Part of Chapter 248
That is to say, even if he is not close to the realm of an immortal, he is sure to completely transform his mortal body into an immortal body before he is born.

While surprised, Chen Hao laughed again: "Since the old man doesn't bid, then I will start."

Chen Hao first smiled slightly and said, "500 billion!"

Thirty-five billion!A direct price increase of 500 billion.It should be noted that although the prices were shouted fiercely before, they were only 100 billion 100 billion increase in price, and Chen Hao increased the price by [-] billion as soon as he made a move.

"Dizzy, it's the bastard in that private room again." When Chen Hao's voice came from the previous private room again, everyone in the hall immediately realized that it seemed that there was another good show this time.

Those who did not participate in the bidding watched the battle between them with great interest.However, for those who participated in the bidding, Chen Hao's method of increasing the price made them feel heavy.At this moment, their expressions all darkened.

"Thirty-sixty billion."

"700 billion!"

Chen Hao just yelled once, and then fell silent.However, the bidding is still very fierce, and it still broke through the 4000 billion mark.

"500 billion." Just when the price had just broken through 4000 billion, Chen Hao made another move and raised the price by 500 billion again. "

"5000 billion!"

"500 billion!"

"7000 billion!"

After Chen Hao's crazy price increase, the price of this Immortal Pill has reached the 7000 billion mark!Very amazing.However, at this time, there were very few bidders, only a dozen or so people.

"Which friend is trying to make trouble, is this against my Wuji Sword Sect?" A cold voice came from a private room, full of murderous intent.

Wuji Sword Sect, one of the top ten sects in the cultivation world.At this time, they even took the initiative to reveal their identities, indicating that Chen Hao's behavior had made them extremely enraged and had murderous intentions.

"It's funny, what kind of thing is your Wuji Sword Sect? If you don't have any money, go home and herd sheep, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Just after Wuji Sword Sect uttered harsh words, Chen Hao's explosive words came.

Hearing Chen Hao's voice, the entire auction house fell silent for a moment.Just a moment later, the whole hall burst into laughter.

"Who is this master? He's so arrogant. He made one of the top ten sects go home to herd the sheep. Haha, I'm dying of laughter."

"Go home and herd the sheep! Sell the sheep fat for money! Haha!"

"Hahaha..." Everyone laughed, even Yan Xingzhi on the high platform couldn't help laughing.It's just that the Wuji Sword Sect's face was livid with anger.

"Your Excellency's suggestion is very good! I don't know who you are, but I will visit the door in person after the auction." The person from the Wuji Sword Sect who spoke just now gritted his teeth and said in a cold voice.

A cold murderous intent spread out, covering the entire auction house.

"Hmph, the Wuji Sword Sect is very powerful. I still say the same thing, continue to bid if you have money, and go home to herd sheep if you don't have money. Do you want to bid or not? If you don't want it, I will take the Immortal Pill." Chen Hao sneered.

"8000 billion!" The members of the Wuji Sword Sect gritted their teeth and directly added 1000 billion!

"500 billion." Chen Hao shouted.It's just that the voice seems to have begun to be a little bit reluctant.The people present were all strong men, and they soon heard the meaning contained in Chen Hao's voice.

I'm afraid this guy doesn't have much medicine left.This price is estimated to be close to his limit.

Sure enough, in the next auction, Chen Hao only raised the price by 100 billion 100 billion...

In the private room, Qi Yang looked at Chen Hao with strange eyes: "Aren't you afraid of revenge from the Wuji Sword Sect?"

Chen Hao shrugged: "What's there to be afraid of? They don't know who I am. Of course, even if they know my identity, the people chasing and killing me are just one more sect. It's no big deal."

"You are very optimistic." Qi Yang shook his head: "Are you really planning to bid for this Immortal Pill?"

Chen Hao shook his head and said, "The devil wants it. I'm just in the transition period now. With so many enemies, it's still a question of whether I can cultivate to the transformation stage. Besides, I don't have much money."

Qi Yang was stunned.

Chen Hao said indifferently: "I can't see those so-called big sects, I just let them bleed."

Qi Yang was speechless, and Wu Dong was also speechless.If someone else found out about Chen Hao's plan, would he vomit three liters of blood in anger?

In fact, just like Chen Hao, when the few thousand rose to more than 9000 billion, he fell silent and stopped asking for prices.

This guy is not an idiot either, if the other party is pushed hard and the other party gives up the auction in a fit of anger, then in the end Chen Hao is just asking for trouble and eating the Immortal Immortality Pill by himself.

Zhuang Ningguang carefully put the Shengxian Pill in his hand into the storage ring.After a round of fighting, Zhuang Ningguang finally bought the Shengxian Pill at a super-high price of hundreds of millions of Huiyuan Pills.

A trillion trillion, that is, a trillion pills.Originally, although Shengxian Pill was precious, it was only worth 6000 billion at most.

However, under Chen Hao's disturbance, the price was more than doubled abruptly!
Even though he won the Shengxian Pill, Zhuang Ningguang was full of anger.If he didn't know who the person in that private room was, he might have lost his temper long ago.

Feast of pills!

After Immortal Elixir, the auction party auctioned off several rare pills again.However, these elixirs did not want to ascend to the heaven-defying elixir of elixir, so people from Yuanxu Sect, Xutianzong and other major sects did not fight for it.

The two sects Xutianzong and Yuanxumen did not take action to snatch it, and neither did Chen Hao.However, once the two sects bid, Chen Hao will definitely fight for it.

In the end, under Chen Hao's deliberate actions, the prices of all the items that these two sects competed for had at least doubled.It took a price twice as high as the market price to buy it back, which made the two sects itch with hatred.

And at this time, everyone knew that Chen Hao's goal was these two sects.

Therefore, when these two sects made a move, other sects or individuals all stopped competing.Because they know that the item will end up being much higher than the normal value.

The two sects were naturally itching with hatred, and Chen Hao felt quite relieved in his heart.But the one who was happiest was not Chen Hao, but the auction house.

If Chen Hao hadn't deliberately come out to disrupt the situation, the auction house would not have been so successful today.But Yan Xingzhi, who knew Chen Hao's identity, became interested in Chen Hao.

Although this guy is making trouble on purpose, he always pulls his hands at critical moments.There was not a single mistake that got tricked. On the contrary, the two old fellows Zhuang Ningguang and Sun Pingxi suffered a lot.

"The elixir of the living dead!"

Yan Xingzhi took the elixir brought by the waiter with a solemn expression.

"Hiss..." Upon hearing the name of the elixir, the entire auction house instantly fell silent.Needle drop could be heard, and everyone's "plop plop plop" heartbeat could be heard.

The elixir of the living dead!
This is definitely a elixir, a real elixir.

According to legend, this elixir can only be refined by immortals in the fairy world.Moreover, even in the fairy world, it is a very rare elixir.

As long as you have one, as long as your soul is still alive, you can be resurrected and restore your peak strength.The end is extremely terrifying, but it is the best in the elixir.

"This elixir is a real elixir. It was accidentally obtained by my Tianxia Auction House. It is the only one in the world, and it is the finale surprise of this auction!"

"Because it is related to the elixir, our auction house in the world can't estimate its value, and finally decided that the auction reserve price is one hundred first-grade spiritual veins! Those who need it can bid for it, and each increase in price cannot be less than one first-grade spiritual vein."

When he said that, Yan Xingzhi's voice trembled.I don't know if it's because of seeing the legendary elixir or because of the price.

The base price is one hundred and the spirit veins!

Although the first-grade spirit veins are the worst quality spirit veins.But even a first-grade spiritual vein is equivalent to a trillion Huiyuan pill.

How many yuan pills are there in one trillion yuan?one trillion.

In other words, the starting price of this living dead elixir is equivalent to 100 trillion.The value really cannot be estimated.

Needle dropping could be heard in the hall, even though the price was announced, there was no noise in the crowd.They were all shocked.If this is really the elixir of the living dead, one hundred first-grade spirit veins are definitely worth it.

"Yan Xingzhi, is this elixir really an elixir?" At this moment, a person suddenly asked.

"What exactly is the elixir, we have never seen it. However, after being certified by senior experts in our auction house, this elixir is definitely higher than any elixir in the cultivation world, it should be an elixir without a doubt."

"What if it's fake?" one person questioned.

"We at Tianxia Auction House can't guarantee whether it's the real elixir. However, we got it from a ruin in a narrow escape. It's a fairy tomb! Although we can't guarantee it 100%, it is definitely an elixir. If you Anyone who has doubts can not bid."

The hall fell silent again.

"One hundred and one!" At this moment, the first person called out the price.

"one hundred and two!"

"One hundred and three."

The voice of the person who began to shout the price seemed to ignite the passion.Then, the whole hall was filled with the shouts of bidders one after another.

In the private room, Chen Hao looked at the crazy bidders outside with a look of shock.He was surprised by the appearance of the elixir, and this time they actually used spiritual veins as a transaction currency.It really... made Chen Hao feel ashamed.

In the red envelope world of the system, although there are many pills, there is not a single spirit vein.

Even in the cultivation world, spiritual veins are extremely rare.But these people are so crazy, it seems that they have endless spiritual veins.

Of course, it is normal for these gatekeepers to have some spiritual veins.And at this time, Chen Hao also realized that in front of them, he was becoming more and more poor.

Looking at the people bidding wildly outside, Chen Hao didn't open his mouth to bid this time.He doesn't have that financial scramble.Moreover, there are too many people competing this time.Even if Chen Hao didn't disturb the situation, the price of this elixir would not be low.

Moreover, if Chen Hao continues to disrupt the situation, he will be against the sects of the entire cultivation world.Therefore, this time, he just quietly watched the bidders outside.

"Old man, you seem to be interested in this elixir, why don't you bid?" Chen Hao looked at Qi Yang and asked suspiciously.

"Life and death are fate. Although the elixir is good, not everyone is lucky enough to take it." Qi Yang said lightly.

Chen Hao frowned, and immediately stopped talking, just watching the crazy bidding outside.

As long as the soul is still alive, it can be brought back to life and restore the peak strength!This elixir is really too heaven-defying.In the cruel realm of comprehension, owning this elixir means that one has a second life.

"Old man, do you think this elixir can revive people whose lifespan is exhausted and whose life has expired?" Chen Hao suddenly asked this question.

Qi Yang was startled, then shook his head and said with a wry smile: "Perhaps, no monk in the cultivation world has ever taken it, so I can't answer your question."

"It's strange if you can." In the system's red envelope world, the system curled his lips and said disdainfully: "The life essence is exhausted, which means that a person's soul is completely dried up and destroyed. Even if there is an elixir, how can it save life? Although the elixir Good, but not as strong as the rules of heaven and earth."

The system nodded, but he had forgotten that there was an old monster called the system.This guy has followed Zhao Yun for so many years and has seen a lot.It is a living fossil level existence.

However, when he heard the system's words, Chen Hao thought of the fire stick and the breaking realm pill that he had photographed.So, he quickly asked, "What's the matter with that fire stick?"

"I'll tell you in detail when you go back." The system said flatly.

Chen Hao was a little speechless, so he could only withdraw his mind from the red envelope world of the system and continue to pay attention to the outside auction.

At this time, the price of the elixir of the living dead has soared to five hundred first-grade spirit veins.But at this time, there are very few people who bid.

"The price of the elixir should be around six hundred first-grade spirit veins." Chen Hao said in his heart.

Sure enough, not long after, when the price of the elixir of the living dead climbed to nearly six hundred spirit veins, only two or three people were calling for the price.Finally, when one person increased the price to six hundred spirit veins, no one raised the price anymore.

"Huh? Who the hell is this person? It's not the top ten sects who won the elixir of the living dead." At this moment, Qi Yang said a little strangely.

In this competition, the top ten sects came aggressively, as if they were determined to win this elixir.But in the end they all lost, and the elixir of the living dead was taken down by a mysterious person.

"Didn't people from the top ten sects win it? Who has such a large financial resources? Could it be the major chambers of commerce?" Murong Yu said somewhat.

"You should never underestimate anyone. You will never know how much wealth they have." Qi Yang explained.

Chen Hao nodded, and continued: "I don't know what the expressions of the members of the Ten Great Sects are?" Chen Hao had the urge to go to the private room of the Ten Great Sects to see what happened.

At this time, everyone in the top ten sects looked very embarrassed.It's fine if the elixir is taken away by other competitors.The key is that it was taken down by a mysterious person.

In the world of comprehension, which force has this financial power?Is this a newly emerging force?While the ten sects felt embarrassed, they also felt an invisible threat.

After the elixir of the living dead, the auction house brought the auction to a perfect conclusion with a flying sword at the level of a spiritual weapon.

The auction is officially over.

Because he was concerned about the fire stick, after the auction house announced the end, Chen Hao said goodbye to Qi Yang and left the auction house immediately.

However, near the gate of the auction house, he met two acquaintances - Sun Pingxi and Zhuang Ningguang.

Seeing these two people, Chen Hao took the initiative to greet them, first he laughed, and then said: "Everyone, are you satisfied with the price of the things you bid? If the two of you still have things to bid for in the future, you may wish to let me know. I will still support you guys. Hahaha..."

After finishing speaking, Chen Hao laughed and walked away, not to mention how proud he was.

Zhuang Ningguang and Sun Pingxi reacted immediately: the feelings are caused by this guy deliberately making troubles, and the things they bid for are more than several times more expensive.

Oh shit!

Thinking of wasting so many Huiyuan Pills, it was Chen Hao's fault, and the existence of the two metamorphosis levels almost vomited blood with anger.

The two suzerain-level existences gritted their teeth and looked at Chen Hao's back, and even had the urge to kill Chen Hao in their hearts.

After returning to his room in the backyard of Bada Chamber of Commerce, he arranged a few restrictions in the room, and then Chen Hao couldn't wait to enter the system red envelope world.

As Chen Hao's strength gradually became stronger, the world inside the system's red envelope became bigger and bigger.However, Chen Hao is the master of the system red envelope, and in the system red envelope world, he is the absolute master.

Therefore, he only needs to know where the system is with a single thought.Then, with a flash of his figure, he appeared around the system.

When Chen Hao appeared, the system was holding the fire stick and was in a daze, even though Chen Hao appeared, he didn't notice it.

"System, hurry up and tell me what's so special about this fire stick?" Chen Hao finally couldn't help asking.The more weird the system behaved, the more he suspected that this fire stick was not simple.

After all, the system is the magic weapon of the system red envelope.The system's red envelope is such a mysterious thing, as its spirit, how can the system's knowledge be compared to ordinary people.

"What kind of fire stick!" Hearing Chen Hao's words, the system glared at him dissatisfied.Then, the system continued: "I have basically determined its origin, but now I am very puzzled."

"What's his origin? You talk about it all day long, but you should explain it to me quickly." Chen Hao said dissatisfied.

"Do you know the origin of your chaotic celestial body?" the system asked without answering.

Chen Hao nodded: "The Chaos Celestial Body is unique, and it is the only one that can get close to Chaos and directly refine the power of Chaos." Chen Hao replied, but he was waiting for the system, and continued: "Chaos What do celestial bodies have to do with this?"

"It's a big deal. If I'm not mistaken, he is the tree of life conceived in chaos."

Chen Hao was puzzled, but he didn't speak. He just looked at the system quietly, waiting for him to continue talking.

The system pondered for a while, as if it was organizing its language, and then spoke slowly after a long time.

The system red envelope is the most amazing book in the world. No one in the world knows when it appeared in this world, nor who created it.

Even the system doesn't know.

After the system red envelope appeared in the world for a long time, a life was born in the system red envelope.This life is also the spirit of the system's red envelope - the system.

It's just that when the system was first conceived, it didn't have any intelligence.He was muddled all day long, and after a long, long time passed, his spiritual wisdom opened.

Then, after a long time, he finally became a high-level being.

Before there was too much spiritual knowledge, the system almost saw the gradual development of this world from the primordial chaos to the present world.

At that time, the system has seen many, many things.Some exist only in legends, and the system has seen it with its own eyes back then.

However, because the system didn't have any conscious relationship at that time, even if I saw it, I had almost no impression.

However, some of the things I saw at the time, even now, the system still has some impressions.Just like the tree of life.

At the beginning of the world, the world was vast, but it was just chaos.There is no life whatsoever.After a long period of gestation, a life was gradually born in the chaos—the tree of life.

In the impression of the system, when he appeared, there were only a limited number of them in the entire world.What impresses him the most is the tree of life that communicates with the world at this moment.

"Wait, are you saying that the tree of life is a life born from chaos? Is it the first life in this world?" Chen Hao interrupted the system's narration and asked.

"Yes, there may have been other existences in the world at that time, but the tree of life was the only life. In my vague impression, the tree of life at that time was extremely huge, even countless times larger than the fairy world. We communicated The heaven and the earth, the sky above the head, are deeply rooted under the earth."


After a long period of development, the tree of life has become more and more lush.One day, a leaf fell off the tree of life.And this leaf contains the essence of the tree of life, and shortly after falling to the ground, it slowly developed into a life—this is the second life.

"What kind of life is this?" Chen Hao became interested.What the system said, like some stories, has already attracted Chen Hao.

"Forgot." The system shook his head.

Chen Hao looked at the system and was speechless.

"However, what I can tell you is that all life in this world evolved from the tree of life."

"Impossible?" Chen Hao was shocked: "You mean, we are all part of the tree of life?"

"It's part of the tree of life. To be precise, it should be chaos that gave birth to all life. After all, the tree of life is also bred by chaos."

"Okay, then go ahead and talk about the tree of life. Since you said that the tree of life communicates with heaven and earth, where is the tree of life now? I have never heard of this tree of life."

The system pondered, lost in memory.

(End of this chapter)

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