Chapter 346 Dead Corpse
The big black dog drooled all over the place, and it rolled its eyes: "It's just a demon ancestor, not your ancestor."

The fire-eyed golden ape was angry: "How can I say that the demon ancestor is also the ancestor of our demon clan in the extreme heaven realm! Dead dog, if you dare to attack it, I will kill you even if I try my best."

The big black dog is a foodie, a foodie who dares to eat anything.If they encountered the corpse of the demon ancestor, they would probably swallow it in one gulp.

No matter how you say it, the Yaozu can be regarded as the ancestor of the Fire-Eye Golden Ape, how could it tolerate the big black dog eating its ancestor's remains?
Chen Hao frowned deeply at this time.

The Heavenly Demon Emperor or the Heavenly Demon God.

The existence that can be called the emperor is at least the existence of the immortal emperor level in the fairy world.

It should be noted that in the fairy world, even if one has the strength of an immortal emperor, not everyone who has the strength of an immortal emperor dares to call himself emperor.The existence that dares to proclaim the emperor must be a super strong person with a reputation.

And the Heavenly Demon God is even more terrifying. A god, even the lowest one, is countless times stronger than the Immortal Emperor and the like.

If what the fire-eyed golden ape said was true, then the person buried in the Holy Land might be an immortal emperor or an even more terrifying existence—God!

A demon emperor or demon god!
If this is the case, as long as they find the tomb of the Heavenly Demon Emperor or the Heavenly Demon God, their gains must be astonishing.

After all, an immortal emperor or a god's treasure, even if it's just a small gadget, will have unparalleled terrifying power.Moreover, although it has existed here for countless years, no monster race dared to take half a step.

In other words, this place is equivalent to a ruin that has not been explored.

"Okay, if your ancestors are really the Heavenly Demon Emperor or the Heavenly Demon God as you said, the big black dog will not be able to eat them at all." Although the big black dog's physical body is extremely powerful, the corpse of the immortal emperor, even if it is just a corpse It will also kill him easily.

"Golden Ape, since this is the holy emperor of your monster race, why did you bring us in here since you can't take half a step?" Chen Hao looked at the Fire-Eye Golden Ape suspiciously.

If this guy has any conspiracy, he must be exterminated.

Sensing Chen Hao's murderous intent, the Fire-Eyed Golden Ape smiled wryly and said, "I have absolutely no other meaning. I just heard that the Demon Ancestor was a very powerful man before he was alive, and I have long wanted to obtain its cultivation techniques. If If I can use its cultivation method, my strength will definitely skyrocket."

Chen Hao nodded.

Although the fire-eyed golden ape also has the skills of cultivation, but it is not necessarily brilliant.But the Yaozu is an immortal emperor or a god, how can the skills it cultivates be simple?
The Forbidden Land of the Extreme Heaven Realm is also the holy place for all monsters in the Extreme Heaven Realm.

The holy land is not very big, about [-] li in radius.It's just that there are clouds and mist lingering here. From a distance, the entire holy land is shrouded in a layer of thick clouds and mist, and it is impossible to see everything inside.

Even, the Holy Land is filled with an inexplicable power, which prevents the penetration of divine thoughts.It is precisely because of this that the demon king in the Extreme Heaven Realm can only worry outside the holy land, but dare not go deep.

For a long time, all the monster races have been told that this is a holy place when they were just born, and they must never set foot in the holy place.Therefore, even though countless years had passed, no one dared to step into the Holy Land.

On the contrary, the Yaozu are more and more in awe of this holy place from the bottom of their hearts.

After all, the person buried inside might be his ancestor, the Heavenly Demon Emperor or the Heavenly Demon God.

Although everyone knows that there must be various treasures and even the inheritance of the Heavenly Demon God in the tomb where the Heavenly Demon God is buried.However, out of respect for the ancestors, no one dared to go in.

Even if someone has an idea, they dare not go in.Otherwise, once discovered, there will be no room for him even though the Extreme Heaven Realm is big.

As for the Fire-Eye Golden Ape, this guy also respects his ancestors very much.Just because of the relationship of the Lord of the Extreme Heaven Realm, he no longer regards himself as a monster clan of the Extreme Heaven Realm.

Although it is possible that his ancestor is buried in the Holy Land of Extreme Heaven Realm, although he still respects this ancestor.But unlike the monster race outside, they dare not set foot in the Holy Land.

If the Heavenly Demon Emperor or the Heavenly Demon God of the Yao clan can obtain the inheritance of this ancestor, then he will be even stronger.At that time, he can even destroy the Lord of the Extreme Heaven Realm.

Only by getting the inheritance from his ancestors can he have the power to resist.Otherwise, he can only wait to die.Not only him, but all the demon kings in the Extreme Heaven Realm can only seek death.

Because it is impossible to ascend in the extreme sky.

In fact, it is not known whether it is impossible to ascend.Because although these demon kings are powerful, they have never been ascended to heaven.

In other words, as long as a demon king reaches the realm of ascension, he will die inexplicably.Therefore, for a long time, there has never been a strong person who has ascended in the Extreme Heaven Realm.

Obviously, it wasn't that these monster races couldn't ascend, but that someone killed them.As long as the strength of the monster race reaches a certain level, it will be obliterated.

"That bastard Fire-Eyes Golden Ape brought outsiders into the Holy Land, it's really unforgivable! He deserves to die, he deserves to be killed!" Many demon kings said murderously.

"Trespassing in the Holy Land is damning, we should chase them down and kill them. Otherwise, once we disturb the ancestors, it is really a sin and deserves death." Another demon king said in a deep voice.

"No one can trespass in the forbidden area, otherwise we will die! Even we cannot enter the Holy Land." A demon king coldly glanced at the surrounding demon kings who were ready to move, and said in a cold voice.

The intentions of these demon kings are obvious, they just want to enter the holy land, obtain the treasures left by the demon ancestors and even the inheritance of the ancestors.

Usually, many demon kings have such thoughts.But no one dared to go in.If you can take this opportunity to enter the Holy Land... these demon kings will definitely rush in impatiently.

"However, the Fire-Eye Golden Ape went in. Are they allowed to go in like this? If the body of the ancestor is lost, we should die." Some demon kings said unwillingly.

"The Holy Land is only so big, unless the Fire-Eye Golden Ape and the others stay in the Holy Land for the rest of their lives. Otherwise, once they come out, they will be killed immediately!"


There is a demon king who wants to encourage everyone to enter the holy place, but there is a demon king who does not allow it.In the end, none of the demon kings dared to enter the Holy Land, but just spread out and guarded around the Holy Land.

Once you find Chen Hao and others, kill them immediately.

At this time, Chen Hao and the three had already entered the Holy Land.

"Golden Ape, is this really a holy place? Is your ancestor buried?" Chen Hao cautiously looked around.In his mind, if this is really the tomb of the demon ancestor, then there must be many crises here.

However, they entered this way without any danger.

Moreover, because this is the Holy Land of the Monster Race in the Extreme Heaven Realm, there are no Monster Races.Some are just ordinary beasts, such as tigers and leopards, which are not threatening at all.

The fire-eyed golden ape was also full of doubts.This was his first time entering the Holy Land, but what he had heard before said that the Holy Land was full of dangers and murderous opportunities everywhere.

Now that I think about it, it might be fake news fabricated because I didn't want the monster races to intrude into the Holy Land.

It is best if there is no danger. Along the way, Chen Hao and the three gradually deepened.However, the quieter the Holy Land was, the more disturbed Chen Hao and the other three became.

It's also quiet, it's too weird, it's terrifyingly quiet.


All of a sudden, the big black dog yelled loudly, and he suddenly turned around to look at the nearby jungle, his dog's fur stood up, and his eyes showed a look of vigilance.

Almost at the same time, Chen Hao also felt a chill in his heart, and a dangerous feeling came from the side, making him feel creepy.

And the Fire-Eyed Golden Ape was even more straightforward, hitting the side of the jungle with a stick.

After the loud noise, the jungle hundreds of miles ahead was shattered by his stick, turning into a vacuum.

But, there is nothing ahead.

The faces of Chen Hao and the others changed slightly.At the same time, they seemed to have a feeling in their hearts, and they turned their heads to look at the other ordinary jungle at the same time.

The overwhelming feeling rose in their hearts again.

"Who is it? Sneaky, get out of here."

The big black dog yelled, and then slapped out its paw, smashing the jungle in front of it.What shocked them was that there was still nothing ahead.

"Aren't we too suspicious?" Chen Hao and the three looked at each other and communicated with each other.

However, just when they thought they were suspicious, and there was nothing nearby, that overwhelming feeling reappeared in their hearts.

Chen Hao and the three looked at each other, then turned around and shot at the same time.


The terrifying power erupted, and all the jungles around them were smashed to pieces, leaving a large vacuum area about several hundred miles in size.

But, still didn't find anything.But their feeling of being on their backs has not disappeared.

"A master, an absolute master."

Chen Hao's face suddenly darkened.That kind of feeling like a light on my back is very uncomfortable.It is their reaction as strong people.

That is to say, there is a very terrifying strong man nearby who has been staring at them.This strong Xeon made it impossible for them to even discover it.

"Could this be the Lord of the Extreme Heaven Realm?" Chen Hao and the three looked at each other, and they all saw the terror in each other's eyes.

The strength of the three of them didn't feel this way even against the previous immortal.This strong man had shocked them before he even showed up.

If this person is not pretending to be mysterious, then he is really strong.

Chen Hao secretly contacted the system red envelope, and found that he had not lost contact with the system red envelope, so he was relieved.

As long as you can still contact the system red envelope, you won't be afraid even if a fairy comes.

Of course, if it's not necessary, Chen Hao doesn't want to run away like a shrinking turtle.After all, no one wants to run away.However, if the enemy is too strong, there is no way to escape.

It's just that if the enemy is too strong, it seems that the system red envelope is not particularly safe.Chen Hao especially remembered that after killing Ma Tianyun not long ago, the attacks of Ma Tianyun's guardian could enter the red envelope of the system, almost crippling the three of them.

"Wang! Wang! Wang!"

The big black dog kept barking, very upset.

Chen Hao was upset, and kicked the big black dog away.

However, the moment the big black dog was kicked out, the big black dog let out a scream.Then, the big black dog flew back at a faster speed than when it was kicked out.

"***, which bastard attacked Master Tengu?"

Chen Hao was annoyed. Just as he was about to scold the big black dog, he suddenly turned around as if feeling something.At this moment, the Fire-Eye Golden Ape also turned around at the same time, looking forward.

"What the hell is this?"

The fire-eyed golden ape let out a strange cry, and the golden hairs all over its body exploded immediately.Even Chen Hao felt creepy at this moment.

In front of them, a monster clan was standing tens of meters away from them.This is an unknown monster clan, this is not to make them creepy.

What made their hair stand on end was, when did this monster appear?They don't feel it at all.

Even teleportation will have power fluctuations. With the strength of the three of Chen Hao, if someone teleports over, they will definitely not be able to hide it from them.It's just that this monstrous beast appeared there out of thin air.

In addition, what makes them feel creepy is that this monster has no head!
A monster race without a head appeared behind them as if out of thin air.Even though they are powerful, they still feel creepy, like thorns on their backs.

"Wow, woof, woof... It's hurting Master Tengu to death. Fuck, Master Tengu's bones are broken. This headless monster has such terrifying power." The big black dog walked up one by one, but it turned out to be one of his Only the back leg bone was broken.

Chen Hao was surprised, the big black dog's body was as strong as a fairy weapon.And this headless monster was able to break the big black dog's leg bones in one fell swoop, one can imagine how terrifying his strength is!
Moreover, Chen Hao felt that it was this headless demon clan that gave him the feeling of being on his back.

"No head, no breath of life. This is clearly a dead body! Could it be that he has been resurrected?" The big black dog said, the more he said, the more he felt the horror. In the end, even his dog's hair stood on end, looking extremely hideous.

A headless monster clan, a monster clan that had been dead for an unknown amount of time, a monster clan that didn't have any breath of life but gave Chen Hao and the three of them a sense of danger.

The Yaozu is headless and dead.But it is very dangerous.

There is no doubt about the strength of this headless monster.For a moment, all three of them looked at the headless monster with serious expressions.

The headless monster just stood there quietly, because he didn't have a head, so he couldn't see his appearance.But at this moment, the three of Chen Hao felt as if they were being stared at by the headless monster clan.

Yes, the headless demon clan seems to be staring at them.Very weird.

Looking at the headless monster clan, Chen Hao had a feeling of deja vu.I especially remember that when he entered the Extreme Heaven Realm for the first time, he, You Mengqing and others broke into a ruin.

(End of this chapter)

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