The Best Red Packet System of Rebirth

Chapter 232 Qingguang Sect

Chapter 232 Qingguang Sect

Chen Hao's eyes were burning brightly, and he looked over coldly: "I'm going down, do you dare to come and fight?"

The disciple of the Qingguang Sect who was clamoring suddenly became dumb for a while, and he was only in the period of excitement.Chen Hao's killing of a cultivator in the heartbeat stage was like slaughtering a dog, and killing him was nothing more than a blink of an eye.

He didn't dare to come out to fight at all.

Seeing this person go dumb, Chen Hao immediately sneered: "This is your Qingguang Sect's elite disciple? A dignified cultivator in the heart-beating stage dared not agree to my challenge in the early stage of Xuanzhao. You should go back to retreat and practice. So as not to come out and embarrass yourself.”


On the city wall, there were quite a few monks outside the city. After seeing this scene, they couldn't help laughing.All of them looked at the disciples of Qingguang Sect with disdainful eyes.

Tao Litian felt annoyed for a while, turned around and looked at the cultivator who had spoken earlier, and said, "Liu Li, go out and take Chen Hao down."

Liu Li straightened his face and said unwillingly, "But..."

"You are a cultivator in the heart-beating stage, two realms higher than him, don't say you can't take him down." Tao Litian's face was gloomy, his eyes sparkled with murderous intent.

Seeing Tao Litian's murderous eyes, Liu Li's heart trembled, and finally he rushed out with the flying sword.

"Chen Hao, come down and die."

Liu Li stood in the void, looked at Chen Hao and roared.

However, Chen Hao stood on the city wall and looked at Liu Li motionlessly: "I didn't expect you to actually come out to die. If that's the case, then I'll let you do it."

Before the words fell, Chen Hao had already stepped on the military formula, turned into a streak of light, and rushed towards Liu Li.

Just as Chen Hao's figure was swaying, and the moment he left Guquan City, Tao Litian on the small slope let out a grin, stretched out his big hand, and grabbed Chen Hao in the air.


The void shattered, and the big blue hand shattered the sky, poked out from above the sky, and grabbed Chen Hao directly.

Chen Hao let out a strange cry, and then disappeared in place with a whoosh.The moment he disappeared in place, that monstrous hand had already grabbed it, and even the ground was grabbed out of a huge pit.

"Bastard, you despicable and shameless person, unexpectedly attacked!" Chen Hao stood on the city wall again, looking at Qing Guangzong and others on the small slope, he burst into curses.

Fortunately, he has long been prepared to guard against the opponent's sneak attack, and the speed of the Bing Zi Jue is unparalleled in the world.Otherwise, he would have been wounded by Tao Litian, or even killed directly.

Standing on the city wall, Chen Hao yelled at the outside, all kinds of vicious words spewed out of his mouth, and the sky and the moon were darkened by the scolding directly.The people around who scolded were ashamed.

However, Qingguangzong and others were scolded silently, and they almost found a crack to get in ashamed.

In fact, Tao Litian, the elder of the Qingguang Sect, just attacked Chen Hao by surprise.

However, he is a dignified monk in the stage of distraction, so it is indeed a bit too shameless to attack Chen Hao, a monk in the recovery stage.Moreover, there are quite a few people around who are planning on Chen Hao.

They first saw Tao Litian making a sneak attack, and then heard Chen Hao yelling, and immediately some people supported Chen Hao.In this way, the scolding Qing Guangzong and others almost died of shame.

In fact, these people were not sympathetic to Chen Hao or because they were kind, but because they didn't want Chen Hao to be taken down by Qing Guangzong's people.

After all, Chen Hao is now worth 100 million Yuan Pills.

Chen Hao stood on the city wall and cursed for a while, feeling that it was meaningless, and then went back.

Immediately, the members of Qingguangzong also entered the ancient spring city.And their disciples even blatantly monitored Chen Hao, as if they would take action as soon as Chen Hao left the ancient spring city.

In fact, is Qing Guangzong actually planning this?In Ancient Spring City, many people have this idea.

In the next few days, Chen Hao was very depressed.As soon as he left the inn, there were many people in front of him and behind him. These people were like his loyal bodyguards, no matter where he went, they would never let him go.

At night, Chen Hao used the power of the system to place a barrier in the room to prevent people from breaking in.Then he directly entered the system red envelope world.

"System, is there any way to kill these people?"

In the past few days, Chen Hao had a lot of anger in his heart.If he relied on the system red envelope world, he could leave Ancient Spring City quietly without anyone knowing.

However, Chen Hao was unwilling to do so.It's not his style to sneak away like this.What's more, it's really damnable that these people dared to attack him.

Even if you want to leave, you have to kill these people.Even if you can't kill all of them, you have to kill some of them.To let them know that although he is just a young monk in the transition period, he is not easy to mess with.

In fact, if Chen Hao reveals his identity as a disciple of the Xutian Sect at this time, even if ten courageous Qing Guangzong were given, they would not dare to touch Chen Hao.

But Chen Hao didn't want to do that.After all, Xutianzong could protect him for a while, but not for a lifetime.Moreover, the more than ten years in Murong's family made him deeply understand that he must never rely on others to be a man, and everything must be in his own hands.

"With your strength, at most you can only deal with monks in the heart-beating stage. Although I have recovered to the stage of distraction, my strength is not very strong, and I can't deal with a few people." The system pondered for a while and said.

Chen Hao pondered for a while, and at this moment, the system continued: "However, if you want to kill them, you don't have to do it."

"There's something going on!" Chen Hao's eyes shot out two bright lights, looking at the system, he quickly asked, "What can I do?"


Hearing this, Chen Hao was immediately discouraged. It can be said that he didn't know anything about the formation.However, he immediately looked at the system with bright eyes. Since he knew him very well and knew that he didn't know much about formations and said such a thing, the system must have his plan.

"Although your teacher is not good at formations, but after so many years of immersion, I will more or less arrange a few lore large formations..."

The top ten sects all have their own shops in Guquan City, either dealing in elixir, or dealing in magic weapons like flying swords.The manager of Yuanxumen's store in Ancient Spring City is a distracted man named Xie Wei.It has been here for hundreds of years.

Usually the store is very quiet, and no one is making trouble.But today, there was a noise from the shop.

"Who dares to cause trouble in the shop of Yuanxumen?" Xie Wei frowned slightly, and walked out of the back hall with a gloomy expression.

At this time, dozens of people inside and outside the shop filled the entire Nuo Da shop.And a clerk in the shop was holding the hand of a young man in black and talking excitedly.

And the young man in black had a look of disdain and impatience, and he was furious at this moment.

"What nonsense ten sects, you sell these weapons exclusively? Flying swords of the top-grade magical weapon level? I think what you are selling is tofu dregs. You still have 50 Yuan Dan, why don't you grab it?"

The young man in black pointed at the guys at Yuanxu Gate and yelled and cursed, but those guys were so scolded that they dared not fight back.It's not how good their quality is, in fact, they really don't know what to say.

And that guy was holding the hand of the young man in black with one hand, as if he was afraid that the young man would slip away.

Seeing this scene, Xie Wei frowned slightly, and when he saw the young man in black, a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"What's going on? Chen Hao, what are you making trouble here?" Xie Wei walked up and said coldly.At the same time, a powerful aura swept out and locked on Chen Hao.

The young man in black is Chen Hao.

Hearing Xie Wei's words, Chen Hao shook off the clerk's hand, turned to look at Xie Wei, and said with a sneer, "I'm making trouble? Everyone who enters the door is a guest. Is this how you Yuanxu Sect treat guests?"

"Oh, is it? Is it because I exposed your relationship with selling inferior products, and you want to drive me away? Huh? This is how your Yuanxu Sect treats guests?" Chen Hao looked at Xie Wei and kept sneering.

"Chen Hao, don't think that I can't do anything to you in Guquan City! Yuanxumen's shop is not a place you can make trouble, so leave immediately."

"Tsk tsk..." Chen Hao sneered again and again, looked at the people around him and said, "Everyone comment on me, I just want to buy a flying sword here. You also know that someone wants to kill me recently, so I have to buy a flying sword." Get a better flying sword. I heard that the reputation of Yuanxu Sect is not bad, and the quality of the flying swords is also top-notch. But, you just saw that those so-called high-grade flying swords are simply tofu. The supervisor also kicked me out."

"Everyone, don't buy or sell things in Yuanxumen's store in the future. These bastards are only doing tricks. Everyone, go to Xutianzong's store."

While speaking, Chen Hao was about to leave the shop.However, a few guys from Yuanxu Sect stopped him and didn't let him leave.

If he was allowed to leave the shop like this, then even if they worked here for the rest of their lives, they would not be able to repay the loss they suffered today.

"what happened?"

Seeing the store clerk stop Chen Hao from letting them leave, Xie Wei frowned deeply and shouted in a deep voice.

In fact, until now, Xie Wei has not figured out what is going on.Although Chen Hao came here to make trouble, he said that the flying swords sold by Yuanxumen were all tofu, and this excuse was too out of thin air.

"Director, our high-grade flying sword..." a guy looked at Xie Wei with a gloomy expression, and said cautiously.

Chen Hao sneered again and again, looking at Xie Wei indifferently.

Hearing the man's words, Xie Wei felt a bad feeling in his heart.Immediately, he looked into the shop window where the top-grade flying swords were placed.

(End of this chapter)

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