Chapter 359

If he continues to grow like this, when Chen Hao breaks through to the semi-immortal realm, he may have the power to fight an immortal.

Of course, this is just Chen Hao's idea, whether it really has such a powerful force remains to be proven.However, even if Chen Hao is not that strong, he is definitely not weak.

"I'm going to go out and kill a few of them." While Chen Hao was pondering, under his treatment, the injuries of the big black dog and the fire-eyed golden ape were already completely healed.

Thinking of so many people besieging the three of them back then, almost killing him, and forcing him to use his hole cards, the big black dog couldn't help being furious, the anger came from his heart, and he shouted to go out and kill those people.

The fire-eyed golden ape looked at the big black dog with disdain: "Only your strength? As long as you go out, you will be slaughtered by those two one-step immortals."

"Wang Wang Wang!"

The big black dog looked at the fire-eyed golden ape angrily, and kept barking, but he didn't say anything about going out and killing it.Obviously he also knows that his strength is not very good.

Although it can kill a half-immortal, the gap with a one-step immortal is still a bit big.

Hearing the words of the big black dog, Chen Hao's eyes suddenly lit up.Now there are big black dog and fire-eyed golden ape, and [-] members of Chaos. Such a powerful force is enough to kill any one-step immortal.

However, now that the five one-step immortals in the fairy tomb are all gathered together, even a sneak attack would not be able to kill any of them.After all, monks who have reached this realm have extremely fast reactions and great strength. If they cannot kill with one blow, then it will be difficult to kill them again.

"Those people have been wiped out in the thunderstorm." Chen Hao said lightly.

"Hahaha... are they all dead?" The big black dog stood up and laughed wildly.Thinking that the monks who almost killed him at the beginning had been wiped out, the big black dog felt very refreshed.

"It's too cheap for them to be bombarded and killed by the Heavenly Tribulation. It's their best destination to be eaten by the Tengu." After a long time, the big black dog said again through gnashing of teeth.

"Don't worry, some monks will feed you in the future." Chen Hao patted the head of the big black dog, his eyes sparkling.

"My lord, which sect do you want to destroy?" The fire-eyed golden ape immediately looked at Chen Hao, while the eyes of the big black dog also lit up.

Chen Hao was a little helpless, these two guys are also guys who want to keep the world in order, but they are very angry with him.

"The monks who dared to kill me when I broke through that day, do you all remember their sects?" Chen Hao looked at the two guys who were afraid of chaos and said calmly.

"Haha, of course, besides the top ten sects, there are..." Then the big black dog said a lot of sects.

Chen Hao looked at the big black dog with a dark face: "There are so many sects?"

There were indeed many monks at that time, but apart from the eight sects among the top ten sects, the big black dog actually named more than a dozen sects, which made Chen Hao wonder if these sects were just for the big black dog to eat more monks And something added out of nothing?

"Of course, I remember everything clearly. I only forgot, not many." The big black dog said with a serious face.However, the saliva dripping from the corner of his mouth betrayed him.

Chen Hao's eyes flickered with murderous intent, thinking about when to take revenge on these sects.Now, Chen Hao even had the idea of ​​destroying these giants.

After all, it is too comfortable for a cultivation world to be ruled by several giants for a long time.With the existence of these giants, countless geniuses will be strangled, and countless forces will not be able to rise.

"I want to turn the sky of the cultivation world upside down!" Murderous intent flickered in Chen Hao's heart, and thoughts kept appearing in his mind.

At this time, the world of comprehension has turned upside down.

The existence of the half-immortal level is already the existence of the peak level of the cultivation world.Normally, not one will die in decades or hundreds of years!But on this day, dozens of half-immortals were killed, and there were also two one-step immortals!
A one-step immortal, that is an existence infinitely close to an immortal, but it has fallen, and there are still two of them.

At this time, Xu Tianzong could no longer describe his anger.

Two one-step immortals were killed, and there were a few half-immortals.

Such a heavy loss, even Xutianzong, one of the top ten sects, could not bear it.Usually, Immortal Yiyi is the strongman of their sect, but now two of them died at once, and there is obviously a huge gap with the other sects of the top ten sects.

Dozens of half-immortals and two one-step immortals were killed, and they were still killed by the same person. This made Chen Hao's name temporarily weak in the cultivation world, and it was like the sun!
At this time, Chen Hao was the only one talking about in the cultivation world.

Chen Hao is so powerful that he can already kill a step of immortals.

What a terrifying person this is. An existence who has cultivated for less than 20 years has the strength to kill a step-by-step immortal?Such terrifying aptitude is probably unprecedented, right?

The most ironic thing is that Chen Hao was still a disciple of Xutianzong.

All of a sudden, while the cultivation world was shaken by Chen Hao again, countless people looked at Xu Tianzong with teasing expressions.

Who knew that Chen Hao, a strong man who joined the sect more than ten years ago, had such a terrifying growth rate?In less than 20 years, you can kill a step-by-step fairy!
Such a disciple was kicked out by Xutianzong, and today, more than ten years later, the two one-step immortals of Xutianzong were overthrown.

What is Xutianzong like?
With such a heaven-defying disciple, if Xutianzong didn't drive him out of the school because he was greedy for some unwarranted exercises, then Chen Hao is the most outstanding disciple of Xutianzong.

Then there will be no situation where the chief disciple will be killed later, or the half-immortal and one-step immortal will be killed.On the contrary, as long as it is possible, if Chen Hao is given another few decades, it may not be impossible to help Xu Tianzong become the leader of the top ten sects.

But now, Xutianzong abruptly pushed Chen Hao to the opposite side of them.Not to mention helping him become the top ten sects.

With the attitude that both of them are in conflict, Xu Tianzong is even more likely to decline or even perish because of Chen Hao!

"No one would have imagined that the little man who was hunted down everywhere a few years ago has now grown to the point where he can kill a step-by-step immortal. Chen Hao has become a thing."

"That's right, Chen Hao has already become a popular figure. Even those giants of the sect can't do anything to him. If you want to kill him, you will lose both."

"And it seems that Chen Hao is not alone, there is also a place for Chen Hao in the cultivation world today."

"Chen Hao, even if he can't make friends with him, he must not offend him." Many sects have issued this order.A terrifying powerhouse who has grown from a mortal to one step immortal in just a dozen years, if anyone dares to provoke him, he is really courting death.

"The two sects of Yinxian Valley and Xuanyue Sect have never opposed Chen Hao, and now the two sects have almost no losses. As for the other sects, which sect did not fall into the hands of Chen Hao?"

"These two sects are really foresighted. But now I really want to see what it's like to be the suzerain of the Xutian sect who drove Chen Hao out of the Xutian sect?"

Everyone in the comprehension world was discussing this matter, and everyone was watching Xu Tianzong's joke.

Zhuang Ningguang didn't know what other Xutianzong disciples were like, he just knew that he had everything at this moment.

Thinking of expelling Chen Hao from the sect more than ten years ago for coveting unnecessary skills, but now that Chen Hao has grown to such a high level, it would be a lie if he didn't regret it.

It's just that now they are in the same situation.

Ma Tianyun was killed, two one-step immortals and several half-immortals were killed! Xutianzong couldn't afford such a heavy loss, they were destined to live forever with Chen Hao!
Zhuang Ningguang's eyes flickered coldly, and his face was filled with murderous intent.

Because of Chen Hao's incident, the sect suffered heavy losses, even he, the sect leader, couldn't bear it, and just now, he was almost evacuated from the position of suzerain, and was almost shot to death by the enraged old monster.

It takes more than ten years of practice to reach this level. Even a blind person can see that Chen Hao has unlimited potential. Such a person was actually driven away. When the old monsters of Xutianzong knew about this, it is conceivable how furious they would be.

"Chen Hao, you must die!" Zhuang Ningguang's eyes flickered with murderous intent, and the murderous intent permeated the entire hall, which was very terrifying.

In Nanhuang City, Chen Hao has been here for a day.

"Didn't it mean that the Little Ape King is coming here after being hunted down? Why haven't you seen him yet?" Chen Hao sat on a restaurant, listening to the discussions of the people in the restaurant.

The most talked about is of course Chen Hao, followed by the little ape king who killed the holy son of Tianji Sect.

boom! boom! boom!
Nanhuang City, located in the south of the continent of the cultivation world, is one of the five largest cities in the cultivation world. It is very lively and strong people emerge in large numbers.

At this time, in the center of Nanhuang City, two young monks were fighting.

In general cities, the center of the city is definitely the most prosperous area, once it is the location of the City Lord's Mansion.It's just that Nanhuang City is different from other cities in that the center of Nanhuang City is an open area.

An incomparably huge square, a square with a radius of thousands of miles.

Although this place is very empty, it is one of the busiest places in Nanhuang City.Every day, countless monks compete and duel here.

At this time, in the square, two young strong men were fighting, and terrifying forces erupted continuously from the place where they fought, and the solid void was constantly torn apart in the aftermath of the two strong men's fighting.

The terrifying aura spread continuously, gradually covering the entire square, forcing the rest of the people in the square to the side.However, many monks surrounded the square, watching the battle of the two young monks in the square with great interest.

The two young monks are at least in the Transcending Tribulation Stage realm!One by one, the extremely powerful combat skills erupted, and the sky collapsed and the earth shattered. What is surprising is that the strength of the two can shatter the void, but the ground of the square has not been destroyed.

In the square, the two fought more and more fiercely, and it seemed that they had already played a real fire!
"Li Ling, you will definitely die today!" Zheng Siya gritted her teeth and looked at his opponent, furious and murderous.

Li Ling is a young man about 20 years old, he is still handsome, especially he always has a faint smile on his face, which adds to his charm.

"Zheng Siya, you've said this many times, but I'm still alive." Li Ling said with a smile.

"You must die today!" Zheng Siya repeated again.

Li Ling sneered, but he despised Zheng Siya in his heart.This guy didn't know which tendon was cramped, he came to challenge himself out of nowhere, and was defeated by himself.

Not long after, the bastard seemed to hate him and came to trouble him many times.However, although Li Ling's strength was not very strong, Zheng Siya didn't take him seriously at all.

"Zheng Siya, I warn you not to trouble me again, otherwise I don't mind killing you." The anger in Li Ling's heart also came up.Since he came to Nanhuang City, there have been constant turmoil, which has kept him in a bad mood.

Zheng Siya sneered in her heart. He had long been unhappy with this Li Ling. Since he was defeated in the last challenge, he felt that it was an insult to him.

The next few challenges were defeated by Li Ling, which made him gnash his teeth at Li Ling, wishing to kill Li Ling.

"Hmph, Li Ling, you don't know yet, I have finally broken through and reached the stage of transformation, and I will make your life worse than death later!" Zheng Siya sneered in her heart, already planning how to torture and kill Li Ling.

Although Li Ling is powerful, he has not yet reached the stage of transformation.

And the gap between the stage of transformation and the stage of crossing the catastrophe is like a natural chasm. No matter how powerful Li Ling is, he is not his opponent.

Zheng Siya laughed, and was about to improve her strength to kill Li Ling...

At this moment, a very dangerous feeling shot out from behind him.

Zheng Siya was taken aback. At this moment, he felt the breath of death.Shocked in his heart, he was about to turn his head and look over...

In the void, a golden light shot from outside Nanhuang City, and then ruthlessly bombarded Zheng Siya's body.

Poor Zheng Siya, who has just broken through to the metamorphosis stage and has not even exerted the strength of the metamorphosis stage, he has already been smashed into a cloud of blood mist by this golden light.

The group of golden light coming from outside the city did not stop after smashing Zheng Siya, and continued to hit Li Ling who was standing opposite Zheng Siya with lightning speed.

Zheng Siya, who was in the stage of metamorphosis, was directly shattered by this golden light. It is conceivable how amazing power this golden light contains.Moreover, the speed of the golden light is really terrifying, and Zheng Siya was hit to death before she could teleport.

Although Li Ling's strength and experience have become very rich over the years, facing the sudden golden light, he stood there in a daze.

"This is a person, no, this is a demon clan." Li Ling stared blankly at the golden light that was rapidly zooming in front of his eyes, and he could see clearly that there was actually a demon clan in the golden light.

(End of this chapter)

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