Chapter 226 Anger
"Elder Gu, it's not good, Sun Yuan had an accident." It was a disciple of the Yuanxu Sect who was distracted, and he looked panicked.

Hearing this, Gu Ningzhong's face suddenly darkened.As for that playboy Sun Yuan, he didn't have much cold in the first place.That kind of trash, relying on his grandfather's relationship as the head of the sect, would run amok in the sect on weekdays.

This made Gu Ningzhong very disdainful, but he was just disdainful in his heart, on the surface he didn't dare to do anything.Because after all, his grandfather is the head.

"Are you dead?" Gu Ningzhong glanced at the distracted disciple indifferently, and said angrily.For leading the team this time, Gu Ning has resentment in the center.

After all, he already felt that it was time for him to break through to the Transcending Tribulation Stage.During this period of time, he should have stayed in the sect and cultivated secretly.But at the beginning of the trial of the Devil's Mountain, he was let here by a word from the head.

Without time to cultivate, it was natural for him to postpone his breakthrough to the Tribulation Transcending Period indefinitely.Moreover, the most important thing is that the purpose of the head this time is to protect that playboy Sun Yuan.

This made Gu Ningzhong even more upset.

Hearing Gu Ningzhong's words, Yang Qingjun looked at him in astonishment, with a strange expression on his face.

Seeing Yang Qingjun's weird look, but he didn't speak, Gu Ningzhong couldn't help being furious, and said with a cold snort, "What's the matter? What happened to that bastard?"

"Elder..." Yang Qingjun swallowed, looked at Gu Ningzhong with a strange expression and said, "Sun Yuan is dead."

"If you die, you die. How many people survived that year's trial?" Gu Ningzhong waved his hand and spoke indifferently.However, as soon as the words fell, he jumped up violently, and finally grabbed Yang Qingjun, with a shocked expression on his face.

"What? You said Sun Yuan is dead? Did you read that right?"

A powerful aura rushed towards the face, and Yang Qingjun, who was directly suppressed, had difficulty breathing. Although he was a master in the distraction stage, ten of them added up were not the opponent of Gu Ningzhong in the fusion stage.

"Yes, Sun Yuan is dead, and his soul crystal is broken." Yang Qingjun said with difficulty, and at the same time he spread his hands, holding the broken soul crystal.

"Bastard, who killed him!"

Gu Ningzhong roared, and threw Yang Qingjun out directly, with murderous intent flashing on his body, and the killing intent permeated the entire cave.

Although he doesn't like Sun Yuan, even if Sun Yuan dies, it has nothing to do with him.However, Sun Yuan died in the experience of the Demon Mountain.And this time, he led the team.

Before the trial of the Devil's Mountain, the head of the sect specifically told him to protect Sun Yuan.Now, Sun Yuan is dead!Gu Ningzhong even thought of the anger of the head.

"It's over, this time it's really over." Gu Ningzhong's face was full of despair.Who is the head of Yuanxu Sect?A semi-immortal character in the metamorphosis period!

Moreover, as we all know, this old man is not only cruel, but also extremely protective.But Sun Yuan is his most beloved grandson, now...

"That bastard killed him after all! Isn't there a master who is in the heartbeat period beside him?" Gu Ningzhong was angry, gave Yang Qingjun a cold look, and then stretched out his body and shot towards the magic mountain.

At the same time, other masters of Yuanxu Sect also shot into the magic mountain one after another.Sun Yuan died here, and they all had reasons for poor protection.

Once Sun Pingxi's old hair caught fire, they would peel off even if they didn't die.

Searching for the aura left by Sun Yuan, they soon found Sun Yuan's body.

The scene was a mess, and several peaks were directly razed to the ground.Except for the fact that Sun Yuan's body was well preserved, they couldn't see the bodies of other disciples of the Yuanxu Sect, they only saw balls of meat sauce and puddles of blood.

The faces of Gu Ning and the others are very ugly.As soon as they saw the scene that was razed to the ground, they knew that it was a strong shot.

None of the disciples from the major sects participating in the trial had this strength.Only the elders of the major factions and the masters who came with them could cause such great damage!

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, the powerful monster in the magic mountain made a move.

"Who made the shot?" Gu Ningzhong was a little out of breath.The one who shot was obviously a strong man, but why did he kill a little monk in the Foundation Establishment period?
"Who killed my grandson?"

At this moment, a sound like rolling thunder came from afar.A figure exuding a powerful and terrifying aura flew over from afar.

There are still tens of thousands of miles away from the magic mountain, and the terrifying aura has already swept in like a stormy sea, which surprised everyone present.

The faces of Gu Ningzhong and the others changed even more, because they heard that familiar voice, it was the head of the Yuanxu Sect—Sun Pingxi, a very protective half-immortal-level powerhouse!Sun Pingxi was very angry at the moment, and the aura of the half-immortal level exploded like a stormy sea.

The phantom flashed, and Sun Pingxi had already appeared in front of Gu Ningzhong and the others.A breath like a stormy sea erupted instantly, and Gu Ningzhong and others were the first to bear the brunt, and they were immediately overturned like a solitary boat in a raging sea.

Whether it's the masters in the distraction stage or the two elders in Gu Ningzhong in the fusion stage, they immediately spurt blood.The whole person was blown out like a loser.

This is just the breath that Sun Pingxi let out inadvertently.If he intentionally targeted someone, even Gu Ningzhong would be directly killed.

This is the horror of the semi-immortal level powerhouse.In the fusion stage, even the Transcending Tribulation Realm is vulnerable to semi-immortal figures in the metamorphosis stage, like ants.

The big hand grasped falsely and took Sun Yuan's body to Lingkong.Looking at his grandson's death, the anger in Sun Pingxi's heart became more and more terrifying, and his whole body seemed to be burned by anger.

Endless killing intent spread out, sweeping across the land, extremely frightening.

"Who is it, who is it?" Sun Pingxi roared angrily, looking at Gu Ningzhong and the others with a pair of cold eyes, murderous intent burst forth.

Gu Ningzhong and the others were horrified, and quickly got up from the ground, "Master, this matter..."

Gu Ning Zhongyue wanted to defend himself, but he didn't know what to say.

"Gu Ningzhong, do you know who killed Sun Yuan?" Sun Pingxi looked at Gu Ningzhong with murderous intent, full of murderous intent.

Sun Pingxi hadn't been this angry for a long time.Sun Yuan's death made him very angry.Although, this Sun Yuan behaved like a waste, with extremely mediocre aptitude.

However, it was very pleasing to Sun Pingxi.This time, Sun Pingxi originally didn't want him to undergo the Demon Mountain Trial, but in the end he couldn't resist Sun Yuan's request and agreed to his Demon Mountain experience.

However, Sun Pingxi was not at ease, and arranged several integration periods for Sun Yuan, and even a master in the heart-beating period would personally protect him.There is absolutely no danger for these people on the outskirts of the Magic Mountain.

In the end, Sun Pingxi even told Gu Ningzhong to protect Sun Yuan!

During this process, Sun Pingxi stared at Sun Yuan's soul crystal all the time.The moment Sun Yuan's soul crystal shattered, Sun Pingxi discovered it.

Then, he rushed towards the Magic Mountain at the fastest speed!

With his semi-immortal cultivation base, his speed was extremely terrifying, and he arrived at the Magic Mountain in a short time.Then the scene just happened.

"A bunch of trash." Furious, Sun Pingxi resisted the urge to execute them, but just gave them a cold look.

Immediately, Sun Pingxi forced out a drop of blood essence from Sun Yuan's corpse, and then moved his hands in rotation to perform a seal formula.


Suddenly, a picture vaguely appeared in the void in front of them... If Chen Hao were here, he would probably exclaim after seeing this picture.

Although the picture was a little blurry and there was no sound, it was actually the battle between Chen Hao and Sun Yuan and others.

In the end, the picture completely dissipated at the moment Sun Yuan died.

This supernatural power used the essence and blood of the people present at that time to restore the scene at that time.It is a supernatural power only available to semi-immortal level powerhouses.

"It's a member of Xutianzong!" Although the picture is a bit blurry, Gu Ningzhong and the others still saw the other party's clothing at first glance.And even Chen Hao's appearance was recognized seven or eight percent.

"Xu Tianzong." Sun Pingxi was full of murderous intent, his eyes flickering with murderous intent.

In the screen, Chen Hao's performance is actually nothing, it's just the strength of fifty dragons.That is the appearance of the heartbeat period.However, Sun Pingxi's eyes lit up with the Great Vajra Wheel Seal that Chen Hao displayed later.

This seal formula is really too powerful, when did Xu Tianzong have this powerful technique?I have never heard of it.

"The state of the heartbeat period has such a terrifying speed, and that powerful seal. If I get the technique of this seal..." Sun Pingxi's thoughts turned, and then he sneered: "Search for this person for me, you must Capture it alive."

Gu Ningzhong and the others secretly wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads, and quickly agreed.They thought that Sun Pingxi just wanted to avenge Sun Yuan.

In fact, apart from avenging Sun Yuan, Sun Pingxi also cared about Chen Hao's tactics.After all, the unparalleled speed of that day and the wheel seal of the Great Vajra are both exercises in the Bingzi Jue.


As for Xutianzong, this time the team was led by Elder Lin Zhilong from last year, and another elder named Qian Jiangshan.Elder Feng Ningbo did not lead the team this time because his grandson died in the trial of the Devil's Mountain.

Just now, when Sun Pingxi released the aura of a half-immortal level, many people far away on the outskirts of the magic mountain felt this terrifying aura.

At this time, Lin Zhilong and Qian Jiangshan were discussing which semi-immortal-level powerhouse came here.And they felt sensitively that something big might happen again in the trial of the Devil's Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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