The Best Red Packet System of Rebirth

Chapter 333 Powerful Power

Chapter 333 Powerful Power

Not only did Chen Hao not have any fear, on the contrary, he even faintly had a hint of excitement.

In fact, both his physical body and strength are a hundred times stronger than when he first broke through to the distraction stage.He is a hundred times stronger than before, and Jie Lei is also a hundred times stronger than when he was a god.

In fact, the increases are all the same.Theoretically, these tribulation thunders should not be able to cause any damage to Chen Hao.

But, is it really that simple?

When the fifth tribulation thunder landed, Chen Hao's expression changed.

The power of each tribulation thunder is many times higher than that of the previous one, and it increases geometrically.At the fifth stage of Tribulation Thunder, Chen Hao had already increased his strength by [-]%.

And before the sixth tribulation thunder was over, Chen Hao had already raised his strength to the limit.In the end, he barely blocked the sixth tribulation thunder.

The seventh calamity thunder struck down swiftly.Chen Hao screamed, and finally couldn't resist.

When the first tribulation thunder just started, all his clothes were blown to pieces.Even though his physical body, which had already reached the level of a ninth-grade spiritual weapon, was battered to pieces by the endless lightning strikes.

With a body at the level of a ninth-grade spiritual weapon, Chen Hao's power itself still carries a part of the power of tribulation thunder.However, even this can't stop the tribulation thunder, this is only the seventh level.

If it were an ordinary person, they might not even be able to pass through the fifth stage of tribulation thunder.

Jielei is really too terrifying.

In fact, ordinary monks will not be struck by lightning at all when they break through the realm.Only Chen Hao, who is jealous of the sky, will be struck by lightning all day long.

With a thought in Chen Hao's mind, the tree of life in his dantian began to absorb the power of chaos frantically.At the same time, the tree of life quickly transformed the absorbed chaotic power into green life power, which quickly circulated in Chen Hao's body.

Where the power of life passed, Chen Hao's damaged meridians began to recover at a rapid pace.Seeing the bombardment of Jielei, Chen Hao's body was split to pieces.But after the force of life swarmed in, these damaged places could be completely restored.

"What a terrifying recovery speed!"

Chen Hao was shocked again, but the power of life gave him endless confidence.

All over the sky, thunderstorms bombarded Chen Hao intensively, and the terrifying thunderstorm power bombarded the entire Chen Hao. The skin was torn apart, and the flesh and blood flew everywhere. The scene was horrible.

If it wasn't for Chen Hao's incomparable fortitude and constant suffering of this inhuman ###, he would have chosen to pass out a long time ago.But he didn't fall into a coma, but gritted his teeth and endured all this.

Moreover, with the power of life, he can quickly restore his damaged body.

Being bombarded by robbery thunder, this inhuman treatment made Chen Hao's painful soul tremble.While the power of life flowed through, while restoring his physical body, the itchy feeling of recovering from the injury made him feel comfortable wanting to ### make a sound.

Two heavens of ice and fire!
The seventh level of tribulation and thunder passed quickly in the double sky of ice and fire.

After Jielei disappeared, Chen Hao's body was not injured in any way.On the contrary, in this process of being damaged but constantly being repaired, his physical body became stronger and stronger.

Now, his physical body is vaguely approaching the level of a fairy weapon.

Perhaps, after the last two thunderbolts struck down, Chen Hao's physical body would break through to the level of a fairy weapon.

The power of the eighth tribulation thunder is several times more terrifying than that of the seventh.However, under the influence of the power of life, Chen Hao survived safely.

Except for his physical body becoming stronger, Jie Lei did not cause any harm to him.

The Ninth Tribulation Thunder!
Chen Hao stood in the void, looking up at the nine heavens, with a hesitant look on his face.

Several hours have passed since the eighth tribulation thunder, and the ninth tribulation thunder has not yet landed.Chen Hao even discovered that the tribulation thunder above the sky is gradually dissipating.

"Could it be that there are no more? Or did I count wrong?" Chen Hao shook his head, wanting to leave.But he thought of the thunder that was triggered when he left the Extreme Sky Realm.

At that time, the ninth tribulation thunder was also long in coming, and there was only one, but it almost killed him.

"Could it be the same time again?" Chen Hao's face changed slightly, and his face turned green.


At this moment, a dull voice sounded above Chen Hao's head.

Chen Hao couldn't help but looked up, but saw a black tribulation thunder as thick as a baby's arm approaching him quickly.

Chen Hao's expression changed drastically.

With a strange cry, he was about to run away involuntarily.However, at this moment, the black Jielei accelerated violently and directly bombarded Chen Hao's head.

"It's over!"

Chen Hao only had time to flash this thought, and then the tribulation thunder had already entered his body and disappeared.


Just when Chen Hao thought that he was doomed again this time and would be struck half dead by the black lightning, he found that the black lightning did not move him at all.

With a thought, Chen Hao saw the black tribulation thunder enter his body, then through the meridian, quickly rushed into the dantian, and finally sank into the tree of life.

"Is this gone?"

Chen Hao stared at the tree of life suspiciously for a long time, but found that after the black tribulation thunder entered the tree of life, it disappeared like a mud cow into the sea.

After observing for a long time, Chen Hao finally confirmed that the black tribulation thunder had disappeared and had no effect on him at all.At this time, he breathed a sigh of relief and looked at himself.

After being struck by the Eightfold Heavenly Thunder and repaired by the power of life, Chen Hao's physical body unexpectedly made another breakthrough, reaching an astonishing ninth-grade spiritual weapon level.

Only one step away from reaching the immortal level!

"But it's just one step short." Chen Hao sighed, very dissatisfied.If others saw his dissatisfied appearance, they might not be chasing him all over the world.

It should be noted that even the physical body of a step-by-step immortal cannot reach the level of a ninth-grade spiritual weapon.And Chen Hao is already infinitely close to the physical body of the fairy level just in the state of fusion, how can this make them feel embarrassed?
"The physical body that is infinitely close to the fairy artifact is a hundred times stronger than before!" Chen Hao thought... Booming, black and condensed horned dragon phantoms continuously appeared out of thin air, hovering above his head.

One hundred, 110, 150... 170, two hundred!
The power of two hundred horned dragons!
It should be noted that Chen Hao only had the strength of 75 horned dragons in the last stage, that is, the stage of distraction.But after breaking through to the fusion stage, it instantly increased to the power of two hundred dragons, which is equivalent to a three-fold increase.

The power of the dragon has reached the power of two hundred horned dragons, on the surface it is only three times stronger than before.But Chen Hao knew that his strength was a hundred times stronger than before, or even more than that.

Only the physical body that has reached the pinnacle of the ninth-grade spiritual weapon level is much stronger than the average metamorphosis monk.

Generally, the physical body of a monk in the metamorphosis period can reach the level of a spiritual weapon, which is considered relatively powerful.Moreover, in the stage of metamorphosis, their dragon powers are only 99 at most, and they will never reach [-].

Of course, the amount of dragon power does not necessarily represent the strength of the strength.

Strength is not only the power of the dragon, but also the strength of the physical body, various magic weapons, and even various exercises.

Strength is the comprehensive combat effectiveness of a monk!

Moreover, even if it is only in terms of dragon power, it does not mean that the more dragon power, the stronger the strength.There are many such examples. Chen Hao has killed many people with more dragon power than him before.

"Unfortunately, if Xue Chen bursts out with immortal power, he is still no match for him." Chen Hao pondered.

The stronger the strength, the more he felt the terror of the immortal.

Don't look at him now that he has reached the power of two hundred horned dragons, which is far beyond the power of ordinary peak powerhouses in the metamorphosis period.But compared with the immortals, they are still insignificant!

In front of the immortals, all those who want to reach the realm of immortals are ants!Even if it has reached the power of hundreds of horned dragons, it is still an ant.

Just like ordinary people, they are just ants in front of cultivators.Even a monk in the Foundation Establishment Stage can crush ants to death with just a snap of his fingers.

In front of the immortals, in the stage of transformation, even half-step immortals are just mortals and ants.

Xue Chen is only the third strongest player on the dragon and phoenix list, and the first and second King Xiaopeng are definitely stronger.Moreover, with Xue Chen's ability, Li Xu and King Xiaopeng must have similar means.

And the chief disciples of the major sects, the holy sons and the saints, and the like also have various means to save their lives.

Chen Hao thought about it, but he didn't become arrogant because of his sudden increase in strength.

People have self-knowledge.

"I'm still not their opponent." Chen Hao sighed. "However..." Immediately, Chen Hao's face straightened, "I am only in the state of the integration stage now. If I also reach the state of the transformation stage, none of them will be my opponent! They are the ones who reached the pinnacle of my cultivation world Stepping stones, if only they didn't soar up so soon."

Chen Hao's strength is improving, and the others must also be improving.Especially the legendary Li Xu, who might ascend to the ascension one day.

"I don't know if I can break through the time formation outside the palace group and enter inside with my own lifespan?" Chen Hao suddenly thought of the palace group in the fairy tomb.

There is a time formation behind the palace group. After any monk enters, if he does not have enough life energy, or if he does not leave the time formation before the life energy is exhausted, he will die due to the exhaustion of life energy.

It can be said that it is not an exaggeration to glance at ten thousand years.

Immediately, Chen Hao shook his head: "Although my lifespan has skyrocketed to 500 million years, it can be said that I am the person with the longest lifespan in the entire cultivation world, but I am not sure about breaking through the time formation, so it is better not to take risks."

Suddenly, Chen Hao stretched his fingers, and volleyed out.

The next moment, he grabbed a black figure out of the void.

"Wang! Chen Hao, you have angered Master Tengu, I want to eat you." As soon as the black shadow appeared, the iconic barking sound of the big black dog came.

At the same time, the big black dog turned into a black streamer, and rushed towards Chen Hao fiercely.During this process, the big black dog fiercely opened its big mouth that could devour the sky and faced Chen Hao, and bit down hard on the void near Chen Hao.

Chen Hao smiled, stepped on the military formula, and disappeared in place in an instant.

After the strength soared, the speed of Bing Zi Jue became even more terrifying.I saw Chen Hao disappearing in place in a flash, not teleportation but better than teleportation, it was extremely terrifying.


The big black dog bit down fiercely, but actually bit off a piece of void tens of miles in size.It's just that Chen Hao is not here.

"Big black dog, give me a punch."

At this moment, Chen Hao's shout came from the sky above the head of the big black dog, and then an incomparably violent force descended from the sky, locked on the big black dog, and directly bombarded it.

The big black dog was taken aback, barked loudly, and was about to rush out.But Chen Hao's attack was extremely fast, and the fast big black dog couldn't react.

The divine fist like a giant mountain shattered the void, and slammed on the back of the big black dog.

A strong force surged in, and the big black dog only had time to scream, and the whole person was thrown into the air immediately.It was smashed into the ground tens of miles deep.

"Woof! Wang! Wang! Boy Murong, you actually attacked Lord Tengu. You angered me. I must eat you." Although the big black dog was blasted deep into the ground, it seemed to be unharmed, still The dragon spirit and tiger screamed fiercely.


The earth shattered, and the big black dog rose directly into the sky.During this process, the step rose against the wind, and in an instant it swelled up like a big mountain, standing majestically in the void.

The big mouth opened violently, like a black hole outside the sky, it crushed hundreds of miles of void into pieces, and at the same time, it bit down on Chen Hao viciously.

At the same time, the big black dog slapped his paw quickly and slapped it down.Smash the void, wanting to pat Chen Hao into meat sauce.

Chen Hao laughed, and saw him stepping on the military formula, and disappeared in place as if teleporting: "Big black dog, take another punch from me, and a thousand soldiers will draw their fists!"

The big black dog was furious immediately, because Chen Hao disappeared out of thin air, and he bit the air again with his big mouth, but directly bit into the void, which is a mountain with a radius of hundreds of miles, into his mouth.

And its dog paw also smashed a mountain in the distance into pieces.However, what made it angry was that Chen Hao had long since disappeared.

With a loud bang, the big black dog suddenly felt as if a mountain had slammed into its back, and directly knocked its body as big as a mountain into the air again.

The big black dog was sent flying by Chen Hao like a mountain falling from the sky, crushing a mountain on the ground.

The big black dog was very angry and rose into the sky again, wanting to attack and kill Chen Hao.It's just that Chen Hao's speed is too fast. Every time the big black dog attacks, he can't attack Chen Hao at all, and he has already left the place.

However, Chen Hao punched and kicked him, and in just a few moments, the head of the big black dog bombarded roared, extremely angry.

Wang Wang Wang...

The big black dog barked unhappily, and said at the same time: "Boy, you have the ability to have an upright battle with your master Tengu, and see if your master Tengu doesn't torture you to death."

There was a strange look on Chen Hao's face.

(End of this chapter)

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