Chapter 369 Mountains
After all, the other party had five half-immortals, it was a miracle that the two of them could persevere and not be killed, how could they still save Nangong Yuan?
As for the other children of the Nangong family?At this time, there are very few of them, almost dead.

After all, the lack of high-end experts meant that the Nangong family was no match for the Fang family.

"Could it be that my Nangong family was wiped out by the despicable and shameless Fang family?" A half-immortal fought to be punched by the opponent, and he also directly beheaded a half-immortal of the Fang family.However, he was also severely injured, and it was only a matter of time before he was killed.

It's just that they are not reconciled.

These are all the elites of the younger generation of the Nangong Family. The Nangong Family will still rely on these people in the future. If all these people are killed, then there will be a fault in the talents of the Nangong Family, and they may even be wiped out by the Fang Family. .

After all, if they all died, the Nangong family would lose five semi-immortal-level powerhouses.With such a heavy loss, how can the Nangong family keep their power?
Nangong Yuan was furious, and forced himself to improve his strength and rushed forward.However, he was seriously injured after all, and he was actually Fang Qing's opponent?I saw Fang Qing laughing and rushed forward, blowing Nangong Yuan away with one punch.

Nangong Yuan was injured again, the injury was even more serious, and he was no longer Fang Qing's opponent.At the same time, Nangong Yuan looked around, and found that there were hundreds of strong men from the younger generation of the Nangong family who were slaughtered by the other party, and there were less than twenty at this time.

Nangong Yuan was furious and unwilling, but at this moment he couldn't even increase his strength, so he could only look at Fang Qing with resentment.

Fang Qing laughed loudly, rushed to the front of Nangong Yuan, then slapped Nangong Yuan hard on the head with his palm.

Nangong Yuan sighed inwardly, even in his heyday he would not have dared to take Fang Qing's palm head on, let alone not being able to condense his strength now.

Can only wait to die!Even so, Nangong Yuan looked at Fang Qing angrily, his eyes unblinking, full of crazy killing intent.

Seeing this scene, the other members of the Nangong family shouted angrily, but because of the strength of the enemy, they also knew that if there was no miracle, they would surely die today.

But, a miracle really happened.

Nangong Yuan looked at Fang Qing with murderous intent, even if he died, he was not afraid.But suddenly, there was a look of shock in his eyes.

A big hand suddenly descended from the sky, and before Fang Qing could react, it slapped Fang Qing into a cloud of blood mist, and the blood and flesh that exploded splashed Nangong Yuan all over.

"One-Step Immortal?"

At this moment, Nangong Yuan was stunned, he hadn't even figured it out yet, unexpectedly there was an immortal move?Is this a miracle?

"Big black dog, you killed all the members of the Fang family."

It was Chen Hao who saved Nangong Yuan, and it was easy for him to kill Fang Qing, who had just entered the half-immortal realm, with his palm.Before Chen Hao could speak, the big black dog and the fire-eyed golden ape rushed into the crowd and began to kill.

"One-Step Immortal?"

Seeing Chen Hao descending from the sky and directly shooting Fang Qing to death, the five half-immortals of the Fang family were stunned for a moment, then reacted, turned and fled.

In front of Yiyi Immortals, their half-immortals are like ants.

"Where to escape?"

Chen Hao snorted coldly, stretched out his big hand, and directly grabbed a wanted half-immortal of the Fang family.Then he shook his big hand, and with a "bang", this half-immortal was crushed to death by Chen Hao.

Seeing this scene, the others were shocked, and directly crushed a half-immortal to death, how terrifying is this strength?

While everyone was shocked, Chen Hao flipped his hands and smashed the other half-immortal to pieces.At the same time, the big black dog and the fire-eyed golden ape also found the other two half-immortals of the Fang family, and beat them to death within a short time.

"Fang family's bastards, all of you are going to die!"

Seeing that the four half-immortals of the Fang family were killed instantly, the half-immortal of the Nangong family who was still fighting was stunned, then roared angrily, and began to slaughter the other children of the Fang family.

There was no half-immortal-level powerhouse, and the members of the Fang family had already been terrified. Under the massacre of the half-immortal and the few remaining disciples of the Nangong family, they were all killed in a short time. Two nets, not one left.


The members of the Nangong family couldn't help laughing out loud, but there was an extremely strong sense of grief and indignation in the laughter.This time, there are less than ten of the more than 100 elites of the younger generation.

Even if all the members of the Fang family were killed, the Nangong family suffered heavy losses.

"Why do you want to save us?"

Looking at the young man in black who he once wanted to cheat him, but in the end he was cheated by the other party, causing him to vomit three liters of blood, Nangong Yuan showed a bitter smile on his face.

When I first met Chen Hao, although Chen Hao's strength was strong, it seemed that he was not as good as him.In just a short period of time, Chen Hao's strength was already strong enough to kill an immortal.

He even slapped Fang Qing to death, who was only inferior to him.With such strength and such a growth rate, Nangong Yuan can't catch up even if he flatters him.

"Seeing that they are not happy." Chen Hao said lightly.

Nangong Yuan was startled for a moment, then continued to smile wryly.That's right, he just saw that people were unhappy, so he wiped out all of them.This man was indeed as domineering as in the legend.

However, Nangong Yuan's cold sweat broke out at the thought of wanting to trick this person back then.He was thinking, if Chen Hao was really tricked by him back then, then he would have killed him long ago, right?
Looking at Chen Hao with lingering fear, Nangong Yuan felt lucky.

"You still know the family. With your strength, it's easy to be wiped out." Chen Hao glanced at Nangong Yuan and others, and then said lightly.

Nangong Yuan had a bitter expression on his face. If they hadn't been ambushed by the Fang family, they wouldn't have been so miserable.Moreover, there are also strong men from the older generation of the Nangong family on the side of Shengxiantai.

As long as they rushed to Shengxiantai, they would naturally be able to save them.However, in their current state, they would definitely not be able to rush to Shengxiantai, and they might be dealt with before reaching Shengxiantai.

After all, the powerhouses in the entire comprehension world are now heading towards Shengxiantai.

"Thank you! Today's favor will be repaid tomorrow!" Nangong Yuan said solemnly.

Chen Hao just shook his head, returned to the side of Little Ape King and the others, then flew into the air and flew towards the front.From the beginning to the end, Little Ape King and others did not make a move.

Taking action with Chen Hao, Huoyan Jinyuan and Big Black Dog is already very bullying, if the little ape kings also take action... The Fang family is not qualified for this.

Flying along the way, Chen Hao and others met more and more monks.During this process, there were quite a few blind monks who wanted to kill Chen Hao and the others.

After all, the position of the Supreme Elder of Yuanxu Sect and Tianji Sect is still very tempting.However, because of the promotion of Xiantai, most of the strong dared to go to Shengxiantai, and no one was willing to stay.

Compared to ascending to immortality, what about the Supreme Elder of Yuanxu Sect?Even being their suzerain is far from ascension.Therefore, those who came up with Chen Hao's ideas were all casual cultivators, not even one-step immortals.

Chen Hao was too lazy to make a move, so he handed everything over to Fire-Eyes Golden Ape and Big Black Dog.

Kill all the way!
After many days, they were already close to the location of Shengxiantai, and there were more and more monks.

The Lianluo Mountain Range is a huge continuous mountain range that is almost as big as the Magic Mountain, with a radius of one million miles.There are countless fierce beasts here, and it is one of the inconspicuous mountain ranges in the extreme northern region of the cultivation world.

Usually because there is no special relationship with this mountain range, and there are powerful beasts, it is difficult to find people.However, at this time, there were people in the Lianluo Mountain Range, and powerful monks came galloping from the south one after another.Those with the weakest strength are all in the Fusion stage, and those with the strongest strength even have half-immortals.

When Chen Hao and the others approached the Lianluo Mountain Range, they felt the powerful aura rising from the Lianluo Mountain Range.

These are the breath of monks.

In addition, there is a powerful aura above all monks, shocking the heavens and the world, it is very terrifying.

Looking from a distance, apart from the flying monks one by one, in the depths of the Lianluo Mountains, a huge incomparable golden light soared into the sky, piercing into the sky, connecting the earth and the sky.

"That should be the light from Shengxiantai, right? The extremely powerful aura should come from Shengxiantai, right?" Looking at that strong but not dazzling golden light, feeling the breath like a vast ocean, Chen Hao said in shock.

The rest of the people also looked at the golden light in front of them with some excitement. Although they never thought about entering the fairy world through the Ascension Platform, after all, it is the Ascension Platform, an existence that can make people soar, who wouldn't be excited?
"Go, go and have a look." Chen Hao soared into the sky and rushed in the direction of Shengxiantai.

Shengxiantai is on the highest peak in the center of the Lianluo Mountains, hundreds of thousands of miles away from Chen Hao and others.For ordinary people, this distance cannot be covered even in a few lifetimes, but under the gallop of Chen Hao and others, it didn't take long to cross it.

The highest peak of the Lianluo Mountains is unknowingly many miles away, straight into the sky, very majestic and spectacular!At this time, above the peak, a huge, hundreds of miles in size, with golden light emitting dazzling golden light, stood on the top of the peak, and the golden light emitted was like a golden bridge connecting the altar and the altar. The sky is so high that it cannot see the top.

Majestic, spectacular, atmospheric, and extremely impactful.

"This should be the legendary Shengxiantai, right?" Chen Hao was completely shocked when he saw the huge altar.This is Shengxiantai, it is so shocking.

Like Chen Hao, those monks who had just seen the Ascension to Immortal Terrace were all shocked by the magnificence of the Ascension to Immortal Terrace.Even those who have been here long ago are still deeply shocked.


Just when Chen Hao and the others were overwhelmed by the shock of Shengxiantai, a cold snort came and woke Chen Hao and the others awake.

Hearing the cold snort that contained murderous intent, Chen Hao, Little Ape King and others were furious.

"Get off this mountain." Before the cold snort fell, an angry shout came over, and at the same time, a stormy wave-like momentum erupted, covering Chen Hao and the others, intending to blast them fly out.

"court death!"

Chen Hao and others were furious, even Hu Tong was furious.Anyone who is attacked inexplicably will be upset.

Chen Hao turned around sharply, and saw an old man looking at him with a murderous look. Apart from the old man, there were dozens of monks on the mountain.The strength ranges from the tribulation stage, transformation stage and even half-immortal, but there is only one step-immortal.

"you wanna die!"

Chen Hao glanced at this half-immortal-level powerhouse with a murderous intent, and sneered, "It's just a half-immortal, vulnerable." While speaking, he took a step forward and disappeared on the spot .

The one-step immortal who had been closing his eyes to rest his mind suddenly opened his eyes the moment Chen Hao's figure disappeared, and yelled loudly at the same time: "Danger!"

At the same time, he slapped the half-immortal old man with his palm.

However, how could Chen Hao, who was already murderous, allow them to be presumptuous?
With a loud bang, the half-immortal old man who used his aura to coerce Chen Hao before exploded, and was actually punched by Chen Hao.

Seeing this scene, everyone was startled and looked at Chen Hao in shock.It's just that the one-step immortal shouted angrily, turned his big hand at Chen Hao who appeared in the void, and slapped it down.

"Old guy, I'll send you to the fairy world right now." Chen Hao sneered and punched out hard.


The power of both sides collided fiercely in the void, and then exploded directly.The terrifying impact instantly tore through the void, and scattered in all directions.

The big hand shot by Immortal Yiyi was so vulnerable that it was shattered by the bounce.But he was hit, his throat was sweet, and he spit out a mouthful of blood.

One-step immortal, unexpectedly vulnerable!
It's not Chen Hao's all-in-one enemy!That's a one-step fairy.

The alarmed people around were all shocked, even the Little Ape King and the others were also shocked. After a long time, they said: "This pervert, his strength has improved."

"kill him!"

Everyone was shocked by Chen Hao's strength, but one half-immortal reacted, shouted loudly, and punched Chen Hao. At the same time, other people also reacted and bombarded Chen Hao in unison.

"You are looking for death." Seeing these people make a move, Little Ape King and the others let out a smirk, and rushed into the crowd with a teleport, and started killing.

And Chen Hao was the only one-step immortal who had already locked onto the opponent, and killed him step by step.

Sensing Chen Hao's strength, Immortal Yiyi was shocked. He never thought that this group of young people was so powerful.

At this moment, he felt regretful in his heart, wishing he could revive the half-immortal who was killed by Chen Hao just now and beat him to death.This bastard, it doesn't matter if he is dead, but he has provoked such a powerful enemy for me.

(End of this chapter)

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