The Best Red Packet System of Rebirth

Chapter 278 Heavenly Spirit Gate

Chapter 278 Heavenly Spirit Gate

"Xiao Yu, it's better for you not to interfere in this matter. I don't want to implicate you. You can leave now, and come back to avenge us when you succeed in your cultivation." Li Guo said with a sigh.

"Xiao Yuzi, I beg you for one thing. You leave immediately and take my son away. I don't want to leave home forever." Li Feng raised his head and said with red eyes.

The performance of Li Feng and his son made Chen Hao's murderous intent even stronger.Judging by the looks of the two of them, that man from the Heavenly Spirit Sect has already driven them to a dead end.

Now, they are all desperate.

Sighing, Chen Hao looked at Li Guo and the two seriously, and said, "Uncle Li, do you believe me?"

Li Feng and the two nodded.

"Little Fengzi is my brother, Uncle Li, you treat me like your own. I, Chen Hao, have never forgotten this love. If there is trouble today, even if I, Chen Hao, am smashed to pieces, I will protect you from any harm. And I am no longer the trash I was before. Today, I can solemnly tell you that I have the ability to protect you! If that Heavenly Spirit Sect really wants to die, I can even wipe them out of this world directly!"

While speaking, Chen Hao was full of murderous intent, full of killing intent.

Looking at the murderous Chen Hao, Li Guo sighed, and when he was about to say something, he was interrupted by Chen Hao: "I will take care of this matter."

Helpless, Li Feng could only tell the truth about the matter.

Li Feng's business acumen is absolutely top-notch, and in just five years, he has opened branches of Jufulou all over the entire Great Xia Dynasty.And their financial resources are close to those of the big families that have been passed down for many years.

Of course, the family background is impossible to compare.

It is precisely because of this that the Tianlingmen directly approached the Li family and threatened to take over Jufulou.

Jufulou was the painstaking effort of Li Feng and his son, and it took countless painstaking efforts to achieve such a scale. How could they be willing to be occupied by others?

They disagreed back then, and the disciple of Tianlingmen became furious at that time, and killed more than a dozen innate masters on the spot.And gave Li Feng two half a month, half a month later they will take over Jufulou.

If they still refuse, then the Li family will be wiped out.


Chen Hao expressed his shock at Li Feng's business acumen.As for what Tianlingmen did, he was full of murderous intent.

As a sect of self-cultivation, why does Tianlingmen need secular inheritance?Generally speaking, worldly things have no effect on their monks.

After all, those gold, silver and jewelry are indispensable things in the world, but they are of no use to cultivators.

However, what Chen Hao didn't know was that even Tian Yanzong controlled an empire like the Great Xia Dynasty.Is it because Tian Yanzong needs gold, silver and jewelry from the world?

Obviously not, they have what they need.

An empire, what is the most?people!

Most of the disciples in the cultivation sect were recruited from all over the world.Not only the Immortal Cultivation Conference, but also various sects have various ways to recruit disciples.

The Immortal Cultivation Conference was only aimed at those big families.

With the rapid rise of the Li family in the past few years, branches have opened throughout the Great Xia Dynasty.If this kind of family is controlled, then Tianling Sect can use it to recruit a large number of disciples.

Moreover, the gold, silver and jewelry of the Li family can also help realize their ambitions for the secular world.

Chen Hao didn't ask Li Feng why they didn't just hand over Jufulou or just abandon it.If it were him, an industry that he had worked so hard to manage for many years would suddenly be robbed by someone, and it would be robbed by an existence that he would never be able to fight against...

In such a situation, Chen Hao would rather fight!
"This Tianlingmen is really looking for death." Murderous aura rose in Chen Hao's heart, and he even had the urge to kill them right away and destroy them.

"How long will they come?" Chen Hao asked in a deep voice.

"Three days later." Li Feng said with a sigh.

after three days?Chen Hao sneered in his heart.Then he smiled at Li Feng and said: "You don't have to look so cloudy anymore, with me here, Tianlingmen can't hurt you, and don't try to seize Jufulou."

"They are a sect, Xiaoyu, you are only one person after all. Are you planning to hire someone from your sect?" Li Guo looked at Chen Hao with bright eyes.

"Teacher?" Chen Hao smiled wryly, he is now alone.However, he has the Octopus Order, which allows the Octopus Chamber of Commerce to do three things for him for free.

It's just that he doesn't need to trouble the Bada Chamber of Commerce to deal with such trivial matters as Tianlingmen, he can handle it by himself.

"Don't worry, there is nothing I can do to you at Tianlingmen." Chen Hao assured, patted his chest.

Although Chen Hao has absolute confidence to deal with that Tianlingmen and protect the Li family.It's just that Li Feng and others have never seen Chen Hao's strength, and Chen Hao is only himself, and Tianlingmen is a sect.

How can a person fight against a sect?
It is precisely because of this kind of thinking that the Li family and others feel more and more uneasy.But they also knew Chen Hao's temper. Since Chen Hao had decided to stay, no matter how much they persuaded him, he would not change his mind.

Now, they just hope that after the arrival of the people from Tianlingmen, Chen Hao can discover the strength of the other party and leave.

They simply didn't want to hurt Chen Hao.It's just that they don't know that Chen Hao's strength has already exceeded their cognition.

No matter how Chen Hao explained, Li Feng and others were still so panicked and uneasy.In the end, Chen Hao didn't even bother to explain. Anyway, three days is not a long time, and it flies by in the blink of an eye.

At that time, as long as Chen Hao kills those people from Tianlingmen, Li Feng and others will naturally not continue to worry.

Three days passed in a flash.On this day, all the members of the Li family gathered in the hall.And the innate masters they hired were all guarded outside.

Each of them looked tense and sweated on their foreheads.

Now they are dealing with people from the cultivation world, even the most trashy practitioner can easily kill them.Under such circumstances, how could they not be nervous?

It's just that as professional bodyguards, they didn't get cold feet.Even in the face of death, they faithfully carried out their mission.

It can be seen from this that the quality of these innate masters hired by the Li family is not bad.

Looking at the nervous people inside, Chen Hao couldn't help being a little amused.But at the same time, murderous intent flickered in the depths of his eyes.

Damn people from Tianlingmen, if it wasn't for them, how could the Li family be like this?Not only dealing with people in the world, but also daring to touch my own brothers, I really want to die!
The atmosphere in the entire Li family was even more tense and chilling. The only people who were not nervous were Chen Hao and Zhang Ao.Zhang Ao was originally brought by Chen Hao in case of emergencies.

Now it really works.

Although I have some disdain for that Tianlingmen, I am not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.Only when someone is protecting the members of the Li family can Chen Hao really rest assured.

Of course, Chen Hao can also take Li Feng and others into the red envelope world of the system, that way it will be absolutely safe.

It's just that Chen Hao didn't do this, because in the system red envelope, they couldn't see their own strength, and couldn't see Tianlingmen being destroyed by themselves.

Li Feng and the others will really feel relieved only when they see themselves displaying their mighty power and destroying the Tianlingmen.Otherwise, they will not be really happy for the rest of their lives.

Several sword lights flew towards Anyi City from afar, and soon entered Anyi City, shooting towards Li's house.

"It's really courting death to appear in front of ordinary people openly and aboveboard." Chen Hao sneered in his heart.

Although in the secular world, he is no stranger to the cultivation world, and even yearns for it.But if it is not necessary, a cultivator will not show his identity in front of the lay people.

Just like this kind of behavior of flying at low altitude in the secular world, it is not allowed in the cultivation world.

With a flash of his figure, Chen Hao floated down from the roof of the hall and returned to the hall.

"Uncle Murong, you are so amazing, you can fly, can you teach me, I want to fly too." Chen Hao had just entered the hall when he saw the little fat man walking over with stars in his eyes, with an envious look on his face .

Chen Hao picked up the little fat man, with a smile on his face: "Do you want to learn? Then uncle will teach you, okay?"

The little fat man was overjoyed immediately, and kept nodding his head, and his chubby little hands held onto Chen Hao's clothes tightly, as if he was afraid that Chen Hao would leave suddenly.

"However, uncle will deal with one thing first, and I will teach you after it is over, okay?"

"Okay." The little fat man nodded in a sensible manner, and then returned to his mother's arms.But hearing the conversation between Chen Hao's uncle and nephew, the eyes of the three adults in the Li family lit up.

"Little Feather." Li Feng called Chen Hao, just when he was about to say something...


Three sword lights passed by, and then three figures appeared in the open space in front of the hall.Three cultivators with long swords on their backs.

Although the three of them didn't reveal any powerful aura, the invisible aura was oppressing the fear of the innate masters around them.

It's just that, as a loyal bodyguard, they know their mission.Although he knew that these three people were the legendary cultivators who could easily kill him.

However, they quickly surrounded the three of them.

Seeing these three people, Li Feng's family immediately showed despair.Because they recognized one of them, the one who had looked for them that day.

Chen Hao glanced at the three of them lightly, and then a trace of disdain appeared on his face.

"Two foundation-building stages, one early-stage Xuanzhao." Although he knew that there would be no masters in Tianlingmen, but only the monks in the foundation-establishment stage and the stage of Xuanzhao made Chen Hao very disdainful.


Seeing the surrounding people surrounded him, the cultivator in the resplendent period couldn't help but snorted coldly.Then a breath like a stormy sea burst out from him violently.

boom! boom! boom!
Pitiful for the monks in the innate realm around them, they were blown away and fell into the distance without even having time to react in this stormy aura.

Seeing that the other party just let out a cold snort and knocked out the innate master he had hired at a high price like a failure, Li Feng and others shrank their pupils suddenly, but their hearts were even more desperate.

Only Chen Hao's expression remained unchanged.As for Zhang Ao?At this time, he was not in Li's house.

"That's amazing, Uncle, are you that powerful?" The three-year-old fat man didn't know the danger at this time, and just looked at the eyes of the three people in front of him.

A child is a child, and when he sees something that he thinks is powerful, he yells out loud, without distinguishing the situation.

Hearing what the little fat man said, Li Feng and the others were scared to death.And Han Ying even covered the little fat man's words.I was afraid that I would anger the other three cultivators and kill them.

Chen Hao smiled slightly: "The three of them are just trash, but uncle is much better than them. You will be countless times better than them in the future."

If Chen Hao really taught the little fat man to practice, even if the little fat man has only average aptitude, his future achievements will definitely not be bad.

The three in front of me are just beginners in comprehension.

"Who are you?" As if he had only discovered Chen Hao's existence at this time, the cultivator in the rotation period looked at Chen Hao.

Just looking at it, the pupils of the three of them shrank suddenly.Because they couldn't see the depth of Chen Hao at all!
"Is he also an ordinary person?" The three wanted to tell themselves that Chen Hao was also an ordinary person.But looking at Chen Hao's momentum and posture, he was definitely not an ordinary person.


The three of them were surprised, and then looked at Li Feng and the others with fierce eyes: "The three of you have found a cultivator? Very good, you dare to oppose our Tianlingmen, you really want to die!"

Although the three of them were talking to Li Feng and the others, they were clearly warning Chen Hao.They are not three people, but the entire Tianlingmen.

Although Chen Hao is so powerful that they can't see through it, how can he compare with the sect of Tianlingmen?Moreover, Chen Hao may not be really strong. The reason why they can't see through it is because their strength is low.

"Yes, courting death, but you."

Chen Hao glanced at them lightly and sneered.Then he stretched out his palm, and Ling Kong slowly slapped the faces of the three Tianlingmen disciples.

At this time, something that frightened the three of them happened.

Chen Hao's big hand was very slow, just moving slowly.They wanted to attack and evade, but they were horrified to find that they couldn't move.

In the end, they could only watch helplessly as Chen Hao's big hand kept zooming in and out...

Clap! Clap! Clap!
After three crisp sounds, Chen Hao's big hand slapped their faces almost simultaneously.Suddenly, a scene that shocked Li Feng and others appeared.

In their eyes, the three cultivators did not hide, as if they were standing still and waiting for Chen Hao to slap them.

After the slap, half of the faces of the three of them instantly swelled up like a steamed bun.Moreover, the three of them opened their mouths wide, and a mouthful of blood spurted out fiercely.

There is even a little bit of white in the scarlet.Apparently, it was because their big die was also slapped off by Chen Hao.It's just that Chen Hao doesn't have any power, otherwise, if he just slapped Chen Hao's seventh-grade spiritual weapon with his body, the three rookies would be slapped into a ball of meat sauce immediately.

Like a catfish, the three of them were immediately sent flying in the same direction.Just now they shattered a group of masters in the innate realm, but now it was Chen Hao who slapped them away.

30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, the retribution came really fast.

With a cold snort, Chen Hao stretched out his big hand.

The big hand volleyed and zoomed in, covering the three of them in an instant, and caught them back when they were in the void, and threw them on the open space in front of the hall.

"Uncle Murong is amazing!" The little fat man broke free from his mother's hand and clapped his hands vigorously.But Li Feng and those innate masters were shocked, and they all looked at Chen Hao with eyes as if they were looking at a monster.

Especially those innate masters, they know the strength of the three cultivators of Tianlingmen, but Chen Hao is stronger than them!

Chen Hao's attack had a great impact on them.

For a moment, everyone was dumbfounded, looking at Chen Hao in shock.But the three trash from Tianlingmen looked at Chen Hao with incomparable resentment.
The mouth squirmed, but no sound came out.Chen Hao's slap just now broke their jaws, and now they can't even speak.

Feeling shock, resentment, or monster-like expressions from the crowd, Chen Hao didn't care, he was already used to this kind of look.

However, at this time, he was looking at the little fat man clapping his little hands with weird eyes.

This little guy doesn't know what danger is called at all, he just looks very excited blindly.

"Zhang Ao."

After slapping the three guys away, Chen Hao gave a loud shout.

A figure flew over from outside the Li family, it was Zhang Ao.

"You are here to protect them. Before I come back, anyone who approaches the Li family will be killed!" Chen Hao said in a deep voice.

"Yes, leader." Zhang Ao accepted the order.

Chen Hao handed a piece of jade slip to Zhang Ao, and told him to crush it immediately in case of danger, so that he could come back as soon as possible.Immediately, with a wave of his big hand, he stretched out his big hand and grabbed the three wastes of Tianlingmen. With a shake of his figure, he immediately flew into the air and flew towards the distance.

In normal times, Chen Hao's slap would have killed the three trash.But now, for the sake of the Li family, he must completely destroy this Tianlingmen.

Stepping on the Bingzi Jue, Chen Hao turned into a stream of light, appearing outside Anyi City instantly as if teleporting.

Looking at the rapidly disappearing scenery around them, the hatred in the eyes of these three wastes from Tianlingmen has disappeared, and they are shocked instead!

This speed is more than a hundred times faster than their Yujian flying!And they were even more frightened by Chen Hao's strength.

Abandoning these three wastes on the ground, Chen Hao glanced around, and an inexplicable look suddenly appeared on his face: "Unexpectedly, I came here by accident."

Tianzhu Mountain can be said to be the place that changed Chen Hao's life.

Here, Chen Hao encountered the red envelope of the system, and thus jumped from a waste who could not cultivate to an existence with aptitude against the sky.

In fact, the reason why Chen Hao was unable to cultivate was simply because he was a chaotic celestial body.After encountering the system, he thought it was because of the "Chaos Celestial Record" that he was able to practice.

Looking at the mountains, Chen Hao's thoughts seemed to return to that winter back then.

It was that winter that Murong Ling kicked himself off the cliff.

"I'm able to have today, I'm afraid I have to thank Murong Ling. I just don't know how those people and old friends from that day are doing now?" Chen Hao's eyes flashed a cold light.

But the strange thing is that when I revisit the old place, the old things are remembered again.At this moment, Chen Hao no longer had the deep-rooted hatred in his heart.

Maybe it's because of his stronger strength and higher vision.Those people who were high above them back then could only crawl at their feet and look up at themselves.

Yes, just looking up.

In just five years, Chen Hao has reached the stage of spiritual solitude, with the power of three hundred dragons!The real strength is a monk who can compete against the tribulation stage or even the metamorphosis stage.

And those so-called geniuses back then were probably only in the foundation building period or the rotation period?
In Chen Hao's view now, the original hatred was just like a child's play, and it has gradually faded away.Now his goal is to become a fairy and a god, pursuing great power and immortality!
"Where is the Tianling Gate? Why did you attack the Li family?" Chen Hao shook his head, put his thoughts back and looked at the ground like a dead dog, and asked in a cold voice.

The three of them looked at Chen Hao with terrified eyes, their mouths were wriggling, and they wanted to speak, but they could only make a sound of "ahhhhhmmmmmmmm".

Looking at the three people's swollen faces like steamed buns and their shattered jaws, Chen Hao couldn't help but feel a little depressed: "The attack is too heavy, how can you extract a confession?"

Originally, Chen Hao wanted to ask them about the specific situation of Tianlingmen, but now that they can't even talk, how can they ask?
Just kill them like this?
Chen Hao frowned slightly. He had already sentenced these three people to death.But how to find Tianlingmen after killing them?He doesn't know anything about the situation of Tianlingmen now.

"System? Is there a way to get the information I want from them?" Chen Hao asked, pulling the system out of the system's red envelope world.

"It's not easy, just read their memory directly." The system said lightly.

Chen Hao rolled his eyes, the system said it was simple, but he doesn't know this kind of exercise.

The system didn't talk nonsense, and stretched out a hand to pop out a ray of light, which directly sank into Chen Hao's body.Immediately, there was an extra memory in Chen Hao's mind - the art of searching for gods.

Searching for God is not an attack technique, it only has one function - to search for divine thoughts and read memories.

The art of searching for gods is not complicated. Chen Hao just read it three times.

Slowly approaching a cultivator at the Foundation Establishment Stage, Chen Hao stretched out his big hand to cover the opponent's head.Secretly, the divine search technique has already been activated.

This is a very special technique. When Chen Hao activated the divine search technique, the scenery in front of him suddenly changed, and the next moment he entered a special space.

This space is huge, and there are many fragments stored in it - all the memories of that foundation-building period monk.

With a thought, Chen Hao's spiritual thought rushed over.

(End of this chapter)

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