Chapter 353 Half Immortal
But even so, you can enter Xianzhong not just because you want to.In addition to those big sects, there are some small sects.As for those loose cultivators?
They can only look outside the fairy tomb.

The restriction is full of extremely rich chaotic power, but there are many spiritual veins buried inside.

For more than half a year, countless strong men entered the fairy tomb, and under the search of countless strong men from various sects, almost all the spiritual veins in the fairy tomb have been searched.

Except for the palace group in the center of the fairy tomb, other places have been explored, even digging three feet into the ground.

Therefore, today, more than half a year later, there are not many monks in the fairy tomb.Some are just people who want to try their luck in the fairy tomb.

Among the endless mountains, Chen Hao sat cross-legged on the top of the mountain.And on the two mountain peaks not far from him, the big black dog and the fire-eyed golden ape stood proudly between the sky and the earth, protecting Chen Hao's dharma.

After getting the practice experience of the Heavenly Demon God, they have already comprehended it for a year in the system red envelope.Under the two hundred times acceleration of time, the time outside is less than two days.

During this year, the strength of the big black dog and the fire-eyed golden ape both increased.It is a bit stronger than before entering the Extreme Sky Realm.Especially after the fire-eyed golden ape got the inheritance of the sky demon god, its strength skyrocketed.

Originally, when he met Chen Hao, Fire-Eyes Golden Ape was just the lowest level Demon King.But in just one year, his strength has increased dramatically, at least he has grown to around the level of an intermediate demon king, almost comparable to a high-level demon king.

Of course, there is still a big gap with those top demon kings.However, as long as he is given enough time, his strength is absolute.

Chen Hao had no choice but to choose the Immortal Tomb for his breakthrough this time. Who told him to absorb the power of chaos?Even though the Ninth Grade Spirit Vein could provide him with enough strength, it would be too wasteful.

And the Magic Mountain cannot go deep, so there is only the fairy tomb.But although there are not many monks in the fairy tomb, Chen Hao's breakthrough will definitely produce a vision of heaven and earth, which will attract the attention of other monks.

Even, it is very likely that the elders of the Xutian Sect and other sects will attack him.

Therefore, he had to ask the big black dog and the fire-eyed golden ape to protect him, and even the [-] chaos members in the system's red envelopes were ready to take action.

After Chen Hao began to absorb the chaotic power, countless chaotic power swarmed towards Chen Hao like a tide. Not long after, Chen Hao's body turned into a black hole-like existence and began to devour it crazily. The forces of chaos around him.

Immediately, the chaotic power within a radius of tens of thousands of miles, even within a hundred thousand miles, vibrated, and quickly swarmed away as Chen Hao devoured it.

How similar is this scene to the one half a year ago?At the beginning, Chen Hao also devoured the power of chaos in the fairy tomb to make the tree of life grow from a branch to a tree, so Chen Hao's resilience became extremely abnormal.

However, at this time, Chen Hao's strength was countless times stronger than before, and the vision of heaven and earth caused by it was even more spectacular and terrifying.At the same time, the hundreds of millions of roots of the tree of life in Chen Hao's dantian waved happily, and began to frantically absorb the chaotic power floating between heaven and earth.

Immediately, a large amount of rich and pure chaotic power began to pour into Chen Hao's body.

Chen Hao worked his mind, and began to break through to the realm of Transcendence Tribulation Stage.

There are nine major realms in the Chaos Celestial Record, and each major realm is further subdivided into three levels.

Not long ago, the Chaos Celestial Record successfully broke through to the first level and the second level, which made Chen Hao's strength skyrocket.However, the chaotic celestial record has always been very difficult to break through.

There are nine major realms, and the first stage of the Chaos Celestial Body Record is only the ten realms corresponding to the realm of comprehension.In other words, if the record of Chaos Celestial Body is the first major achievement, Chen Hao's realm can also be achieved, and he can even ascend to the fairy world!

"I wonder if it is possible to break through the first layer of Chaos Celestial Records to the third level?" Chen Hao divided the chaotic power absorbed into the body into two parts, one part was used to temper the body, and the other part was stored in the body, as long as the power is enough , he can break through the realm in one fell swoop.

At the same time, during this process, he frantically operated the Chaos Celestial Record, trying to break through the third level of the first major realm.

As Chen Hao continues to absorb the power of chaos, the power accumulated in his body is also increasing, and it is almost reaching the peak. As long as he reaches the peak, he can break through the current realm and enter the tribulation stage in one fell swoop!

The vision of heaven and earth became stronger and stronger, and finally attracted the nearby monks.Immediately, countless monks flew towards this side.

Soon, many monks gathered around Chen Hao.

When they saw that these heaven and earth phenomena were actually caused by Chen Hao, these people were shocked.And when someone recognized Chen Hao's identity, they were even more shocked.

"Chen Hao! He is the Chen Hao who killed the chief disciple of Xutianzong!" Someone looked at Chen Hao in shock, but someone had already started to spread the news of Chen Hao's breakthrough in the fairy tomb.

Nowadays, there are two major events in the world of comprehension that people often talk about.

One is that Chen Hao killed the chief disciple of Xu Tianzong, and the other is that the little ape king killed the holy son of Tianji Sect.

The Little Ape King is now being chased and killed by the older generation of strong men of the Tianji Sect.But Chen Hao, who disappeared after killing Ma Tianyun, reappeared in the fairy tomb half a year later.

"What? Chen Hao appeared in the fairy tomb? He still breaks through there?"

The people of Xutianzong got the news immediately.

Immediately, these strong men of Xutianzong laughed grimly: "Very well, if he hides in the magic weapon of space all his life and cannot come out, our Xutianzong really can't do anything about him, but now he is still breaking through in the fairy tomb!" , really courting death!"

In an instant, many strong men of the older generation of the Xutian Sect, in the late stage of transformation, half-immortal level and even one-step immortal strong men were dispatched, rushing to the fairy tomb with the fastest speed.

Chen Hao is breaking through!
As we all know, there is no way to stop during the breakthrough, otherwise, you will suffer backlash and be seriously injured, or the realm will fall, and you will always be stuck in this realm and cannot break through, or even die on the spot.

It's just that Xu Tianzong's distance from the fairy tomb is not only fast, even if the speed of those strong people is extremely fast, it will take a while to reach the fairy tomb.

It's just that there are strong people in Xutianzong who are near the fairy tomb.

Therefore, after receiving the news of Chen Hao's breakthrough in the fairy tomb, the three elder-level existences of Xutianzong rushed to the fairy tomb with murderous aura.

Three elders, strong men in the late stage of metamorphosis.The speed was very fast, and it didn't take long to rush to the vicinity of Chen Hao.

"Sure enough, it's that little bastard Chen Hao. This vision is really terrifying. As long as it takes time, his strength will reach a terrifying level. However, this little bastard dares to practice here, he deserves to die!"

The vision of heaven and earth caused by Chen Hao's breakthrough is really astonishing, and the power of chaos swarms away like a tide. Ordinary people can't get close at all, and they may be torn apart by the power of chaos like a violent wind and waves.

However, the three elders of Xutianzong are all super strong in the late stage of transformation.

Stepping out with one step, the void collapsed, and the void that was hundreds of miles away from the elder Xu Tianzong was immediately stopped and calmed down.

"Chen Hao, you little bastard, die." The elder grinned grinningly, stretched out his big hand to shatter the void, and grabbed Chen Hao directly, intending to kill him directly.

"Woof! Fuck, you are courting death!"

Seeing that someone was attacking Chen Hao, the big black dog was furious. His figure flickered, and his whole body suddenly became bigger, like a sacred mountain, standing proudly in the sky and earth, with a hideous and terrifying shape.At the same time, he even bit down on this master of Xu Tianzong.

"Beast, you are courting death!"

Seeing that a dog dared to attack him, the elder of Xutianzong was furious immediately, gave a cold shout of disdain, threw his hands over and gave up attacking Chen Hao, and grabbed the big black dog.

The big black dog is a heavenly dog, with a mouth that can swallow the sky and the earth, it is very terrifying, and after gaining the cultivation experience of the sky demon god, his strength has skyrocketed.

After a loud noise, the elder Xutianzong's big hand shattered before it reached the big black dog.

With a click, the big black dog bit down hard.Suddenly, he bit down a huge hole in the sky with a radius of ten thousand li.

The elder of the Xutianzong in the late stage of metamorphosis was taken aback immediately, his body swayed, and he seemed to retreat violently, but it was too late...

As soon as the big black dog stepped out, it immediately crossed countless time and space, and its big mouth bit down, swallowing the nearby Wanli Void, including the elder of Xutianzong.

Seeing this scene, the people around immediately dropped their jaws and were extremely shocked.

This elder of Xutianzong was swallowed by this big black dog?Can't even hold a single move?
The big black dog was originally an existence of the level of the demon king, and its strength was similar to that of a monk in the late stage of metamorphosis, but recently its strength has skyrocketed.

At this time, a mere cultivator with only a late-stage metamorphosis state is no match for him at all.

Of the three elders, one was swallowed by the big black dog before meeting each other, and the remaining two elders looked at each other in shock.None of them expected that the strength of the big black dog would be so terrifying.

From the beginning to the end, Chen Hao never even opened his eyes.


At the same time as the remaining two elders of Xutianzong were shocked, a violent shout like thunder came!

At the same time, an incomparably huge golden stick had already shattered the void, and slammed down on one of the elders of Xutianzong.

The two elders were shocked by the horror of the big black dog, but they were awakened by this violent shout.With a thought, the two elders were about to teleport away.

With a muffled sound of "poof", the golden rod crushed billions of time and space, and directly beat one of the elders of Xutianzong into a ball of meat sauce!
The dead can't die anymore.

The original strength of the fire-eyed golden ape was on par with the big black dog. After receiving the inheritance from the demon god, his strength improved even more. At this time, he was already vaguely superior to the big black dog.

Even the big black dog can eat a Xutianzong elder who is in the late stage of metamorphosis, and the fire-eyed golden ape can do the same!It's just in the late stage of transformation, even if it's a semi-immortal-level powerhouse, the two of them can be killed directly!
In a few breaths, two Xutianzong elders who had transformed into the late stage were killed.The big black dog and the fire-eyed golden ape showed their terrifying strength, which shocked many monks nearby.

Especially the last elder of Xutianzong was so frightened that he started teleporting and was about to run away.

"Where to escape?"

Seeing this, the big black dog and the fire-eyed golden ape sneered.I saw one opened his mouth and bit the elder directly, while the other hit him hard with a stick.

The speed of teleportation is extremely fast, but there is also a distance limit.For example, the Xutianzong elder who has transformed into the late stage, his teleportation distance is only tens of thousands of miles at most.

As for the powerhouses at the level of the big black dog and the fire-eyed golden ape, with a single palm, the terrifying power can cover a distance of tens of thousands of miles, and can easily shake this teleporting and escaping powerhouse out of the void .

Therefore, at their level, teleportation is not very useful in battle.On the contrary, because teleportation requires a lot of power and the distance is too short, many strong players have abandoned teleportation.

Xutianzong, an elder who had transformed into a late stage, was no match for the big black dog or the fire-eyed golden ape.Now, the two of them joined forces to attack, and the elder of Xutianzong couldn't resist it at all.

With a loud bang, the Fire-Eye Golden Ape knocked out the elder Xutianzong from the void with a single stick.The big black dog took the opportunity to rush up, bit down fiercely with its big mouth, and directly swallowed the elder Xu Tianzong.

In less than a cup of tea, the three elders of Xutianzong who had transformed into the late stage were killed by the fire-eyed golden ape and the big black dog!From the beginning to the end, Chen Hao never even opened his eyes.

Obviously, Chen Hao has great confidence in the strength of the two big black dogs, or he is at a critical moment of breakthrough and cannot be distracted.

Obviously, Chen Hao is not indifferent to this, but has reached a critical moment of breakthrough.This is definitely the best time to kill him.

This idea has appeared in countless people's minds, but no one dares to do it.At this time, the big black dog and the fire-eyed golden ape had returned to Chen Hao's side, and they were looking fiercely at the surrounding monks.

The three elders of Xutianzong were quickly killed by them with lightning speed, and they had already suppressed these people, and the strength of these people was not strong.

"My lord said that whoever dares to attack will be killed immediately! At the same time, remember the sect he belongs to. After the lord successfully breaks through, he will come to visit him in person. At the same time, let's see which sect is the most enthusiastic. The lord can come to the school after the breakthrough." Their sect went to cross the robbery."

The fire-eyed golden ape's voice was not loud, but it rang out like thunder from a distance, and it rang in the ears of the nearby monks very clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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