Chapter 371 Backer
"Immortal, want to kill me? You are not qualified!"

Chen Hao almost gritted his teeth and said this sentence.At this time, he had already used his strength to the limit, and terrifying fluctuations erupted on his body, resisting the opponent's coercion.

"Out of control."

Banxian snorted coldly, and a more terrifying aura surged over, intending to kill Chen Haozhen.

Chen Hao's eyes shot up sharply, murderous aura shot up to the sky.

"Pfft..." Facing the impetus that kept rushing towards him like a tide, Chen Hao couldn't hold back after all, and spat out a mouthful of blood again.At the same time, his whole body was really shocked and flew out again.


The crisp sound of fracture came from Chen Hao's body. Obviously, Chen Hao's bones began to break under the terrifying pressure.

"Purple Ribbon Fairy Clothes!"

Chen Hao was also a little frightened.Under the coercion of the half-step immortal, even if his physical body reached the level of an immortal weapon, it would be difficult to resist.

Strength!After all, the strength is still not strong enough, even if the physical body reaches the level of the fairy weapon, it is not the opponent of the half-step fairy.

Of course, if Chen Hao's physical body had not reached the level of a fairy weapon, he would have been bombarded to death at this moment.After all, his strength has only reached the realm of an immortal, but his realm is the stage of crossing the catastrophe.

There is a big gap between the half-step immortal and the half-step immortal in the tribulation period, and the coercion of the realm alone makes it difficult for Chen Hao to exert his ordinary cultivation strength.

As a last resort, Chen Hao could only sacrifice the purple ribbon fairy clothes.

Immortal-level treasure clothes!
With Chen Hao's strength, he can display the greater power of the Purple Ribbon Immortal Clothes.

As soon as the purple ribbon fairy clothes came out, Chen Hao's whole body was shrouded in a purple halo.Chen Hao in the halo also immediately relaxed.

"A fairy?"

Seeing the purple halo emanating from the purple ribbon fairy clothes, a look of surprise flashed in the eyes of the half-step fairy.

As for Immortal Artifacts, no one knows more than him at this level.Immortal artifacts, even high-level immortal artifacts, cannot exert their power in the hands of ordinary people.

If you want to control the fairy weapon and let the fairy weapon emit greater power, you need the strong strength of the fairy weapon holder.For example, the purple ribbon fairy clothes, the power exerted in Chen Hao's hands is not at the same level as the power exerted in the hands of half-step immortals.

At least, the half-step immortal can exert dozens or even hundreds of times the power of the purple ribbon fairy clothes, which is closer to the full power of the purple ribbon fairy clothes.

"When Shengxiantai is opened, there will definitely be a big melee. If there is a defensive fairy clothes, it will make yourself stronger."

The half-step immortal was thinking in his heart, his eyes showed a fiery light, and at the same time he stretched out his big hand, swept across the void distance, and grabbed Chen Hao directly, intending to directly take out the purple ribbon fairy clothes from Chen Hao.

At the same time, the other powerhouses who noticed the fairy clothes on Chen Hao also looked over, ready to move.

Seeing the performance and shamelessness of these people, Chen Hao became more and more furious.At the same time, he also knew the status of these treasures in the eyes of these powerful people.

"Get out of here!"

Chen Hao roared angrily, raised his limit strength, and ruthlessly bombarded the big hand caught by the half-step immortal.Now he doesn't dare to expose more treasures on his body, otherwise, if more half-step immortals are provoked to take action, then he really has no choice but to fall today.

"Out of control."

Seeing that Chen Hao dared to fight back, Half-step Immortal showed a disdainful smile on his face.In the eyes of the powerhouses at their level, everyone below the half-step immortal is an ant.

The attack that condensed [-]% of Chen Hao's strength collided fiercely with the big hand that the half-step immortal slowly grabbed.However, what frightened Chen Hao was that with [-]% of his strength, he just bumped into the half-step immortal's big hand and stopped slightly for a few breaths.

The half-step immortal's big hand continued to grab Chen Hao without any damage, but Chen Hao's attack was directly smashed to pieces.

"Oh shit!"

Chen Hao was also shocked by the half-step immortal's strength.With a thought and a flick of his body, Chen Hao retreated violently.

"I see where you are fleeing to?"

Seeing that Chen Hao wanted to run away in front of him, the disdain on the half-step immortal's face grew even stronger.I didn't see any movement from him, so he stretched out his big hand and grabbed Chen Hao.

With a swish, Chen Hao appeared hundreds of thousands of miles away. He breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked back.Immediately, his expression changed drastically.

Taking a step forward, Chen Hao reappeared hundreds of thousands of miles away.However, the half-step immortal's big hand still grabbed it quickly, like a shadow, like a gangrene attached to the bone.

Chen Hao was completely shocked. With his speed, he couldn't escape the pursuit of the half-step immortal?How big is the gap between a half-step immortal and a one-step immortal?

Chen Hao was shocked, but the one-step immortal who made the move was dozens of times more shocked than Chen Hao!
People who have not reached the realm of half-step immortals cannot understand what their realm means.Their strength is the supreme in the cultivation world!Except for monks of the same realm, no one is their opponent.

But Chen Hao's speed couldn't even catch up with a half-step immortal!
Don't look at the half-step fairy and fairy's calm look now, in fact, he has already exploded with [-]% of his strength and grabbed Chen Hao.

If confronted head-on, even if Chen Hao's physical body reached the level of a fairy weapon, he would not be an opponent with [-]% strength of a half-step fairy, and would be killed directly.

However, in terms of speed, even a half-step immortal can't catch up with Chen Hao, so one can imagine how terrifying Chen Hao's speed is.

However, the stronger Chen Hao is, the more murderous the half-step immortal will be.

"I'll see where you can escape to." The Half-step Immortal was also angry, and wanted to hunt down after one step.Regardless of Chen Hao's growth rate or because of his speed, the half-step immortal cannot allow him to continue to exist and must be killed.

Moreover, he knew Chen Hao's character, if he took action against Chen Hao today, in the future, Chen Hao would definitely take revenge on him and his sect.

No matter what, kill Chen Hao!
"Hahaha... you old people are really shameless, you have the nerve to take action against these juniors?" At this moment, a bright and clear laughter like thunder came over.

At the same time, a big golden hand protruded down from the sky, and directly grabbed the half-step immortal's big hand that was grabbing Chen Hao.


The two big hands collided in the void, and then both of them exploded, disappearing invisible at the same time.It's just that it didn't brew a terrifying impact, it just shattered the void created by the fight.

"Giant Ape King, do you want to intervene in this matter?" Half Step Immortal frowned at the Giant Ape King who appeared out of thin air, and said in a deep voice.

"I can't stand your shamelessness, and what if you hurt my people?" The giant ape king looked gloomy, looking at the half-step immortal with murderous intent.

The Half-step Immortal looked at the Giant Ape King with a more gloomy expression, but felt a little apprehensive in his heart.

Seeing the appearance of the half-step immortal, the Giant Ape King sneered disdainfully, and then raised his voice and said: "Boy Chen, come back, today I see that old bastard dares to attack you!"

Half-step immortals are also divided into strengths and weaknesses, and the Giant Ape King, one of the top ten demon kings of the Demon Mountain, is obviously the top powerhouse among the half-step immortals, and the existence closest to immortals.

Therefore, after seeing the giant ape king, the half-step immortal who appeared to Chen Hao before did not dare to continue to do it, obviously very afraid of the giant ape king.

Although the half-step immortal who shot was powerful, he was known as the top existence in the cultivation world.But he knew that if the giant ape king wanted to deal with him, he was really no match.

Killing Chen Hao was important, but his life was even more important.

Seeing the appearance of the giant ape king, the little ape king and others were obviously overjoyed, and then the little ape king also said loudly: "Murong, no one dares to touch you now, you should come back."

Hearing the words of the giant ape king and the little ape king, Chen Hao from a distance pondered for a moment, but teleported over.

Although it is embarrassing to be protected like this, he is only a junior after all. Although his strength is strong, his realm is not high.

Although she was sheltered, I believe no one said anything.

With one step forward, Chen Hao returned to the top of the mountain where he was originally.He glanced lightly at the half-step immortal who shot at him, and then Chen Hao looked at the giant ape king.

The Giant Ape King looked like a middle-aged man, extremely tall, about three or four meters high, and the faint aura emanating from his body was extremely terrifying and shocking.

However, Chen Hao vaguely saw a gloomy gray aura from him.


Chen Hao was taken aback. He had heard before that the giant ape king was approaching the end and was taking the final step in retreat.It now appears to be the case.

Death Qi is not some kind of power, but something that can only appear in a dying person.For example, monks who are nearing their end of life, such as people whose lifespan is approaching in the mortal world.

Of course, in the mortal world, they cannot see death.Because the death aura of mortals is very weak, almost invisible, and the stronger the strength, the more intense the death aura.

The strength of the Giant Ape King is extremely strong, and he can usually suppress the death energy, but now there is still death energy lingering on his body, obviously his limit is really approaching.

"Boy, I have seen the Giant Ape King." Chen Hao bowed to the Giant Ape King, regardless of his identity as the Demon King or the reason for the Little Ape King, he must do so to show respect.What's more, they only took action to save themselves.

"Haha... I heard that you killed a few one-step immortals? It's not bad to kill one-step immortals by surpassing the level of the tribulation stage. And I heard that you have only been practicing for about 20 years? With such a growth rate, it's no wonder some old and shameless people are so shameless towards you I've made a move." The giant ape king laughed loudly, showing no scruples about the half-step immortal with a livid face.

Chen Hao also smiled slightly: "Seniors have to take action, otherwise I really can't deal with these shameless old people, bah, these old people are very thick-skinned, and they live longer than the combined age of my hundreds of generations of ancestors , It’s really shameless to attack me.”

The half-step immortal who made the move before turned blue and white, and looked at Chen Hao murderously.But what Chen Hao said was right. It is really shameless for an old man like him who has lived for hundreds of thousands of years to attack Chen Hao who has lived for less than 10 years.

"Haha, with me here, let's see who dares to attack you!" The Giant Ape King laughed and said domineeringly.With the strength of the Giant Ape King, no one dared to attack Chen Hao if he wanted to protect someone here, not even the strong ones from the top ten sects.

Chen Hao smiled slightly: "Boy, thank you senior. However, I am not a person who is submissive. What I pay attention to is revenge! This time after I am promoted to Xiantai, I will visit those who chased and killed me one by one. of."

Chen Hao's cold voice spread throughout the audience, causing many people to frown, and at the same time they burst out with strong murderous intent.

With Chen Hao's strength, and given him enough time to grow up, even the top ten sects would not be his opponent.Especially after being promoted to Xiantai this time, after all the strongmen of the various sects have ascended, their sects are no longer Chen Hao's opponents.

"This kid must die!" Countless gloomy eyes swept over him, full of strong murderous intent.For Chen Hao, an existence that could threaten their sect, they had already developed a strong murderous intent.

Hearing this, the Giant Ape King gave Chen Hao a helpless look.

When Chen Hao said these words, countless people had already aroused their murderous intentions.Perhaps they were protected by the Giant Ape King before the Ascension to Immortal Terrace opened, and they didn't dare to attack Chen Hao.

But once the Immortal Terrace is opened, there will be chaos, and the Giant Ape King will have no time to take care of Chen Hao. In the chaos, many strong people will definitely attack Chen Hao.

With Chen Hao's strength, it is bound to be difficult to resist.

Chen Hao naturally felt murderous eyes sweeping over him.But he doesn't care. When the time comes, all these strong men will fight to enter Shengxiantai, who will pay attention to themselves?
At most, he just took the time to pat himself on the palm.But how could Chen Hao be afraid of these people?With his speed, it is still difficult for these people to kill him.

"After the Shengxiantai incident, we must go through the four or nine heavenly tribulations as soon as possible. As long as we reach the stage of transformation, our strength should be able to reach half-step immortal or surpass half-step immortal. At that time, all these sects will be wiped out." Chen Hao said with murderous intent in his heart.

As long as his strength can kill half-step immortals, no one in the cultivation world will be his opponent.

Thinking of this, Chen Hao couldn't help but sneered, looked at the half-step immortal who attacked him before, and asked the giant ape king, "Giant ape king, which sect does this shameless old turtle belong to?"

"Xu Tianzong."

"It turned out to be the old bastard of Xutianzong, so shameless, I'm not surprised." Chen Hao gritted his teeth and looked at the half-step immortal: "After ascending to Xiantai, I will definitely pay a visit to Xutianzong. Let's see what your shameless Xu Tianzong uses to stop me!"

The half-step immortal looked at Chen Hao with murderous intent, wishing he could slap him to death.

The half-step immortal who had a strong murderous intention towards Chen Hao, at this moment, wanted to kill Zhuang Ningguang, the suzerain of Xutianzong, in his heart.

This young man was originally a disciple of the Xutian Sect, but that damned bastard kicked him out of the sect for an unnecessary matter!

The genius who originally belonged to Xutianzong has now become the enemy of Xutianzong.

With his growth speed and strength, he is now able to threaten Xutianzong, and if Chen Hao continues to grow, maybe Xutianzong will really be wiped out by him.

(End of this chapter)

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