Chapter 383 The Two Girls
Not only is the trunk of the tree dozens of times taller than before, but the trunk and crown of the tree of life have also grown to dozens of times their original size!
At this time, the tree of life finally grew into a towering giant tree.At the same time, the chaotic power purified by the tree of life directly increased dozens of times. Even though Chen Hao's meridians were expanded a lot, there was a feeling that the power had skyrocketed. This is the endless power.

"It's just a pity that the Chaos Art has not broken through to the second level." Chen Hao found that the Chaos Art that had been practiced for more than ten or twenty years had not yet entered the second level, and he was not only a little depressed.

At this time, he also knew that the first layer of Chaos Jue corresponds to the ten realms of the cultivation world.If he breaks through to the second level of the Chaos Jue, that means he is entering the realm of heavenly immortals.

Although his strength has skyrocketed at this time, it is obviously only in the transformation period, and he has not even reached the Great Perfection.

"It's time to settle accounts after autumn." After a long time, Chen Hao's figure disappeared into the void.

On Qingxuan Peak, on the highest peak, two figures, one black and one white, stand side by side.Seen from a distance, the two people's aura is so dusty, they are like immortals in the sky, but they are like a couple of gods.

These two people are Chen Hao and Zhao Zhiqing.

It has been a while since I saw Zhao Zhiqing, and Chen Hao misses her very much.Therefore, after crossing the tribulation, he immediately came to Qingxuan Peak.

The mountain wind blew, and the clothes of the two of them rattled.

The two have been standing on this mountain for half a day, but they have not spoken.And Zhao Zhiqing also calmed down from the worries and worries she had shown when she first saw Chen Hao.

She knew that since Chen Hao was able to come here, it meant that Heavenly Tribulation could not hurt him.For Chen Hao, Zhao Zhiqing had blind confidence.

Feeling the faint body fragrance from the beauties around him, Chen Hao didn't speak, enjoying the rare world of two people and the rare quiet moment.

The world of comprehension is a world where the weak prey on the strong. If you want to survive in the world of comprehension, you must have strong strength.Therefore, after stepping into the world of comprehension, Chen Hao has been cultivating, and the time for such a quiet relationship is limited.

"You have to be more careful in the future. Many people in the cultivation world are now planning the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron. Even those immortals may be tempted."

After a long time, Zhao Zhiqing looked at Chen Hao and said calmly.

"Huh?" Chen Hao looked at Zhao Zhiqing strangely, "Why did you suddenly come up with the idea of ​​Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron?" While speaking, Chen Hao's eyes flashed with murderous intent. With his current strength, he can kill whoever comes!
Chen Hao never shows mercy to those who want to hit something on him, but what makes him strange is that Zhao Zhiqing suddenly said that?And did you specifically say it was the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron?

"You used the Yin-Yang Fire to burn down the Immortal Gate, and the whole cultivation world saw it. Now everyone wants to get the Qiankun Yin-Yang Cauldron."

"Has the whole cultivation world seen me go through the tribulation?" Chen Hao was shocked. He was going through the tribulation in the Extreme Heaven Realm. No one should have noticed that he was going through the tribulation, but he didn't expect that someone else would have seen him, and They are people from the entire cultivation world.

How is this going?

"You don't know?" Zhao Zhiqing looked at Chen Hao curiously, she thought Chen Hao already knew about it.

Chen Hao shook his head, he really didn't know.At this time, he finally understood why those disciples looked at him with adoring eyes just after he appeared on Qingxuan Peak. It turned out that they all saw his feat of overcoming calamity and burning the immortal gate!
Finding that Chen Hao really didn't know, Zhao Zhiqing could only tell what happened at that time.

After hearing this, Chen Hao smiled helplessly.Now everyone knows that he has a magic weapon that can burn even a fairy gate.

What is the concept of burning the fairy gate?Even the strongest in the fairy world can't destroy the fairy gate!

In other words, the power of the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron makes even the strongest in the fairy world be tempted and coveted!

Chen Hao is not afraid of other people, he is only worried about those immortals and that mysterious strong man now.I don't know if they will also be interested in Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron?If he also made up his mind about the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron, then Chen Hao would be in danger.

It's just that those immortals, Chen Hao is not confident now.Moreover, those immortals who came from the upper realm, if this matter spreads in the immortal realm, then they will be even more dangerous.

After pondering for a while, Chen Hao sneered: "I will kill anyone who dares to trick my magic weapon, even if he is a fairy!"

"Just be careful."

Zhao Zhiqing's heart moved, and she wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything, she just told him to be careful.

"Don't worry, I haven't married you yet, I will cherish myself very much." Chen Hao put his arms around Zhao Zhiqing's slender waist, and said with a light smile.

Zhao Zhiqing's pretty face flushed, and she struggled slightly, but she couldn't get away, and finally let Chen Hao hold her.And she was nestled in Chen Hao's arms, her eyes were blurred.

Smelling the faint fragrance of Zhao Zhiqing's hair, Chen Haoyao looked at the distant sky, with a smile on his face: "It would be great if I could just hug you for the rest of my life."

Zhao Zhiqing's delicate body trembled slightly, her heart was sweet.

If it was possible, Chen Hao really didn't want to continue to practice and continue to fight.But he knew it was impossible.Living in this world of the law of the jungle, if he is not strong enough, he will be killed.

Not to mention being with Zhao Zhiqing, it's impossible for him!If you want to be with Zhao Zhiqing, if you want to live the life you want in peace, you need strong strength.


Looking down at Zhao Zhiqing, Chen Hao felt a little guilty.

All along, Zhao Zhiqing followed her and never regretted it, but she never gave her anything, not even a single promise.

Chen Hao knew what Zhao Zhiqing wanted, and he also knew his own feelings for Zhao Zhiqing.

Why didn't he want to have a home of his own with Zhao Zhiqing?Just like Li Feng, get married and have children, and live a life like ordinary people.

However, Chen Hao couldn't give Zhao Zhiqing that much now.Because he was not strong enough at this time, he couldn't give Zhao Zhiqing much.

"The fairy gates are all open, you should be like no one before or since. But, will there be divine punishment?" Thinking that Chen Hao actually burned down the entire fairy gate, Zhao Zhiqing was still very happy, because that person was her man .But she was a little worried.

"God damn it?"

Chen Hao smiled: "In the face of absolute strength, even the sky can't help me. What's more, is there really a 'sky' in this world?"

Chen Hao didn't believe that there was such a thing as divine punishment, otherwise he wouldn't have the audacity to burn down the fairy gate.

"By the way, when will you ascend?" Zhao Zhiqing asked suddenly.

Ordinary monks, after going through the forty-nine catastrophes, are limited to their own aptitude and strength, and cannot ascend when the limit is reached.But Chen Hao is different. Such a big fairy gate may be able to ascend in a short time.

Hearing this, Chen Hao could only shake his head and said, "I'm a bit special. Although the Immortal Gate is so big and I'm always tempering my body, I don't know when I will be able to ascend. Maybe, I will never be able to ascend, or maybe You can fly now."

Chen Hao was originally a chaotic celestial body with supreme physique, so there was no need to transform into a fairy body.As long as he is strong enough, he can shatter the void and ascend to the fairy world.

But how strong does this strength really need to be?Chen Hao was not sure.Maybe he can shatter the void right now and ascend to the fairy world, or maybe he needs to wait until the first major achievement of the "Chaos Art" before he can ascend.

Anyway, Chen Hao was not in a hurry to ascend.Moreover, he now has a lifespan of 3000 million years.

The lifespan of 3000 million years is more than sixty times that of ordinary metamorphosis monks. With such a lifespan, even if he doesn't practice, Chen Hao's strength will become stronger and stronger.

"By the way, you are about to go through the four or nine days of calamity, right?" Chen Hao said a little depressed.

Chen Hao himself is the supreme physique, with all kinds of magic weapons, all kinds of adventures, and all kinds of life and death fights.All of these things allowed him to rapidly improve his strength.

But Zhao Zhiqing seemed to have been in the Hidden Immortal Valley all the time, and she didn't experience all kinds of life and death, and didn't have all kinds of adventures, but her cultivation speed was not slow, almost the same as Chen Hao's.

Seeing Chen Hao's depressed and deflated look, Zhao Zhiqing smiled slightly.She didn't know why her strength improved so fast?

Everything seems to be a matter of course. When the strength is reached, the realm will naturally break through.Of course, Zhao Zhiqing's combat power was nothing compared to Chen Hao's.

Chen Hao spent half a month in Qingxuan Peak. These days, he taught Zhao Zhiqing, Jiang Le, Chang Le and some disciples of Qingxuan Peak to practice.

With Chen Hao's current strength, it is easy to see all kinds of shortcomings and minor problems in their cultivation.After pointing out these disadvantages one by one, their strength has improved, and some even broke through the realm on the spot!

In the end, after handing over many spiritual veins and other resources to Zhao Zhiqing, Chen Hao left Qingxuan Peak.

Xuan Yuezong.

Since coming out of retreat last time, You Mengqing's strength has also reached the late stage of transcending tribulation, and has also passed through four or nine days of tribulation a few days ago, officially reaching the stage of transformation.

Entering the metamorphosis period, one should be happy, but You Mengqing is not happy.On the contrary, she had a faint worry in her heart.

After Chen Hao blasted open the fairy gate, he immediately ushered in a catastrophe.At the beginning, Chen Hao was exhausted, could he still resist the catastrophe?
For the past half month, Xuan Yuezong has also been collecting news about Chen Hao.But even though all the sects and powers were digging deep to find Chen Hao, there was no news of him at all.

It seemed that Chen Hao disappeared out of thin air.

Could it be that he was really killed by the Heavenly Tribulation?
"That big gangster shouldn't have died so easily, right?" Sitting in the boudoir, You Mengqing said to himself.

"Miss, it's not a good habit to talk about others behind their backs." At this moment, a voice sounded behind her.

(End of this chapter)

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