Chapter 316 Combat
The moment Chen Hao drew the bow, the incomparably powerful force rushed out like a reservoir that burst its embankment, pouring into the Qiankun Bow.

With a creaking sound, the Qiankun Bow suddenly burst into a sky-high golden light, dazzling like a small sun.Originally, Chen Hao could barely draw a small half of the Qiankun Bow with all his strength. After gathering the strength of 10 people, it was finally opened—a semicircle!

Even if the strength of 10 people is gathered, the bow cannot be fully drawn, it can only be drawn to a semicircle.

"What a terrifying loss of power."

Seeing the power swarming out like a tide, Chen Hao was shocked.Just when he pulled the Qiankun Bow to a semicircle, the power originally accumulated in his body was quickly swallowed by the Qiankun Bow.

Chen Hao's power was rapidly passing away, and his powerful aura was also rapidly declining.It won't take long for his strength to be swallowed up by the Qiankun Bow.

Chen Hao was horrified, and immediately did not dare to maintain the state of drawing the bow.Otherwise, not only his power will be sucked dry by Qian Kun Bow, but even the power of everyone in the system red envelope will be sucked dry.

Chen Hao suddenly let go of the bowstring!After a sharp piercing sound, the Skyshaking Arrow turned into a flash of golden light and disappeared from Chen Hao's sight. It tore through the void and went deep into the void.

"What a terrifying breath, it's definitely an immortal, even more terrifying than ordinary immortals!" When Chen Hao gathered the strength of 10 people in his body, more than a dozen strong men from the eight sects had already stopped in their tracks. , looking at Chen Hao with horrifying expressions.

At the same time, Chen Hao's incomparably powerful power dissipated far away, covering the void, which shocked many monks.

"No, that's not some kind of fairy, isn't he that little bastard Chen Hao?" Because Chen Hao was standing in the void before, and the golden light was dazzling when he drew the bow, even hundreds of thousands of miles away, he could see his body figure.

Of course, this was only for a split second, and if it was no longer nearby, it would be too late to see Chen Hao's figure.However, the dozen or so elders of the eight sects were the closest to Chen Hao, so they saw Chen Hao immediately.

"Oops, run away."

When they saw that incomparably terrifying aura emanating from Chen Hao, although these people didn't know why Chen Hao's power was able to increase so terrifyingly, they made the right choice right away— -escape!Run as far as you can.

Even though they are extremely powerful, they are the top masters in the cultivation world.But facing the terrifying aura emanating from Chen Hao, they were just ants.

Their reaction is not unpleasant, but the speed of the shocking arrow is faster.

Just when they realized that they wanted to teleport and escape...

With a scoff, in front of them, the void shattered, and a golden light with a terrifying aura appeared out of thin air.As soon as Jin Guangfu appeared, he shot towards everyone.

An elder of the Hehuan Sect was the closest to the golden light, and before she could even teleport, the golden light passed through her body.After a bang, the mid-transformation cultivator exploded like a piece of tofu, turning into a cloud of blood mist.

boom! boom! boom!
Wherever the golden light passed, the elders of the top realms of these various sects were continuously blown to pieces.In the face of the shocking arrow, it is completely vulnerable.

The Sky-shaking Arrow tore the void into a space crack hundreds of miles in size and thousands of miles long, and then disappeared into the void in front of it.

"***, what is this?" An elder was still in shock, and started teleporting, flying towards the front, not daring to stay at all.

Just now, a total of seven elders in the metamorphosis state were directly smashed to pieces by the golden light.

More than a dozen elder-level existences were killed by half in an instant, and they didn't even see the golden light.

The void was shattered, and the golden light that had disappeared once again emerged from the void ###, lasing.

The remaining elders were almost frightened to death, and immediately teleported, fleeing in all directions.

"Elders, since you're here, don't leave. Summon the banner, summon the soul!" Chen Hao's indifferent voice came, and at the same time, many elders felt that the sky and the earth changed color instantly, and the day turned into night.

Looking up, the sky has been covered by a huge banner at some point, covering the sky and the sun, and the sun and the moon are dark.

"This is the soul-calling banner!"

An elder exclaimed in surprise, his face turned pale instantly.

"That's right, this is the Soul Calling Banner, elders, show your souls, let me save you." Chen Hao's voice came, and at the same time, he held the Soul Calling Banner tightly with both hands, and shook it vigorously.

Shake the soul-calling banner, and the immortal will also fall.

The demonic flames billowed, the ghostly aura was dense, and the heaven and earth covered by the soul-calling banners were instantly enveloped by endless demonic aura, which was very eerie and terrifying.

Invisible big hands crazily grabbed the bodies of the elders from all directions, wanting to tear their souls out.

The elders of the eight sects were pale and almost died of fright.When Chen Hao shook the soul-calling banner, they saw invisible big hands frantically pulling their souls.

The soul kept trembling, trembling, and began to be slowly pulled out.

boom! boom! boom!
Many elders were almost frightened to death, but they are elders of the giant sect after all, and they would never just stand by and watch their souls being pulled out and die in such an aggrieved way.

All of a sudden, terrifying power erupted from these elders, and more than 80 or even more than 90 horned dragons appeared out of thin air above their heads.

"Break it for me! Break it! Break it!"

While raising the strength to the limit, they also sacrificed various magic weapons, trying to break the soul-calling banner.It's just that although their strength is strong, they can't break the attack of the Soul Calling Banner at all.

The attack of the soul-calling banner is not a power attack at all, and their power has no effect on the attack of the soul-calling banner.

With a bang, the Sky-Shocking Arrow flew back, blowing up an elder and turning him into powder.

Chen Hao shook the soul-calling banner with all his strength, and continuously poured power into the soul-calling banner, making the soul-calling banner more and more powerful.

The power of the soul-calling banner is getting stronger and stronger, but the elders of the eight sects are becoming more and more dangerous.


After a scream, an elder of the God Rune Sect finally couldn't resist, and his soul was pulled out of his body.After a scream, he fell straight to the ground, lifeless.Died unexpectedly.

An elder in the stage of metamorphosis was directly killed by the summoning banner.

Seeing this scene, the remaining elders of the eight sects were scared out of their wits.After the death of an elder, their pressure increased even more.Because, Chen Hao had already enveloped all the power of the soul-calling banner on them.

The sky-shocking arrow passed by quickly, and before an elder could even scream, he was shot and turned into a cloud of blood.

As the elders died one by one... In the end, Chen Hao killed all the dozen or so elders who were chasing Chen Hao from the eight sects.

Chen Hao took a deep breath, put the soul-calling banner into the red envelope of the system, and then he unfolded his body and disappeared here.

Not long after, a series of figures rushed over from all sides.When they saw the corpses all over the ground, they were all shocked.

These are all the elders of the eight sects, and now they are all killed!

Shock, absolute shock.Suddenly, many monks felt cold.These are all elders in the stage of metamorphosis. They are extremely powerful, and they have all been killed now.

Could it be that this is the master in Xianzhong?

They just thought so, but they never thought that this was Chen Hao's arm.After all, although Chen Hao is powerful, how can he be the opponent of more than a dozen elders in the transcending tribulation stage?

All of a sudden, many monks felt uneasy, for fear that they would also meet this powerful opponent in the fairy tomb.


In the distance, Chen Hao sat cross-legged on a mountain peak, looking a little sluggish.

Don't look at the clean and tidy battle just now, but it almost consumed all of Chen Hao's strength and spirit.Pulling the Qiankun Bow to a semicircle almost swallowed up the power of Chen Hao and the [-] members of Chaos.

If Chen Hao hadn't released the arrow in time, his strength might have been exhausted.Even so, the [-] members of Chaos in the red envelope world of the system are all sluggish, and their power has been swallowed up in sevens and eighties, which is very terrifying.

After shooting the sky-shaking arrow, Chen Hao had no ability to sacrifice the soul-calling banner at all.In the end, the only way to shake the Soul Calling Banner is by burning the pill.

Although he finally killed the world elders of the eight sects, Chen Hao's power was almost exhausted.Especially the demonic nature of the summoning banner almost assimilated Chen Hao.

As more and more souls are devoured, the power of the soul-calling banner is getting bigger and bigger.This power is not only aimed at killing the enemy, but also at the user of the summoning banner.

If the mind is not strong enough, it is easy to be assimilated by the soul-calling banner and become a demon who only knows how to kill.

"It's better to use the Soul Calling Banner sparingly in the future." Chen Hao said in a low voice with a heavy breath.

However, the summoning banner is indeed terrifying.

Most of the more than a dozen elders of the eight sects were shot and killed by the sky-shaking arrows that Chen Hao combined with the power of 10 people from Chaos.The other part was directly drawn out of the soul.

In this battle, Chen Hao didn't even use a single move!
"What level of treasure is the Qiankun Bow? Even the combined strength of 10 people can't draw it to its full capacity?" Chen Hao was a little shocked.

The strength of 10 people has definitely surpassed that of ordinary immortals, but they still can't draw it to full capacity. I have to say that the Qiankun Bow is really abnormal.

"If the Qiankun bow is fully drawn, then how terrifying is the sky-shaking arrow?" Chen Hao thought in shock.At the same time, he stood up, identified the direction, and then continued walking forward.

From the outside, this huge fairy mound is at least hundreds of thousands of miles, or even millions of miles in size.However, along the way, Chen Hao was depressed.

With his speed, after a few days, he might have already reached the center of the fairy tomb.But it is still moving forward, and the front seems to have no end.

"Could this be an illusion? But it's not right, I didn't walk into the environment. Then there is only one possibility. Here is another space. The actual space is several times or even dozens of times larger than what you see from the outside."

Chen Hao pondered in his heart and said.

As he got deeper and deeper, the chaotic power between heaven and earth became more and more intense.But the aura of heaven and earth is getting thinner and thinner.For other monks, the deeper they go, the more sad they are.

However, for Chen Hao, it became more and more like a duck to water.


Suddenly, there were bursts of terrifying fluctuations in front of him, and the sky was shaken, and gorgeous divine lights shot up into the sky.The terrifying impact dissipated far away, the sky cracked and the earth trembled.

Someone is fighting.

Ever since he realized that this space was getting more and more vast, Chen Hao did not walk in a hurry, but slowed down.

Because this fairy mound is an undeveloped relic!There are all kinds of rare and old spirit herbs and medicines everywhere on the road.

Even though Chen Hao didn't care about these spiritual herbs, he couldn't help but slow down and collect them.Even occasionally encounter a few low-level spirit veins.

In the past few days, Chen Hao has collected valuable spiritual herbs and medicines, and even collected a few spiritual veins.

Wealth everywhere.

Even Chen Hao couldn't bear to release all the [-] members of Chaos.However, considering their serious power consumption and the dangers here, Chen Hao did not release them from the system red envelope world.

Otherwise, if it is accidentally damaged, Chen Hao will be heartbroken.

In the process, more and more monks entered the fairy tomb.Apart from those members of the great sect sects, there are also quite a few casual cultivators who have finally entered the ruins.

Even, there are many monks who have surpassed Chen Hao.

Along the way, there were countless battles like this.Even some guys who were overreaching wanted to rob and kill Chen Hao, but in the end they were killed by Chen Hao instead.

"It's definitely a battle for the powerhouses at the metamorphosis stage. These bastards are not afraid of expending their strength. They should be disciples of those great sects."

Chen Hao's heart skipped a beat, and he flew forward.

Here, ordinary monks simply cannot absorb the aura of heaven and earth to restore their own strength.If you want to restore your strength, you can only rely on swallowing the Huiyuan Pill to restore your strength.

However, not everyone carries a large amount of Huiyuan Dan on their body.Therefore, along the way, many monks will not fight desperately, unless it is a critical moment.

Otherwise, once the power is exhausted, it will definitely be a tragedy.

In the void ahead, two strong men are fighting.The terrifying power fluctuations were sent from the place where they fought.An incomparably powerful aura emanated from them, causing the sky to shatter and the earth to sink.

"The two metamorphosis monks are not members of the top ten sects." Chen Hao looked over and found that besides the two people who were fighting, there were two other forces on the ground.

At this moment, people from those two forces are nervously watching the battle between the two strong men in the void.

(End of this chapter)

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