entire stone room was bare, with nothing in it, only the shining golden skeleton in the center of the stone room looked a little eerie and weird.

"The skeleton that shone with golden light is at least an immortal-level powerhouse. To be able to survive so many chaotic forces, this person must have been a famous powerhouse in his lifetime." After checking it, the system said.

"How powerful is it?" While Chen Hao was speaking, he was a little curious looking at the shining golden skeleton, and touched it with one hand.

"Don't..." The system was about to stop it, but it was already too late.

I saw that Chen Hao had just touched the periphery of the skeleton with one hand, before even touching the skeleton...

Very abruptly, the bones suddenly burst into dazzling infinite golden light.An extremely terrifying murderous intent erupted, sweeping in all directions, and blasted towards Chen Hao.

It is many times more terrifying than the power of the fierce man when he crossed the catastrophe.

Chen Hao was taken aback, and with a thought, he was about to enter the red envelope world of the system immediately.But it was already too late, the terrifying murderous intent strangled, only heard Chen Hao let out a scream, and then disappeared into the stone room.

Strangely, after Chen Hao disappeared, the golden light and the endless killing intent disappeared.Calm was restored in the stone room, and nothing seemed to have happened.

The skeleton just sat cross-legged on the spot, shining with a faint golden light, weird and gloomy.

In the system red envelope world.

The void suddenly distorted, and then a cloud of blood mist sprayed out from the void, like a blood rain, very strange.

Almost at the same time that the blood mist sprayed out, a black shadow suddenly appeared from the void, and then fell to the ground.

The phantom flashed, and the system still rushed out from the depths of the system's red envelope world, but it still failed to catch the falling person.

This person is Chen Hao.

With a "bang", Chen Hao fell to the ground without making any sound.I don't know whether to live or die.

The system walked over, checked Chen Hao's injuries, and wrinkled immediately.

Chen Hao still had a trace of breath, and he was not dead.For Chen Hao, as long as there is a trace of breath left, he will recover quickly.

However, at this time, Chen Hao had fallen into a coma.The clothes are all torn.The physical body that has reached the top-grade magic weapon seems to have been overwhelmed by someone at this moment, covered with hundreds of millions of deep and visible bones, shocking and terrifying scars.

Most of the bones in the body have been broken, and some have even been shattered.

Besides, what worries the system the most is that all of Chen Hao's meridians have been shattered!
The meridians were shattered, and Chen Hao's cultivation was directly abolished.If Chen Hao could not reconnect these shattered meridians, then he would be useless in the future.

Looking at Chen Hao who was lying on the ground like a pair of muddy meat, with only a trace of breath left, the system showed a worried look on his face.

In fact, all of this was caused by the shining golden skeleton.

There was a trace of guilt in the system's eyes, and he felt that he should have reminded Chen Hao earlier.Otherwise, Chen Hao would not have become like this.

Fortunately, Chen Hao opened the protection of the purple ribbon fairy clothes in advance, and the system's movements were not slow.When Chen Hao touched the skeleton, he was dragged into the red envelope of the system.

Otherwise, Chen Hao would have been killed long ago.

However, even so, Chen Hao only had a trace of breath.It is unknown whether he can come back to life or recover his cultivation.

There is no time for the system to guess who the skeleton was.He sat cross-legged beside Chen Hao, and the power in his body covered Chen Hao like a spring, helping him repair his injured body.


When the power of the system touched Chen Hao's body, he realized that although Chen Hao had fallen into a coma.But the power in his body is still running automatically, constantly restoring his shattered meridians.

Although, because all the meridians have been shattered, these forces are very weak.However, if things go on like this, Chen Hao's meridians will be restored sooner or later.

Seeing this scene, the system's heart moved, and it immediately stopped and continued to repair Chen Hao.Instead, a crack was opened in the red envelope world of the system, leading the strong chaotic power outside into Chen Hao's body.

At the beginning, the system was afraid that Chen Hao's body would not be able to withstand the power of chaos.Therefore, only a very small part is guided.

But soon, the system discovered that after these chaotic forces entered Chen Hao's body, they directly became Chen Hao's power and began to repair his meridians...

Seeing this scene, the system was overjoyed.Immediately, it led more chaotic forces to enter here.With these chaotic forces, Chen Hao's meridians and physical wounds are recovering at an extremely fast speed.

In the end, the system directly moved Chen Hao out of the red envelope world of the system and put it in the cave.Chen Hao, who was still in a coma, unknowingly sat cross-legged on the ground in a cultivation posture...

Time passed slowly.

More and more chaotic power kept pouring in, pouring into Chen Hao's body.Looking from a distance, Chen Hao looked like a black silkworm chrysalis, surrounded by endless chaotic forces.

The power of chaos is the most powerful and primitive force in the world.Has incredible power.However, even so, the moment Chen Hao opened his eyes, half a month had already passed.

If it wasn't for the power of chaos here, otherwise, if it was in other places, it would still be a question of whether Chen Hao could recover in his entire life.

However, it may be that the power of chaos is too special, or it may be the reason why Chen Hao's physique is too heaven-defying.In nearly half a month, Chen Hao has fully recovered.

Chen Hao slowly opened his eyes, and two horrified lights shot out from his eyes.

He let out a breath of foul air lightly, and after checking the situation in his body, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

This time he was almost hanged to death, which can be described as a blessing in disguise.Chen Hao found that no matter how hard he improved his strength, he had already reached the peak in the late stage of Foundation Establishment, and he was only one step away from stepping into the stage of Resurrection Stage.

Moreover, the power is further compressed, and the power is several times stronger than before.What surprised Chen Hao the most was that his physical body had already reached the peak of a top-grade magical weapon, and was about to break through to the level of a first-grade spiritual weapon.

Standing up, Chen Hao glanced at the skeleton shining with golden light behind him, and Chen Hao couldn't help showing a lingering fear on his face.

He was in a coma, but he knew the horror of the skeleton and the fact that he was almost killed.

I checked the purple ribbon fairy clothes and found that it was not damaged.So he continued to use the purple ribbon fairy clothes to transform into a set of clothes for Xu Tianzong disciples, and put them on his body.

Then, with a flash of his figure, he disappeared in place.When it reappeared, it had already entered the system's red envelope world and came to the system's side.

"System, how long have I been in a coma?"

"Half a month."

Chen Hao frowned slightly, "Has half a month passed? What is the origin of that skeleton?"

Chen Hao looked at the skeleton shining with golden light from the red envelope world of the system, his eyes flickering.

A skeleton that has been dead for an unknown amount of time still has such a terrifying killing intent.It should be noted that Chen Hao is protected by a defensive magic weapon of the level of the Purple Ribbon Immortal Clothes.

However, even so, Chen Hao was almost killed.If he hadn't entered the picture and the red envelope immediately... In fact, as long as Chen Hao entered the system red envelope in an instant, he would probably be strangled and become a fan.

However, what made Chen Hao different was that the terrifying killing intent of the golden skeleton didn't destroy the purple ribbon fairy clothes?However, the Purple Ribbon Immortal Clothes could not protect his Zhouquan, which was a bit puzzling.

"At least at the level of an immortal emperor!" the system said in a deep voice.

"Immortal Emperor level?"

Chen Hao jumped up in fright, although he didn't know how powerful the Immortal Emperor was.But his intuition told him that a strong man at that level was absolutely terrifying, and he was unattainable and unimaginably strong now.

At least, that is a master in the fairy world.

"Maybe more than that." The system said in a deep voice.

The cave here is full of chaotic power. Generally speaking, even ordinary strong men would be annihilated directly here.However, although this person's physical body was annihilated, his bones remained immortal.And there is such a terrifying murderous intent.

Chen Hao didn't know the concept of Immortal Emperor, but the system was clear.That is the top master in the fairy world.However, the system estimates that even if an ordinary immortal emperor sits here, his corpse may not be preserved.

This golden corpse must have been a super strong man during his lifetime.

"If he is an immortal emperor, then how did he sit here? This is the world of comprehension." Chen Hao circled around the golden corpse, his eyes shot out two divine lights, looking at the corpse, it seemed that he was about to leave It looks the same as what is written above.

The system is also silent.

In this world, the rules are very strict.People from the fairy world cannot go down to the world of comprehension.Otherwise, once all the masters from the fairy world flood into the cultivation world, the balance in the cultivation world will be broken.

Of course, it doesn't mean that immortals can't go down to the realm.It's just hard to get down.Once discovered, it will be dead.

And this strong man who is at least at the level of the Immortal Emperor not only descended to the lower realm, but also sat here, which is really a bit strange.

"Could it be that he was hunted down?" Chen Hao thought of the most likely answer.But soon he shook his head and smiled.

He said with a self-deprecating smile, "I'm just a little cultivator in the foundation-building stage, so why bother? Anyway, the Immortal Emperor is dead."

Even if he knew why this immortal emperor came down to the realm of comprehension, so what if he died here?That's just one more insight at most.

(End of this chapter)

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