The Best Red Packet System of Rebirth

Chapter 338 Strong Strength

Chapter 338 Strong Strength
The City Lord's Mansion is the true controller of Luoxing City, possessing absolute strength.In addition to the City Lord's Mansion of Luoxing City, there are three major families.

Su family, Zhu family and Zhang family.

These three major families are called the three major families of Luoxing City, and they usually run rampant in Luoxing City. Even people from the top ten sects dare not provoke people from these three families casually.

In Luoxing City, these three major families are veritable local snakes.

However, not long ago, the Su family, one of the three major families, was wiped out because they provoked people they shouldn't have provoked.

In fact, although the three major families are the local snakes of Luoxing City.But the strength is barely considered a first-class force.The existence at the bottom of the first-class forces.

There is still a gap in the power of the City Lord's Mansion in Luoxing City, and it is even more incomparable to your top ten families.

As night fell, the night sky was filled with stars, and even Luoxing City, one of the five largest cities in the cultivation world, gradually became quiet.

Shua! Shua!Swish!
Suddenly, in a secluded corner of Luoxing City, black shadows appeared out of thin air.

At a glance, these are all men in black with their faces covered.These people not only covered their faces with black cloths, but what was even more shocking was that these people were all in the same realm.

A complete transformation period!
One after another black shadows appeared out of nowhere, and after they appeared, the men in black quickly lined up one by one, quickly and neatly, without making any sound during the whole process.

Soon, these men in black who appeared out of nowhere stood in a line of three.

At this time, if anyone is here, you can see that there are tens of thousands of men in black in the three queues!

Tens of thousands of men in black are composed of masters in the transformation stage.

Which sect is this?Which sect has such a powerful force?
It's just a pity that these people appeared in relatively remote corners of Luoxing City, and it was late at night, so no one found them.

These men in black are members of Chaos.

"Set off."

Chen Hao didn't cover his face, but put on a mask.

I saw him wave his hand and give a low drink.Immediately, the three groups of men in black spread out silently, each quickly running in different directions.During this process, members of Chaos still maintained a neat queue and remained silent.

Wang Wang Wang...

The big black dog followed among a pair of men in black, spread its legs, and ran out happily towards the front.

On the other side, the Fire-Eyed Golden Ape carried a golden stick on his shoulder, strode forward and followed the team.

Falling Star City is huge, but for these monks who are in the stage of transformation, it is only a few moments of effort.Not long after, the three teams of men in black arrived in front of their respective targets.

Zhang family!Zhu's and Yuanxumen's shops in Falling Star City.


Following the orders of the leaders of each team, such as Zhang Ao, Yang Man and others, tens of thousands of Chaos members in the metamorphosis state rose into the air, or rushed directly to their targets.

almost the same time.


In an instant, terrifying auras like vast oceans erupted from members of Chaos, sweeping in all directions.

At the same time, hundreds of millions of terrifying forces were kicked out by them, tearing the sky apart, smashing the void!
Tens of thousands of powerhouses in the metamorphosis stage shot at the same time, which was extremely terrifying.A series of terrifying forces directly descended from the sky, bombarding Zhu's, Zhang's and Yuanxumen shops.


Before the masters of the two big families and one shop could even react, these terrifying forces had already bombarded down.

After the loud noise, under the attack of such a terrifying force, the two big families and the Yuanxumen store were completely vulnerable, and their poles were shattered.

Countless people were killed directly!

The attacks of tens of thousands of monks in the stage of metamorphosis, even the powerhouses at the level of immortals dare not take it head-on!What's more, these two families only have ordinary metamorphosis masters?
"Who dares to attack my Zhu family!"

Amidst the roar, several figures soared into the sky, emitting terrifying breaths one by one, and the sound shook Luo Xingcheng.

"Blow them down." Zhu's side is Zhang Ao's Qinglong team. Seeing that these people were not killed, Zhang Ao just sneered, and immediately ordered the members of his subordinates to kill them.

Without any hesitation at all, everyone in the Qinglong team immediately locked on to the escaped strong men, and immediately strangled them away with countless terrifying forces.

The complexions of these masters of the transformation stage of the Zhu family suddenly changed, and their figures flickered, and they wanted to teleport away.Facing the attacks of so many strong men of the same realm, they simply couldn't afford to resist.


The terrifying power shattered the void within the range of the Zhu family.The Zhu family's monks in the stage of metamorphosis had no time to teleport, and they had already been bombarded and killed by members of Chaos.



The battle came and ended quickly.In just a few breaths, the Zhu family, one of the three major families in Luoxing City, has been wiped out, and there is not one left!
Seeing this scene, Chen Hao was not happy, but rather depressed.

Vulnerable to a single blow, the purpose of military training was achieved at all.However, Chen Hao didn't think about it, how could a small Zhu family resist the tens of thousands of attacks from the transformation stage?
Even against a strong man from one of the top ten sects, I'm afraid it will be like a storm.If those old monster-level masters in the top ten sects did not make a move, the top ten sects would also be vulnerable.

However, the top ten sects have a deep background, which is not comparable to these small families.Therefore, at this stage, Chen Hao did not dare to take action against those big forces.

Once those old monster-level existences are provoked, even if all members of Chaos are in the transformation stage, they will be slapped to death directly.

Furthermore, no one knows whether there are immortals among those ten sects.

In front of the immortal, monks below the immortal are all ants.No matter how powerful you are, as long as you are not a fairy, you are all ants.

At the same time that the Zhu family was wiped out, the battle on the other side was also over.Yuanxumen's store in Falling Star City was directly razed to the ground.

As for the Zhang family, one of the three major families, it was completely vulnerable.

"Take away all the previous things, not a single one." Before Chen Hao could speak, Zhang Ao waved his hand, and was the first to rush into Zhu's house.

The main purpose of their activities tonight is - robbery!
Like a wolf like a tiger!
Not long after, everything in the shops of the two big families and Yuanxumen has been looted.

At this time, the people in Luoxing City reacted.

From the appearance of Chen Hao and the others to the extermination of the Zhu family and the others, to the time they searched their treasure house.The time is extremely short, less than the time for a cup of tea.

Orders and orders are prohibited, and the speed is extremely fast, and everyone who is fast can't react in a short time.

And the reason why countless cultivators in Luoxing City did not react for a long time was because they were shocked by the tens of thousands of metamorphosis cultivators in Chaos.

Tens of thousands of metamorphosis realm monks!

Perhaps for the giant sects such as the top ten sects, they will also have such a large number of monks in the transformation period.But will they come out to rob?
Even if the monks from the top ten sects wanted to destroy the Zhu family and the Zhang family, they would definitely be aboveboard and not cover their faces!After all, this is a good opportunity to demonstrate the strength of their sect.

Once there are so many metamorphosis monks in the top ten sects, and with the existence of those old monsters, the strength of this sect will definitely be able to cross the realm of comprehension.

However, it is very unlikely that these people are the giants of the top ten sects.Because these people are like an army, they are forbidden and very disciplined.

Even if the monks of the various sects can gather together, they will never be so neat and orderly.

However, apart from those giant forces, which force has so many monks?
It was because of this that they were shocked.

Shocked by so many metamorphosis monks, shocked by this force.

At this time, the members of Chaos who had already wiped out these three forces had already soared into the sky, and flew out of Luoxing City.

"Destroy the shops of the Wuji Sword Sect." When flying over the shops of the Wuji Sword Sect and Xutianzong, following Chen Hao's order, the two sects were immediately smashed to pieces.In the end, all those magical weapons and soldiers were all taken away by members of Chaos.

"Where to go!"

Just when Chen Hao and the others were about to fly away from Luoxing City, an angry shout suddenly came from the City Lord's Mansion.Then a big hand suddenly protruded from the City Lord's Mansion, covering half of Luoxing City, and slapped Chen Hao and the others.

"Wow! Uncle Tengu is upset." Tengu barked depressedly, and immediately rose into the air.

In the void, the Tengu swayed, and suddenly became the size of a huge mountain, and then it opened its big mouth to bite the big hand that was slapped down fiercely.

At the same time, the Fire-Eyes Golden Ape let out an angry roar, and his figure instantly grew bigger!He picked up the golden stick that became thousands of miles long with both hands, and slammed it down hard on the big hand that was shot down.


The three parties collided swiftly, and then a loud noise erupted.The terrifying impact erupted instantly, and the void with a radius of thousands of miles was crushed by this terrifying impact.

The big hand was shattered in an instant, while the Fire-Eye Golden Ape and the Tengu were directly thrown into the distance, crushing countless buildings in Luoxing City.

"How dare you go to Luoxing City to act recklessly, seek death!" An angry shout came, and a big hand protruded from the city lord's mansion again, covering the sky dog ​​and the fire-eyed golden ape, intending to kill them both in one fell swoop.

"If you don't want Falling Star City to be destroyed, I hope you take it back." At this time, Chen Hao's business slowly spread.

Hearing this, the big hand froze for a moment.At this time, all members of Chaos had rushed out of Luoxing City and flew towards the distance.

The big hand froze slightly, then shattered the void, and slapped on the members of Chaos flying outside the city again.

This person is a master of the City Lord's Mansion, and may also be the City Lord of Falling Star City.

Instead, before, the three major families clashed with Chen Hao, and the Su family was finally wiped out.Under such circumstances, the City Lord's Mansion can turn a blind eye.

But today, the Heavenly Soldier!These black-clothed men directly rushed into Luoxing City, and directly wiped out the shops of the two major families and the two great sects.At the same time, all their wealth was looted.

This is clearly robbery.Robbed under the eyes of the city lord's mansion.

How can this make the city lord's mansion turn a blind eye?If the City Lord's Mansion does not come forward in this matter today, the City Lord's Mansion will be ridiculed by the world in the future.Who would dare to stay in Luoxing City in the future?Or even do business?
If the City Lord's Mansion doesn't take action, will things like this happen again in the future?

Even though the city lord's mansion was shocked by these tens of thousands of men in black at the stage of transformation.But they still had to make a move.

The big hand stretched out, covering the sky and the earth, and the terrifying breath came out, crushing the void, and quickly photographed it.

At the very least, the ones who shot were at the half-immortal level, and their strength was really strong.

Seeing that the people in the City Lord's Mansion did not stop, Chen Hao's face suddenly turned cold.


With a cold shout, the tens of thousands of Chaos members who had stopped flying at the same time shot out at the same time, launching the strongest attack!
In an instant, the powerful power of tens of thousands of metamorphosis monks soared into the sky, condensing into a huge fist in the void.

The huge fist exuded a very terrifying aura, and the sky and the earth were smashed, and the sky trembled endlessly.The powerful aura is even more breathtaking, making one's soul tremble.

After the loud noise, the big hand shot by the City Lord's Mansion was instantly shattered!However, under their control, the huge fist formed by tens of thousands of experts in the metamorphosis stage blasted directly towards the Lord's Mansion of Luoxing City.

"What a terrifying fist!"

Seeing the huge fist bombarding down like lightning in the void, everyone just felt their souls trembling constantly, their faces turned green and their lips turned pale.

And many monks have already stretched out their bodies and flew out of Luoxing City.If the City Lord's Mansion can't stop this fist, then the City Lord's Mansion will be destroyed directly.

Even if the people in the City Lord's Mansion can resist this terrifying fist, the terrifying impact from both sides will cause huge damage to the vicinity of the City Lord's Mansion.


Angry roars came from the City Lord's Mansion.At the same time, several figures rushed out directly from the City Lord's Mansion, each with a strong aura, at least at the half-immortal level.

However, even though they were all at the half-immortal level or above, facing the huge fists that were swiftly bombarded down, they all looked solemn.


At the same time, ten semi-immortal-level or even semi-immortal and above powerhouses shot at the same time, hitting the huge fist that was smashing down with violent force.

The terrifying forces of the two sides continuously collided violently in mid-air, sending out bursts of shocking noises.And the void above the sky of the City Lord's Mansion is more like paper paste, constantly being smashed to pieces.

Although these superpowers had already shot with all their strength, they still couldn't smash that huge fist.Even many semi-immortal-level powerhouses were so shocked that they spurted blood wildly.


Suddenly, a gorgeous and stunning sword light erupted from the City Lord's Mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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