Chapter 394
Many days have passed since the immortal Xu De was killed. These days, Chen Hao has been absorbing every process of fighting Xu De.

Although his strength has improved, he feels that his strength is still too weak.

The fairy gate was fully opened, and the terrifying fairy spirit descended on Chen Hao's body every moment, tempering his physical body.

Although the physical body is still being tempered continuously, it is impossible to break through to the fourth-grade fairy weapon level if only relying on these fairy spirits.

However, his strength has stagnated in the late stage of transformation, and has not even reached its peak.

Because of his physical body, Chen Hao didn't even know if he was a half-immortal. Is a one-step immortal a half-immortal?

Half Immortal, One Step Immortal, or Half Step Immortal, the division of these three realms is not the division of realms in the traditional sense.But after the metamorphosis period, they are subdivided according to the degree of their physical transformation into fairy bodies.

Chen Hao's physical body will not transform into a fairy body, so naturally he will not have these three realms.

"Then, can I just wait until the transformation period Dzogchen breaks through to the heavenly realm?"

During the metamorphosis period, he can kill the celestial realm. If he breaks through to the celestial realm, killing the celestial is basically a matter of hand.Just when will he be able to break through to the heavenly realm?
Could it be that only when the chaotic celestial body achieves the first level and breaks through to the second level can it be promoted to the realm of immortality?
"In this case, I will focus on the Chaotic Celestial Record in the following period of time, but having said that, it seems that after practicing the Chaotic Celestial Record, it seems that I have never seriously practiced this mental method..." Chen Hao was somewhat Thinking in shame.

Of course, "Chaos Celestial Body Record" is a very miraculous exercise, and it has been automatically operated after Chen Hao practiced it, and it is impossible to practice it deliberately.

Otherwise, Chen Hao has either taken risks or been hunted down all these years, where would he have the time to calm down and practice specially?Thanks to the ability of "Chaos Celestial Record" to practice automatically, Chen Hao's strength will continue to improve.

A few more days passed like this, but Chen Hao couldn't sit still.

"After practicing for so many days, I have made no progress at all. Meditation is indeed the worst way to improve my cultivation. Only fighting is the best way to improve my cultivation." Chen Hao sighed and left the system red envelope .

"Let's go, let's find fault." This time, Chen Hao took the big black dog and the fire-eyed golden ape with him, appeared aggressively in Chang'an City, and then flew in the direction of Xu Tianzong.

"Damn it, the uncle finally came out, I was almost suffocated to death in that bird place, and, besides, you actually wasted a dead body of an immortal.,

That's delicious, and my strength will definitely increase after eating it. "

As soon as the big black dog came out, he chattered endlessly, and what made him most upset was that Chen Hao didn't take the immortal's body back for him to eat.

This kept him thinking about Chen Hao. In the end, the annoyed Chen Hao directly confines the big black dog in an independent space in the red envelope world of the system.

For a long time, Chen Hao has shown a lawless, fearless look, and he will take revenge!

He is the one who will take revenge, whoever treats him well, he will treat that person well.Whoever treats him badly, Chen Hao naturally doesn't treat him well.

Therefore, for more than 20 years, Chen Hao has grown from a waste who cannot cultivate to No. 1 in the Chinese cultivation world!And in the process of his rise, his hands were even more stained with the blood of the enemy.

To the enemy, Chen Hao is cruel, but he does not want to let anyone who offends him.

Especially Xu Tianzong, who wanted to kill him for something unnecessary, if he had not had the relationship with the system red envelope at that time, he would have been killed by them long ago.

Such hatred has been suppressed in Chen Hao's heart all the time, and he always wants to destroy Xutianzong.

It's just that Xutianzong is one of the top ten sects in the cultivation world after all, and its strength is definitely not something he can shake.Therefore, all along, he just kept making troubles for the disciples of Xutianzong.

Ma Tiancheng, chief disciple Ma Tianyun, and even his guardians, some half-immortals, step-immortals, etc. all died in Chen Hao's hands continuously.

As a result, the hatred between the two sides has intensified, and the two sides have long been dead.However, Wang An, the half-step immortal of Xutianzong, attacked Chen Hao near Shengxiantai, which strengthened Chen Hao's desire to destroy Xutianzong.

Now, Chen Hao is so powerful that he can already kill immortals!

Xutianzong definitely does not have immortals.

Chen Hao knew that this was the time to destroy Xutianzong.

Now, Chen Hao swaggered into the void outside Xutianzong with the Fire-Eye Golden Ape and the Big Black Dog.

Looking at the seemingly similar Xutianzong in the mountains, Chen Hao's eyes flashed with murderous intent.Once upon a time, this was his sect. When he first stepped into the cultivation world, he really regarded the Xutian sect as his own sect.

It's just that I never thought that people from this sect would be so chilling.He actually wanted to snatch something that was just a young disciple in the foundation-building stage at that time.

If you can't grab it hard, you will try to snatch it in the end.If Chen Hao hadn't killed many elders by relying on the golden bones, and even destroyed one of Zhuang Ningguang's immortal artifacts, in the end, Chen Hao still escaped under the circumstances of Xu Tianzong's one-step immortal.

"Such a sect really shouldn't exist in the world of comprehension." Chen Hao said lightly, and then said to the big black dog: "Old Hei, call the formation."


The big black dog glared at Chen Hao angrily, and very much resisted Chen Hao calling his name.However, his protest was ineffective. After thinking about it, the name Lao Hei was better than that of Big Black Dog, and Big Black Dog could only acquiesce to the name Lao Hei with tears in his eyes.

Although the big black dog was not happy with Chen Hao, he still took a few steps forward and looked at Xutianzong below arrogantly. He coughed lightly to moisten his throat, and then roared like ghosts and wolves: "Xutianzong's Those whores, you Lord Tengu is here, come out and suffer your death obediently. Otherwise, today you Lord Tengu will kill you bastards regardless of whether you live or die, and wipe you out from the realm of comprehension."

While speaking, the big black dog barked loudly, with that haughty look, coupled with the extremely arrogant words, even Chen Hao Huoyan Golden Ape couldn't help but want to kick him a few times when he saw it.

"Where did the beast come from!"

"Damn bastard, dare to insult Xu Tianzong with words, you really want to die, see if I don't kill you to stew dog meat!"

"Beast, die!"

The words of the big black dog really stirred up thousands of waves with a single stone, turning the calm Xutianzong upside down in an instant, and churning like a stormy sea.

While many Xutianzong disciples were yelling and cursing, many disciples had already rushed to Chen Hao's side.

"Woof, woof! You bastards, you don't kneel down and salute when you see Master Tengu, you have seen me, an old ancestor, and you dare to call me a beast. I'm really mad at you."

Although the big black dog was originally a beast, he was so angry that his nose was smoking when many disciples of Xutianzong called him a beast.He kicked his hind legs fiercely in the void, and his whole body turned into a black streamer and charged forward.

The big black dog rushed straight to a Xutianzong disciple, then raised its paw, and slapped it out with one paw.

With a muffled bang, this disciple of the Xutian Sect, who was only in the state of fusion, was immediately photographed into a cloud of blood mist.The big black dog is still not relieved, and its figure is constantly moving in the void...

boom!Bang! Bang!
I only heard bursts of muffled noises and bursts of blood mist erupting, and within a few breaths, all the disciples of Xutianzong who rushed up were all shot to death by the big black dog.

"The beast is vicious!"

Seeing the ferociousness of the big black dog, those disciples of Xutianzong who were about to rush over were instantly stunned and did not dare to continue forward.

"Where is the evil, actually come to Xutianzong to make trouble?" At this moment, an angry shout came out from the depths of Xutianzong, and then a big hand pierced the sky, reached down from the sky, and grabbed To the big black dog.

The big black dog snorted in disdain, and slapped the big hand in the void with its paw without looking at it.


As if the big black dog had been hit hard, the whole body was slapped and flew out, and finally hit a mountain below hard, smashing that mountain into pieces.And the big hand shot in the void was shattered by the terrifying force.

"These bastards."

Seeing that the big black dog was making trouble, and the masters of Xutianzong refused to come forward, Chen Hao couldn't help but cursed secretly.

Now who in the comprehension world doesn't know that there is a big black dog and a fire-eyed golden ape beside Chen Hao?

As long as you see a big black dog who is arrogant, arrogant and dirty, it must be the big black dog next to Chen Hao.This is the only one in the entire comprehension world, and there is no other semicolon.

There is no reason for the people of Xutianzong not to know the identity of the big black dog.

However, since they knew that the big black dog had made a move, their high-level executives hadn't come forward. Why?Avoid rather than fight?If they thought that Chen Hao would leave if they didn't show up, then they were very wrong.

Chen Hao has already decided to destroy Xutianzong today, even if the immortals come, they will not be able to save them.

"Since they won't come out, then let's beat them out!" Chen Hao sneered, turned his head to look at the fire-eyed golden ape who was already eager to try, and said, "Shoot out those shameless old things!"

Hearing this, the Fire-Eye Golden Ape let out a low growl in excitement, and immediately rose into the air.

In the void, the whole body of Fire-Eyes Golden Ape shone with golden light, and the golden stick in his hand rose against the wind, instantly becoming as tall as an Optimus Prime.

The Fire-Eyed Golden Ape let out a loud roar, held the golden stick in both hands and smashed it out into the depths of Xu Tianzong.

In the depths of Xutianzong is where the background and foundation of Xutianzong lies.The elders of Xutianzong's older generation are all there to cultivate, it can be said that they have gathered the real strongmen of Xutianzong.

The golden stick like Optimus Prime, like a mountain of gods, squeezed down fiercely with a terrifying aura that would destroy the world.The void was also crushed by the terrifying power contained in the golden stick. Even before the golden stick bombarded it, the terrifying coercion contained in it had already enveloped the entire Xutian sect.

A vast ocean-like terrifying coercion enveloped the hearts of all the disciples of Xutianzong.Under such coercion, some mountain peaks within Xutianzong have already exploded.And those ordinary disciples were prostrated on the ground by this coercion, and were already injured, and even some disciples who were really unbearable had already burst to pieces under this terrifying coercion.

"Why don't those old immortals make a move?"

Seeing that ordinary disciples were constantly crushed, but the strong ones of the sect did not do anything, many disciples of Xutianzong felt extremely resentful in their hearts!
All the powerful enemies have come to kill, they haven't made a move yet, are they afraid to make a move?Or do you simply ignore ordinary disciples like them?
No matter what the reason is, the high level of Xutianzong's delay in taking action has caused resentment in the hearts of many disciples of Xutianzong. Coupled with what Xutianzong has done in recent years, especially the expulsion of Chen Hao from the sect, it is even more serious. Let these ordinary disciples down.

With all these things, many disciples of Xutianzong have already felt disappointed towards Xutianzong.That is to say, these disciples of Xutianzong are not as united as before, and there has been a gap between them and the sect.

Even if Chen Hao doesn't destroy Xutianzong today, Xutianzong will gradually decline.

The golden stick slammed down quickly, and the terrifying coercion had already shattered many peaks in the depths of Xutianzong.But the experts of Xutianzong still haven't made a move yet.

Regarding this, Chen Hao just sneered in his heart.It's best that none of you make any moves, and just stand there and be beaten to death by the fire-eyed golden ape, otherwise it will take a lot of trouble.

"Chen Hao, you are so brave, you dare to go to Xutianzong to make trouble! Do you think that you are number one in the world after killing the immortal?"

A shout of anger came from the depths of Xutianzong, and at the same time, a huge fist that had been like a holy mountain rose into the air fiercely, hitting the golden stick that was smashed down fiercely, and smashed the golden stick violently. It flew out.

Even the Fire-Eye Golden Ape was blown away.

Half-step fairy.

Xu Tianzong's master finally made a move.

Chen Hao took a step forward, with an indifferent expression, and said in a cold voice: "I don't know if I am number one in the world, but your Xutian sect will definitely be exterminated today. Do you disband the sect yourself, or should I break it up?"

It really was Chen Hao!
Chen Hao finally came to take revenge.

He is a powerful existence that can kill even immortals, can Xu Tianzong really resist him?
After hearing Chen Hao's words, many disciples of Xutianzong sank directly as if they were tied to a mountain.

All of a sudden, most of Xutianzong's disciples were desperate, and their faces were ashen.

The half-step immortal Xutianzong made a move and directly blasted the powerful Fire-Eye Golden Ape into the air.

Although the fire-eyed golden ape is also a strong man at the level of the demon king, there is still a gap between him and the half-step immortal, and he is not the opponent of the half-step immortal.

Several figures slowly soared into the air, with varying strengths, some were half-step immortals, and some were one-step immortals.

Seeing these strong men of Xutianzong finally appear, the disciples of Xutianzong felt relieved.But he still looked at the sky with concern.

Chen Hao frowned slightly, took a few steps forward, and looked at the people in front of him.The one leading him was his old acquaintance, the half-step immortal who attacked him at Shengxiantai, Wang An.

"Chen Hao, don't bully people too much!"

Wang An looked at Chen Hao angrily, and the others also looked murderous.

"Too much deceit?" Chen Hao sneered, "Back when I was only in the foundation building stage, you wanted to rob me of the treasures on my body and kill me. If I didn't have treasures by my side, I'm afraid I would have turned into a loess long ago , didn't you think it was too much of a deception at the time?"

"Zhuang Ningguang! Back then, you were already in the realm of an immortal, right? The suzerain of one of the top ten sects of yours actually attacked me? Don't you think that's too much of a deception?"

"And you!" Chen Hao pointed to a one-step immortal in the crowd. This person is Zhuang Ningguang's master and the previous suzerain of Xutianzong, one-step immortal Zhang Jing: "You also attacked me at that time! I am a foundation-building cultivator , you two one-step immortals shot at me, isn't that deceiving too much?"

"Or, do you think it's right to snatch the treasures of your disciples? Or do you think that only you can kill people, bully others and not allow others to ride on your heads?"

"Do you still remember the sentence I said when I was expelled from Xutianzong? One day, I will crush Xutianzong! And today is the time for me to fulfill my original oath."

Chen Hao's voice was cold, and it spread throughout Xutianzong.

Hearing this, the faces of everyone in Xutianzong changed.Especially those ordinary disciples, their faces turned pale with fright.Chen Hao's ability to kill an immortal also means that he has the ability to crush the Xu Tianzong.

Wang An and the others were also furious, and every word Chen Hao said hit their hearts hard.Especially after seeing the reaction of those disciples, they were even more furious.

Chen Hao's words caused some distrust between many disciples of Xutianzong and the sect.And expelling Chen Hao is the worst thing Xutianzong has done in recent years.

"Chen Hao, you were the one who rebelled against the Xutian Sect and stole the sect's celestial artifact, so why are you spouting blood here?"

Zhuang Ningguang, the suzerain of Xutian Sect, came out, looked at Chen Hao and questioned loudly.

"I stole the Immortal Artifact of Xutianzong? It's ridiculous, why don't you say that all the treasures on my body were stolen from your Xutianzong?" Chen Hao laughed angrily, completely screwed by the shamelessness of these people angry.

"Your spatial magic weapon belongs to my Xutian sect. If you hadn't stolen the sect's celestial artifact, how could I have expelled him from the sect?" Zhuang Ningguang sneered.


Chen Hao laughed loudly, and then said: "I have seen shameless ones, but I have never seen one as shameless as you. One of the top ten sects is so virtuous? It is extremely shameless to slander the disciples of the sect."

"Zhuang Ningguang, thanks to the fact that you are the suzerain of one of the top ten sects, you are so shameless with one step of immortal strength. You said that I stole your immortal artifact at the foundation stage? That is an immortal artifact, the treasure of the town sect, Could it be that you are all dead? Let a disciple who is only in the Foundation Establishment stage steal the fairy artifact under the eyes of so many step-by-step immortals and half-step immortals?"

After hearing Zhuang Ning Guang's righteous words, some disciples of Xutianzong believed his words, thinking that Chen Hao had stolen their sect's celestial artifact.

However, after hearing Chen Hao's words, these people blushed.

A monk in the foundation stage, even if he gave her a fairy artifact, he would not be able to take it away.Not to mention stealing immortal artifacts from among the many experts in Xutianzong.

"I didn't expect the suzerain to be so shameless. Damn it, this sect!" Many disciples who were usually unpopular in the sect began to curse in their hearts, and began to feel disgusted with Xu Tianzong.

"Bastard, you still dare to quibble!" Zhuang Ningguang was furious and shouted loudly.

Chen Hao's face darkened, his eyes shot out fierce murderous intent.I saw him stepping out with one step, and then disappeared in place in a flash.

The moment Chen Hao disappeared in place, he had already appeared beside Zhuang Ningguang, and then he slapped Zhuang Ningguang directly on the face.

The clear and crisp slap sound spread far away, and at this moment, it seemed that the clear and crisp sound resounded throughout Xutianzong.

At the same time, Zhuang Ningguang's left face was swollen even higher, like a steamed bun.But Zhuang Ningguang stood there in a daze, and was stunned by Chen Hao's slap in the face.

"God! The suzerain was slapped by Chen Hao!"

On the ground, many disciples of Xutianzong stared blankly at the sky.Most of the people saw Chen Hao slapping Zhuang Ningguang, but Zhuang Ningguang's bewildered appearance made those disciples feel complicated.

Just from this point, we can see how big the gap between Zhuang Ningguang and Chen Hao is.

Wang An and the others were also heartbroken. They only realized it after Chen Hao slapped Zhuang Ning across the face. Chen Hao's speed was too fast for them to react.

Zhuang Ningguang touched his swollen face, after a moment of stupefaction, he finally came to his senses, and then he yelled: "Chen Hao, you bastard, how dare you hit me!"

While roaring, a terrifying breath erupted from Zhuang Ningguang's body, turning into a stream of light and rushing towards Chen Hao.

"Come back to me." Seeing this, Wang An frowned, stretched out his big hand, and stopped Zhuang Ningguang directly.

"Elder Supreme, let me kill him!" Zhuang Ningguang was furious.

Wang An's face was also very gloomy. Zhuang Ningguang was the suzerain of Xutian Sect, but now he was slapped severely in front of others.This slap not only hit Zhuang Ningguang's face, but also hit all of them, including Xu Tianzong.

This slap directly hit Xu Tianzong's dignity.

The dignity of Xutianzong, one of the top ten sects, was shattered with Chen Hao's slap.

"Chen Hao, you can kill immortals. I admit that you are very powerful. However, if you think you can destroy our Xutianzong, you think too highly of yourself. Activate the mountain protection array for me!" Wang Ansheng Shen Rushui looked at Chen Hao with terrifying killing intent and said slowly.

Chen Hao looked at each other with disdain.

Xutianzong has a large formation to protect the mountain, he has long known.But he still came without fear.

Even the large formation outside the Immortal Tomb can't block the transmission of the system's red envelopes, let alone the large formation of Xutianzong?
Therefore, Chen Hao just suspended in the void, and did not try to stop it.

At the same time, a terrifying aura continuously emanated from Xutianzong.

(End of this chapter)

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