Chapter 386 Rich
"Punisher!" Chen Hao was shocked.It was the punisher who shot and killed the immortal that day.And this punisher wants to see himself, is this a good thing or a bad thing?

The mysterious strong man who made the attack that day was the punisher, and only the punisher would be so arrogant that he would not take the Qing Luozong, a sect of the fairy world, in his eyes.

When Chen Hao said the three words "Punisher", the middle-aged half-step immortal showed a look of surprise in his eyes.Obviously, he was surprised that Chen Hao knew about the punisher.

After all, few people in the entire comprehension world knew about the existence of the punisher.

"I don't know why the punisher wants to see me?" Chen Hao said with some anxiety in his heart.

Seeing Chen Hao's appearance, the middle-aged half-step immortal couldn't help but feel a little funny.He also had some understanding of Chen Hao, and he was a person who was not afraid of anything.

But at this time, after hearing that the punisher wanted to see him, he felt a little uneasy.Obviously, the punisher still has some deterrent effect on him.

"I don't know." The middle-aged half-step immortal said, he really didn't know why the punisher wanted to see Chen Hao.

"In that case, let's lead the way." Chen Hao pondered for a while, and finally decided to meet the legendary punisher.After all, he is also quite curious about the punisher.

Moreover, if the punisher wants to deal with him, as long as he is still in the cultivation world, the punisher can shoot him, and there is no escape.

The most important thing is that Chen Hao vaguely felt that the punisher was not trying to deal with him.Otherwise, he wouldn't let a half-step immortal servant come to invite him.If he wanted to deal with him, with his supernatural powers, he only needed to slap Chen Hao to death.

Tianjue Peak, one of the forbidden places in the cultivation world, is as famous as the Devil Mountain, and even more dangerous than the Devil Mountain.Usually few people set foot.

At this time, Chen Hao followed the half-step immortal and flew into Tianjue Peak.

The punisher lives on the Tianjue Peak?

Chen Hao was just curious about this.With the strength of the punisher, although the cultivation world is huge, where can't he go?Moreover, living above the forbidden area also avoided the monks' mistaken intrusion.

With Chen Hao's current strength, of course he is not afraid of Tianjue Peak.Following the middle-aged half-step immortal, he flew to the depths of Tianjue Peak, below a towering peak.

Along the way, Chen Hao and the two encountered many powerful monster clans, and even many half-step fairy-level monsters.However, what surprised Chen Hao was that these monsters, who were still aggressive at first, retreated far away after seeing the middle-aged half-step immortal, and they didn't dare to provoke them.

It seems that the middle-aged half-step immortal has something that makes them fearful.

Seeing Chen Hao's doubts, the middle-aged half-step immortal smiled and explained: "As long as they are people around the master, these powerful monsters dare not provoke them."

It's the punisher again!
The power of the punishers is so terrifying, these powerful monsters retreat far away when they see the people around them.

Chen Hao became even more curious about this punisher.

The person who makes these uncivilized monsters so afraid must be very powerful.Different from the demon clan in the Demon Mountain, the demon beasts in Tianjue Peak are more inclined towards ferocious beasts. They cannot take shape, and they always look like ferocious beasts, extremely ferocious.Even if a half-step immortal enters Tianjue Peak by mistake, it will definitely not please him.

"The master is up there, come with me."

The middle-aged half-step immortal and Chen Hao landed at the foot of Tianjue Peak, then stretched out their bodies and rushed towards the height of Tianjue Peak.

Chen Hao didn't take it seriously, so it won't be long before he just flies up?Still need to go up?
"Tianjue Peak prohibits the air." The words of the middle-aged half-step immortal made Chen Hao instantly dispel the idea of ​​flying.

Forbidden, that is, unable to fly, can only run up.

Fortunately, their running speed was not bad, even faster than the flying speed of many half-immortals, and it didn't take long for them to rush to the top of Tianjue Peak.

The sky-high peak of Tianjue Peak, generally speaking, should be covered with snow and extremely cold.

However, when Chen Hao came up to the top of Tianjue Peak, he was surprised to find that he seemed to have entered a hundred gardens.

A hundred flowers contend for beauty!Just like the spring in the South, the scenery is beautiful and refreshing.

Chen Hao stared blankly at this scene, feeling a little unbelievable.It took him a long time to react, and he thought: "This is a good place to live in seclusion, and the punisher will enjoy life."

"The master is in the main hall, please go in." The middle-aged man's tone became more respectful when he brought Chen Hao to the front of a palace, which was one of the few buildings on the mountain peak.

Chen Hao nodded, took a deep breath, and then stepped into the palace.

The palace is not big, and the layout is not luxurious, and it is even a bit rudimentary.But it gave people a sense of tranquility.And at the back of the main hall, a middle-aged man looked over the moment Chen Hao entered the palace.

"He's the punisher!? It's just that." The middle-aged man didn't have a powerful aura, nor did he have the aura of a superior, just like an ordinary mortal.

Chen Hao also looked straight at the middle-aged man, without any respect or timidity for his identity.

"Bold, when you see the punisher not only being rude, but also looking directly at me, you are really rude." Glancing at Chen Hao, the punisher suddenly yelled.

Chen Hao curled his lips, and said indifferently: "Although you are a punisher, you are not mine, why do you want me to salute you?"

While speaking, Chen Hao even sat down on the chair on the side of the palace, looking around at the decorations in the palace.

Seeing Chen Hao's reaction, the punisher was startled for a moment, then nodded.He was also quite familiar with Chen Hao, but what he didn't expect was that this lawless guy didn't have any restraints in front of him.

However, Chen Hao's performance made him even more satisfied.

"Are you really a punisher? You are so poor."

Chen Hao looked around the palace palace, and then said so.

Hearing this, the punisher almost spit out the tea in his mouth.

poor?As the punisher of the Chinese comprehension world, it can even be said that the entire Chinese comprehension world belongs to him. As long as he wants, he can use all the resources in the comprehension world.

He who owns the entire realm of comprehension, is he still poor?
"I own the resources of the entire cultivation world, the entire Huaxia cultivation world, and I can take whatever I want." The punisher said lightly.

"You are so rich!"

Hearing this, Chen Hao immediately looked at the punisher with bright eyes.Although he still has some spiritual veins now, but other things are really too poor, and the equipment of [-] Chaos members has been giving him headaches.

Originally, after he crossed the catastrophe, he planned to go to Xutianzong, Yuanxumen and other sects to loot, but he never had the time.

(End of this chapter)

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