The Best Red Packet System of Rebirth

Chapter 228 Lord of the Magic Mountain

Chapter 228 Lord of the Magic Mountain
Seeing Sun Pingxi's unwillingness to give up again and again, he wanted to kill himself.The Lord of the Devil Mountain frowned slightly.

At this time, Sun Pingxi's anger was enough to burn the entire sky!Shame, great shame!
The enemy who was not the Lord of the Magic Mountain was slapped into the depths of the ground by his slap.This kind of ant-like feeling made him very uncomfortable, and it hadn't appeared for many years.

He is the head of one of the top ten sects, and exists at the level of a half-immortal.Normally high above the others, who wouldn't respectfully call him senior when seeing him?
However, today, people continuously swatted them into the depths of the ground like swatting flies... Sun Pingxi, who was burning with anger, had red eyes, and his whole body was almost burned by the anger in his chest.

After raising his limit strength, he took out a flying sword of the spirit weapon level with his backhand, turned into a streak of light, and ruthlessly rushed towards the Lord of the Demon Mountain.

The sword glow raged, breaking the sky and cracking the earth.The huge sword light seemed to split the sky in half, shattering the void, and slashed fiercely at the Lord of the Demon Mountain.

The Lord of the Demon Mountain frowned slightly, and pointed out.

The black fingers swelled against the wind, instantly becoming hundreds of feet in size, and then pointed at the terrifying sword glow that was torn apart.

After the loud bang, the sword glow that split the sky in half with a shocking murderous intent jumped and shattered.But the huge fingers of the Lord of the Devil Mountain just stopped.

At this moment, the Lord of the Demon Mountain spread out his big hand and grabbed it falsely.

The big hand with endless black light came down from the sky like a mountain, covering the sky and blocking out the sun, and grabbed it extremely quickly.

Sun Pingxi was taken aback when he saw that the Lord of the Devil Mountain shattered the sword light he had chopped out with his extreme strength with one finger!However, before he could react, he saw that the big hand of the Lord of the Magic Mountain had quickly grabbed it.

Shocked in his heart, Sun Pingxi teleported away with a thought.However, the moment he teleported, the mountain lord's big hand, which was as big as a mountain, reached out.

The big hand directly grabbed the eighty horned dragon phantoms hovering above Sun Pingxi's head.Then, the big hand of the Lord of the Demon Mountain shook...

The phantoms of the eighty horned dragons were directly shattered.

Sun Pingxi let out a scream, and the figure that had just teleported also fell out of the void.

The Lord of the Mountain's big hand quickly shrank and grabbed it forward.The moment Sun Pingxi fell out of the void, he grabbed his neck and lifted him up like a chicken.

The majestic head of the top ten sects, a half-immortal existence, was lifted up like a chicken.What a shame!

Sun Ping suddenly felt his eyes turn black, his throat felt sweet, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.It wasn't the Lord of the Magic Mountain who secretly assassinated him, but because he was angry.

If it gets out at this time, then he is the head of the sect, and he won't have to hang around in the cultivation world in the future.

"Lord of the Devil Mountain, you are too deceitful, I will fight you!" Sun Pingxi roared with a ferocious face, struggling continuously.However, his strength has been sealed by the Lord of the Demon Mountain, no matter how hard he struggles, it is useless.


Sun Pingxi stared at the Lord of the Demon Mountain with resentment all over his face, vomiting blood continuously, wishing to eat him alive.The move of the Lord of the Devil Mountain is really too ruthless.

This is simply humiliating Sun Pingxi.

The Lord of the Devil Mountain glanced at Sun Pingxi indifferently, there was no expression in his eyes, just indifference, a chilling indifference.

Seeing the eyes of the Lord of the Devil Mountain, Sun Pingxi's heart instantly turned cold, and a chill rose from the bottom of his heart.Only at this time did he wake up from the endless anger.

This is the Lord of the Magic Mountain, the Lord who kills without blinking an eye.Moreover, Moshan is not afraid of his Yuanxu Sect at all.It can even be said that the Magic Mountain is not afraid of the entire cultivation world at all.

Because as long as the monsters in the magic mountain don't leave the magic mountain, even monks at the level of immortals can't do anything to them.

It is precisely because of this that it is really no big deal for the Lord of the Demon Mountain to kill him, a head of the Yuanxu Sect.

"We, the Demon Mountain, have an agreement with you humans. We monsters cannot leave the Demon Mountain, but you human monks and monks in the catastrophe period cannot step half a step into the Demon Mountain. You not only went deep into the Demon Mountain, but also searched again wantonly. I completely can kill you."

The Lord of the Devil Mountain said indifferently.

Sun Pingxi's heart was sweating, and a look of panic flashed in the depths of his eyes.

"A little half-immortal monk dares to make a scene here, believe it or not, I will uproot your sect?" The Lord of the Demon Mountain seemed to be talking to Sun Pingxi, but he seemed to be talking to himself.

"Our magic mountain has been silent for too long, and the cultivation world has forgotten our existence." The lord of the magic mountain looked at the void in the distance, and suddenly sighed.

However, Sun Pingxi was taken aback.The Lord of the Demon Mountain said so, could it be that the monsters in the Demon Mountain are about to be born again?

If that's the case, it will be a catastrophe in the cultivation world.

"Go away, leave the Devil Mountain immediately, or you will be killed without mercy!" The Lord of the Devil Mountain glanced at Sun Pingxi lightly, and then disappeared in place in a flash.

When the Lord of the Devil Mountain left, Sun Pingxi's strength had already recovered.However, he didn't dare to stop, and quickly teleported away from the magic mountain.

The Lord of the Devil Mountain is really too terrifying. He has such terrifying strength in less than two years after crossing the tribulation.He had to send back the news about the Lord of the Devil Mountain, or the news that the Monster Beast of the Devil Mountain was about to be born.

Moreover, he was really afraid of the Lord of the Magic Mountain.Sun Pingxi felt like an ant for this kind of strong man who could control his own life at will, which was not a good feeling!

And, most importantly, he didn't want to die.A battle between two half-immortal-level powerhouses.As a semi-immortal-level powerhouse who has been famous for a long time, and at the same time the head of the Yuanxu Sect, Sun Pingxi is like an ant in front of the Lord of the Demon Mountain, vulnerable to a single blow.

In the end, he left the Magic Mountain as disheartened as a bereaved dog.

However, no third person knew about the battle between the two powerhouses.This is because although they fought, their strength was suppressed nearby.

A battle between two half-immortal-level powerhouses.As a semi-immortal-level powerhouse who has been famous for a long time, and at the same time the head of the Yuanxu Sect, Sun Pingxi is like an ant in front of the Lord of the Demon Mountain, vulnerable to a single blow.

In the end, he left the Magic Mountain as disheartened as a bereaved dog.

However, no third person knew about the battle between the two powerhouses.This is because although they fought, their strength was suppressed nearby.

Moreover, the Lord of the Demon Mountain is simply too powerful, and the battle that took place actually ended in such an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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