Chapter 263
Then, he stretched out his hand to wipe his face, and in the next moment, he was a different person—exactly the appearance of the ordinary young man who had appeared in Xuan Yuezong.

"It's really Junior Brother Chen." Sima Ruyu and the others looked at Chen Hao in shock.Behind him, many female disciples of Xuanyue Sect also looked at Chen Hao with a look of surprise.

Before entering the Extreme Heaven Realm, Chen Hao and Zhang Ao followed You Luxiu, and there was a little green among the thousands of flowers. The Xuanyue Sect's disciples naturally paid attention to such an obvious thing.

However, at this moment, they were all shocked.In particular, Yang Man and others were even more shocked by Chen Hao. It was hard for them to imagine why Chen Hao, who was only in the state of fusion, was so powerful?

At this time, they also cleared their doubts, why You Mengqing kept showing disdain when he told them that he wanted to protect Chen Hao.It turned out that it was not a joke, but that Chen Hao was really powerful.

On the contrary, if they said they wanted to protect Chen Hao, that would be a joke.

"Chen, Chen, are you that Chen Hao?" Yang Man looked at Chen Hao for a long time without saying a word, but at this moment he suddenly asked.

"He is Chen Hao, Chen is Chen Hao, and Chen Hao is the big hooligan." Hearing this, You Mengqing, who was next to him, glanced at Chen Hao disdainfully, and then said lightly.


Everyone was shocked immediately.It turned out that he was Chen Hao, and he was so powerful.For a moment, the disciples of Xuanyue Sect, including Yang Man and others, looked at Chen Hao in a daze.

Chen Hao wiped his face with his hand, and restored his original appearance. Regardless of the stunned women, he looked at You Mengqing next to him and asked, "Girl, what's going on here? Why are the people from the three sects?" Team up to deal with you? Are there really only so many of you?"

"We found a ruin..." Then You Mengqing gritted his teeth and told the truth.

"An undiscovered relic." Chen Hao pondered, what does it mean to find an undiscovered relic in the Extreme Sky Realm?
It means a lot of natural treasures.No wonder the three sects wanted to drive out all the members of Xuanyuezong. If it was Chen Hao, I'm afraid he would do the same.

However, now...

Chen Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, and flashed a cold light: "Girl, would you like to go to the ruins again to join in the fun?"

"There are thousands of people in the three sects, and we may not be able to get close." Sima Ruyu said in a deep voice.

Even if they include people from Chen Hao's side, there are less than 100 of them, less than a tenth of the three sects.Just sending it over like this is no different from courting death.

"Don't forget, Chen is Chen Hao. You have also seen his tricks just now. Among the three sects, no one is likely to be Chen's opponent." At this moment, Yang Man said excitedly.

"Go, why don't you go?" You Mengqing was full of murderous intent, people from the three sects had killed so many disciples of Xuanyue Sect, if they just left like this, how could they be reconciled?

Besides, Chen Hao is still here.Moreover, You Mengqing understood Chen Hao quite well, since he proposed to go again, he must be sure, otherwise, he would never let everyone die.

Under You Mengqing's decision, everyone in Xuan Yuezong agreed to Chen Hao's proposal.And Zhao Zhiqing and the others only obeyed Chen Hao and had no objection.

At that moment, under the guidance of You Mengqing and others, the group of them passed through the forest and walked quickly towards the ruins.

"What kind of existence is that ruin?" On the way, Chen Hao asked You Mengqing.

"I don't know." You Mengqing said very bluntly, and then she felt a little embarrassed, and continued: "We just discovered the ruins, but we didn't go deep at all, and we were surrounded by people from the three sects." .Later, we were killed. We just saw that it was a dilapidated city."

Chen Hao frowned slightly: "Why don't you enter the ruins?"

"Although it's very big, we might still be surrounded by people from the three sects when we go in. Moreover, even if we want to go in, we probably won't be able to get in."

After a pause, You Mengqing continued: "Although we can see the dilapidated city, there seems to be some kind of formation outside the city, and we can't go in at all." There was a feeling of palpitation, as if something terrible happened at that time.

"What happened?" Chen Hao had already noticed You Mengqing's strangeness, so he asked.

"At that time, our Xuanyue Sect also had disciples approaching the city. But for some unknown reason, as soon as they approached the city, terrifying murderous intentions erupted around them. They didn't even have time to react before they were strangled and turned into a cloud of blood It's gone." At this time, Sima Ruyu approached and said in a low voice.

"Is this a formation or some kind of restriction? It's so sharp?" Zhao Zhiqing said, frowning slightly.

"We also guess that it is a formation or a restriction. But we don't know what's going on at all." Pei Peiyu said a little depressed.

"Array?" Chen Hao looked worried at first.But when he heard that there was such a powerful formation outside the ruins, he couldn't help but relax.

Even You Mengqing and the others couldn't see anything, so naturally the people from the three sects couldn't see why.The most important thing is that if it is formation and restriction, it will have no effect on Chen Hao.

It should be noted that although Chen Hao doesn't understand formation restrictions or anything.But the system will, and it's still at the master level.As long as you give him a glance, no matter what the formation is, it will be clear at a glance. Naturally, Chen Hao can't help it.

Moreover, because of the formation or the prohibition, people from the three sects will definitely not be able to enter the ruins.At that time, the things in the ruins will still belong to Chen Hao.

Due to being hunted down before, You Mengqing and the others had already forgotten the exact route to the ruins. Therefore, after going in the wrong direction several times, they finally approached the ruins a day later.

It was the same as Chen Hao guessed.The members of the three sects were still outside the ruins at this time, unable to enter at all.

Carefully avoiding the patrolling people from the three sects, Chen Hao and his party slowly approached the ruins.

From a distance, it was a dilapidated city surrounded by clouds and mist.

The city is very dilapidated, and it seems to smell the vicissitudes and ancient atmosphere emanating from the city from a distance.It is many times larger than cities like Shangqing City.

Even, looking from a distance, there are even occasional flashes of divine light inside the city.It seems to be the light emitted by some strange treasure.

"It's such an ancient city, there must be some great treasure inside." When Chen Hao saw this city for the first time, he decided in his heart.

It's just that the distance is too far, and he can't see what the formation or restriction outside the ruins is.

"You all stay here for me. I'll go and see the formation or the restriction, and see if I can break it." Chen Hao ordered a few words, and then started to speed up, carefully approaching the city.

The city is too big, and there are thousands of people from the three sects, but they are only in one direction.Chen Hao bypassed them and came outside the city.

After approaching the city, Chen Hao lifted a huge stone weighing several thousand catties with one hand, and then threw it towards the city with all his strength.

At the moment when the boulder approached the city for a certain distance, billions of sword lights suddenly burst out around the city!After a soft sound, the boulder weighing thousands of kilograms was blasted into powder.

Seeing this scene, Chen Hao showed a look of astonishment on his face, and then smiled.

"System, does this formation have a similar feeling?" Chen Hao already vaguely knew what kind of formation this formation was, but he was still a little uncertain and wanted to confirm with the system.

In the system's red envelope world, the system also had a look of astonishment on its face: "I didn't expect that there would be a Great Immortal Formation in this place, it's really amazing."

The Great Immortal War was exactly the formation that Chen Hao had arranged outside the ancient spring city and on the Qingxuan Peak. It was a terrifying formation that could kill even immortals with astonishing power.

And outside of this ruins is the Absolute Immortal Formation.

Outside the city is a Great Immortal Formation. Could it be that this city is related to the Immortal World?If this city is really related to the Immortal World, then this Extreme Heaven Realm must also be related to the Immortal World.

However, is this the truth? Then we must find out the answer in the Extreme Heaven Realm.

Both Chen Hao and the system were extremely surprised to see the Great Immortal Formation here.But Chen Hao was relieved besides being surprised.

He also knows the Great Immortal Formation, and the system is even more proficient in this formation.In other words, the Great Immortal Formation in front of the ruins will not be their hindrance.

"Although, this is also a great immortal formation, but its power can definitely kill immortals. I don't know how many times stronger than the formation you arranged." In the Luoshu world of the system, the system said mercilessly.

Chen Hao smiled embarrassingly, and he didn't know that this Great Immortal Formation was arranged by someone.It should be a fairy who arranged this formation just by listening to the tone of the system.

I am only a monk in the integration period, how can I compare with the immortal?
He just smiled sheepishly, and then said: "Is there any way for you to control this formation? At least, it will allow me to pass through the formation unscathed."

"Even if this formation is a hundred times more powerful, I can pass through it without any injuries. However, if you can control this formation, you really have to see it to know." The system said lightly.

Even if it is the same formation, but it is arranged by different people, there will be differences.Therefore, even the system did not say that it would definitely be able to control this formation.

"Go first and find the core of the formation." Then, under the guidance of the system, Chen Hao disappeared into the formation with a flicker of his body.

Only after entering the formation did Chen Hao realize that there was really a huge difference between the Great Immortal Formation he had arranged at the beginning and the current formation.

It's too simple to arrange it by yourself, not as good as one-tenth of it here.

"What you arranged at the beginning was just a simplified version of the Great Immortal Formation. However, this Great Immortal Formation is just so-so. If it is a truly peak Great Immortal Formation, hehe..." There is a smile in the book.

"What will happen to the real peak great formation?" Chen Hao asked involuntarily.

"Even with my guidance, you can't step into the formation. Even if it's only half a step, you will be strangled by the power of the formation and turned into powder." The system said.

Chen Hao was a little shocked. This Great Immortal Formation really deserves to be the "Excellent Immortal" formation.

"How can we arrange the peak's Great Immortal Formation?" Chen Hao asked curiously, "How powerful is the Peak's Great Immortal Formation?"

"Peak Immortal Formation, even if your teacher Zhao Yun strayed into it at his peak, he might not be able to get out. As for how to arrange a complete Absolute Immortal Formation, there is only one way."

"Even the teacher can't get out?" Chen Hao was shocked.It should be noted that although Zhao Yun has fallen.But it is one of the strongest in the heaven.Even if he can't get out, then one can imagine how terrifying the power of this formation is.

It's just that there is only one way to arrange the peak-level immortal array?What method is that?Chen Hao was curious and continued to ask questions.

"Find the four fairy swords, the legendary four fairy swords."

Chen Hao was puzzled, fairy sword?In front of Zhao Yun, even a ninth-rank immortal sword would be blown into powder by Zhao Yun.But with these four flying swords, can you arrange a formation to kill a strong man like Zhao Yun?
Chen Hao was a little skeptical.

"Those four fairy swords are not just as simple as fairy swords, they have extremely terrifying power in themselves. They are rare treasures from heaven and earth! Moreover, the most important thing about these four swords is the great array of immortals arranged by the four swords in one. It's terrifying, it can kill almost all monks."

There was a hint of shock and regret in the system's voice.What was shocking was the power of the Great Immortal Formation at the peak, but perhaps it was a pity that he couldn't see the four flying swords.

However, the formation in front of the ruins may only be as powerful as the system said.Or maybe it's because of the age, it's too far away from the peak Great Immortal Formation.

Under the guidance of the system, Chen Hao easily found the eye of the Great Immortal Formation.

"This is the eye of the Great Immortal Formation?" Chen Hao let out his divine sense and looked around.There is actually nothing special here, because it is in a clearing similar to a valley.

Even here, Chen Hao can feel the danger from the formation is less serious than other places.He didn't even feel the danger from the array at all.

However, Chen Hao, who had experience in arranging the Great Immortal Formation, knew that this was indeed the eye of the Great Immortal Formation.Moreover, even if he feels wrong, the system will not go wrong.

"Although the method of suppression is different and there are some changes, this should be the eye of the formation." The system transformed into a young man, appeared next to Chen Hao, looked at the front and said with a frown.

While speaking, the system released a force.Then, a group of immortal swords gradually appeared in front of Chen Hao.

This is a fairy sword, and it seems that the grade is not low, so it was inserted so quietly on the ground in front of Chen Hao and the two of them.

"Second grade fairy sword." When seeing this fairy sword, the system frowned deeply. "It's clearly the eye of the formation, but it shouldn't be just a second-grade fairy sword."

Chen Hao also looked at the flying sword in front of him in surprise.This flying sword is much more powerful than the fairy sword he snatched from Xu Tianzong.All he got was a first-grade fairy sword.

Looking at the second-grade fairy sword that seemed to be within easy reach, Chen Hao also frowned.

Although it looked like it was within easy reach, Chen Hao didn't dare to get close to the fairy sword.

There is a saying that one hair can move the whole body, this fairy sword is the eyes of the formation, if it is moved rashly, then the entire Great Immortal Conference will be mobilized, and Chen Hao may be in tragedy.

"Be careful, if you find something is wrong, rush into the Luoshu world of the system immediately, and I will try to control this formation." The system turned its head and told Chen Hao, and then cautiously moved towards the flying sword Then he walked over.

It's just that the cautiousness of the two of them is obviously unnecessary.The system walked up, and easily controlled the eye of the formation, and then the entire Great Immortal Formation.

"Impossible." The system still had a weird expression on it, it really went so smoothly.Smoothly made him suspicious.

Then, the system checked the entire Absolute Immortal Formation again, and found nothing suspicious, everything was normal.But, precisely because this is so normal, what is normal is somewhat abnormal.

"It doesn't matter, let them come in first, let's explore the ruins carefully." Chen Hao couldn't help looking at the ruins not far behind, the attraction there was too great, Chen Hao couldn't help but look at it a few more times. Can't help but want to rush in.

However, when he thought that Zhao Zhiqing and the others were still outside, and the Ziyan Sect and the other three major sects were also staring at them outside.Once people from the three sects found out, Zhao Zhiqing and the others would be in danger.

It seems that Chen Hao's worry has become a reality.When he flew back from the system, there was still a long distance between him and he heard bursts of power exploding in front of him.

"Has it really been discovered?" Chen Hao rushed over with a murderous aura, and operated the military formula to the extreme, and rushed to the place where Zhao Zhiqing and others were hiding in an instant.

However, when Chen Hao rushed there, he breathed a sigh of relief.

There were quite a few corpses lying on the ground in front, Chen Hao only took a glance and saw that there were no female corpses on the ground *Zhao Zhiqing and the others, except Zhang Ao, were all female.

In other words, all the monks lying on the ground were monks from the three sects, yet Zhao Zhiqing and the others did not have any casualties.This has to be said to be a miracle.

Looking over again, she saw a layer of soft white light emitting from Zhao Zhiqing's body, covering everyone like a curtain of sky.And You Mengqing, who was in the front, was holding a fairy sword and was constantly attacking and killing the monks of the three sects around him.

Chen Hao looked over intently, but saw that the fairy sword in You Mengqing's hand seemed somewhat familiar - wasn't it the fairy sword he gave to Zhao Zhiqing?
In this way, Chen Hao understood.Why are they not injured?Because they work together.

Zhao Zhiqing opened up the protective function of the gossip fairy clothes to protect everyone, while You Mengqing started killing with a fairy sword.The combination of two women makes them temporarily invincible.

However, this situation should not last long.Because Chen Hao had already seen monks from the three sects in the distance rushing over, and there would be more and more people.

"Wan Jian Jue."

Chen Hao didn't dare to procrastinate any longer, so he immediately used Wan Jian Jue with all his strength.Cooperate with You Mengqing and others to kill the remaining dozens of enemies.

"Follow me, let's enter the ruins." Chen Hao shouted to the girls, and then rushed towards the ruins first.At this time, quite a few monks from the three sects rushed over.

"Stop them!"

"Kill them!"

Roaring wildly one by one, they chased after the crowd.

"You wait for me outside the formation first, and I'll come to the back of the hall." Chen Hao ordered Zhao Zhiqing and You Mengqing, and then retreated behind everyone.

At this time, there were a hundred black pan chi phantoms hovering above Chen Hao's head.But next to these pan Chi phantoms are flying a hundred spirit swords.

The spirit sword is flying, the sword energy is vertical and horizontal, and the sword intent is soaring to the sky.In the void, there is endless sword intent.The first disciples from the three sects were not Chen Hao's opponent at all. Under his flying sword attack, no one could get close.

But when more and more people from the three sects rushed over, Chen Hao and his party had all entered the formation and disappeared invisible.

The people from the three sects kept sneering at Chen Hao and others who had disappeared into the formation...Of course they knew the horror of this formation, so no one chased into the formation, and They are convinced that Chen Hao and others who entered the formation will undoubtedly die.

Everyone from the three major sects looked coldly at the people who had entered the Great Immortal Formation, each of them grinning grinningly, wanting to see the formation erupt and kill Chen Hao and the others directly.

It's just that something happened to disappoint them.Chen Hao and others who entered the formation disappeared in front of them in an instant, but there was no movement in the Great Immortal Formation.


People from the three sects looked at each other with incredulous expressions on their faces.

"Could it be that this formation has failed?" In an instant, this idea emerged in the hearts of the three sects.Immediately, several disciples couldn't wait to rush in.

After a burst of shrill screams, a soaring sword light flashed past, and blood mist rose in front of the disciples of the three sects.The aggressive disciple of the three sects had already been strangled by the sword light all over the sky and turned into powder.


Many people who wanted to enter the Great Immortal Formation stopped their steps in front of the Great Formation, and looked at the Formation in front of them with fear.

As long as they take another step forward, they will end up with the fate of those people.

However, at this time, the people of the three sects felt bad.

The formation did not fail, but Chen Hao and others were able to enter the formation safely. What does this mean?They can pass this formation.

Once this idea appeared, the people of the three sects couldn't sit still.We sat down and discussed what to do.

Obviously, the formation outside the ruins is the biggest obstacle preventing them from moving forward.If there is no way to crack or break this formation, they will not be able to enter the ruins at all.

(End of this chapter)

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