Chapter 238 The Great War
Chen Hao's departure from the sect seemed to be a sudden impulse.In fact, however, he had already thought about it on the way back.

Killing a monk at the stage of integration is earth-shattering. Everyone would have guessed that he must possess unworldly skills and magic weapons, even Xu Tianzong would not doubt it.

If Xu Tianzong just asked him as usual, it would be fine. If Xu Tianzong forced him to hand in the exercises because of this, then he would not be able to stay in this sect no matter what.

Therefore, when Feng Ningbo showed a ferocious face, and Zhuang Ningguang and others also acquiesced in this matter, Chen Hao immediately decided to leave the sect.

Want exercises?Alright, just go ahead and take me down, then even your own life will be yours.If you can't take me down, then I'm sorry, I will just walk away.

At least, this sect didn't have anything for Chen Hao to linger on.

"Leaving the sect? Chen Hao, do you think you can leave this hall today?" Feng Ningbo sneered, and a murderous teleportation appeared at the door of the hall, stopping Chen Hao.

Chen Hao was furious immediately, and cursed: "Feng, you can keep me just because you are together? I can kill Fei Mingzhong in the fusion stage, and I am sure to kill you in the robbery stage. If you are in a hurry If it's me, it's nothing more than a fight to the death."

Zhuang Ningguang frowned slightly, and pondered.

What Chen Hao said obviously meant that it was not accidental that he killed Fei Mingzhong in the fusion stage back then, but had a means and was inevitable.

If Chen Hao was really in a hurry today, he might be like Chen Hao, he would fight to the death.I'm afraid I won't get anything by then.

"Chen Hao, you should think clearly. Xutianzong is one of the top ten sects in the cultivation world, and it is absolutely capable of protecting you. If you step out of this hall today, you will not be a disciple of Xutianzong, Any troubles in the future will have nothing to do with our Xutian Sect."

At this time, Zhuang Ningguang said in a deep voice.

"Sect Master Zhuang doesn't need to worry about it. I, Chen Hao, have a cheap life, but I don't want to kill anyone I want. I will remember whoever treats me well and whoever treats me badly. After I succeed in cultivation, I will definitely I will repay you one by one." Chen Hao said lightly.At the same time, his figure swayed, he bypassed Feng Ningbo, and was about to leave.

Seeing this scene, Zhuang Ningguang sighed.He knew that Chen Hao, a disciple, was about to lose.But what if things have come to this?
Even Zhuang Ningguang wondered whether what he and others did today was correct?Does Chen Hao have to hand in his exercises?Or do you want to cultivate him with all your strength?
If Chen Hao can hand in the exercises, it will undoubtedly bring Xu Tianzong's strength to a higher level.Even if Chen Hao doesn't hand it in, they just try their best to cultivate Chen Hao, then, I believe that Chen Hao will definitely become the mainstay of Xutianzong in the near future.

But, now there is nothing.

"Boy, do you think you can just leave like this?" Feng Ningbo stopped Chen Hao again, with murderous intent flashing.

Chen Hao narrowed his eyes, and a murderous intent flashed in the depths of his eyes.Facing Feng Ningbo who repeatedly blocked him, Chen Hao already had murderous intentions.

At this moment, he even wanted to release the golden corpse and kill him directly.

However, Chen Hao didn't want to use the golden corpse unless it was absolutely necessary.Moreover, this is where Xutianzong's sect is located.

Once the golden corpse is released, even Zhuang Ningguang, who is at the half-immortal level, may not be an opponent at all.However, the terrifying killing intent of the golden corpse will also attract those old monsters of Xutianzong.

Those are immortal-level existences.Chen Hao was not sure whether the golden corpse could deal with immortals.

"Elder Feng, let him go." At this time, Zhuang Ningguang said.

Feng Ningbo was startled, looked at Zhuang Ningguang with some reluctance and said, "Sect Master, if we let him leave like this, then we will get nothing."

"Let him go." Zhuang Ningguang sighed.

Unwilling, Feng Ningbo glared at Chen Hao fiercely, and with a thought, he laughed grimly: "Chen Hao, since you are a disciple of the Xutian Sect, now that you have left the sect, you must leave the sect behind." return everything.”

"Two flying swords, a storage bag, these are your things, I have already returned them all to you? What else? Huh? When I broke through the foundation building period, you gave me five Huiyuan pills, I will return it to you immediately."

While speaking, Chen Hao fumbled in his pocket, then grabbed five Hui Yuan Pills and threw them to Feng Ningbo.

In fact, whether he took things from the storage bag before or took things out of his pockets now, Chen Hao always took them out of the system red envelope.It's just covered up with storage bags and pockets.

Seeing this scene, Feng Ningbo's face turned ashen, but the faces of the others were also gloomy.

"Nothing? Return all the exercises you cultivated to the sect!" Feng Ningbo grinned, took a step forward, and stretched out his big hand to grab Chen Hao.

Chen Hao's face changed suddenly, and then he said angrily: "Feng Ningbo, what do you mean? I have never practiced any of your Xutianzong skills!"

Take back the exercises?

Feng Ningbo's intention was obvious, which was to abolish Chen Hao's cultivation directly.This is Chen Hao's current cultivation after two years of cultivation.Moreover, once the cultivation base is abolished, it will be difficult for Chen Hao to move forward in the future, and he is afraid that he will be killed if he can't even get out of the gate of Xutianzong.

"It's inevitable that the sect's exercises will be leaked, but all those who are expelled from the sect must take back any exercises. Erase the memory in their minds." At this time, Zhuang Ningguang said indifferently.

Abolish Chen Hao's cultivation, and then erase Chen Hao's memory.If they saw my memory, then all my secrets, such as Bingzi Jue and System Red Envelope World, would be seen through by them.

Absolutely not!The anger in Chen Hao's heart was completely ignited.

"I can't tolerate you saying no, boy, let's appoint it." Feng Ningbo grinned, and grabbed Chen Hao fiercely with his big hands.

Chen Hao flickered, retreated violently, and then shouted angrily: "Sect Master Zhuang, don't you believe that I haven't learned any of your exercises? Do you have to abolish my cultivation?"

Zhuang Ningguang did not answer Chen Hao's words, but quietly closed his eyes, apparently acquiescing.After all, even he couldn't help but be moved by the secrets in Chen Hao's body.

It would be a pity for Chen Hao to leave like this.

Seeing Zhuang Ningguang's appearance, Chen Hao already knew the result, so he said coldly: "Very well, Chen Hao will keep this matter in mind today. In the future, if I succeed in cultivation, I will definitely repay you well."

The voice was cold, containing endless anger and grief, as well as soaring murderous intent!
"You can leave this hall." Feng Ningbo sneered, but still grabbed Chen Hao.

"Haha... Although I, Chen Hao, have a cheap life, if you want to take me down, you can use your lives in exchange for it! Today, even if this is Xutianzong, I will kill you! Golden skeleton, give me Come out and kill!"

Chen Hao yelled, and the system in the red envelope world of the mind communication system sacrificed the golden skeleton immediately.


The void seemed to be cracked, and a golden skeleton appeared out of thin air, and landed above Feng Ningbo's head in a cross-legged posture.

At this moment, Chen Hao had already activated the Purple Ribbon Immortal Cloak, and a layer of purple glow enveloped him, forming a power shield that firmly protected him inside.

When not being attacked, the golden skeleton only shone with a faint golden light, no different from ordinary skeletons.

If it is not attacked, the murderous intent contained in the golden skeleton will not explode.However, Chen Hao sacrificed it for the purpose of killing the enemy.

Therefore, when the golden skeleton suppressed Feng Ningbo on the ground, Feng Ningbo reacted immediately.

He sneered, but the big hand that was grabbing Chen Hao turned into a fist, and punched the golden skeleton hard.

In his mind, Chen Hao would not sacrifice this golden skeleton for no reason, there must be something weird in it.Therefore, his punch contained [-]% of his strength.

It's just that no one thought that this golden skeleton was weird here.

How terrifying is the [-]% power in the Transcendence Tribulation Period?Even a majestic mountain would be smashed to pieces under this punch.Therefore, when this vast ocean-like terrifying force impacted on the golden skeleton for a moment.

At this moment, the golden skeleton suddenly exploded with a golden color that was brighter than the sun in the sky, dazzling and glaring.At the same time, a monstrous, earth-shattering terrifying murderous intent erupted from the golden skeleton, sweeping in all directions, attacking indiscriminately.

The first to bear the brunt was Feng Ningbo.

A strong sense of danger rose from the bottom of my heart.Feng Ningbo was taken aback, instantly raised his limit strength, and blasted towards the golden skeleton.


Endless murderous intent rushed towards him like a torrent, and the force Feng Ningbo blasted was instantly shattered.And the endless murderous intent flew away at an extremely fast speed.

Feng Ningbo's body was shining brightly, and a thick layer of power was displayed by him, forming a shield to protect him firmly inside.

However, the power shield that condensed all his strength was completely vulnerable under the strangling of the golden bones, and was shattered the moment it came into contact.

However, after all, Feng Ningbo is also a cultivator in the Transcending Tribulation Stage, his strength is strong, and his reaction is far faster than ordinary people.The moment the shield shattered, he felt bad, so he immediately sacrificed all his defensive magic weapons.

A fairy clothes of spirit weapon level appeared on his body surface, and a tower-shaped magic weapon radiated a hazy gray light on top of his head.And in his hand appeared a flying sword exuding a powerful aura, which was also a flying sword of the spirit weapon level.

It seems that there are many babies in this product.

However, under the impact of the golden skeleton of unknown origin, how can these things that are only spiritual weapons resist?

The tower-shaped magic weapon held on top of his head was instantly shattered.Then the fairy clothes on his body were directly crushed.

At this moment, Feng Ningbo was terrified and raised his limit strength. The long sword in his hand burst into bright light, and then he slashed at the golden skeleton with one sword.

No matter how Feng Ningbo attacked, his strength was so vulnerable in front of the golden skeleton.All attacks were smashed immediately.

But at the same time as the attack, Feng Ningbo turned around and fled.This golden skeleton is really weird, but too terrifying.

However, how could he, Feng Ningbo, a small cultivator in the tribulation period, escape so easily?

After hearing only a shrill scream, the elder of Xutianzong's tribulation period was strangled and turned into a cloud of blood mist. He couldn't die anymore.

Having said all that, it seems like a long time has passed.However, all this only happened in an instant.After Feng Ningbo was killed, the endless killing intent of the golden skeleton swept in all directions.

After Feng Ningbo, the few elders in the hall who were not in the tribulation period were killed immediately and turned into a blood mist, and they didn't even have time to sacrifice the magic weapon in their bodies.

It's just that the elders of the Tribulation Period and the half-immortal Zhuang Ningguang who were far away from the golden skeleton had already reacted.Not only raised his strength to the limit in the first time, but also sacrificed all his magic weapons, standing in front of him.


The loud noise spread far away.

At this moment, the disciples of the Xutian Sect around the main meeting hall looked at the past, but they saw that the main meeting hall, which was like a holy place in their minds, was destroyed by something, and it exploded directly, turning into debris .An incomparably terrifying golden light soared into the sky, containing an incomparably terrifying murderous intent, covering the sky and covering the earth, very terrifying.

"Zhuang Ningguang, you Xutianzong conspired to take away the exercises from me, Chen Hao, and actually wanted to forcibly take away my memory! Although I, Chen Hao, am weak, I will not do what you wish, and I will die with you!"

At the moment when the hall shattered, a ray of purple light rose from the ground to the sky.At the same time, Chen Hao's extremely sad and indignant voice spread far and wide, covering most of Xutianzong's area.

"What? The suzerain and the elders are actually trying to steal Chen Hao's skills?" After hearing that voice, many disciples of the Xutian Sect were shocked, and their hearts were extremely shocked.

"Zhuang Ningguang, even if I die today, I won't let you succeed!" While everyone was shocked, Chen Hao's voice of grief and indignation came from far away from you.

"what happened?"

The golden light that soared into the sky contained a terrifying and murderous intent.And when Chen Hao's sad and angry voice came, many Xutianzong disciples looked at each other in blank dismay, and quite a few disciples had stretched out their bodies and flew past following the sound.

Those disciples near the main hall saw that the main hall was blown to pieces.Chen Hao rushed out from the hall, spurting blood wildly in the void.

So far, many people have believed Chen Hao's words.Because there was a big battle going on there, and it was obvious that Chen Hao was at a disadvantage.

Facing the murderous intent of the golden skeleton, Zhuang Ningguang and others were extremely embarrassed.Zhuang Ningguang is relatively good, because he is the head of the sect and holds the immortal weapon of Xutianzong in his hand.

When he realized something was wrong, he had already sacrificed the fairy weapon to protect himself.Therefore, although the qi and blood of the endless killing intent of the golden skeleton surged, it was not injured.

At the first moment, he retreated far away.It's just that the elders in the hall are tragic.All the elders who passed the tribulation period died.Even the elders in the Transcending Tribulation Period died several times. In the end, counting Zhuang Ningguang, there were only two or three of the dozen or so people in the hall.

In fact, Chen Hao was not feeling well at this time.Although the Purple Ribbon Immortal Clothes is an existence of the level of immortal artifacts, at the same time he sacrificed the system red envelopes to protect his body.

However, the endless killing intent of the golden skeleton is too terrifying.Even though Chen Hao had multiple protections, he was still so shocked that he was so angry and bloody that he spurted wildly.

However, because he is very familiar with the golden skeleton, he rushed out the first time he sacrificed the golden skeleton.That's why it was just wounded and vomiting blood.

Swish!Swish! ...

A series of figures flew over from the front of Xutianzong, and the shattered hall immediately caught their eyes, followed by Zhuang Ningguang and others who were in a panic, followed by Chen Hao who looked sad and angry.

Hearing Chen Hao's words, Zhuang Ningguang and others were undoubtedly angry.With what Chen Hao said, their conspiracy to capture Chen Hao has been confirmed.

In fact, it was exactly what they wanted to take away from Chen Hao.It's just that what was done in the past was very secretive, but now Chen Hao told the world.

"Elder Gao, you go and take down Chen Hao, and I'll deal with this skeleton." Zhuang Ningguang said to the Elder Du Jieqi who was not killed with an ugly expression.

Elder Gao nodded, then teleported, rushed into the void, reached out his big hand to Chen Hao and killed him.

At the same time, on the other side, Zhuang Ningguang grasped the air with his hand, and took out a flying sword that exuded a powerful aura—Xu Tian Sword!

The Xutian Sword is the saber of Xutian Zhenren, the founder of the Xutian Sect, and it is a high-grade immortal weapon.It has always been one of the immortal weapons of Xutianzong.

Zhuang Ningguang held the fairy artifact with a serious expression on his face, and his half-immortal cultivation base was completely forced into the fairy artifact in his hand.

The fairy artifact burst out with dazzling light.An extremely terrifying breath erupted.Then the sword light exploded.An incomparably terrifying sword light pierced the sky and covered the earth, tearing the sky and the earth, creating a huge crack in the void, and slashed down on the golden skeleton on the ground.


The golden skeleton was directly sent flying by this terrifying sword light.

However, the moment the golden skeleton was attacked, a murderous intent that was dozens of times stronger than before burst out from the golden skeleton.

The dazzling golden light is extremely dazzling.At this moment, wherever the golden light passed, the void shattered and the mountains shattered.

A burst of shrill screams continued to spread far away.Wherever the golden light passed, everything was smashed into pieces.Within a radius of a hundred miles, all the mountains were razed to the ground, and countless disciples of the Xutian Sect who rushed over were immediately twisted into blood mist.

With just this blow, thousands of disciples of Xutian Sect were killed by Chi Yu.

Even Zhuang Ningguang, including the one who made the shot, was blown away by the shock of spurting blood.The fairy artifact on his body was also directly shattered.If it weren't for his semi-immortal level realm, his speed is unparalleled in the world, and he would teleport out immediately when he felt something was wrong, otherwise he might just return and kill him.

But those elders in the Tribulation Transcendence Period were not so lucky.Like the other disciples of Xutianzong, they were directly blasted into blood mist.Even Chen Hao in the void disappeared.

I don't know whether it is dead or alive.

As the suzerain of Xutian Sect, Zhuang Ningguang holds only a few immortal weapons of Xutian Sect.An incomparably powerful Xutian sword and a fairy clothes.

Although, there are also immortals in the fairy world.However, there is still a huge gap between these immortals and the immortals in the fairy world.Because they are just land gods and have not yet ascended.

Land immortals without ascension, compared with real immortals.Although their physical bodies have all transformed into immortal bodies.However, their supernatural powers and strength are far inferior to real immortals.

Moreover, they have no fairy artifacts!
Immortal artifacts, immortal artifacts used by immortals, and magic weapons that can only appear in the fairy world.Nowadays, there are not many fairy artifacts in the entire cultivation world, even for one of the top ten sects like Xutianzong, there are only a few such limited ones.It is the magic weapon of the Xutian sect.

At this time, Zhuang Ningguang held the Xutian sword in his hand, his hands trembling constantly.The corners of his mouth were stained with blood, and his chest was even more red with blood.But the fairy clothes on his body were dim and were blasted into pieces.

A fairy artifact was destroyed just like that!

While Zhuang Ningguang was shocked, he also felt a burst of heartache.This is a fairy artifact, it is a sect's fairy artifact, but now it has been destroyed in his hands, how can he explain it to Xu Tianzong?
Thinking of the pain in his heart, Zhuang Ningguang couldn't help but spat out a mouthful of blood.

Although most of the attacks were blocked by the fairy clothes, the fairy clothes also jumped to pieces.However, Zhuang Ningguang, who was at the semi-immortal level, was still seriously injured!
The meridians were shattered, and the bones in his body were shattered a lot.If it wasn't for the fairy clothes, he would have been smashed to pieces long ago.

At this time, because there is no longer any attack, the golden skeleton no longer reveals a strong killing intent.Instead, he sat quietly cross-legged on a piece of messy ground, with a pale golden light shining on his body.

Seeing this scene, Zhuang Ningguang seemed to have a feeling...

"They're all dead..."

More than a dozen elders, including several elders who had crossed the catastrophe period, and thousands of Xutianzong disciples who had heard the news, were all killed and turned into a cloud of blood mist.And he himself was seriously injured.

At this time, Zhuang Ningguang finally knew that what Chen Hao said earlier was not scary or cruel, but that he really had that ability.

perish together!

Fight to the death!

Now, Xu Tianzong's side is dead, and Chen Hao has been blasted to pieces—at least, Zhuang Ningguang thinks so.He didn't think that Chen Hao could survive the indiscriminate attack of the golden skeleton.

So many people died, even Chen Hao died, Xu Tianzong got nothing.Zhuang Ningguang hissed secretly in his heart, and then set his eyes on the golden skeleton.

This pair of skeletons is very weird, even a fairy weapon can be broken into pieces.Definitely a fairy-level existence.

Although so many people were killed and injured, if this golden skeleton can be subdued, it may become the sect's biggest trump card!

(End of this chapter)

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