Chapter 269 Ape
With a roar, the ape took a big step, rushed to the front of Chen Hao in a few steps, slapped a palm the size of a cattail leaf fan on Chen Hao, and slapped it down fiercely.

"court death!"

Smelling the violent aura from the ape, Chen Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, and a cold light flashed in the depths of his eyes.

Power poured into the fairy sword in his hand.Then he held the sword in both hands, shouted loudly, and slashed out fiercely.


Immortal sword and ape's big hands collided fiercely in the void.At this time, Chen Hao had already aroused the power of the fairy sword.

The power of the two sides exploded in the void, and the terrifying impact instantly shattered the ground with a radius of dozens of miles.

Even Zhao Zhiqing and the others, who were far above the ground, felt the ground tremble violently.

With a sound of "poof", the fairy sword passed over the palm of the ape, and after a dull sound, a stream of blood sprayed out.At this moment, Chen Hao saw that the ape's palm, which was as big as a palm leaf fan, had been cut off by his own sword, and it flew into the distance.

The ape let out a painful roar.At this moment, the breath on his body became more and more violent.

After a loud roar, the originally black power on its body surface now faintly shone with red light.And the ape's eyes, which were already red, looked more like blood oozing at this time, which was very shocking.

With a slap, the ground within a radius of several miles was directly smashed into pieces.The more violent the ape, the more powerful it seems.

"Bastard, you seek death."

Chen Hao yelled angrily, it was fine to be attacked suddenly by this beast, and this beast still refused to forgive him.At this time, Chen Hao's anger had been ignited, and he had already developed a murderous intent towards the ape.

It's just that this is the ground after all, so you can't use your hands and feet.

With a flash of his figure, Chen Hao's whole body was wrapped by the power of chaos, and then he flew into the air directly.Wherever the figure passed, the ground exploded one after another, and the hard ground in front of Chen Hao could not stop Chen Hao's speed.


Seeing that Chen Hao seemed to be about to run away, the ape was furious and kept roaring from behind, also soaring into the sky, surpassing Chen Hao and chasing after him.


Zhao Zhiqing and the others were on the ground, not knowing what happened to Chen Hao below.Suddenly, the ground not far in front of them exploded violently, and at the same time, a phantom rose into the sky.

"Chen Hao." Someone exclaimed, because they saw that the figure was exactly Chen Hao.

After Chen Hao rushed out of the ground, he didn't stop, but directly rose into the sky.And just behind him, a black shadow exuding an extremely violent aura also soared into the sky, chasing and killing Chen Hao.

"Ah? What's going on?" The girls were shocked.

"Zhang Ao, help Chen quickly." At this time, Zhao Zhiqing, who was worried about Chen Hao, said to Zhang Ao.

Zhang Ao nodded, and when he was about to soar into the sky, Chen Hao's voice came down: "Zhang Ao, protect everyone well, I can take care of this beast myself."

Hearing this, Zhang Ao stopped immediately.

In the void, Chen Hao had stopped flying.The void is vast and boundless, just right to use his hands and feet.

"Bastard, I'd like to see what you're capable of." Chen Hao simply withdrew the fairy sword, gave a low drink, stepped on the military formula, turned into a streamer and rushed towards the ape.

At this moment, the ape roared again and again, looking at the human who cut off one of his palms, his anger reached the limit.Seeing Chen Hao rushing over, he rushed up immediately, using both hands and feet, trying to tear Chen Hao into pieces.

Who knows, when he was only halfway through, Chen Hao who was in front of him suddenly disappeared, but he punched him in the void.

Chen Hao stepped on the Bing Zi Jue, and used the Bing Zi Jue to the limit that he can achieve now.With a flash of his figure, he appeared behind the ape.

"Thousand army elephants draw their fists!"

With a low shout, Chen Hao punched the monkey hard on the back.

A black dragon elephant phantom appeared in front of Chen Hao, accompanied by a hundred pan chi phantoms above his head, it looked very spectacular and majestic.

The ape let out a roar, turned around abruptly, and slapped it out.However, Chen Hao has disappeared again.

When the ape roared angrily, Chen Hao's "Dark God Demon Wisdom" hit it hard.

The Dark Demon Prajna is the most powerful move in the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu.With one punch, the phantom of gods and demons followed.Terrifying power erupted, and the ape let out a painful roar, and was immediately blown away.

However, Chen Hao's fist was also in pain.The body of the ape is too strong.Even stronger than his own physical body.

However, in addition to being extremely strong and powerful physically, the ape's brain is somewhat inflexible.Even the speed is far behind Chen Hao.

It is precisely because of this that when Chen Hao is not as powerful as the ape, he can use the military formula to completely abuse it.

Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu, Tiger Roaring Imperial Fist.

Needless to say, Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu was taught to Chen Hao systematically.As for the Tiger Roaring Imperial Fist, it is a set of common martial arts of the Chen family.

However, when Chen Hao used it at this time, it was also a roar of dragons and tigers, and its power was astonishing.

With the help of Bing Zi Jue, although the ape's attack was sharp, it could no longer touch Chen Hao.On the contrary, Chen Hao relied on the unparalleled speed of the Bing Zi Jue to turn the ape's head into a daze.

If it wasn't for the fact that its physical body was too strong, it would have been killed by Chen Hao long ago.


Chen Hao kicked the ape flying, and couldn't help shouting very comfortably.

It has been a long time since such an incisive and vivid situation of fighting has appeared.

Chen Hao has always been facing an existence whose strength is much higher than his own. With that kind of existence, Chen Hao is cautious every time he fights, and he needs to rely on various other treasures to escape.

Or it was a battle where he was instantly killed by a direct shot.Both of these fights felt nothing.And existences like apes are much stronger than themselves, but they are completely abused by themselves, so they can fight very happily.

After the battle, Chen Hao felt refreshed.However, the ape is getting more and more angry, and even the power of its whole body has turned red, becoming more and more violent.

This kind of situation is called berserk, and ordinary monsters can do this kind of exercise.That is to say, it is equivalent to some exercises of human monks, such as the disintegration of demons.

However, no matter how violent the ape was, its speed was still not as fast as Chen Hao.In the face of the world's unparalleled military formula, it is doomed to resist Chen Hao's abuse.

"It's also time to resolve the battle."

After the battle, Chen Hao had a deeper understanding of his own strength and so on.

With a thought, Chen Hao stretched out his big hand.In the palm of his hand, a pocket ancient tripod was twirling.

"Kill the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron, kill me." Chen Hao gave a low shout, and sacrificed the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron.

Qiankun Yinyang Ding rose against the wind, quickly rising to be taller than an ape.Above the ape, it crushed the sky, shattered the void, and ruthlessly suppressed the ape.

The ape roared angrily, and slapped the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron with a slap, intending to blow the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron into the air.

At this moment, the Qiankun Yin-Yang Cauldron trembled fiercely, and then endless Yin-Yang fire gushed out, covering the ape in an instant.

Chen Hao looked at the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron expectantly, if even the Yinyang Fire couldn't wipe out the ape...he could only take the girls as far as they could go.

The yin and yang fire will burn the whole world!

Although the physical body of the ape was somewhat stronger than the physical body of Chen Hao's second-grade spiritual weapon, it was completely vulnerable to Yin Yang Huo.

The moment after the yin-yang fire enveloped the ape's body, Chen Hao saw that the fierce ape turned into a pile of powder, disappeared invisible, and was refined by the yin-yang fire.

He was killed before he could even scream.

"This Yin-Yang Fire is really..." Chen Hao was speechless. Seeing the horror of Yin-Yang Fire again, he felt the power of Yin-Yang Fire more and more.

It's just a pity that with his current strength, he still can't completely control the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron.Otherwise, with the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron in hand, he would truly be invincible in the world.

Of course, this is just an ideal state.Not to mention that Chen Hao is unable to fully control the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron now, even if he can fully control it, but the monk is not as stupid as this ape and has no wisdom.

Once something was wrong, the monk might have fled far away, how could he let Chen Hao burn him?
He stretched out his hand to recall the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron, and then he disappeared into the void with a flicker of his figure.When it appeared again, it was already in front of the girls.

"Are you alright?" Seeing Chen Hao coming back, Zhao Zhiqing and the others hurried over and asked with concern.

"It's okay." Chen Hao shrugged and said relaxedly.Although he was often beaten by the apes during that process, in the end the apes were all burned by him.

What matters is not the process, but the result.

"Where's that monster?" You Mengqing looked at Chen Hao before asking.

"Dead." Chen Hao said calmly.

You Mengqing pouted, and looked at Chen Hao in disbelief.The realm of this guy is still the same as the fusion period, but it is getting stronger and stronger.

This is the feeling Chen Hao gave You Mengqing and everyone else.They couldn't figure out why Chen Hao's realm hadn't changed, but his strength was getting stronger day by day?
"Don't look at me like that, I'm invincible." Chen Hao smiled.

Everyone was silent, noncommittal.In fact, if you think about it carefully, from Chen Hao's debut to the present, he can really be regarded as an invincible existence.Whether it's Zhuang Ningguang in the metamorphosis period or others, they have never been able to do anything to Chen Hao.

Of course, Chen Hao couldn't defeat them either.It's just that Chen Hao is only in the fusion period, and even before it was only in the rotation period!The gap between realms is really too big.

"This man is a mysterious existence, completely incomprehensible." The longer the contact with Chen Hao, the more incomprehensible everyone is to Chen Hao.

Often when they thought they had seen through Chen Hao, they suddenly discovered that this was just the tip of Chen Hao's iceberg.

"Okay, there is a spiritual vein below, but I don't guarantee that there are any monsters or other monsters below. If you are not afraid of danger, you can go down and have a look together." He rushed into the big hole that had been opened.

Spiritual veins.

Although everyone has heard of Lingmai, they have never seen Lingmai.Therefore, when Chen Hao said that there was a spiritual vein below, everyone began to think about it.

Immediately, no one chose to stay, and all entered the underground cave.

The underground cave is like a maze, intricate.Chen Hao led the crowd all the way forward, and after walking for half a day, they still haven't encountered the so-called spirit vein.

However, as they continued to go deeper, the aura became more and more intense.At this time, the spiritual energy became more concentrated and liquefied, becoming water mist floating between the sky and the earth.

"The grade of this spirit vein is definitely not low." At this time, the system in the system red envelope world couldn't help but say.

"Do you think there will be any monsters inside?" Chen Hao asked.

"There shouldn't be any monsters. If I'm not wrong, the ape you killed before should be a monster that cultivated near the spiritual vein. With his strength and personality, there shouldn't be a second monster. Practice again."

Chen Hao nodded. The ape was not only extremely violent, but also violent and petty.Chen Hao had just arrived at the underground cave, and it was already about to kill Chen Hao.


Not long after, the sound of water flowing like a waterfall came from afar. It was earth-shattering and powerful.

"Huh? Could it be that there is an underground river ahead?" A strange look flashed across everyone's faces.

The sound became louder and louder, and the water mist formed by the spiritual weapon became more and more dense.

If you practice in this environment, you can get twice the result with half the effort!However, the footsteps of everyone did not stop, on the contrary, they accelerated.

Not long after, the front suddenly became clear...

This is an incomparably vast space, and Chen Hao and the others are on a cliff.Under the cliff, a rushing river was making a huge sound of flowing water, like thousands of troops and horses rushing continuously, the momentum was extremely frightening.

This is an incomparably huge underground river!I don't know where it's coming from, and I don't know where it's going.At a glance, this river is at least dozens of miles wide.

There is no source and no end.

A river dozens of miles wide!Even in the Chinese world, the largest river is not so wide, it doesn't look like a river anymore, but like a sea.

A huge underground river rushed out, and the panting water flowed heavily on the shore, constantly bursting out with spray.And the mist-like aura condensed in the void escaped from this underground river.

"Is this the spirit vein?"

Looking at the vast river below, everyone was dumbfounded.


Chen Hao was extremely excited, he finally saw another spirit vein with a decent grade.When he first saw it, he already knew that this underground river was actually a spiritual vein.

Although, this spirit vein is incomparable with the chaotic spirit vein in the depths of the Demon Mountain - the chaotic spirit vein is different from ordinary spirit veins, the spirit vein that Chen Hao saw that day is definitely higher than this one many.

It's just that Chen Hao has absolutely no ability to take away the chaotic veins.

"This is a ninth-grade spiritual vein." The system in the system's red envelope was also a little surprised.Unexpectedly, Chen Hao encountered a ninth-grade spiritual vein. This luck is not ordinary.

Ninth-grade spiritual veins and first-grade spiritual veins, although they are both spiritual veins.But compared with the first-grade spiritual veins and the ninth-grade spiritual veins...there is no comparison between the two.

Take the first-grade spiritual vein that Chen Hao obtained in the ruins, before this ninth-grade spiritual vein, it was nothing.

"Ninth Grade Spiritual Vein." Chen Hao became more and more excited, but his face darkened after the excitement.The higher the spirit vein, the more difficult it is to subdue it.

At least, Chen Hao couldn't subdue this spiritual vein in front of him.

"System, can you subdue this ninth-grade spiritual vein?" Chen Hao asked quickly.

"No." The system answered very simply, but it made Chen Hao's heart sink.

"Really not?" Chen Hao's face darkened.

"With my current strength, I really can't seal this spiritual vein."

Looking at the Ninth Grade Spiritual Meridian in front of him like a vast river, Chen Hao's expression was gloomy and terrifying.

It's as if he entered a treasure mountain full of treasures, but was told that you can only look at it, and you can't take any treasure away. I don't know how bad this mood is.

Ninth grade spirit veins.

Even just a ninth-rank spiritual vein is a priceless treasure. Chen Hao is even sure that in the current cultivation world, there is absolutely no force that can own a ninth-rank spiritual vein, not even an eighth-rank spiritual vein.

"Can you find a way to seal it?" Chen Hao was really unwilling.If he found an unconquerable spiritual vein outside, he would not be so unwilling or depressed.

Outside, even if you can't take it away now, there will always be a chance in the future.However, this place is the Extreme Heaven Realm. After he leaves this time, he will not be able to enter again until ten years later.

However, in ten years, will Chen Hao still be able to enter? With his cultivation speed, it's hard to say.

"It would be great if we could take away this spirit vein."

Everyone chattered and looked at Lingmai.

"This is a ninth-grade spiritual vein, even a monk at the half-immortal level cannot subdue it." Chen Hao said lightly.

"Ah? Ninth grade spiritual veins? That's really a pity." All the girls felt very pity.Because they can't subdue them, and the strong outsiders can't enter the Extreme Heaven Realm, that is to say, this ninth-grade spirit vein may only exist here forever.

"Then I may not be. Although I can't subdue you now, I have a way for you to enter the Extreme Heaven Realm at any time." At this moment, the system suddenly said.

"Really?" Chen Hao was overjoyed immediately, "What can you do?"

"Teleportation Array."


With infinite regret, Chen Hao led everyone out of the underground cave and returned to the surface.At this time, the day when the Extreme Sky Realm will be closed is getting closer and closer.

Finally, after discussing with everyone, they decided not to go any further and prepared to leave.

However, before leaving, according to Chen Hao's request, they stayed here for half a month.

According to him, since he found such a ninth-grade spiritual vein, it would be a pity to leave here.Why not practice here for a while before leaving?
In fact, cultivating near the ninth-grade spiritual veins is infinitely more effective than directly swallowing the Huiyuan pill.

In half a month, relying on such a strong aura of heaven and earth, the cultivation of the girls became more and more solid.However, during this process, Chen Hao often disappeared with excuses.

Mysterious, I don't know what to do.


A burst of white light emanated from Zhao Zhiqing's body, and an aura that was several times stronger than before emanated from her body...

"Zhiqing broke through the realm and entered the heartbeat period."

Seeing Zhao Zhiqing's breakthrough, You Mengqing, who was protecting her next to her, said in surprise.

"Zhiqing broke through the realm again?" Chen Hao did not know when he appeared beside him, looking at Zhao Zhiqing who was still cultivating and consolidating his realm, he said with a look of surprise.

After being surprised, Chen Hao felt a little ashamed again, Zhao Zhiqing's breakthrough speed really had nothing to say.However, amidst his shame, Chen Hao also felt happy for her.

Except for Zhao Zhiqing, the others have more or less gained something.Especially the people who broke through by devouring the Breaking Realm Pill before, at this time, they have steadily consolidated their realm after half a month of cultivation with the spirit energy of the Ninth Grade Spirit Vein.

The one who has gained the most is undoubtedly Zhang Ao. At this time, his strength has already firmly stood at the peak of the fusion stage, and he is only one step away from entering the tribulation stage.

However, it seems that there is only one step, but it is still unknown when it will enter the period of crossing the catastrophe.

"Hey, girl, your aura seems to be stronger. Why? Have you also broken through?" Chen Hao looked back from Zhao Zhiqing, only to realize that You Mengqing seemed to be stronger than before.

Hearing Chen Hao's words, You Mengqing couldn't help curling her lips and snorting coldly.Then she raised her haughty little head, and said with a sullen expression: "This lady is already a master of the distraction stage."

Chen Hao looked at the other party with a look of surprise on his face: "You also broke through? Have you reached the distraction stage?"

"Of course." You Mengqing was very proud, raising her little head high, with a happy look on her face.

"It's just a period of distraction. There's nothing to be proud of." Seeing You Mengqing's frightened look, Chen Hao couldn't help but said after all.

You Mengqing was suddenly discouraged.

That's right, it's just the distraction stage, far inferior to Zhang Ao who is at the peak of the fusion stage.Even she is still not Chen Hao's opponent.

After all, Chen Hao's strength is obvious to all.However, what You Mengqing and others couldn't figure out was that since Chen Hao had an endless amount of Breaking Realm Pills, why didn't he swallow them himself?
If Chen Hao had taken the Breaking Realm Pill, he would have already been a peak master in the fusion period, right?

After beating You Mengqing, Chen Hao looked at the other monks.Seeing that their strength had improved, he couldn't help but nodded slightly.

"You guys go on, I'll go and have a look inside." Chen Hao ordered everyone, then stretched out his body and rushed towards the Ninth Grade Spiritual Vein.

Everyone is not surprised, because during the past half a month, Chen Hao has always been mysteriously haunting the depths of the underground cave.

(End of this chapter)

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