Chapter 391 Undefeated
Shua! Shua!Swish!
In an instant, Xu De frantically waved the saber in his hand, and within a short time, he slashed ten thousand knives at Chen Hao!

The sky full of sword lights filled the sky and earth, twisting the entire sky to pieces, which was shocking.And Wan Dao contains the terrifying power of destroying heaven and earth, Daomang is centered on Chen Hao, frantically strangling him.

"What a terrifying breath, what a terrifying blade light! This fairy is too ruthless."

Seeing that Chen Hao had been surrounded by the sword light in all directions, the countless monks who were watching from a distance could not help but gasp.

Ask yourself one by one, if it is yourself, how can you escape from the attack of the sky full of swords?

Soon, they shook their heads one by one, they all knew that if it was themselves, they would definitely not be able to escape!

At this time, on the Tianjue Peak, the punisher who had closed his eyes and meditated suddenly opened his eyes, and a icy light flashed past his eyes.

The punisher snorted coldly, and disappeared on the spot in a flash.

"Chen Hao will definitely die."

On a hilltop far away from the battlefield, a dozen or so immortals looked into the distance, as if they could see the battle between Chen Hao and Chen Hao far away.

"Dead, we can go back and return to life. This time not only completed the task of Qingluo Patriarch, but also had unexpected gains. If we dedicate the ancient tripod to Qingluo Patriarch, then the few of us in Qingluo Sect will definitely He has made great progress and has been reused by the ancestors." An immortal said.

The rest of the immortals also nodded in agreement.

Although they went down to earth to work for Qing Luo Patriarch this time, they seemed very imposing.But who knew that they were just ordinary disciples of Qing Luozong?

It's just that they are in the realm of celestial beings, and they don't have any backing in the sect. If they can't break through in strength, they will only be the most ordinary disciples of Qing Luozong for the rest of their lives.

Originally, they also thought that they could go down to earth this time, because the sect started to reuse them.But when they met the Punisher, they knew that there was no use for this. It was clear that they knew that the lower realm was not easy to descend, and their lives would be in danger at any time, so they were let down.

Otherwise, if there is really no existence in the realm of comprehension that can threaten immortals, when will they descend to the mortal world?
Let ordinary disciples like them go down to earth. If the matter is done well, Patriarch Qingluo will naturally be happy and will naturally be rewarded.If things are not done well, or even all fall, then there is no loss.After all, what the Qingluo Sect lacks most are ordinary disciples.

Therefore, when they discovered the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron, they made up their minds to get it.With the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron, they can definitely become celebrities in front of Qingluo Patriarch and be reused.

The dozen or so immortals couldn't help being happy when they thought that they would be able to rise to the top after returning to the fairy world.

"Huh? No, that Chen Hao was not killed." Suddenly, the leading immortal exclaimed, as if he saw something incredible.

The void where Chen Hao was originally was filled with sword lights all over the sky, each containing destructive sword lights, the divine lights soared into the sky, crushed the void, and drowned Chen Hao.

Seeing this scene, the monks in the distance couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.Chen Hao is just a monk, not even a fairy, and Xu De's sword light attacks may not even be able to resist the fairy of the realm.

At this moment, they only thought that Chen Hao might be killed.Of course, if he can enter the system red envelope world, that's another matter.

At this time, Xu De was also standing in the void with a smile on his face.In his eyes, Chen Hao might have been killed long ago, and the only thing he can do now is to wait until these sword lights dissipate, and then he will go to obtain the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron and the treasures on Chen Hao.

The blade glow slowly disappeared, and the void shattered by the blade glow has long since returned to its original state.

"how is this possible?"

Xu Dezheng wanted to fly over to get the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron, but at this moment he was shocked to find that Chen Hao was standing still, looking at him with disdain.

"Chen Hao is not dead! Although he was a bit embarrassed, he survived the attack of the immortal." Seeing Chen Hao a little bit embarrassed, but not killed, all the monks in the distance were excited.

After all, although Chen Hao was dubbed the Great Devil by the monks, he was still a member of the Chinese cultivation world.In the duel with the Immortal, almost all the cultivators shared the same hatred and were hostile to the Immortal, the foreign enemy.

Seeing that Chen Hao was fine, they were of course happy.

"This is your strongest attack? That's all."

Looking at Xu De who was astonished with an unbelievable expression on his face, Chen Hao sneered.

In fact, Chen Hao just looked a little embarrassed at this moment.In normal times, even if he sacrificed the purple ribbon fairy clothes, he would not be able to block these attacks so easily.

Even with the Purple Ribbon Immortal Clothes, he might be seriously injured.Unless you surround yourself with the Yin-Yang Fire and use the terrifying power of the Yin-Yang Fire to burn the world, all attacks will be destroyed.

But obviously this is impossible, after all Xu De attacked too fast, Chen Hao had no time to recall the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron.

At this time, in the space where members of Chaos did not set foot on the side of the red envelope world of the system, they were being ravaged by huge sword glows, the void was being crushed, the mountains and the earth were being smashed, and they were directly beaten. Shen.

If Xu De was here, he would have found that these sword glows were the ones he chopped out.

How did his sword glow attacking Chen Hao enter the system red envelope world?

At that time, Chen Hao was unable to leave under the attack of the sword light all over the sky, and the only way to enter the system was the red envelope.However, Chen Hao did not want to enter the system red envelope.

After all, not every time you lose to your opponent, you can rely on System Luo to escape.And Chen Hao didn't know, after he arrived in the fairy world, once he was defeated, would he still have a chance to enter the system red envelope?
After all, the power of the immortal can easily block the void, even if Chen Hao enters the red envelope of the system, he might not be able to teleport away.After all, after he entered the system red envelope, the system red envelope would not disappear, it would still stay where it was.

Can I teleport away after blocking the void?
It’s okay if you can continue to teleport, but what if you can’t continue to teleport?Moreover, once Chen Hao is defeated, will he still have a chance to enter the system red envelope?

Therefore, today's Chen Hao has consciously reduced the number of red envelopes entered into the system.

This time, he did not enter the system red envelope to avoid Xu De's attack, but directly sacrificed the system red envelope.

The system's red envelope is powerful enough to resist the attack of ten thousand sword lights.

Just when Chen Hao wanted to use the system's red envelopes to fight against these sword lights, his heart skipped a beat.

When crossing the catastrophe, Chen Hao can transfer the thunder and thunder to the system red envelope world, so can these sword lights and powers also be transferred to the system red envelope world?

Anyway, as Chen Hao's strength became stronger and stronger, the space in the system's red envelope became larger and larger.Even Chen Hao, who is the owner of the system red envelope, doesn't know how big the system red envelope is.

Think about it!

Chen Hao directly sacrificed the system red envelope, and led a sword light into the system red envelope world.

After this sword glow entered the system red envelope, it shattered the void, shattered the mountains and rivers inside, and finally disappeared between the heaven and the earth.

It really can!

Chen Hao was overjoyed immediately, so, in the following time, he began to transfer the sword light from the slashing to the system red envelope world.

In this way, he did not receive any attack, it was just because he was a little unskilled at the beginning, and he was a little embarrassed.

"The system red envelope is indeed a system red envelope, it is too powerful. If I only need to sacrifice the system red envelope and transfer all the power of the enemy's attack in the future when I face the enemy, then I will not suffer any damage from the opponent. Attack, absolutely invincible!"

Chen Hao couldn't help laughing wildly in his heart.

For a long time, Chen Hao only regarded the system red envelope as a small world, a small world that can be teleported, and never thought of using the system red envelope to fight against the enemy.

If, as long as the enemy is not too strong, as long as he sacrifices the system red envelope, he will be invincible.

"If you have this level of strength, you will definitely die today." Chen Hao said lightly, stepped forward, and shot Xu De quickly on the way.

Xu De's face was very ugly, he still couldn't figure out how Chen Hao escaped his attack.But it doesn't matter, he can escape the first time, can he escape the second, third or even more times?
With a sinister laugh, Xu De raised his strength and slashed at Chen Hao frantically again.

A series of terrifying sword lights that could destroy the world quickly strangled away, trying to chop Chen Hao into pieces.However, what surprised Xu De and even countless monks was that when these terrifying sword glows attacked Chen Hao's side, the sword glows disappeared out of thin air.

"how can that be?"

Xu De couldn't help being shocked to see the blade lights disappearing out of thin air.

To let one after another of power disappear out of thin air, even if it is a golden immortal who is a few levels higher than him, it is impossible for Xuanxian to do it.Perhaps, a strong man like Patriarch Qing Luo could do this.

It's just that Qing Luo Patriarch is the Great Luo Jinxian!Chen Hao is just a small monk, he has not even reached the realm of a fairy.

How did he do that?
Don't say that Xu De and others were shocked, even the punishers couldn't help frowning.With his strength, he didn't even know how Chen Hao did it.

"If this state can be maintained, Chen Hao will basically be invincible. With this kid's means, this Xu De may be in tragedy." The punisher said lightly.

Seeing the sword lights being transferred into the system red envelope world by himself, although the world on the system red envelope side was bombarded by these sword lights, it was unable to damage the system red envelope.

Seeing this scene, Chen Hao's confidence soared.

(End of this chapter)

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