Chapter 357 Sweep
Although Chen Hao's strength has never been directly proportional to his realm, no matter how powerful he is, he is still no match for a one-step immortal, right?
At this moment, everyone sneered in their hearts.Some people can't wait to kill Chen Hao.Killing him was a purpose, and the main reason was because of Chen Hao, the mobile treasure house.

It's just that none of their movements are fast.

The half-immortal who was the first to see Chen Hao's realm was already grinning and attacked Chen Hao.

He stretched out his big hand, carrying a terrifying aura, shattering the void, and grabbed Chen Hao's head.If caught, Chen Hao's head will be removed.

"court death!"

An indifferent voice spread, the voice was icy cold, like ten thousand years of ice, full of endless murderous intent, causing the temperature in the vicinity to drop instantly.

At the same time, Chen Hao, who had been sitting cross-legged on the ground and practicing, punched lightly.

Yes, it was thrown out lightly, slowly like a snail, without any momentum or strength.

The half-immortal who made the shot grinned, and quickly grabbed it with his big hand, about to take off Chen Hao's head.

At this moment, Chen Hao punched Banxian's protruding hand.After a loud noise, the big hand instantly shattered.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

At this moment, the fist that was blowing out slowly did not stop at all after smashing the big hand protruding from the half-immortal, not even for a moment.

Chen Hao's fist suddenly sped up, breaking through the obstacles of billions of time and space in an instant and appearing in front of Banxian.Before Banxian could react, the fist had already slammed into his body.

A look of shock but disdain appeared on Banxian's face.

Chen Hao's speed shocked him, but Chen Hao was only in the realm of crossing the catastrophe, but he disdainful.

But soon, a look of horror appeared on his face.

There was a bang.This half-immortal exploded to pieces just like that, and was smashed to pieces by Chen Hao's punch.Even when this half-immortal was dying, he didn't know why Chen Hao had such great strength.

"He is just a tribulation period!" This was the last thought of Banxian, and it was also the common thought of everyone around him.

"Overestimating one's abilities." Chen Hao sneered and stood up slowly.I don't know if he is talking about the half-immortal who was killed by him, or these people around him.

His body trembled, and a green force exploded, lingering around his body.Then, everyone saw that Chen Hao's body returned to its original shape from the black charcoal.

After taking out a set of clothes and putting them on, Chen Hao glanced coldly at everyone.These people still don't give up.

When they met Chen Hao's eyes, everyone around couldn't help trembling.Chen Hao's strength is not very strong, but after being glanced at by him, everyone felt a sense of fear in their hearts.

Chen Hao stretched his waist, and there was a crackling sound all over his body, and then he said indifferently: "Are you all going up one by one or all of you? I will accompany you."

"Crazy! This bastard must have been stunned by the robbery." Seeing Chen Hao's appearance, this thought flashed through everyone's mind.

In fact, they couldn't help but have this idea. It should be noted that there are dozens of half-immortal-level existences here, and there are even several step-immortals.

If Chen Hao wasn't a fool, he should have run away immediately.

Does he think he has the ability to fight against dozens of strong men like them?
If Chen Hao was a half-step immortal, they would have believed it, and would have already run away.However, after all, Chen Hao is only in the realm of crossing the tribulation period.

Although he killed a half-immortal with one punch, it doesn't mean that he is very powerful.

"Arrogant ones are fine." A one-step immortal couldn't stand it any longer, snorted coldly, took a step forward, stretched out his big hand, and slapped Chen Hao in the air.

"Chen Hao is doomed. If an immortal makes a move, he will surely die."

Everyone around felt that Chen Hao was bound to die.After all, the gap between a step-immortal and a half-immortal is too great.Even if there are ten half-immortals added up, one step of an immortal can kill them with one slap.

"One-Step Immortal? Very powerful, almost standing at the peak of the cultivation world, right? But, it seems that I am not bad." Seeing One-Step Immortal make a move, Chen Hao said to himself with a flat face.

The people around staggered for a while, Chen Hao was just a cultivator in the realm of crossing the tribulation period?He actually has a step of immortal strength?

arrogant!What arrogance!

Everyone around didn't believe it.

In the Tribulation Transcendence period, even in the late period of Tribulation Transcendence, there is still a gap of five realms with a step-by-step immortal!Moreover, the further to the later realm, the greater the gap in strength.

A half-immortal can kill a monk who has transformed into a late stage with one finger, and a one-step immortal can also kill a half-immortal with one finger.

Under the disdainful eyes of everyone, Chen Hao punched out.

There is no earth-shattering power, no brilliant light, just a punch.


Under the disdainful eyes of everyone, the two fists collided fiercely, and a terrifying impact erupted.


With the position where they fought as the center, the void began to collapse in large swaths, tearing away towards the distance.A terrifying impact erupted, and several half-immortals who were closer uttered screams, and were crushed to pieces by the terrifying impact.

There was a look of horror in everyone's eyes, and they teleported out immediately.

A large area of ​​the void collapsed, and even half-immortals were shocked to death by the aftermath of their battle.However, the two parties just swayed slightly, but stood still.

Everyone was deeply shocked.

Only then did they know that Chen Hao did have the strength of an immortal. He was not arrogant, but really had this strength!

He is only in the realm of crossing the tribulation period!How to fight against a one-step immortal?Everyone was shocked, and they all looked at Chen Hao with monster-like eyes.At the same time, their souls were trembling unceasingly.

In the realm of crossing the tribulation period, the cultivation time is less than 20 years, but it has the power to fight with a step-by-step immortal, and can easily kill half-immortals!
How can this kind of strength not appear in one person?Even these half-immortals couldn't help trembling.

Even if Chen Hao's strength is not enough to kill one-step immortals, or is far inferior to those senior one-step immortals.But he at least has the power to fight, and with his space treasure, there are absolutely not many people who can kill in the cultivation world.

Perhaps, in front of the half-step immortal, Chen Hao would leave calmly.

"The death of more than a dozen half-immortals and two one-step immortals will shock the cultivation world, right? Those sects should also suffer from this. And if I kill you all today, will those sects be heartbroken? What about vomiting blood?"

Chen Hao stood on the ground with his expression unchanged, but his indifferent voice spread far away.

A semi-immortal-level powerhouse is definitely a pillar-level existence of a sect.It is the existence of these people that supports a great sect, allowing this sect to stand in the cultivation world for many years.

In the entire realm of self-cultivation, there are as many monks as there are sands in the Ganges River.Those who can cultivate to the stage of metamorphosis are very, very few.The monks in the stage of metamorphosis are the backbone of even the top ten sects.

It should be noted that a family with monks in the metamorphosis state can even become a first-class family in the cultivation world. It is conceivable that there are very few monks in the metamorphosis state.

The death of a cultivator in the metamorphosis stage can make a big power feel heartbroken, let alone a semi-immortal who is rarer and more powerful than the metamorphosis stage?It's a one-step fairy.

Even among the top ten sects, there are definitely not many half-immortals, and one-step immortals are even rarer!It is conceivable how furious Xutianzong will be once the two one-step immortals of Xutianzong spread out in Xianzhong?How to be furious in the comprehension world?
The death of the chief disciple, seeking revenge from Chen Hao, but more half-immortals and even step-immortals died because of this, Xu Tianzong is absolutely heartbroken.

The death of a one-step immortal would shake the world of comprehension, but now, looking at what Chen Hao meant, it seemed that he wanted to kill these one-step immortals and half-immortals?

When hearing Chen Hao's words, everyone present couldn't help laughing.Although Chen Hao's strength is strong, there are also a few one-step immortals present.

It's not easy to kill him with a few one-step immortals?
"Today, this place is destined to flow like rivers of blood. Today, I will use the blood of the half-immortal to dye the fairy mound red." Chen Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, and his cold voice spread far away.

Everyone sneered in their hearts, everyone thought that Chen Hao would have the ability to kill himself in front of an immortal.

Suddenly, Chen Hao stepped forward and disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, he had already come in front of a half-immortal, and at the same time, he punched the half-immortal fiercely with lightning speed.

With a loud bang, the half-immortal with a sneer at the corner of his mouth was blasted away, and was smashed into pieces by Chen Hao's powerful and terrifying force.

Kill a half-immortal with one punch!

Although there was an element of a sneak attack, there is no doubt that Chen Hao's strength is indeed very strong.

"Today, none of you can escape."

Chen Hao sneered, he was determined to bleed these sects.It doesn't hurt to kill the monks in the transformation stage, even the monks in the transformation stage.

But what if you kill a half-immortal?
If the half-immortal is still not enough, then kill a step of the immortal, until they see their faces turn pale!
Chen Hao is not a good person in the first place. It can be said that he will take revenge and is very stingy. He usually kills those who want him to die.

In fact, these people wanted to kill him when he broke through, which made him extremely furious.If it weren't for his inability to destroy these sects now, he might have brought someone to kill them long ago.

However, although these sects cannot be wiped out, it is still possible to kill their top experts to make them feel heartbroken.

"The world of self-cultivation has been at ease for too long. These giants of the top ten sects have always been entrenched in the world of self-cultivation, ruling the world of self-cultivation, preventing other forces from raising their heads. The so-called 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, the emperor has to take turns to do it. These schools The era of the era should also come to an end." Chen Hao thought in his heart, and at the same time disappeared in place again with a teleportation.

After entering the Tribulation Transcendence realm, teleportation can be used.

Under the combination of Chen Hao's teleportation and Bing Zi Jue, Chen Hao's speed has skyrocketed dozens of times compared to before. Before his figure appeared, his huge fist had already blasted the second semi-immortal-level powerhouse into a broken pieces.

In an instant, two half-immortals had already died in Chen Hao's hands.

Chen Hao's terrifying speed and strength once again horrified these half-immortals.I don't know which one will take the lead, but a half-immortal and a teleport suddenly retreated backwards.Obviously, he has been frightened and dare not stay here any longer.

Chen Hao has the power to fight against a one-step immortal, and a one-step immortal can stab a half-immortal to death with one finger.

All of a sudden, dozens of semi-immortal-level powerhouses flew out in all directions in a panic.

"court death!"

Seeing Chen Hao blasting and killing two half-immortals in succession under his nose, the several one-step immortals present immediately became furious. Chen Hao clearly looked down on them and slapped them in the face by doing so.

Therefore, the enraged five step-by-step immortals shouted violently, shot at the same time, and bombarded Chen Hao.

There was a disdainful smile on Chen Hao's face, but he was a little dignified in his heart.Although he now has the power to fight Immortal Yiyibu, but there are five of them, and the five of them teamed up to surround and kill him, and Chen Hao felt a lot of pressure.

With a sneer, he glanced at the five step-immortals: "Idiot, I will kill these half-immortals first, and kill me before I kill them all if you have the ability."

While speaking, Chen Hao took a step forward and appeared a hundred thousand miles away.

One step and one hundred thousand miles!

Seeing how terrifying Chen Hao's teleportation was, the five one-step immortals immediately looked at each other, with shocked expressions on their faces, and more murderous intent.

Even for people like them, teleporting with all their strength is only tens of thousands of miles away, definitely not more than one hundred thousand miles away.

But, if we let them know that this is not Chen Hao's extreme speed, will they commit suicide in shame?

Generally, cultivators in the transcending tribulation stage can already teleport, but they can only teleport a few thousand miles away.The stronger the strength, the greater the teleportation distance!

The teleportation speed of a one-step immortal is definitely not more than one hundred thousand miles.But Chen Hao is a freak.After he comprehended teleportation, he combined teleportation with Bingzi Jue, not to mention a teleportation of one hundred thousand miles, even hundreds of thousands of miles is just a trivial matter.

Just after Chen Hao appeared a hundred thousand miles away, a ripple appeared in the void, and then a half-immortal appeared from the void.

But a half-immortal happened to teleport here.

"Waiting for you for a long time."

This half-immortal had just emerged from the void, and when he was about to teleport, he heard a familiar voice full of killing intent.

"It's Chen Hao!"

The half-immortal turned pale with fright, his body flickered, and he was about to teleport away.However, a terrifying force bombarded him fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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