Chapter 365 Crisis
Those are all strong men of the younger generation, although they are not afraid of these people at all.

But Chen Hao almost offended them all, which put a lot of pressure on them.

Sometimes, they even thought, before he was ranked far higher than Chen Hao, but why did Chen Hao still have more enemies than them?

The thought of Chen Hao provoking eight of the ten sects made Little Ape King and the others sweat.

"Chen Hao, it seems that many people want to kill you." The Little Ape King directly poured a jar of wine into his mouth, and then said loudly to Chen Hao.

Chen Hao glanced lightly at the monks above the restaurant, with a look of disdain on his face: "If they dare to do something here, I don't mind killing them all."

A man who is defiant, arrogant, and despises everyone.

Even though these are the most outstanding disciples of the various sects, after hearing Chen Hao's words, they couldn't help being furious and their murderous intentions skyrocketed.

In one corner of the restaurant is the disciple of Yinxian Valley.Because Li Xu had nothing to do with showing up, the ones who came to Xianyang City this time were the saint son and saint daughter of their sect.

The saint is Li Sisi who is number one on the Hundred Flowers List.At this time, after hearing Chen Hao's words, the eyes under the white gauze couldn't help showing a little bit of splendor.

On the other side, Xuan Yuezong's chief disciple Zhong Lilin also looked at Chen Hao curiously.

All along, Xuan Yuezong and Chen Hao have maintained a good relationship, and there has been no conflict.Therefore, as the chief disciple of Xuanyue Sect, Zhong Linlin, who was ninth on the dragon and phoenix list, had no hostility towards Chen Hao, but was extremely interested in this legendary man.

At this time, Zhong Lilin looked at Chen Hao straight with her beautiful eyes, as if she wanted to see clearly what kind of person Chen Hao was.

"It's just someone who has earned a false name. Being on the top of the dragon and phoenix list with him really makes us ashamed." Hui Tianyi next to him was still angry in his heart, and sneered murderously.

Chen Hao glanced at the other party indifferently: "I don't know who compiled the dragon and phoenix list back then, but you were able to enter the tenth place in the dragon and phoenix list just because of your three-legged cat kung fu. You are really blind."


As soon as Chen Hao finished speaking, everyone in the restaurant burst into laughter.Those present were all the young elites of the major sects, and each sect was at odds with each other. Now that they heard that Chen Hao was targeting Hui Tianyi, they naturally followed suit and booed.

Hui Tian was furious, looked at Chen Hao with murderous intent, and jumped up: "Chen Hao, I want to fight you!"

Chen Hao looked disdainful: "What qualifications do you have to fight with me? Are you stronger than Ma Tianyun? Are you stronger than the one-step immortal Deng Hualin taught by Tianji?"

When Hui Tian was furious, murderous aura surged out, sweeping towards Chen Hao, full of murderous aura.At this time, a strong young man who was also above the restaurant looked at Chen Hao with a look of resentment.

He is Cao Hongyan, the chief disciple of Tianji Sect.

He Yu, the holy son of the Tianji Sect, was beheaded by the Little Ape King.However, Deng Hualin, He Yu's protector, was killed by Chen Hao, the Little Ape King and others.

This caused a heavy loss to the Tianji Cult, and it was ridiculed by everyone in the cultivation world.Now, at this time, Chen Hao is still trampling on the dignity of their Tianji Sect here, which makes him very angry.

Cao Hongyan jumped up against the case and glared at Chen Hao: "Chen Hao, you despicable and shameless person, if you didn't join forces and add tricks, how could you kill me, a step-by-step immortal of the Tianji sect?"

Seeing this murderous young man with fire-breathing eyes glaring at him, as if he was going to kill him, Chen Hao was stunned.

"Who is this guy?" Chen Hao turned to look at Hu Tong.At the same time, Little Lion King, Little Ape King and others also looked at Hu Tong, but they didn't recognize him either.

Seeing this scene, Cao Hongyan was completely blown away.

"Cao Hongyan, the chief disciple of the Tianji Sect." Hu Tong gave Chen Hao a fierce look with beautiful eyes, as if blaming him for causing trouble.

"Oh, so it's the chief disciple of the Tianji Sect." Chen Hao shook his head and looked at Cao Hongyan.

"The holy son of the Tianji sect and a one-step immortal were beheaded by us, why not behead this chief disciple?" The little ape king looked at Chen Hao and the others with a look of discussion on his face.

Arrogant, too arrogant!
Everyone in the restaurant looked at Chen Hao and his party, feeling that they were going crazy.These few scourges are really not afraid of the Tianji sect, one of the top ten sects.Killing other people's holy sons and step-by-step immortals doesn't count, and now they want to kill their chief disciples. Could it be that they want to kill all the outstanding disciples of the younger generation of Tianji Sect?
If this is the case, I am afraid that the Tianji Sect will use all the power of the entire teaching to chase and kill Chen Hao and others?However, if Chen Hao really dared to do something, the outstanding disciples of these people's major sects would probably do something behind the scenes.

After all, they wished that all outstanding disciples from other sects would die.If it wasn't for some scruples, why would they still be sitting in the same restaurant?I'm afraid it's already a big fight.

"You are courting death!"

Cao Hongyan was furious, the veins on his forehead swelled, and he looked at Chen Hao and the others with murderous intent, unable to conceal his murderous intent.

"Chen Hao, you killed Ma Tianyun, the chief disciple of Xutianzong, and Little Ape King, you killed He Yu, the holy son of Tianji Sect. I am the only one who has not had such brilliant deeds among the three of us. Why don't you take this Leave Cao to me? Otherwise, the gap between us is too big, and I feel unbalanced." The little lion king said suddenly.

Hearing the little lion king's words, the monks above the restaurant spouted alcohol wildly.These three are all talents, so they compare themselves with the holy son by killing the chief disciples of other sects?

Cao Hongyan was furious, he felt that he was completely ignored.With his strength, he was not placed in Chen Hao's eyes at all.This made him very angry.

Although his strength is better than that of He Yu, he is also a superpower at No. 20 on the Dragon and Phoenix List.He also has the dignity of a strong man, but in the eyes of Chen Hao and the others, his dignity is so ridiculous.

Because Chen Hao and the others didn't take him seriously at all.

The little ape king looked at the little lion king with contempt: "Do you think that by killing this Cao Hongyan, you can compare with the two of us? At least you have to kill that Hui Tianyi." While speaking, the little ape Wang also looked at Hui Tian with disdain.

"Haha... It's not impossible, but you have to block his guardian for me." The little lion king laughed, but he didn't pay attention to Hui Tianyi at all.

"Okay, then you kill Hui Tianyi, and then we kill his guardian." Chen Hao said with a big laugh.

Seeing the three talking about the life and death of the most outstanding disciples of the younger generation, and even discussing how to kill the one-step immortal, the other people in the restaurant all had black lines on their faces.

These three guys are crazy!However, they have crazy strength.

As for Hui Tianyi and Cao Hongyan, they were almost pissed off at the moment.All of them looked at Chen Hao with great resentment, wondering whether they should go up and kill Chen Hao and others.

However, Chen Hao and the three teamed up to kill even one step of the immortal, but they were a little scrupulous.Moreover, at this time, there was another Hu Tong beside Chen Hao.

It should be noted that Hu Tong is not only the fourth super beauty on the Hundred Flowers List, but her strength is also the seventh on the Dragon and Phoenix List!The four top ten people in the dragon and phoenix list together, this kind of strength can even sweep away a first-class force.

With Hui Tianyi's strength and his guardians, he was no match for Chen Hao and the others.What's more, there are two equally powerful existences, the Fire-Eye Golden Ape and the Big Black Dog?
The extreme northern region of the cultivation world is full of dangers and crises. Usually, there are basically no monks.However, since the news of the reappearance of the Ascension to Immortal Terrace spread in the cultivation world, countless monks flocked from all directions, and all of them rushed into the extreme north region.

Whether it is the leaders of the younger generation of various sects, or the older generation of powerhouses with some influence, especially those who have been retreating and cultivating, they flocked to Shengxiantai.

After all, if they can pass through Shengxiantai Today's Immortal Realm, then their lifespan and strength will increase dramatically.If they can't enter the fairy world, then the only thing waiting for them is the gradually depleted longevity.

As for the younger generation of monks, there are also quite a few who want to enter the fairy world through the Ascension to Immortal Platform.As for people like Chen Hao, it's for gaining experience.

"It seems that we are being watched?"

On the way, Chen Hao, the Little Ape King, the Little Lion King and a Hu Tong, they have left Xianyang City for three days.At their speed, they had no idea how many thousands of miles away they were from Xianyang City.

With their combination and strong strength, even a one-step immortal would not dare to provoke them.However, they felt that they had been watched since they left Xianyang City.

"Could it be Hui Tianyi or that Cao Hongyan?" The little lion king showed a hint of excitement on his face, how could he have the consciousness of being targeted?It seems that they are eager for Hui Tianyi and the others to kill them.


Murderous intent flashed in Chen Hao's eyes, although they didn't feel that Hui Tianyi or Cao Hongyan posed any threat to them.It's just that the other party keeps staring at him like this, which makes him a little annoyed.

"Take care of them before we go on the road." Chen Hao stopped and said in a deep voice.The others also nodded in agreement.

However, what annoyed Chen Hao and the others was that when they stopped, the person staring at them also stopped and did not show their faces.

"court death."

The cold light in Chen Hao's eyes flashed away, and he snorted coldly, and saw his figure flicker, stepping out, and the whole person disappeared in place immediately.


At the same time, in the void tens of thousands of miles away from them, a monstrous hand, carrying a terrifying aura of destroying heaven and earth, aimed at a mountain top and slapped it fiercely.

"It was discovered."

Hui Tian's expression changed slightly, and he also punched out.


The power of the two sides collided violently in the void, and then exploded violently!Immediately, the void centered on the impact was directly shattered.The incomparably terrifying impact was more like a tide, rushing madly in all directions, shattering the void where it passed.

In an instant, the continuous mountain range on the ground was directly shattered, and several figures shot up into the sky.

Seeing that Chen Hao forced these stalkers out with his palm, Little Ape King and others teleported to Chen Hao's side and looked forward at the same time.

Hui Tianyi, Cao Hongyan, besides the two of them, there are two old men exuding a strong aura.The two old men followed Hui Tianyi and Cao Hongyan respectively, and they should be their guardians.

"Two one-step immortals." Chen Hao's pupils shrank suddenly.The faces of Little Ape King and the others became serious.

Two one-step immortals are enough to suppress them.

"Two shameless people colluded together, tsk tsk, the same shameless." The little ape king took a step forward, looked at Hui Tian and the others and sneered.

"It's enough to kill you all." Hui Tian looked at Chen Hao with a look of resentment and resentment, his murderous intent burst forth.

Chen Hao was taken aback, he didn't expect Hui Tianyi and Cao Hongyan to be so courageous, they wanted to kill Chen Hao and the others.

Chen Hao was alone in his family, with no support behind him, so it was no accident that they dared to kill him.It's just that the little ape king and the little lion king are one of the top ten demon kings of the Demon Mountain behind Hu Tong. These two guys really want to kill them?
Are they not afraid of touching the wrath of those big demon kings?If that's the case, the Tianji Sect and the Yuanxu Sect probably won't be able to withstand the anger of the three demon kings.

"I'm curious, why do you say you can kill us? Do you really think that you can kill a few of us with just a few of you? You must know, behind them is the demon king of the Demon Mountain." Chen Hao looked at Hui Tian One said indifferently.

"Two one-step immortals, killing you is enough. As for the demon king behind them, as long as I kill you and say that you killed each other, then who will suspect me?" Hui Tian A sneer.

"Good plan!"

The little ape king took a step forward, his murderous intent shot out, and he looked at Hui Tian and the others with a murderous look.

"I can completely fight against a one-step immortal by myself, how about you?" Chen Hao turned to look at the little lion king and others and said.

"The little lion king and I can also contend against a one-step immortal without losing the wind." The little ape king and the little lion king said as they looked at each other.Although the strength of the two of them is not as good as that of Immortal Step One, they are not far behind. Otherwise, the Little Ape King would not have been hunted down by Immortal One Step for several months without being killed.

Chen Hao nodded, then looked at Hu Tong.

"I am sure to kill either Hui Tianyi or Cao Hongyan." Hu Tong said indifferently, with murderous intent splashing between his words, obviously he was already motivated to kill.

After all, the other party wanted to kill them all. As a descendant of King Nine Tails, Hu Tong was not a soft-hearted person in the first place.

"Since that's the case, then you should suppress Hui Tianyi. Big black dog, Cao Hongyan of the golden ape will be handed over to you two. If you can't kill him within a stick of incense time, don't say you know me .”

"Wang! You think highly of that idiot too much. I can kill him alone." The big black dog looked at Cao Hongyan with disdain.

(End of this chapter)

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